《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 63 strange situation


Hitomi POV

“Nope, that’s also wrong of you to try to test her. Also why don’t you stop her.” (Hitomi)

“Why don’t you stop the reason someone is alive and breathing.” (Luna)

My eyes glared back at her in her canopy bed as she crossed her legs. This person really irritates me with how she words it. Almost as if it’s a natural thing for Saya to do.

“Killing isn’t always the answer to things though.” (Hitomi)

“Say that to the one who broke the balance for her first. An former Usalra, can be broken there. What’s the use of such a noble family being tossed into the past.” (Luna)

“What’s wrong with being an upright family.” (Hitomi)

“Everything in that far past, those things don’t matter.” (Luna)

“As Hina’s lineage we have a right to uphold all races in a fair judgement.” (Hitomi)

“Then say it straight to her face. I’d like to watch and see what your expressions are when Sayuri answers it herself. Saya is also your aunt Sayuri.” (Luna)

Hearing her say it once again just confirms what my head and heart is telling me. What I feared the most has come true in ways I didn’t like. Yet that smiled on her face that says she’s serious. Her pinkish lips curled up as her emerald eyes stared back at me in amusement. As if she knows that the one troubled won’t be her but me.

“You actually wanted her anger at me. That’s why you’re doing this.” (Hitomi)

“See even you agree that you’ll get caught in her pocket dimension.” (Luna)

“You also know that this is because you brought me here.” (Hitomi)

“And you act exactly how she describes. Even if she was stuck in a time loop she remembers you’re personality. I don’t think it’s wrong to say that Sayuri did cherish you. That’s why I know that she remembers you more than anything. But you weren’t the thing that kept her going. Actually she doesn’t blame Ayame for killing their sworn sister. Because it’s her fault that scared Ayame into acting. So she does know that she’s to blame.” (Luna)

I don’t know how to respond bad as she threw me out after that. It was just as bad to understand the circumstances. That my former aunt is now in a cycle of hatred towards someone. I guess I understand what they meant that the most gentle person in anger can be very fearsome. Eris was in front of me staring at me which made me come back to my senses.

“What’s wrong you’ve been out of it for 30 minutes.” (Eris)

“It’s nothing really.” (Hitomi)

Rika just stared at me which made me smile bitterly. It made me understand that Lu asked me to call her that. Because Rika is right here. But the way she seems disgusted at Rika’s reason for helping. I couldn’t argue back. But the words she left in my head purposely before she kicked me out annoyed me.

‘Is the Luna in your timeline wrong? Or is Rika who sacrificed herself her whole life wrong? Luna just wanted her sister back. Rika’s actions might be justified at that moment but what of the girl she abandoned indirectly.’ (Luna)

Why the heck is she trying to guilt trip me over such a selfish person. The Luna here can’t be like that. Rather she took her anger and hatred out on everyone else because she only wanted attention not Rika herself back. In doing so she harmed more lives than she saves. Such a selfish person shouldn’t be allowed to do things. Not when more than millions are at stake. Even I know my priorities but I understand why Lu said that the Luna here needed to die.


“A necessity? That’s what she meant.” (Hitomi)

“Hitomi you there.” (Eris)

“Sorry. Distracted about Aunt Ray being so far gone. She was actually the most close to Hina in personality.” (Hitomi)

“That’s what backfired for her. There’s probably not much to save from Sayuri.” (Rika)

When she said that it hurts me just as much knowing that my aunt won’t let the hatred she felt end. It wasn’t that she was a former shell of herself but the anger wasn’t helping. What Luna said got me. She holds a grudge for life. So she couldn’t forgive or forget it. Yet the deep loss is still there in my heart even though I know that my aunt is alive again.

“So instead let's go someplace else. Like how about the Stars Falls.” (Eris)

“That might be dangerous for Hitomi. It’s real stars exploding into bursts. Such is the name. It’s not exactly angel friendly. An Asura wouldn’t survive the surge from the heat explosion either.” (Rika)

“Right….. sorry. Then how about the Yneb Garden. It’s the place where the fairies live in. That’s a beautiful place to be.” (Eris)

“And be spotted by her family and Luna when she’s laying low.” (Rika)

“Ok so that’s also out. Then what about the Dresia Forest.” (Eris)

“A forest full of undead and deceased. It’s not exactly the best place for a trip.” (Rika)

“Um…. how about Westeira cliff.” (Eris)

“With a botomless put hidden within. Well we can probably take her there to test the ruins if she likes history.” (Rika)

“We can go there. I’ve only seen it in Aunt Sayuri’s notes.” (Hitomi)

‘Oh the link works. It connects! Hah! Take that Hitomi.’ (Lu) (temporarily)

‘How the heck did you get around Rika’s link.’ (Hitomi)

‘Telepathy. By the way, does Sayuri never sing to you? Her voice is beautiful. Almost as if singing to you making spring come to you. It’s such a refreshing feeling.’ (Lu)

I broke the chopsticks in my hand that was at the meal. We were in a small desolate inn eating a bowl of noodles. This one irritates me more than Void. She’s purposely picking fights with my old feelings and habits. Seems this one learned how to block out my thoughts from being read by Rika and Eris. Rika has disappeared because she teleported us here before she said she needed more time then left.

“Are you ok?” (Eris)

“I’m fine just somehow thinking of auntie pissed me off.” (Hitomi)

‘Hmm, I learned from Rika for this. Sharing taste and sight is just perfect isn’t it Hitomi. That means when your having fun with your lover I can see everything right? (She’s joking) After all we’re now besties.’ (Lu)

‘What is with you and Rika in mind links.’ (Hitomi)

‘I don’t invade privacy thoughts. I only look at the subtle one you send back. Also a bit of warning don’t trust Rika too much. She pities you and Ling Yue because you two are a tragic couple once every 10,000 years. Even if she knew how things ends up she doesn’t stop Luna in your timeline. It’s called selfish because she cares about knowing the timeline. Saya isn’t like that. She cares not for the repercussions because she will make it all head towards her. Then she’ll end the anomaly herself.’ (Luna)

I didn’t say anything back. When she said those words I didn’t comment back because I knew what she meant was the repercussions were probably zero. Since Saya can travel without repercussions.


Eris dragged me with her hands excitedly that were going to a ruin. Yet it unsettles me that Lu has gone quiet. I sense a foreshadowing that this isn’t simple. Location wise it is 459 kilometers from the Moon Valley. The way Lu shut up reminded me of Sayuri when she came back from the ruins with an awkward smile when I asked.

‘She met a Ancestral Vampire there. The type that can turn any race into a vampire at will. But she did say she was confused why the former vampire queen let her go. Although she did mention that the queen did flirt with her a bit.’ (Lu)

Nope. I’m definitely not mad or anything just annoyed. I’m guessing Rika probably knows about it through the link. Yet she doesn’t say anything about it. Eris probably thought it was a small thing for me. They probably just wanted me to enjoy the exploration of the ruins itself. I didn’t say anything but enjoyed the wind blowing against me. We were weaving through the grasslands. The same grasslands filled with monsters that connected all mixed time periods.

We could spot the ruins once the dawn broke through. It’s been 3 days now since the teleportation. Day 2 was when we saved Kana and her lover. It’s day 3 of being out alone with my family knowing I was teleported out. My eyes went back to the stone pillars in front of me. This should be some white marble of a former door. But with this much marble, the human society would’ve been looking for it or recorded it in history by now. It’s probably a lost civilization itself.

But my eyes couldn’t help but widen when I saw the temple similar to Athena’s temple intact. In full marble, it was as if history left it in the dust to be not blemished by anyone.

“Say, visiting me now. Seems you don’t really mind that much Sayuri. I thought as a a former angel you’d at least tell your fellow angels about me. But seems I’m wrong. You’ve hidden it well don’t you say. My tomb is very welcoming isn’t it.”

“So you say but didn’t you just bite me for 5 hours straight earlier.” (Saya)

“I’d have to say sharing a body with 3 different personalities suits the current you. They fill in the gap missing. So you’re here because Mayu requests it. Yet doesn’t wanna see me herself. That’s pretty odd don’t you think. But why does she need Athena’s spear anyway. Can’t she just recreate something else.”

“It’s not so much a choice Fiona. You also know she needs it as a medium. She wants to summon the girl’s soul.” (Saya)

“A former Valkyrie gifted Athena’s spear. Right it can only be Erica that girl. She didn’t exactly hate me. That girl was dying when she gave me the spear. But somehow something tells me I should see this ritual you two are doing.” (Fiona)

“Why do you want to see the Goddess of Earth. She’s the first warrior princess and a former vampire. It’s not needed to have her see you.” (Saya)

“Eh? The first vampire ever born. It’s a must see isn’t it.” (Fiona)

“Fiona, Mayu probably doesn’t agree. You saw how she was when we came. Once we were here she shut herself back in the body.” (Saya)

“But her dark green hair was very easily spotted but she still dislikes me right.” (Fiona)

The vampire queen before us had healthy wheat like skin. Her canine teeth were showing as she grinned. The white hair on her head seemed to match her. Yet her 16 year old appearance and silver eyes were staring back at aunt Sayuri only. Actually I’m bothered by the fact that she’s wearing nothing and her breasts were out in the open.

‘She’s at it again huh. As Saya said she’s eccentric. Look closely by her feet that’s a black gown. Meaning she stripped herself prior. My estimate of her breast is a C cup about to be a D cup.’ (Lu)

I didn’t need to know that. Well with how Lu said it she’s probably done this before to auntie so that’s why auntie isn’t fazed by her.

‘Ah Ha! I remember the real reason why Sayuri doesn’t like this place. You know how modern city has morgues in hospitals. And sometimes they tie a band to the dead body. The bodies sometimes disappears and reappears in that place. Such is the walking corpses. With a red band tied to them on the arm. Creepy thing wasn’t that but they acted and looked human. Which got her very very emotionally unstable. She can’t stand ghost stories so putting her there is like asking her to walk into a morgue. But I’m certain Rika probably forgot about it because she’s a former goddess. The dead don’t affect her.’ (Lu)

Warn me beforehand. I’m not good with the dead spirits either. Why the hell do you remember this at the last second. Damn it! I hate tests of courage just as much. I don’t get why people try it anyway. This is probably no longer historical ruins but a ominous place that brings the dead bodies here for unknown reasons. Actually a vampire living here isn’t really a surprise but the things here probably creep even me.

‘From what Sayuri told me they’re neither dead or alive. They’re neither ghosts, yet they can’t be purified or moved on. Makes me wonder how they got there in the first place. And why does the human society think it’s either a buried body already or cremated already.’

“Right yeah…. those things here aren’t that scary.” (Eris)

Then why the heck did you back up behind me when you noticed my thoughts of it. You yourself are a personification of time. Yet you’re telling me you can’t stand something close to what humans believe to be ghosts.

“It’s not my fault. Even Rika dislikes the air here. It’s like super thick of malice it can affect a goddess. She can’t stay here more than 34 mins. Minimum is 30 mins tops. Which shows how risk it is to divine or holy type of race. Pure angels and human are fine. Well although they do attack humans.” (Eris)

‘As she said your race isn’t exactly divine. Your little lover going there would probably go up in flames or worse. After all she’s a half goddess.’ (Lu)

“By the way Sayuri why does it seem like you’re different. Your wings they’re completely dark blue. It was a light blue before. It means you became a fallen angel. Even if it’s only in the soul, it’s interesting.” (Fiona)

“Dying isn’t my problem nor was it my goal when I went there. Were you not the one who gave me the coordinates.” (Saya)

“Give me Nora anyday and we'd be a interesting pair.” (Fiona)

“She said prior to this she doesn’t wanna do such a weird job.” (Saya)

“But the truth is that even so she doesn’t have sight. You also use perceptions for sight too.” (Fiona)

“I told you because we separated from Ayame too long we each created our own personalities. Mayu can’t stay out long because she has to monitor Ayame. Nora comes out on a whim. You can’t force her to use her sight to just touch and see the dragon vein.” (Saya)

“But we both know that you’re pissed at Rika for interfering with Hitomi. I meant sending her to help Kana. Ayame didn’t do that teleportation to get Hitomi pissed but to get you annoyed. She knew that you were watching over Hitomi like a guard dog. It was just that. We both know it. You can’t leave Hitomi alone, because you distrust Rika. Because that goddess is a flirt unknowingly.” (Fiona)

“If she so much as touches Hitomi that way I will kill her myself. Especially since the Rika in that timeline fused with me of her own choice. I understand the Rika here as much as the one here. Subconsciously she’s just a sicko who’s a sis con that can’t let go.” (Saya)

“Yet you destroyed her personality completely because of that and only took her memories. She’s no longer inside anymore. Not like Eris. Eris assimilated herself with you completely because you made her at peace with her past. So why are you doing this. Playing Villainy doesn’t suit you. Not a guard dog like you Sayuri. You were never like this before. Why start now? What changed?

Is this why you’re worse than Rika. She’s honest with her emotions. You’re honest, yes but reining in your emotions so that you look empty isn’t gonna go fine. The only emotions that came out of you were anger and hatred. Yet Nora took the optimism to the max to make up for it. You’re the ones with the emotions outburst of them. Don’t hide it all. Mayu maybe the one who is logical and rational but don’t do this Sayuri. I’ve known that feeling before. All my emotions bursted like a damn before.” (Fiona)

“Then stop trying to help the current me with my emotions.” (Saya)

“Alright I won’t but you have to rest and let Nora take over. A person being awake for 1000 billion years can take its toll. So sleep like Mayu for a few hours. I promise we won’t go against you or your plans.” (Fiona)

“Fine.” (Saya)

I watched in awe as her hair color and height changed. From 6ft height to a 5ft girl who looks about 14 years old. The dark chestnut hair seemed to glow in the sunlight. Yet the way her eyes were pale without the focused irises told me this person was really blind. Not sealed like Void. Her clothes were odd. It fitted someone from a modern society. The black t-shirt and the white jeans.

“Seems we have a guest Fiona. Why must you push Sayuri so much.” (Saya)

“Hey, I don’t push someone who’s already at her limits. I mean she she hasn’t slept. So she needs the sleep right. Letting her rest instead of doing all the work is fine. Plus that’s Hitomi over there isn’t it.” (Fiona)

“Is it. I’ve only seen her from that idiot’s point of view. The love she has for her doesn’t go past that line like Rika. Yet it’s like an ocean full of love from a mother. If Rika so much as uses her I’m certain Sayuri won’t sit put. Never test a guard dog.” (Saya)

“Aunt Ray isn’t a dog! Also Rika isn’t like that.” (Hitomi)

“There you have it. The upright, honorable Usalra. Protecting those who you think is right. Ayame is paranoid. Sayuri does her all to protect you in that bubble you call life. Her enemies aren’t just time itself. It never was. It’s Rika. For Rika’s own good she should also let go.” (Saya)

“She means the link itself and Luna.” (Fiona)

“Why does she have to let go of her sister.” (Hitomi)

“First of all Rika is becoming too dependent on the link. Second Luna is like a drug she can’t leave alone. She needs to stay away or else she’d be just poisoning herself. Anyway this is from her knowledge from experience from Rika’s memories and emotions.” (Saya)

Wait that means she herself can’t approach Luna in her current life. That’s pretty bad itself. Eris next to me is rubbing her hair in frustration in realization. Seems they haven’t approach Luna in this time period yet.

‘Ah, that’s because they’re stupid but not completely. Rika’s avoiding Luna because of rejection and the link getting cut. Once she sorts out her feelings she’ll probably confront Luna. Like the big sister act of hers. Things will go down hill fast if she did. By the way thank me for blocking up your link a bit. I probably won’t make the same mistake. Staying in the link too long can make someone dependent on it.’ (Lu)

“Right, so cutting the link slowly from Rika can help her recover in security slowly. Not like how Luna did it. Cutting it instantly has drawbacks too.” (Saya)

“Says the half vampire and elf girl.” (Fiona)

“Shut it, I like my ears hidden by my hair.” (Saya)

“But it’s cute. You have such a weird complex about your ears out in the open that you cover it with your long wavy hair. It’s funny how you freeze up when it’s out in the open. The blush on the is an extra.” (Fiona)

“That’s why I don’t live in the city.” (Saya)

“Oh ho! See there it is her blushing face. Don’t cover the ears with your hands.” (Fiona)

“Stay away from me you sexually deprived person. Stay at least 7 ft away. No stay 30 ft away max. Don’t use your butterfly steps either. Be far away.” (Saya)

It looks like we have a socially awkward girl who doesn’t want her ears touched or seen. But what worries me is that she freezes in public if seen is what Fiona said.

“It’s not my fault. Don’t open your arms for a hug nudist. Stay far from me.” (Saya)

“But I wore this purple dress just for you.” (Fiona)

“Yet it’s not covering your breasts.” (Saya)

Her silver amber eyes were really looking frustrated as she was in front of us. But I couldn’t help but smile bitterly because Fiona did manifest her clothes. Yet she purposely left her breast part. I can understand that Saya seems angry at her. Yet the way Saya just ran behind us was really funny. I know she’s Nora from the conversation yet I can’t get my mind around them sharing a body with aunt Sayuri.

“Stay away from us. Like don’t flirt with Hitomi either.” (Saya)

“I don’t flirt with younglings. Much less this pup.” (Fiona)

“I’m not a puppy. Also I’m not that young.” (Hitomi)

“Actually Hitomi. She goes for those who are older only. Meaning those less than 1 million years are an out of her strike zone. Fiona goes for those who’s soul is older. Somehow this strange vampire can detect it much like how human sonar works.” (Saya)

She’s giggling as she’s looking behind me at Saya. Seems this girl is very much disturbed by her. Rather I couldn’t tell her race because her ears were hidden. Yet her white skin just reminds me of normal humans who hasn’t gotten a tan. I didn’t even suspect she was a half vampire with her odd eyesight gone. Maybe she was born like that.

“How rude, I Nora can detect even emotions because I can’t see in the first place. It’s calming for me. Yet Sayuri is very fussy. Something about don’t act so dependent on me. Go out more. Enjoy yourself like Mayu.” (Saya)

“But isn’t Mayu kinda cold. It’s like she’s a turn off in person. Although I do wanna see her. Yet the way she looks like a stoic Ayame was odd.” (Fiona)

“Because she can change her hair color at will.” (Saya)

“Eh!?!” (Eris)

“Why are you surprised Eris.” (Hitomi)

“That at the tomb door. That’s what.” (Eris)

All our eyes went to where she pointed to. It was a female doctor with a red band tied to her wrist. My hairs all stood up as I felt a chill in my body. Saya put her face on mine in a huge but her grin was obviously showing.

“That’s funny! They actually left the tomb for once.” (Fiona)

“When malice takes human bodies and souls of those dead and stuff them inside. It’s kinda odd how they don’t rot and aren’t categorized as a zombie. They’re neither ghosts either.” (Saya)

“Dying isn’t a hobby but what the heck! I hate dead bodies.” (Eris)

“That came out weird from you Eris. What did you mean.” (Hitomi)

“She meant behind the Doctor. That purple hair that shines, the same emerald eyes, there’s no mistake. That’s Rika’s former body. Not the original but it could copy it, this is foul play even for us.” (Saya)

“Eh!?!” (Eris)

“Why is it foul.” (Hitomi)

“Because she has all Rika’s old stats. Meaning even her level.” (Saya)

‘It’ll be fine Hitomi! Call upon it, it’ll answer to you. You’re it’s next owner after Rika died. Her special soul artifact. It can bounce back curses, physical attacks and abilities.’ (Lu)

Wait why do you make it sound like it’s running towards me. Actually it was running towards me. I didn’t know what to do. Yet i couldn’t say anything yet it was almost like an instinct.

“Come forth Ferives.” (Hitomi)

The whole body that looked similar to Rika slammed its spear against the mirror in front of me. Yet Saya’s eyes next to me widen. It was like she didn’t expect this outcome. Why does she and Fiona seem so shocked. Actually Eris has that look of why is that here.

“Why is the mirror with dragon soul on you when it’s physically and mentally also with Rika? It’s soul bound so how did it go to another individual.” (Fiona)

“It’s soul inheritance. It’s the real one that separated from its owner when it’s owner split souls. The dragon mirror that reflects all techniques, skills, abilities and curses. So that’s where it went. When one can’t summon it. That’s the truth isn’t it. Sayuri. That is what you meant. Not here indeed.” (Saya)

“The dead sings, does it not.”

“Don’t freaking answer us with Rika’s looks.” (Eris)

“I don’t think it sings.” (Fiona)

It feels heavy attacking the mirror. That phrase was to summon the mirror yet it doesn’t seem to be completely attached to me.

‘Of course it isn’t. It’s still got an owner. Rika and Sayuri. I mean the Rika in your timeline. Then there’s Saya who is a fusion of souls. Yet Sayuri can’t call the real one either. It probably denied Rika when they split.’ (Lu)

“What the hell is this pressure worst than a truck hitting a person.” (Hitomi)

“That’s high stats for you.” (Fiona)

“I’ll leave it to Mayu.” (Saya)

Her appearance once again changed but the black leather coat and pants along with the white collared long sleeve. Her hair was a blond. Yet her eye color was different from the two. It was a golden eye with a violet iris. Yet her stoic unmoving expression matches her outfit. It’s just that she’s missing gloves. Her black boots matched her stoic expression.

“The dead doesn’t sing. Nor does it talk like that. Body snatching is a crime.” (Saya)

“You talk as if you 4 aren’t.”

“That’s rude even Mizuki calmed down after we fused.” (Saya)

“Luna’s counterpart wasn’t much of a punch after it combined.”

“Shut it. Mizuki doesn’t like noisy and we aren’t body snatchers. We were born as one but split by Ayame.” (Saya)

“Seems like they went for Hitomi because she’s the weakest but seems like hatred for you is almost likely confirmed. So is this thing something to do with Ayame’s hatred to humans. Is that why it’s here.” (Fiona)

“No, it’s much older. Ayame isn’t the one who made this. Malice is anything else than that. It’s a force out to destroy nature since the beginning of the worlds. This thing isn’t just here, it’s been here since far before in the 1st timeline.” (Saya)

“But human corpses. Isn’t that foul.” (Eris)

“Don’t freaking word play you two.” (Hitomi)

It’s freaking heavy yet the mirror isn’t cracking it was weird how they turned their whole head around on Rika’s body. That put me off in a creepy way. I immediately backed up completely. The anger it emitted off of it was off the charts. I’ve never seen so much of it in person.

“Then why didn’t it kill me.” (Fiona)

“You count as a undead already.” (Saya)

“I don’t bite though.” (Fiona)

“Lies, the first thing you did to Sayuri was bite her when we arrived here.” (Saya)

She blocked the spear and arrow with her arm. It actually bounced off her. Like how Rika’s weapon had no effect on Ayame. Rather I saw her flicked back the second arrow. Yet those things look weird. When it’s regenerating the female doctor’s body it looked like shadows weaving itself back together.

“I thought so body snatching is such a bad hobby.” (Saya)

“We don’t want to hear that from you Saya.”

“That’s rude I Mayu was born into that human body. It wasn’t stealing if you were the original occupier.” (Saya)

“Then die.”

I watched in horror as the long black kantana went to her neck. I’ve reflexively covered my eyes.

“Oh wow she’s hard, I mean the black kantana pretty much broke on skin contact.” (Eris)

I opened my eyes when I heard a loud bang. My eyes opened to see Saya holding Rika’s body double into a crater at her feet by her neck. Rather it seemed that no matter how it struggled it couldn’t get Saya’s fingers off it’s neck. Her blond hair flowed with the wind behind her seemed like the golden sunshine of the sun. It has only been two hours since sunrise.

Yet the way it struggles at Saya’s hands as it tried to stop her choking it. I had this feeling that their struggle was futile. There was no smile on her face. Her eyes seems normal like a person. As if the sealed sight that Ayame did, didn’t affect her. Rather her right hand was free she pulled out a long sword and stabbed the body double. It couldn’t move after she let it go. Instead the stoic expression of hers scares me more than the body snatchers.

Her sharp eyes seemed to pierce through me yet the female doctor running back to the tomb with its bow was very weird in itself. As if it’s frightened by Saya.

“I agree with Mizuki. It’s a first since we combined that you’re up but is destroying this really the way we should go. Them relocating is an obvious choice if so.” (Saya)

We all know she’s talking mentally and physically but the energy she’s focusing into her right arm is just as scary. Eris dragged me away while Fiona followed us away from the ruins. It was like white lightning pouring out from the center. But from this far away we could still hear Saya’s words reverberating in the air.

“I learned this the hard way from Ayame. Using energy from the World of nothingness can destroy a limb permanently. So unless you tear apart from before you can’t regenerate anything. If so I’ll just canon (blast) everything down into the earth’s core until there’s nothing left.” (Saya)

Nope, definitely didn’t hear anything that sounded so brutally muscle headed before. Most definitely not coming from a mountain over.

“I’ve heard from Sayuri that she had to rip her arm off because of that energy blast of Ayame.” (Fiona)

‘If anything Mayu can handle it. If that was your aunt she probably throw a black hole instead. You don’t wanna know what happens next.’ (Lu)

“That’s true based on Sayuri’s personality she really wouldn’t talk with them targeting her. She’d probably just toss the black hole without talking. After all she’s not the type to talk peace to them.” (Eris)

“Ayame’s choice of weapons is a kantana and archery. Mayu is a long sword and a tanto. Nora’s choice is a knife only. I’m not sure for former Luna’s soul fragment they call Mizuki. They said she’s been sleeping since. Almost as if to recover herself.” (Fiona)

“That does sound odd. But maybe it’s because they combined back together after so long it’s like a backlash.” (Eris)

‘It’s no backlash. It’s probably because they made sure I lived. They didn’t like the ideas of killing me. Plus if stupid Rika wasn’t so lenient and overprotective of me then that mess wouldn’t have happened. That’s what Sayuri showed me by raising me from scratch at age 9 again.’ (Lu)

The way Lu says it so nonchalant really sounds weird. As if it doesn’t involve her but it did. Probably was life threatening too but she doesn’t seem fazed by it. I flinched when I saw the mid 20 year old Saya with her hair to her feet yet it’s not touching the ground. It’s still it’s chestnut color but the scary part is the cold look from Mayu who’s in possession of the said body.

“Does it look like I enjoy myself Eris.” (Saya)

“Nope.” (Eris)

“Then don’t give me that look as if asking me so. It’s a hassle to clean up messes. We don’t like it plus it’s others' fault. This problem isn’t ours. Plus it’s not like those who died wanted to have their bodies stolen and trapped aware and unable to control the body.” (Saya)

I can see why she was annoyed when they came for her. Yet the way Eris is acting. I’m sure of it. She's the one I saw sleeping inside their mindscape or inner world. A world without skies, a place with water everywhere as she floats in there asleep but causing water ripples when she’s conscious.

‘Correct, that is indeed Mayu.’ (Lu)

“Why don’t you enjoy yourself Mayu.” (Eris)

“No. I have watched Ayame since she cast me aside. It’s my job to keep her in check to a minimum. Unlike others I can’t enjoy myself.” (Saya)

“It’s work, work, and more work with you. That’s such a killjoy.” (Fiona)

“Unlike others I can’t slip my emotions or stop watching her. Making sure every race is alive and well is my job. So watching Ayame when no one else is also my job.” (Saya)

“Can’t you open up to others then.” (Hitomi)

“If you think you can lecture me Hitomi. Then you’re wrong. Being a Usalra doesn’t justify taking actions into your own means. Nor does it mean being honorable. I’ll say this war is never fair. The same can be said about a fight or duel. Anything and everything can go wrong.” (Saya)

Why the heck is your eyes boring down on me like you can see deep into me. I know for a fact this person isn’t using the system nor is she using telepathy.

“It’s because Rika’s been through this timeline more than once. The only changes were her past self changing your race. And the teleportation of Eris.” (Saya)

“She means that you find a way to change race yourself. Yet this has been unprecedented.” (Fiona)

It felt weird when Saya vanished from her 200 ft from me to patting my head. Yet it’s a strange familiar feeling when she touched my head. I mean Mayu as they called it has never gone outside of that mindscape or have a physical body before. So how can her hand feel nostalgic to me. There’s no memories of her in my memories that I can recall from the eidetic memories.

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