《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 62 An odd alliance with a different Luna


Hitomi POV

“I got to say peeking is so unlike you Hitomi.” (Saya)

“It’s also very like her to resist her nature of seeing her soul mate. She fights the instincts to have sex.” (Eris)

“That voice, it sounds exactly like aunt Ray! You’re not her though.” (Hitomi)

“Correct. I’m Sayuri at the same time not. I’ve also have the abilities to counter Eris and their race.” (Saya)

Meaning she can manipulate time directly but doesn’t. This person was probably the end result that Eris wanted. Plus even I don’t wanna be labeled like a sadist like most of our female population or a sexual mania. That’s how hard it was when you see your soul mate. Unless the other side idiotically fell in love with your own relative and thinks that’s their soulmate.

My situation is the latter one. So I have to hold back on the idiotic girl. Even if she’s 1,400 years old. She’s a teenager in goddess years. Then they start counting human years once her body is physically 14. So she’ll age like a human until her 20s. But it pissed me off that she mistook Niana as me. We maybe the same age but our fathers are different. Her silver hair is also from her father.

Yet we’re the same age as if twins because our world defies logic. That’s just how things are, so we don’t question it. Mother did meet my father in her depression of having Niana’s bastard father trick her. Yet that’s all I think of him. Seeing Sayuri’s appearance on this person unhinges me somehow.

“See Hitomi you grew up.” (Saya)

When did she get so close. She was but 7 feet away, I couldn’t see her even move. Her hand was on my cheek yet it felt cold to the touch. As if it’s made of ice. Aunt Ray’s hands were warm. It got colder than winter itself in the winter time. Yet I don’t know why her hand on my cheek comforts me like how Aunt Ray does it when she wants me to lay down on her lap as she reads to me.

“Get out of it, Hitomi she’s not Sayuri.” (Eris)

“I do have her memories and emotions. So I do have a responsibility. But the bloodline isn’t there. I do have her racial trait of an angel as well but it’s only in appearance. Isn’t that nice Hitomi.” (Saya)

I’m not wrong, these gentle and kind hands are different she’s still aunt Ray. Deep down she just is. I held her right hand in my cheek tightly. I don’t want to have family disappear again on me. Especially not the one who took care of me as a baby. The way she bent down to kiss my forehead gave me the feelings she’s the same.

“Hitomi snap out of it! This person is dangerous, she’s not Sayuri. Sayuri wouldn’t be indifferent as she killed Luna.” (Eris)

“Returning something back to itself isn’t really killing it. Especially so when your returning it all to the beginning without memories. It’s not killing. In fact it’s called reversing the thing to what it was. I turned her into a child without the need to kill her. Her innocence was there wasn’t it. Plus I’m not like Rika who sends them into reincarnation directly without killing them. That’s the same as killing them indirectly.” (Saya)

“But won’t she find out all over again about Rika.” (Eris)

“That’s why I’m raising the young Luna in a pocket dimension away from the realms. Actually it pissed off Rika, that’s why I had to split her. Because she was being indecisive. ‘Don’t kill Luna. Stop no attacking her, hurting her is unnecessary. Leave her out of this.’ Yet Luna seeks me out to try to kill Rika. I tire of it so I did the thing I thought, right. Reverting Luna’s age and memories to a time she remembers her sister alive to her at age 8 (physically).” (Saya)


I understand now, no wonder Rika flipped off in the wrong way. The sister she watched from young to adolescence (when she receives the letter from Rika from the past). All the hard work to make Luna independent and grown up all flushed down. Of course the one who raised her as a child would get pissed, it’s like your cutting down the memories and growth she once had.

But I also understand why Aunt Ray did so. She wanted to revert Luna back to when she was most innocent to understand her situation and circumstances. That her sister had no choice. It was also probably for the best interest of everyone that Luna didn’t have to die a 2nd time.

“I gave her all of Rika’s memories and experience from first person point of view as a gift for Rika.” (Saya)

“There it is that’s the 2nd thing that would flip her out.” (Eris)

“I directly pulled the her from the past for that so Riot’s plan doesn’t work again. I purposely pulled her right after that fight just before you did your sacrifice. Afterall I don’t need a second me. Plus I think I enjoy the spunk of a rebellious Eris more than a melancholic Eris who would fuse with me.” (Saya)

It’s funny I can almost see the light purple hair like a kitten trying to fight against a dragon in front of me. Almost made me laugh. Yet I now know even if Eris say it’s not her. I know why I’m so certain it’s Sayuri now. Aunt Ray or Sayuri said many times that she wanted everyone to live together peacefully if possible. That’s probably why she reverted Luna to a child in annoyance.

“You’re getting on my nerves.” (Eris)

“Think of me as a time anomaly created by yours truly to get on your own nerves.” (Saya)

I held my stomach as I laughed at Eris’s annoyed look. It’s been so long since I got to laugh this hard. Somehow it’s refreshing to see Eris beat at her own game.

“Think of me as a person out of the time axis created by you Eris. An example would be point X that doesn’t fit the frame because I was created so that timeline was specifically excluded.” (Saya)

“I see that’s how it happened. That means she’s here because she herself doesn’t want a doppelgänger. Because that would create a soul resonance. Soul resonance happens when two souls are two similar and if it’s the same souls they combine into one to create a whole new one. Or they are still the same. But the risks of the former being true.” (Hitomi)

“See Hitomi gets me. I’ll just help you girls with your Luna too. Though Rika flipping out is an outcome she’ll have to live with.” (Saya)

Hm, it is a easier way. I’ll just see what happens when I go to the past then. But I do get annoyed when aunt Ray rubs my hair too hard. That’s exactly what she’s doing right now to my hair. It’s making my braided hair in mess. My sky green hair is in a mess again yet her smile makes me pause. I didn’t get angry at her.

3rd POV

Eris seems to have frozen on the spot when she saw the scene. It was as if the memories of Sayuri as her teenage self reappearing and rubbing Hitomi’s head. It would be heart warming if only this person didn’t have the appearance of that of a mid 30s. If it were the real Sayuri her age would be around her mid 20s.


“My age is as I wish Eris. It’s due to the fusion of souls. Nora is pretty well known. The one with soul sight. That light in the ground connecting the soul in non living and living. That’s her sight and abilities. Is that much of a hint.” (Saya)

“The first person who was blind but focused so much that her sight developed from no sight to something special. So much so that she could see the souls in all things like a light connected to the dragon vein in the ground.” (Eris)

“That’s kinda cool but odd. I did see glimpses of such a person in Rika’s memories.” (Hitomi)

“By the way those spikes were still a dragon’s. It’s close to an Abyssal’s but our whole body is armor and muscles. So it’s a deadly weapon. Plus we also take on traits of others. It means our skin becomes something else entirely.” (Saya)

“Then my question was did you kill someone.” (Hitomi)

“That’s what you look for what’s different from me and Sayuri of the past. Being thrown into a different time frame completely into the far past can change someone Hitomi. Sometimes someone has to do things because it’s not a like or dislike. What if it’s hatred that’s already there.” (Saya)

Hitomi POV

My eyes widen in surprise at what Aunt Ray had said. There was a strong stream of hatred in her tone. Killing wasn’t a hobby nor was it something the Sayuri I know would do. But the one in front of me seemed scarily stranger than anything else.

“That person doesn’t deserve to be included.” (Saya)

“Are you talking about the human that Ayame tried to help.” (Eris)

“No. Another person. Rather I made sure she’s been blotted out of history. Such a person that angers me so easily with hatred is not suitable for reincarnation.” (Saya)

Hearing such words from Aunt Ray made me back up to Eris who was behind me. The scary vibe was because this person wasn’t the same. She’s not the aunt who I once knew. She changed, that’s what makes me as scared as Luna. But not enough to deny her completely that she’s different. I learned from Luna’s actions. Maybe I should listen to her explanation.

“I told you she wasn’t Sayuri.” (Eris)

“We, no I was cast out by Ayame to the far future at that time. I became Sayuri first, then I returned back to before by accident. Back to the time when Jem and that other guy fought at odds. There was a half demon. She wasn’t exactly kind. Her personality was much like a hypocrite. Raised as a human by a human family. The girl became a religious fanaticism for God as an escapism. So much so that she interfered with my sworn sister’s actions.

It was so much so that she almost killed my sworn sister from the same teacher 399 times. Yet that naive girl forgave her. A demon getting tricked so many times by that fanatic who was paranoid and listened to the gossips of human. So in my anger I just couldn’t hold back. I went into time again and again to kill and wipe her from existence. Too bad her soul still exists even if fragmented.” (Saya)

“I think she went kind as Sayuri then she turned back she went ballistic because she was in a time loop itself so she couldn’t stand it and kept trying to wipe the girl. Until Ayame’s main personality got even annoyed by the emotions.” (Eris)

“Let me ask was it modern city or was it an ancient eastern time era.” (Hitomi)

“The girl was from medieval. My sworn sister was a demon that our teacher picked up from a ancient eastern city as a orphan.” (Saya)

I can hear the malice, anger, and hatred all there. If what Eris said was true then maybe aunt Sayuri changed because of that. A time loop as she watches as her close one almost dies every time in front of her changed her. She’s not the same aunt anymore. Through this she’s probably more adult like. But the choices made me sad.

“Why didn’t you look for a better way to coexist like usual.” (Hitomi)

“Coexist? With a half demon who thinks that a God can accept her to heaven. A hypocrite halfling who acts like a saint to others but can’t even care for her family if it’s for a fake God made by human words.” (Saya)

A queasy feeling hit me in the stomach. This was no longer the aunt I remember. Whatever she went through in the past has changed her to be the current her.

“Everyone else can reincarnate from all the past timelines but just not that person. In every timeline she’s always the same. A hypocrite who plays nice but always, always tries to get rid those I care for.” (Saya)

“Ok…. Hitomi I think this one is a landmine even for you. I did take a peek. She truly only kills one person. But it’s not really because she wishes to, it’s the choices that person leads the pathway to. That person isn’t always a God fanatic. You also understand that she leads up to her sworn sister and teacher dying so Sayuri’s anger can be understood. She didn’t wanna change but had to change. Even Ayame understands that.” (Eris)

I quietly became quiet instead. The sadness in her eyes towards me is real. That much I understand. Those feelings of being in a time loop because someone else’s actions made me understand. Her hatred was built up slowly by that person. An infinite hatred towards that person. A constant cycle of hatred on one side that built up so much that she couldn’t forgive even if the person screamed innocent in front of her.

“It’s sad that you can’t forgive her, Saya. Maybe this is your chance to forgive.” (Hitomi)

“Kindness and gentleness is also a double edge Hitomi. So is self righteousness. Sometimes you have to go against the whole world to just be yourself. The first two things I had to let go as Sayuri there was those first two emotions. In a timeline where everything is out to get you and any step can be just wrong. You have to accept that your own path is always the path to destruction of your loved ones. That’s the timeline before this one.

I need not your acceptance nor do I need you to try to change me. I’m no Rika. My actions are justified to myself. Knowing what I’m doing is what I should do is all I need to know. Being myself is doing damage, then change to be the same shade as that world we live in. That’s the law of survival Hitomi. Change is what the outcome led to. I won’t forget nor will I forgive her behavior. Such a soul can never be innocent.” (Saya)

I flinched as she walked out of the log cabin. It felt as if the resentment was almost tangible. As if I was talking to a monster older than the all the gods combined. Something evil lunged at the very depths in just anger and resentment. She felt so much more dangerous. Like the killing intent hidden within could kill the current me anytime. It almost suffocated me with how much it weighed around us. I fell to my knees in surprise. This person was more extreme than Eris when it came to helping Rika.

Only this person does have the motive to help others as a former Usalra but her heart has changed. Changed to be a darker shade than what it was when I was a child. It made me sad that I couldn’t help her. I also know that as a Asura I couldn’t go that far into the past without repercussions. Yet it annoys me, why I couldn’t be there for aunty when she needed it.

“Her gentleness and kindness was what cut her into two. The next to go was her honor and righteousness as an Usalra. They couldn’t keep her together in the past. It wasn’t needed when it’s what she needed to do to use all the people and things at her disposal to defend her loved ones. Her sworn sister and teacher.” (Eris)

“Peering to the past won’t help. Why don’t you go there and interfere then.” (Hitomi)

“Because the repercussions of another Time manifestation in a timeline with two already at battle would be more disasterous to your current timeline. Such is why we (Rika and I) don’t touch it. Plus we don’t go into complete details of individual and actions. But if her words are correct it’d explain Ayame’s huge change under her human teacher. Yet it makes me feel just as bitter to know how much it changed her.” (Eris)

“Tell me then what happened to Aunt Ray.” (Hitomi)

“She had to discard the Usalra personality and what upheld her as a person. That can really change a person Hitomi. Usalra are honorable angel lineage, brought up well to keep the world in balance. To keep the humans and all other races at peace with the gods and goddesses. Fight for the honor and rights for human to be on equal grounds for all race. Fairness in judgment of others. Kindness to all equal of race no matter the personality and reasons. Remain a neutral ground at all times. Don’t get involved with human conflicts.

These were most of the border line rules for you Usalra. The kindness part wasn’t played by the current generation but Sayuri. So when she was shoved into the 3rd timeline. It broke her. Step by step, it broke her from the ground she stood up. The only time she didn’t stand neutral back then as Sayuri was because she wanted to protect her family from harm. But the third timeline is no place for kindness, honor, respect and righteousness. It’s a place where survival is all that matters. Kindness is but a rusty knife on a platter for the rest to chip away from.

It’s no place for a Usalra to be. Nor is it fixable. It’s a place where instincts, guts, courage and a sane mind is all you need. Every other emotion is put to the test and thrown into disbalance. Sayuri needs no sympathy, she’s Ayame’s former soul. So her returning to the beginning was no surprise. Just she shouldn’t have carried her naive beliefs that everyone deserves your kindness and chances. Her actions were her own. The choices she led was the outcome Hitomi.

Distrust was the best she should do for strangers aside from her master and her sworn sister. That’s what you wanted to know. This is the world that she was thrust into. Her hatred is much older than me and Rika. Don’t get in her way and she won’t attack you. Sayuri you once knew isn’t there. She’s been long gone. The outside is just the melancholy Saya reminiscing.

If anything she trusts no one but her master, her lover and her sworn sister. Saya isn’t a friend nor do you want her as a foe. In a time loop she put herself in she’s older than the worlds combined. Don’t test that monster. Let the sleeping monster be. Hitom, I’m warning you. Her past is more bloodied than the human crusades. Testing her emotions is the last thing you, I or Rika need. That person is sane, abnormal yes. The traits she has is from that girl (without using her abyssal traits). Plus it’s better to leave the past behind.” (Eris)

I’ve never seen her go in such a rapid fire. My passive soul prying didn’t work. But my instincts tell me I want to know. This mystery is the one that really matters to me, not Ayame or Void. What happened to my aunt really bothers me.

“You really should listen to Eris.” (Rika)

“This is Aunt Ray who raised me. It’s my right to know.” (Hitomi)

“What she experienced was despair and desperation that’s all you need to know. Ayame fixed it all up by sealing her emotions after casting out the portion of her soul like she’s supposed to.” (Eris)

I frowned when I heard what she said. As if it was normal for her. Yet it sounded so much like they’re asking me to not look for the past. That hurt me more than anything else since I know these two didn’t want to harm me.

“Peeking in the past if possible as an Asura but it's best to leave it alone Hitomi. Regrets of knowledge are better staying like that. Just regrets. That’s my only advice to you.” (Rika)

“Yes even if Sayuri is like your older sister, she’s your former aunt. But the current her isn’t a stable factor either.” (Eris)

“Why do you both say that as if she could flip on me at anytime.” (Hitomi)

“A person is a person. And a monster is anything but human. That’s the answer you're asking. She left her humanity to deal with that person. Sayuri doesn’t include herself in human categories as before. And I meant that by her mental health. That person tossed it when it was her against an army kingdom that betrayed her teacher. By her own will she raised an undead army to commit atrocities against humans. In doing so she had earned the title of demon lord herself. If you think a former angel is the problem then you're wrong. She’s no longer kind nor gentle. Wake up Hitomi.” (Rika)

I didn’t say anything back, that sounded so unlike Sayuri. Rising a dead army against them just because of one person. It sounded over the top. That wasn’t like the image I had of my former aunt at all. She’s practically stranger now. They also made it sound like she’s only got anger and hatred running through her. Yet the her earlier when she met me seemed sane. Comfortable and safe to be around. This left me confused with my emotions.

It was different from the time with Ling Yue. I felt hurt knowing that the person who was the person that I wished to return home to as a family became what she was. As if my heart had been trampled on by the fates themselves personally. There was a gaping hole in my heart knowing that Aunt Ray May never return to how she was back then. The memories of the past of me sitting in her lap as she reads to me while I laugh so happily. If only the innocence of hers stayed the same.

Instead I’m remembering her words. The dead are sometimes better to be left being the dead. She meant having a second chance, rebirth or being alive again. That’s what she’s getting at. It scares me how much it could match the current her. I still remember the teenager self of hers saying that if she’s reborn again she’ll love being family with us again. The one now probably isn’t looking for that. Sayuri changed so have I but I wanted her to stay the same.

I felt confused when the scene suddenly changed. Neither Eris or Rika in the log cabin were here. Nor was the log cabin. Rather it unsettles me. My eyes went to the fancy canopy bed then to the brightly smiling girl in front of me sitting there. Her looking at me unsettles me. Her bright green blue hair reminds me of Luna. Yet the one here looks 15 years old. Not in her 20s.

“I am Luna. Just not the one you know. I do think the one in your world and timeline is spoiled rotten. Her teacher wasn’t harsh enough nor was it right for her to protect the young Luna from the world.” (Luna)

Even the vibe given was different, no rather the way she shifted me into a pocket dimension was different. She’s not the Luna we know, she’s a different personality as a whole. For example her wearing such a black formal gown. Her sharp green eyes contrast with the lazy one that is well known. This one in front of me doesn’t look like her. It’s like looking at a mirror of someone similar.

“Did you know the one who raised me after reversing time was Saya. She used the Usalra guide lines. Though she doesn’t expect the other outcome. But that’s for me to know and you to be annoyed about. The dead are just that. It’s better to have them completely gone. It annoys me how the plague Saya. Humans should stay away from her. Her past doesn’t need them nor does the current her need to be in contact with them. They need her respect it’s not the other way around. Not after what they did to her.” (Luna)

“So you call me her former niece to say that to me.” (Hitomi)

“Humans don’t change their nature. I’m surprised they don’t go to extinction on their own.” (Luna)

I can sense it, there’s disgust and hatred in her words. There wasn’t malice in her words but I can tell. The Luna in front of me truly hates the humans from her heart. She’s not like the one in our time that wants attention. Rather I’m scared to ask but I know she will say it anyway.

“Saya’s kind, resourceful and very harsh on herself. She’s not as naive as she was before. Nor do I want her close to humans like that again. Her heart has healed some but she’s the type to hold grudges against people for a lifetime.” (Luna)

Wait, I think that last bit was directed at me to understand Sayuri's mindset. No longer as Aunt Ray. But as a total stranger that had experienced more than millions of years in a time loop.

“I just hate the ones who turned her into whom she is now. She’s a former shell of herself. Especially that half demon girl. That person deserves it. Saya is kind, she’s not gentle but she is strict. If you want her to revert back it’s useless. The one you see before you is the one outcome from events of a timeline past. No one can reverse the effects. Even if I did unlock my time racial traits already I am unable to do so. Because that would be denying the current Saya who raised the current me.” (Luna)

“Like how she reversed your time for yourself as a selfish wish to keep you alive.” (Hitomi)

“That’s her problem. Not mine.” (Luna)

“You’re the cause aren’t you.” (Hitomi)

“I can probably rival the Rika by your side. Even if she’s my sister, I won’t allow anyone to take Saya away. Saya is the one who raised me when she switched timelines when she was revived. She didn't look for anything else but revived me first and reversed my time then raised me single handedly. She’s not as lenient as Rika. Rather she’s harsher on herself. But that’s the difference she’s not Rika. Such she doesn’t hate herself.” (Luna)

That glow in her eyes and that haughty look with her sharp beautiful face pisses me off. It’s like she’s challenging me by saying she’s my family. We have no room for you to play family with.

“She isn’t a narcissist plus she made sure to take only the part of the soul chunk that was hers. In a way it didn’t sit well with her. That’s what makes her and me close. Because we understand each other. She’ll always come back to me even if she has a lover because we’re family. With me she’s honest and her true self.” (Luna)

Sparks were definitely flying between me and the time anomaly Luna. I understand why she doesn’t go outside of her pocket dimension is that she doesn’t wish to be assimilated into the one in our timeline. She’s a special existence due to Aunt Sayuri’s actions.

“If we were both kittens then you’re the abandoned cat.” (Luna)

“Like hell I am you, replica! You’re just a copy of the Luna here.” (Hitomi)

“Wrong, I’m the main soul. But if I stay in the pocket dimension when she dies then I don’t get her essence as a fragmented soul. It’s like how Rika split. Only I don’t want to lower myself to be the same as that thing.” (Luna)

She meant the attention craving and lowering herself past other races. This person was aware even though her memories were reverted.

“Because she gave me the past Rika’s memories before they fused completely. She didn’t lie that she cast Rika out because Rika didn’t like her idea of reverting me to a child and starting from scratch.” (Luna)

“It wasn’t because of disharmony in souls but dispute over you.” (Hitomi)

“Isn’t it obvious. Eris still wants to kill the Luna there. Saya wants to save her. And Rika just wants to strip authority but if, just say If it were up to me I’ll kill her before that in the Heroes Era. That’s how I’d do things discreetly. Here’s another reward for listening to me rant on Saya. She can go into the far past without repercussions because of her race and fusing completely with Eris.” (Luna)

I collapse on the floor in exhaustion from realizing the fact. That’s why she couldn’t let the girl go. Because she herself can travel that far back. Yet what she’s doing seems so wrong.

“Can’t she make it so that the person changes like you do.” (Hitomi)

“And allow the enemy to live when the cost is the lives she cares for. Are you stupid. Those two souls are what keeps Saya being herself. Without them you're asking her to unshackle sanity. It’s like you’re asking her to kill me off. If I truly died, I wonder how she’d react.” (Luna)

Somehow the wording worries me. Since Aunt was the one who raised her so why does she point everything as if I was at fault. Yet the words she said truly worries me, in more ways than one.

“What do you mean.” (Hitomi)

“An abyssal is loyal to its love one. But in her case it’s different since she’s connected to chaos. She can have a lot of lovers. Yet she doesn’t. Saya is very loyal to those who falls for her.” (Luna)

Why does her words make me so irritated. Like how someone is listening to metal scratching against another metal. Although I know why I dislike her. It’s because she has Sayuri’s attention. My former aunt raised the current her.

“I don’t leave the pocket dimension because it’d be troublesome to be detected by the other Luna, Riot, and Irene. Although the latter probably would be glad for the change the other two are problems itself. So let’s set an alliance Hitomi. To helping Saya.” (Luna)

“You say that but we both know you just want revenge for yourself for your caretaker and Rika.” (Hitomi)

“You’re not wrong Hitomi I want to punch the cocky bitch for trying so hard to kill her because Rika and her were once in one body.” (Luna)

“That’s as if you’re dissing yourself yet it’s not. It’s so damn confusing when you two look the same and have the same name.” (Hitomi)

“Then think of me as the outcome if someone more stricter than Rika raised me.” (Luna)

“But you’re both Luna in the essence aren’t you.” (Hitomi)

“Yes in a sense. But the personalities and willpower conflicts, if I were to go out and she assimilates into me the results can be said to be very disastrous for everyone. As such I don’t leave Saya’s pocket dimension. Because I know my time racial trait can backfire on me if that Luna is alive. So this means an alliance between you and me.” (Luna)

“You’re horrible and you know it. Threatening me with your own life.” (Hitomi)

“Then think of me as the future Luna that took the chance to change and forgive Rika.” (Luna)

It was odd but I couldn’t get angry with her. Especially when I know she’s not the one that played with Ling Yue’s memories.

“I’m not like her or Rika. She (Rika) manipulates the soul to remember the past directly. Thus making lovers remember their past lives. The current her likes playing Cupid because she doesn’t wish for others to be more miserable than herself. As a gift she personally trains them skills, techniques and abilities in all rounder way for 1,000 years in her pocket dimension. Her freebie is eidetic memory and the fate’s eyesight to find their soul mates.” (Luna)

“Isn’t finding lovers great though.” (Hitomi)

“When the one who does it out of guilt I can’t say it is.” (Luna)

I don’t even want to know now since I didn’t see it directly from Rika’s perspective all the time. But in certain she means from the current Rika. Not her past that I saw with soul peeking passive skill.

“Saya doesn’t hide me because she wants to, it’s because she has to.” (Luna)

“If you know so then why don’t you do something about your situation.” (Hitomi)

“Call me Lu until we’re both sure she’s completely gone from all timelines.” (Luna)

“You do know your plan is insane.” (Hitomi)

“Then add in Eris in since she’s extreme and predictable enough.” (Luna)

“You’re the last one I want as an ally but we can’t choose since the one in our end is worst than a pig teammate.” (Hitomi)

“Of course. By the way did you know Sayuri has only 2 lovers aside from Yuki.” (Luna)

Hearing her the cup in my hands broke. She dares mention it again in front of my face with that carefree smile. The tea cup that I had been offered and drank half of the conversation was now destroyed by my own hands.

“I think you match. The description of a formerly weak ojou-sama. It’s why you too were spoiled. Aren’t we like mirrors.” (Luna)

“I’m nothing like the sadistic Luna.” (Hitomi)

“How rude to shout at me. But the huge difference between me and your Luna is that in a M.” (Luna)

A blush rushed to my face as I see her smile. I’m certain this pervert knew she could invite me in and kick me out. She wanted to see aunt Sayuri’s anger at her.

“Sorry I don’t see her like that. I just wanna see her angry for once. She’s always composed it’s so annoying that her facial expression doesn’t change much.” (Luna)

Odd but I can understand that’s how I am with Niana sometimes. But her words make me certain. It’s not the Sayuri I know anymore. She’s kind, gentle, lenient and very noble. The more I here about the one known as Saya the more I see the big differences. I can say that Saya is probably no longer the Sayuri I know. Now I understand why Rika they said to not look for her past.

“Actually the best example of Saya’s circumstance is the boxed cat that’s in a time loop, the one that humans question is it alive. But instead it’s not her but the friends of the past in those circumstances.” (Luna)

As a Phoenix I could since a lie in her sentence earlier. Yet it wasn’t the one about Saya’s circumstances. She glossed it over too much for me to differentiate it from the topic. But I know she only thinks of Saya as family not like a lover. It was why she was mad and made the sick joke with the cat.

“If she heard you say that she’d be angry at you.” (Hitomi)

“You’ll come to terms with it eventually.” (Luna)

“Instead it disturbs me how you turn it into a joke. Plus even if you’re an M and don’t see her like that. You shouldn’t anger her for the heck of it.” (Hitomi)

“Saya never seems to let up around me. I just want her to be refreshed and be more relaxed.” (Luna)

Angering her is never the answer then. Why’d she go for something so strange. I don’t understand what the goddess was trying to achieve by angering someone. It won’t refresh themselves. Rather it’ll probably lead to more trouble in more ways than one.

“Did you know that she hates that person and that person’s child. It’s why she didn’t mind wiping out almost all their soul fragments all over the timeline in the past.” (Luna)

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