《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 64 sincerity and truths


Hitomi POV

“It’s not your fault. Rika’s trying to atone. Yet is making it worse.” (Saya)

“Were those living undead.” (Eris)

“No heartbeats nor was there worth. They were definitely able to function as themselves. Yet it’s odd how they’re hostile to me. If I hadn’t come or insist on it this wouldn’t happen.” (Saya)

“Be glad I have Athena’s spear and my stuff mostly in my inventory. The only thing that got destroyed was the stone coffin I purposely made.” (Fiona)

“What’s with you? Why can’t you be like normal vampires and sleep in bed like they do? Obsessing over fake and annoying images is stupid.” (Eris)

It’s strange but she felt more safe than my own family. Almost as if she’s welcoming. Yet this person I’ve never known before is strange. I felt tears coming from my eyes which confused me more. Her hands quickly moved away from me. Rather her expression didn’t change but her voice sounded gentle.

“It’s not your fault that Rika threw you onto the chess board. I may not have left physically or spiritually but I can do soul projecting as well.” (Saya)

The way she said it sounds like she’s probably done so longer than Rika. Yet she vanished like that. No teleportation or magic just a quick step and she’s out of here. As if she wasn’t there in the first place.

“Hitomi that person is very very strict on herself. She’s not Sayuri but she’s harsher on herself because of Ayame.” (Eris)

“She can move easily in one step. As if shifting to the location in one step of her feet.” (Fiona)

“Why does she give me a nostalgic feeling to her?” (Hitomi)

“Ayame’s life is complex.” (Eris)

“The fact from what Mayu said still makes me feel odd. Why would such a high being as Ayame kill off her offspring who was half human. She also had the potential of Ayame’s race. But Mayu who wasn’t reborn had to cast her soul into the far future to hide from Ayame. And that’s only in the first timeline.” (Fiona)

Why the heck are you watching me amuse, actually why is a vampire like you so close to a being whose mostly sleeping because she’s watching Ayame’s movements.

“The child was innocent but…. Her having that child was an accident. She thought she was human at that time because she looked similar to humans.” (Eris)

“I don’t understand why humans discriminate against half races like they're an unclean thing. It’s like them discriminating against their own language mixing with another of their race with a different language. What’s there to discriminate against when they are also living like you. I don’t understand humans.” (Fiona)

“It’s human nature.” (Hitomi)

“No, the reason you said that comes from your heart. Plus you’re saying it because you disdain Ayame’s way of killing her child.” (Eris)

“No matter if one hates humans. One shouldn’t kill their own child. That life itself is innocent. It wasn’t involved in the bad things that happened to her. Instead it should be a joy.” (Fiona)

I understand what it meant. She didn’t approve of Ayame’s way of doing things and the discrimination in general.

“Then what do you think of the half deformed angels who started the wars with the angels and demons. But watched on the sides afterwards.” (Hitomi)

“I’d say I and Rika are uninvolved. It's your family that has to meditate as the princess of angels.” (Eris)

Fiona seemed to be walking away from the destroyed ruins. Those words she purposely revealed told me to sympathize with Mayu. I kinda understand yet not understand what she was trying to convey to me.


“She’s trying to say that Mayu has never actually slept. She has to be up for 48 hours everyday to watch Ayame. And keep Ayame in check. The only time she was emotionally affected was by two people. Ayame’s soulmate who she slaughtered with most humans at that time and the child that Ayame had by accident.” (Eris)

My mouth opened and closed yet I couldn’t say any words. That person’s expression was cold. Unreadable yet gave off a gentleness to me. Now you’re telling me she didn’t want this. But I couldn't help being like that to others. Her eyes were clearer than most people. As if looking at a water mirror itself. That person’s hand felt nostalgic yet I know that she wasn’t just around me. That’s the feeling I get.

“Is she passing by me on a whim then?” (Hitomi)

My eyes went to Eris’s light purple hair and plain white dress. Yet she shrugged at me as saying she too doesn’t understand her. Yes, this person in front of me also felt the same. There’s nothing wrong with not understanding someone.

“Maybe it’s because she hides it better.” (Rika)

It left a weird aftertaste for me because they’re sharing a body with my former aunt. I understand that they were once one soul but because of separation they each became an individual personality. Yet I didn’t comment on them all being combined back into one body. Because it was Eris' work after all.

‘Actually I know who their child is but I won’t say. But Mayu is very vulnerable sometimes. She’s usually depressed at odd times because of the loss of the soulmate and the fact that she herself can’t raise the child.’ (Lu)

I put on a neutral expression outside but I’m guessing that is information from my own former aunt. So she’s insecure about it. Understood. It’s something they didn’t wish to talk about. Although I understand that Fiona’s words earlier were for me. To stay the same as a Usalra. Being neutral to all races as a medium and bridge for everyone. Yet it made me purse my lips. Because that’s what made my aunt how she is now. It was a double edge for her. Fiona was trying in her own way to say that don’t discriminate against others. You will never know when it might backfire on you. That’s her message to me.

“Don’t worry about Fiona.” (Eris)

“By the way, there's a clone in front of me right.” (Hitomi)

“Yes I’m actually busy cleaning up messes all over the timelines caused by Luna.” (Rika)

‘Oh attention hogger at it again. Got it. Rika’s just as dense as Luna. Especially as stubborn as well.’ (Lu)

I couldn’t refute her. After all, I could see it in front of me. Yet when I remember Saya’s words it worries me for Rika. That the link is bad for her and meeting Luna is like poisoning herself. This person is avoiding Luna currently because Luna denies her existence. In this way they’re both stubborn.

‘If anything I’d say it’s too much. Rika tries too hard for everyone but herself. The only is doing for herself is that she wants to fade into a nothingness state. But her soul can’t handle that. She’ll vanish before then. If no one remembers her sacrifice that’d also be pointless.’ (Lu)

‘Because that’s like she never existed if she did.’ (Hitomi)

‘By the way did you notice Fiona’s first title. It was the first vampire queen.’ (Lu)

‘You mean the infamous tyrant queen.’ (Hitomi)


“By the way does anyone seem bothered by Mayu’s words she whispered to herself.” (Eris)

“What did she say?” (Hitomi)

“That this path was deviated from its original because of Rika's whim yet again.” (Eris)

“Eh, why does she blame me for helping Hitomi.” (Rika)

“Maybe it's what has to do with her wordings. ‘Fate is a crazy thing. Choices are also chances, crossroads are everywhere.’ That’s just how she is.” (Eris)

“Why does the words sound sadder when I hear you mention her.” (Hitomi)

‘Because she’s older than both you and this timeline. Sayuri didn’t say but the most emotional among them is Mayu.’ (Lu)

Her words kinda hurt for some reason as if accusing me of not being as emotional as Mayu. Which I knew I couldn’t argue with. Meaning Void’s seal of emotions isn’t perfect. It’s leaking to the rest of her fragmented souls.

‘I’m lacking is that so Luna.’ (Mizuki)

‘Wait I thought you were sleeping inside Saya! Mizuki what are you doing in this telepathy link I created with Hitomi.’ (Lu)

‘It’s bothersome but Mayu is the non killing saint who’s more like a monk than a monk.’ (Mizuki)

‘I heard from Sayuri that you’d kill when the original Luna was sleeping. That’s when you’d wake up as Ayame’s soul fragment to possess her to kill. And the ones you killed were never innocent. But Mayu and everyone sharing a body with you doesn’t agree.’ (Lu)

‘Have you heard the name the Killing Saint Theresa? Does the name ring a bell to you.’ (Mizuki)

I noticed Lu no longer answered. I'm guessing that it’s from another timeline before ours or before the Heroes Era. But even hearing her say that I felt a chill run through my body. As if I too was being judged by her. Then it was gone. The pressure from her consciousness was gone just like that. My legs gave out under me in front of Rika and Eris.

“What’s wrong.” (Rika)

“Who’s Killing Saint Theresa? Can any of you tell me.” (Hitomi)

When I mentioned that name Eris frowned. Rika’s whole face paled. That tells me a lot. Someone who can rival someone who can kinda control the time attribute is scared of her.

“Um…. she’s someone who can rival the fragmented Mayu who went insane. She was also on par with Ayame even as a human.” (Eris)

“She’s an insane person who would slaughter any who committed any sort of deadly crimes more than once. Theresa holds no remorse for those that she killed. Rather she comes back to kill the ones who does so. Theresa is known as the Impartial Judge. She kills them like assassins. That’s how skilled that person is. If what you think is right then the Mizuki from inside Saya is the Killing Saint Theresa. That person is only partial to her lover. Everyone else died miserably by her.” (Rika)

“And Mayu in the rampage of her lost lover (soulmate) and child slaughtered anyone in her anger and lost.” (Eris)

“Millennials have passed eras have come and gone. Which are you Eris and Rika? Are you too trying to change it all.”

I squinted my eyes to the bright glowing person in front of me in the grass fields. The silver markings of Asura were visible yet the long ears of hers was like an elf. Yet her third eye on the forehead was a big scream of being a devil demon race. But the ears throw me off as if this person was a mash of all races into one.

“Who are you to judge us.” (Eris)

“A mixture of a possibility. An outcome that Mayu nor Saya didn’t want but came to be. As an onlooker I ask again those who disrupt history what is it that you seek by changing this little child.”

“Who are you to ask.” (Rika)

“I am the overseer. The one who watches and changes things. There yet not. Similar to omnipotent God. Yet can transverse time and space itself. I myself don’t interrupt histories like this. I train them then return them to change their own fate. Not to ruin things by forcibly changing outcomes in person.”

“You still didn’t give me or Rika a name.” (Eris)

“Is there a need to report a name for a being who wishes her own life gone? I don’t see myself like you do. Why should I report a name. I’m a overseer. I myself don’t usually interfere with material matters but my current host is mentally unstable. You saw her leave just now didn’t you.”

“You mean Saya.” (Hitomi)

“Outcomes comes with risks for things done. Yes Saya is my host. Mizuki's forcefulness fused Ayame into them and made me. Making me independent and coexisting at the same time.”

I stared at her hair color that seemed to be like the universe itself. Ever changing yet the thing that can describe her is ethereal and otherworldly. As if she didn’t belong here at all.

“Are you saying that you’re the effect of events made by my choice.” (Eris)

“One of the outcomes of the effect, yes. By the way Mayu is as unstable as emotional person can come. Ayame’s seal isn’t perfect. Which causes her to kick out Sayuri and Nora later on.”

“Then you’re a monster we created because of tampering with time.” (Rika)

“I only came to warn you two to stop this foolishness now. We nor Saya want another odd fusion.” (Overseer)

The way she worded it sounds very sad. Yet her eyes were what makes me flinch. They were empty as if I’m staring into the abyss itself. Something tells me I don’t want to know what world this one is connected to.

“I see, I succeed in getting rid of that ‘bitch’ that’s all I wanted to know.” (Eris)

“Must you idiots go through with your plans.” (Overseer)

“Of course. Even if you’re an omnipotent being above God and Abyssals. And above the Abyssal Void Eater race. I will still do it.” (Rika)

“Must you fools go against the natural order to regret the outcome that even the keeper of time doesn’t want to see. I don’t want to see what happens when your 1+2=5. When we all fuse because a stupid time paradox of there being two overseers existence.” (Overseer)

I see she came here to warn Rika and Eris to stop. Because she felt her existence in danger she herself showed herself to us. That is what I can understand from her appearing here. Meaning what Eris wants to do is dangerous. Hearing this made me frown at the words then stare at Eris. When you see such a living time bomb you’d usually keep your distance. In my case it’s by my side and unable to kick it away.

“Can I at least name you something else besides overseer? That way you too have an identity to go by.” (Hitomi)

“Do as you please I’m only here to warn against doing something stupid.” (Overseer)

“Then how about Resna. Like the first Phoenix recorded in history to exist.” (Hitomi)

“No. That person is unique to me. I don’t want such a being tarnishing her name.” (Rika)

“Fine than her name can be different. How about Izala? Like the myth of that goddess that is said to be indistinguishable in appearance.” (Hitomi)

“I don’t need to be named after such people.” (Overseer)

“Fine. How about Trea? In the dragon language it means loyalty. In the phoenixes language it can be truth. It has many meanings.” (Hitomi)

“She’s here to stop me from riding us of that ‘person’ for good. As if she deserves such a good name.” (Eris)

“How about Ferva. Or Should I say it now. You’re an existence that makes zero sense. It’s impossible for you to be created by us yet have yourself recorded all over those other timelines before this one.” (Rika)

“You’re right that humans named me that because something stupid but that doesn’t mean I was the cause of fever itself. Me being there is just a coincidence. You also sound like you’re blaming me. But you’re worst than me. I at least train them as heroines or heroes of that time period or their time. But I’m not a teacher for the gods to abuse and misuse. I come and go freely. My only choice is to warn you and Eris now.” (Overseer)

“Overseer Jyenth! Leave my timeline now! It doesn’t welcome some of your caliber here. You’re unneeded and unnecessary.” (Riot)

I stared wide eyed at the personification of our current timeline itself. The muscular scholar with green hair in his ancient white robe glared at her. Rather she didn’t respond to his name calling rather she frowned at him.

“For your information calling me random names that no one gave me is even more annoying. Dragons call me Melis. Meaning the stars falls. It’s a respect and title. The elves call me Kereta because it represents the respect for all life and nature itself. Those phoenixes of old can me Yuea, as if I’m the one with the elemental spirits itself. And calling me an overseer trash is rude.” (Overseer)

Yikes she’s pissed off at being dissed at by the overbearing male. It’s someone the current me can’t match nor can Eris. Yet the way she worded her titles kinda stung even me. Since I wanted her to have a name that can be used to be used by herself instead of just something above a deity or divinity. It’s like being called an item or object without an name, it just seems pitiful for her to only have titles.

“I have never in my life seen someone as stupid as you, Riot. Not in all the timelines I’ve been through.” (Overseer)

“Tch, the bitch never amazes me nor does she know respect.” (Riot)

“I don’t respect the one who kills lovers by using destiny against them. Nor do I indirectly use subordinates to one off others that are loved by the very nature we live in.” (Overseer)

“Yea like I don’t respect an idiot trying for longevity but killing himself off slowly.” (Eris)

“Don’t think I don’t notice you either. You and that forgotten goddess is trash.” (Riot)

“They may be trash but at least they’re maintaining your timeline so it wouldn’t collapse.” (Overseer)

“Nevbre said you’re stupid and foolish.” (Riot)

“Hah! That asshole doesn’t count as a overseer. I don’t know how he became one. The timelines he’s been in is more of a mess than this one. Plus we didn’t clash. Our ruling domains just overlapped a little. He shouldn’t bitch more than a drama queen for complaints.” (Overseer)

“Then should I ask why you’re plagued by more soul remnant memories (ghosts) and resentment.” (Riot)

“It’s because I’m sharing a body with Saya them. Because of them I’m born but I can separate individually.” (Overseer)

“That’s kinda bad…… because Mayu’s the type to attract both resentment of the living and the dead. While luring ghosts to possess the main body. So it’s like autopilot for them without controls.” (Eris)

Riot just tried to blast her into a black hole he formed behind her. Yet the energy blast just went face smashing with no damage. But her annoyed look tells a lot. It’s probably irritating.

“Eris and Rika, you two don’t need this human host anymore from now on you two are freed. The one from our timeline fused into us already so. It’s unnecessary for you two to return. Rita just recover your soul injury from Luna and Riot.” (Overseer)

“You’re saying I injured a small forgotten goddess? She’s no threat to me.” (Riot)

“And I am for I am the overseer in your current timeline. You didn’t have one before so you could be cocky. But with me even you were placed with limitations which annoys you too.” (Overseer)

I blinked at a confused Rika and Eris. Yet the overseer was ignoring me as she crushed the black hole with her hand. Rather she doesn’t seem to be logical either. It seems that Rika and Eris are just as surprised at her words as me.

“I name you Ferris then.” (Hitomi)

“Why is such an ant getting into our conversation.” (Riot)

“It matters not. But you won’t be able to kill her the longest I exist or anyone similar to her directly or indirectly like the fated ones you do.” (Ferris)

“You bitch think you can restrain me.” (Riot)

“Each worlds with a Time personification has a Overseer. Our jobs is simple to help the person when their world or place is in a crisis. You erasing fated ones or those loved by luck and heaven itself means just that. Erasing all those lives doesn’t mean even you as a former law can get away from casualties of the rules set by Souls. Even if you did so you’d end up vanishing like usual. Unless someone from the new era sacrifices themselves for you.” (Ferris)

It wasn’t surprising but Riot’s whole face went dark as if he’d eaten something wrong. Ferris had been right in what she said, he was a fool who didn’t care about consequences. But just after she said that I was surprised by how he was trying to bend space around to trap her.

“Using the space to try to fold and secure me here is kinda stupid even for you, Riot. Laws and rules are what we Overseers regulate. You can’t use what we control, even you, yourself are restrained by me. Why fight a useless battle where you’re like an ant before me.” (Ferris)

Even Rika’s eyes widened when she saw Ferris used two fingers to touch the folded space and destroy it. Eris went hiding behind Rika as if she was frightened. It was as if she felt she met her match and didn’t want to get involved.

Chains of silver and gold runes came out of the air and restrained Riot in front of us. He didn’t look pleased with the result as he struggled, it seemed to become tighter on him. The space itself engulfed him which made him confused.

“Now it’s you two’s turn, Rika everyone is now aware you kidnapped a Usalra. Especially so. Everyone knows because Luna. I’m sending the girl back. Luna sensed you thus sent those people after her.” (Ferris)

“That’s wrong Luna would never go that far, it’s always the vampires.” (Rika)

“Yet somehow they are always able to tell where you're at as if they know your identity itself. Isn’t that odd. No one else would be able to tell you location so accurately aside from Luna. Don’t even try to deny it. Eris knows what I mean. Why and how can bounty hunters and assassins find you so easily.” (Ferris)

I was stunned when the silver light engulfed me. Yet it felt warmer than anything else. Then as if a puzzle piece all fit in my mind when I’m back in my room again. I realized the harsh truth why Saya felt so nostalgic and kind to me. It was her motherly instinct. The connection to Rika was also cut off by Ferris when she teleported me back.

‘She said never trust Rika. Rika’s a bit naive and too trusting of others' kindness. That person doesn’t suspect she always thinks that they always act on it. She’s a neutral person. But yes Ferris was right your Ayame’s former daughter.’ (Lu)

I blinked in shock but that might be why I felt so familiar with Mayu. Actually I realized the fact because Ferris had purposely used their remnant energy to send me away. Yet it somehow resonated with my soul, that’s what shocked me.

‘Does this mean my whole life is a lie.’ (Hitomi)

‘No. Your soul was reincarnated by Mayu. You’re here now and this is your current life. Ayame snuffed out the life before it was born because she was rape but it doesn’t mean your life isn’t a life. It’s just that she hates you whereas Mayu her other counterparts felt the maternal love for you because they still had emotions.” (Lu)

‘I have a question I don’t know if I should ask. Does Mayu seem odd to you. I mean towards humans. Why does she regard the living corpses so bad if not so.’ (Hitomi)

‘You’re not wrong. Let’s just say she never saw the pleasant side of men. Especially when she’s in society. Plus she already hated men before that because what happened to Ayame. It was as if she experienced it herself even though the soul was cut off from Ayame. You can see why she hated men so much afterwards. It’s just that she doesn’t kill them off instantly like Nora.’ (Lu)

“Hello little one.” (Ferris)

I frowned when I noticed her face was still blurry as ever but I’m not wrong when I guessed she had all traits of all races. That’s what the pressure I felt from her was. Yet the silver markings on her skin definitely looks like an Asura. This person was more illogical than Riot that’s my impression.

“No worries. I’m here to talk. The reason you feel so comfortable with Rika is that she mashed up the soul system and assimilated it and herself into all souls born here. If I were you I wouldn’t trust her so easily since her life goal isn’t all that noble. She wants permanent suicide if she’s no longer reborn in the upper worlds.

It’s an outstanding goal. Yet impossible for her since she can’t control where her soul leads her. It’s not wrong to say her soul cut the connection to the upper worlds because it was poisoning her through her own connection with the link. Yet she doesn’t understand. She’ll return eventually centuries later but she too understands that she doesn’t have that long. Because she wants to keep all memories and punish herself.

Is such a person as righteous and justified as you see her Hitomi? I usually don’t interfere but they did so first. Altering your history is risky. Yet those fools went to do it. Are you trusting them with your very life that Mayu tried to sacrifice herself to keep alive? It's also why Mayu never reincarnated until now. Are you gonna put your entire existence on the line for a lowly goddess who doesn’t understand the risks.

Even the current Luna with you understands. Rika doesn’t care for anyone other than herself. The one in your current time is the one who sent people and cooperated with the vampires. Would such a goddess who cares more about chaos and killing off humans care about a small life as you or Rika. No she doesn’t want attention anymore she’s already past that point when she wanted to use Ling Yue as her bargaining chip in chess.” (Ferris)

I frowned even more as her words confused me more about Luna. In fact I can understand why Lu hated her past self so much. It’s like watching the worst moments of yourself unable to let go of your past.

‘She doesn’t want the current Rika that much is correct. She wants is the dying one. Who still has Ember in her womb on her death. After she sent away Kana. Thus she isn’t trying to get the current Rika’s attention. Rather she’s trying to execute her early so they don’t have to meet.’ (Lu)

“It’s also why Eris is so desperate to get rid of Luna. I want you to go to the past also. But this time I’m giving you a pocket dimension will all my knowledge and know how’s. It exceeds Rika’s knowledge. Plus my pocket dimension you can control the time period you are inside to train. It can be 1 second outside but you can fix the time inside to 1,000, 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 to train. I won’t limit you like Rika who fears you’ll break her record. Actually I don’t care longest you get rid of Luna before Eris tries to fuse us to create another me or Saya. I don’t wanna disappear either.

As I said, time is now to your advantage I’ll even give you all the knowledge about pocket dimensions like that as a advanced reward. Take your time and please go back to the past when you can just before the Heroes era, if you will. As a plus I’ll give you knowledge on why Rika is acting so out of it too when she’s getting temporarily blinded. Can’t say much since it’s not really pleasant to say it in person.” (Ferris)

‘She practically sold why Rika is cheating on her busy lover. It’s also why Saya they are loyal instead of like Rika. They can’t help it. Although Rika is more disgusting jerk-like behaviour of cheating. ’ (Lu)

I couldn’t help but frown at her words. Yet it’s what set the difference when I saw Ferris’s sincere hand gestures at me since she knew I couldn’t see her face. But the way she’s tense I knew something was also wrong with her.

‘It’s because they all have one thing in common isn’t it. They are all plagued by resentment thus the nightmares. Rather Saya and Ferris doesn’t have a choice whereas Rika could control those dreams.’ (Lu)

Hearing her words I can almost imagine Ferris’s bitter smile at me. Yet I can tell she didn’t want to say it out loud but the situation was like so because she wanted to be sincere.

“I don’t do so like Rika. Plus my lover is a former human. And she’s in a coma due to ghosts haunting me. I don’t do so like Rika because I like seeing couples together and I dislike being in between like that. Though I’m more subtle. It’s because I make sure I barely exist in their memories as if it were a dream.

Besides, I can’t attack my comatose lover. Especially without her permission. I do have another lover but that’s about my limit. Here’s a fact: I usually keep her away from ghosts since I don’t want her to become the next victim. Plus our relationship is pure, not like Rika’s. In fact it’s due to the fact I just want sleep. It’s odd seeing an Overseer like me in this state. One of my lover is comatose, I’m unable to sleep because the ghosts, and my other lover kills ghosts when I’m not around. Also I can only see her at night.” (Ferris)

Odd I felt zero lies from her meaning that Rika really is as untrustworthy as she said. Then why did I feel such trust towards her.

‘She told you the truths already. It’s because the souls are all linked to Rika except Ferris. Her circumstances is very unique. But I do pity her lovers. I have seen them before at least 1 time. 1st girl’s parents gave up on her because her doctor said she’ll never wake up in her life. 2nd girl is unique in her own way. She’s a half elf and half leviathan princess who ran away. It’s kinda rare for those two race to mix like that too. Especially so when most leviathans live off land masses like ours. They prefer the sea.

Anyway her 2nd lover is not an easy one. Rather I never heard she hates ghosts so much. Those grotesque things shouldn’t anger someone of her caliber. I’ve heard a lot about her in fact. Siscon, Knight princess, and bloodied princess.’ (Lu)

“She’s also someone from Luna’s reign from the Heroes Era.” (Ferris)

‘Impossible! The Luna now and I saw her status. It shows she’s only 40 physically in this era. She can’t be 80,000 years old. Elves die at 20,000 years old. Leviathans only live up to 40,000. How can she survive so damn long.’ (Lu)

“It’s easy to cheat the system you know, especially if you’re a soul race. That’s all I’m saying. If you two want answers you can find it yourself. Oh and I sealed your physique so you still look ill. Don’t run away so early Hitomi. You wouldn’t want the current Luna to come to you personally to end you. If she thinks you’re an anomaly she will do things by hand herself. Rika is a risk if you do as she said.

It’s like putting your own head in front of a sharpened guillotine. Luna has millions of ways to wipe the current you’s existence. If I were you I’d wait out my plans and enjoy the moment. I’m not nerfing your abilities or skills. I’m only limiting you because I’m trying to keep my promise to the past Mayu. She didn’t want to see her daughter’s soul wiped from existence because Rika used you to test Luna’s limits to the boundaries.

I’ll say this once and only once. Luna has zero boundaries since the gods and goddesses challenged her. Rather they and Rika broke her more than they should. Rika messaged her when it was unneeded and unnecessary. Rather Rika should’ve kept her own existence and experiences away from the lunatic.” (Ferris)

‘Never stick to a crazy nor can you reason with them. That’s what Sayuri said. It’s also what she taught me while being strict. Rather I pity the current Luna more than Rika. Rika is a jerk who cares for herself and Ferris just wants you to end the trouble before it begins to affect you. Or others in this timeline. Rika isn’t looking at the here and now she’s looking at the far future. Ferris is looking at the past, present and the far future possibilities. That’s the difference between the two.’ (Lu)

Hearing Lu’s analyst on the situation and Ferris it seemed she was now cooled down. Ferris wasn’t trying to convince me she was stating facts. Especially so when I noticed my Phoenix eyesight showed me if she lied. Her words were there in front me like a speech bubble the humans see in game but no words were bolded. Rather it was all glowing. Each Phoenix had a unique sight on how they saw lies. Mine was weird yet it was easier for me since I can scroll through it like those game logs.

“If Rika we’re here, the first thing she’d do would be sealing that sight of yours that sees lies.” (Ferris)

‘True. I saw Sayuri going through those memories. Rika would blindfold you for life than risk it.’ (Lu)

“You’re telling me to not trust the former goddess of fairness and time.” (Hitomi)

“It’s already happened too many times to count. She also did so to the dragon’s true sight. Do you want me to reconnect your link to see her response to seeing through your eyes now.” (Ferris)

It sounded like thorns to me yet her sarcasm was plain to see. Actually I could tell by her seating here that she didn’t want to fight with me. She’s only here to reason. But damn neither her or Lu was lying to me. That means I’m in danger of truly losing my eyesight if I relinked with Rika. I rather not do so without knowing her reason for doing so.

“Look here she might be straightforward but she doesn’t like when others can tell if she’s lying or telling the truth. It’s what she hates the most and triggers her the most. 99.9% the reason that the Ice Phoenixes disappeared in history was her doing because she realized she couldn’t seal their sight. What would she do if she saw yours then? Want to test the tyrant on this subject, Hitomi be my guest.” (Ferris)

“You’re threatening me with my own safety. While telling me to investigate the past.” (Hitomi)

“Nope. I’m telling you to witness the history and the truth of why you’re here now instead of there. After all that was your 2nd reincarnation this is your 3rd one. I want to see what your answer is when you see for your own eyes that goddess’s hypocrisy towards her own race she created. Right my hint to you is look for the pregnant princess when you’re there. Then wait and watch the show Usalra. Will you be the next me and Sayuri or will you protect them. Because I’ll say this we both went for revenge. Which are you Hitomi. (Ferris)

The overseer Ferris vanished after she finished her speech. Yet it stung me in more ways than one. There was zero lies in her words. That’s what creeped me out. It’s like she was testing me. It was like she wanted me to see and know this. As if she wanted me to know that ugly side of everyone around me.

‘Look you’ll cross that bridge when you get there. That path isn’t where you are now. She wants to shake you up. The current, you aren’t even in that era yet. No use worrying over lives that aren’t here. Plus she gave you a pocket dimension that you will be able to access later. Also seems she owes your former mother Mayu favors. So she has to do this for Mayu. That means she is doing this because she has to. She herself feels unpleasant if she doesn’t tell you it all straight to you. Meaning this is the dividing line.

She’s trying to tell you subtly that without the Ice Phoenixes that are the Destruction Phoenixes direct descendant the Phoenixes will really be on the verge of extinction by the gods and goddesses selfishness. The choice of the extinction is now on your shoulders.’ (Lu)

Hearing her words didn’t make me feel better. I sat down on my futon feeling a headache. Why the hell cant a god or an overpowered being ever be straightforward. I mean come on lay the words straight to me and don’t beat the bush by telling me it has to do with my past self being unborn because of a massacre.

‘By the way one thing I forgot to tell you, I felt a blood connection to Ferris. Maybe, just maybe it’s because they all fused together with Ayame’s soul fragments all together. But I’m certain Rika’s soul also in there. Just completely assimilated with her disloyal selfish self. It’s like I don’t feel her presence just the blood connect towards Rika and the connection between you and Ayame: them all.

It felt suffocating knowing that Sayuri might disappear completely. Along with Mizuki, Nora, Mayu, and Ayame. Actually I pity Ayame. She just wants all emotions gone. Mayu is the most emotional unstable from what I can see from Sayuri, them taking turns for the body. It’s as if the seal was leaked all at once to Mayu making her more emotionally unstable and uncontrollable.’ (Lu)

Hearing her words I opened and closed my mouth but no words came out. Because I know I couldn’t help them. They also won’t ask me for help. The very thing frustrates me to know these things as an Ulsara. It was not how we as Hina’s descendants did things. We keep the balance with the gods and common people to communicate. Remain impartial as a judge. Always help those in need no matter what race they are. It was not in our blood to just abandon those in need. We help everyone as much as we can.

‘Hitomi what if, just what if this is what also tips you off like your aunt Sayuri. It was because of the humans' greediness to sacrifice her master and her sworn sister to the government. That’s were things went downhill for her. For Ferris it was much much earlier. She just wanted to live a normal life with her lover in modern day society. It was her parents who wanted to exorcist Ferris and her 1st lover thus getting her lover cursed and haunted by ghosts by an evil cultivator.

What I’m trying to say and warn you of is this is a repercussions of the events that happened. Don’t dwell too far into it. Please don’t push yourself into the abyss. There’s always other ways. Plus Rika isn’t as deprived as others make her out to be. She’s just…. um…paranoid. And likes to mess around like a third party in a relationship. Plus she doesn’t go off the line she usually stops before they get too into the relationship physically. But like Ferris said, never trust Rika.’ (Lu)

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