《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 61 Ling Yue’s predicament and Hitomi’s confusion


Ling Yue POV

“Hey Yuna you think she’s dead.” (Velvet)

“No, she’s still breathing Velvet.” (Yuna)

“Is she I’ve never seen wolf ears like this. Plus this tail. She seems unable to move. I wonder what could’ve done such to her. Her breathing is so faint like you said.” (Velvet)

“Hm… no heartbeat though. Maybe it’s a race thing.” (Yuna)

“But I double checked her blood incase. The lethality was overwhelming. There is poison in her blood that can melt even metals. But should we really be sneaking like this Yuna. If father found out he’d kill me.” (Velvet)

“The poison isn’t worrying. It’s been ten days. I’ve been changing the dose of antidote she needs for her poison to dissipate. Plus we’re turning 19 soon. Is father and mother still at odds.” (Yuna)

“Yes father was at fault but he blames mother for it still. But are you really going against mother by learning potions and herbology? Mother was really angry at it.” (Velvet)

“I want to learn the best I can to heal those in need as well as change the Hidori family. So that we can coexist as a whole instead of killing our siblings in their 6th birthday.” (Yuna)

“As for me the Midori are blacksmiths and weaponry specialist. Yet I’m more into skills and magic. Mother should be proud right.” (Velvet)

“Remember mother they only married for a temporary truce because our family line was in danger.” (Yuna)

“I know but as twins I want to be together with you. Not separated like this because of old family feuds.” (Velvet)

Then there was a shift as one of them slammed the door. But those voices threw me off. I haven’t heard of Hidori or Midori families before. Yet the way they said it was if it was a well known fact. So I can assume I’ve been thrown into another world by whoever saved me earlier. Yet they didn’t completely cure my poison. Just enough for me to be aware of my surroundings but not be able to move yet.

Although it seems that one of the owners of the house I’m now in is trying hard to cure the fumes I inhaled. It didn’t seem like a good thing hearing that my blood can dissolve metal at the current moment. Nor myself being immobile. So I couldn’t see either but my hearing was just fine. Seems like my wolf form went haywire because my body shut down on me due to no ordinary poison.

If it can combo me that badly it just shows how bad my reaction to the left over poison was. The blackness for sight was awful. Because my eyelids wouldn’t move.

“There I felt it, you’re up aren’t you.” (Yuna)

When she opened my eyelids I was greeted with a kind look. Her dark silver hair seemed to be shining so brightly in the sun. Although her eyes were a violet color. Her way of dressing reminds me of a miko but she was wearing all white so it was off.

“Ah I’m not a miko if you’re thinking that. This is my outfit to go into the mountains for herbs. Mother does get mad. I love herbs but seems it doesn’t match what we Hidori are. We are a family that specializes in techniques and killing people for the highest bidder. But I’ve been biding my time and hiding to learn herbology.

Sure I learn techniques to defend myself but I hide when it’s Assassin requests for me. Although Velvet has been doing them on my behalf and getting yelled at. She does know it’s not in my nature. Plus she’s quick to get violent. Plus my parents may nag her about it but even she needs to have an outlet instead of cooped up in the blacksmith.” (Yuna)


I didn’t say anything but the way she said it was obvious. Their parents don’t get along. Her family job seems like trouble for even me. Because I’ve been there before. My father was scumbag though. But the fact he’s no longer looking for me bugs me.

“Oh I see your eyes seem nice in color. A pale blue silver. Kinda reminds me freaking Merlin was at it again wasn’t she. I swear her gender bending the king wasn’t funny. Her pranks probably went too far. Her King is now a Queen. Although I have to say she makes women jealous by her looks.” (Yuna)

Hold up the King Arthur Pendragon in legends of human myths. But that’s impossible there is zero records of him in the Realms. Or any other worlds connected to our worlds in the upper worlds. This must be one of the lower stratum then. Shit I need to get back home. Zenith was also given a day off. Things were like this when I least expected it. Trouble finds me when I least expected it.

“Hmm….. very odd. A seal is in placed in your eye. I wonder how no one saw that there. Do they not even notice it or do they not wish to remove it? It’s strange.” (Yuna)

I couldn’t move but it seems I understand, it’s a seal on my memories that I had zero access to. Seeing the person frown at me but a sigh escaped her as she went off to another room. Then I heard shouting outside. She came running past but not before apologizing to me that she’d be here another day. Guess she was being called away by family servants or family.

At least I can see my surroundings a bit, yet why do I feel so mentally sluggish. This has never happened before. Even the poison in the witches garden didn’t affect me.

“My lady I’m sorry that your personal maid had betrayed your trust to your mother by telling her your whereabouts.”

“It’s no worries, I know this will happen someday. Mother probably tortured her family members in front of her in anger. Since I ran away from my responsibilities as the next Hidori head.” (Yuna)

“But my lady she’s so enraged she said she’ll whip you until you can’t move for a month.”

“So be it. She probably killed my maid’s family in front of her in anger.” (Yuna)

That sounds just as bad for her. Since that means she’s without a personal maid now. It reminds me of how I was at father’s home as a child before he tossed me into the forest. I had no maids that he gave me. Mother was the one who did both her duty as the former goddess of the underworld and a mother.

“Damn Ayame. She sent you here to get on my nerves. Then again Yuna is a pacifist so she can’t really do Assassination like her family does. She also loves herbs and alchemy. Yuna would be able to heal you to perfect health at least. That fog that was in your school was sent there due to the resurrection of Rina’s ancestor. Plus a little extra.” (Rika)

I see Rika but she’s not wearing a kimono. Rather the dress she’s wearing shows the stars in the sky. Yet I noticed she’s not smiling rather her face seemed to be not as expressive as when she asked Hera and Aphrodite for help. Rather from her eyes I can see pity for me.

“It’s the first time that the time loops for our main timelines were derailed by her.” (Rika)


Her clear emerald like eyes were showing me pity. Pity for attracting attention from someone. And whoever that was seems to give even her uncomfortable.

“The one who sent you here is a Abyssal Void Eater. As the name suggests she’s older than you and I. She also can eat worlds if she so wishes to. My past self who wasn’t the me that was alive that helped Hitomi. But forced myself who has already died to be responsible for Hitomi.” (Rika)

I didn’t understand why she was now explaining but I do understand one thing. Somehow I had attracted an abnormality even among races. But her words ate away at me that Hitomi was helped by her past self. It also explains why she’s here now. Her hand was on my forehead but she didn’t look at me. Rather her eyes were at the door where I heard the girl earlier leave.

‘Where am I.’ (Ling Yue)

“The second stratum, the Worlds. It’s so problematic to travel here. Teleportation doesn’t work. You have to look for a gateway or a portal. The Hidori and Midori are the ones who know this and protect the worlds. These two family also knows the locations of said places (gateways and portal). They also know a different secret of the Worlds, but that’s their family inheritance. It’s not for outsiders.” (Rika)

‘Then let me ask you why do you care for me? If it’s pity or because of Hitomi stop it.’ (Ling Yue)

“Hmmm…. it’s neither. It’s because your main soul in the main timeline asked the current me to adopt her. So she changed raced to be similar to the current me. A half Asura and devil demon. At age 10 she asked me to adopt her after she was casted into the past physically into when her mother and father weren’t together. So I did just as she asked. I took her in.” (Rika)

What the hell that explains the soul mutation when I was Lydia. Wait so the reason why Rika looked out for me was because she treated me like a child. It gets me pissed. That a forgotten goddess would have to worry about me. What right does a dead goddess with no authority have to do with the living me.

‘I don’t need your self pity or care.’ (Ling Yue)

“Did you know Luna purposely sent her there so that she would kill your father and cease to exist. Even you understand that she wasn’t that stupid. She disliked being used like that too.” (Rika)

No, shit. That just tells me that Luna is crazy. The type of crazy most people want to stay away from. If they could, but they can’t since she’s the information loving goddess. That’s Luna’s nickname. Her network is in almost all the worlds known in the upper world where we live.

“By the way I don’t have to worry about the other Ling Yue because she’s outleveled Luna so she’s in no danger. Plus all her skills are in the 10,000 range. So no worries there. Quality over quantity after all.” (Rika)

The way the forgotten goddess compares pisses me off more. Because she’s comparing me to another me that pisses me off. Plus it’s not like I needed her to specifically care for me either. There’s something really off with this goddess. That’s my instincts as a half goddess. Why would she do away with the god and goddess system itself. Then be ok with it. That’s throwing away all her authority she holds too.

“The thing is I can use my former powers because my main body isn’t here. It’s the lowest stratum, that has been unbounded by the upper worlds. It’s excluded by the upper worlds.” (Rika)

‘I think you just found a loophole in the system as a soul projection.’ (Ling Yue)

“I waited 100 million of years for revenge on Luna. For what she did in my 2nd life. I don’t need you or Hitomi’s help getting revenge on my own sister. Since she became so childish it’s probably my fault to begin with.” (Rika)

If Hitomi’s even interfering as an Usalra then that means Luna went past even the current corrupt gods.

“Yet now that you’re 1,404 years old. It’s a good thing. Because you start aging like a human at 15 years old in physical looks up until you’re 20. Then you can choose your looks.”

She interrupted my thoughts but her words hit me where it hurts. It also made me realize something.

‘Your past self didn’t go past the age of 19 years old as a divinity. You were 1,900 years old when you had to sacrifice but your looks were that of a 16 year old. It means due to responsibility of taking care of Luna you age faster than us but were able to choose your age in appearance.’ (Ling Yue)

“I waited another 100 million years to see if Luna would change when the time concept was reborn again. So you can say I’m 1 billion and 9 million years old in soul.” (Rika)

Ok now she’s not making sense at all. What the hell is this forgotten goddess even going on about.

“I rewatched all the events over as Luna grew up. To see if that child had changed at all.” (Rika)

Oh great one thing I didn’t need to know a stalker syndrome. Yet I can’t even move my body at the moment so I had to now listen.

“It takes a million years for our world to form. Another 10 million for the time concept to manifest itself. And then the timeline starts all over again.” (Rika)

If I could I would glare at her for explaining this to me. What does that have to do with the current me.

“Because Luna branded all but your main soul. So if she fuses with you it’d be like Luna has her on a leash. That’s how much Luna fears your potential. If she can’t control it she’ll use other pieces to do so. Then she seals up or manipulate the memories.

Soul memories are remembered though. The soul is very special. Did you know that inside a soul is a Soul gem. In the gem it records all records of the soul in 3rd person in detail, even to the spiritual side. So anything hidden by the human side could also be seen. It’s the only thing Luna didn’t inherit from me. She can’t manipulate the soul. Because that isn’t her domain nor was she given the authority. Maybe her actions also deemed her unable to control the time racial ability that we were supposed to share.” (Rika)

I felt sick when I realized what Rika was trying to say. Luna had somehow defiled my body in a way worst than corrupted souls and that’s what pissed both her as well as Hitomi. It’s why Hitomi probably wanted to off Luna. Knowing so made me sick.

“Linking a person to the Dream Plane (2nd lowest stratum) that is unclean and can poison the soul is disgusting. It’s also where black magic and those beings live. At least she’s smart enough to use soul pieces like a catalyst if they’re close to the main one.” (Rika)

That doesn’t make me feel better. If anything knowing I’m connected physically to such a place makes me feel worst than being dirtied. Information doesn’t just say it’s unclean. It’s like the uncomfortable murky feeling that comes hard besides disgust. Kinda hard to describe but it lingers in your mind subconsciously. That’s the feeling that you get from the dream plane and anything related to it.

I did possess a person of such it was a very disgusting and disturbing feel to it. Yet your telling me that without me knowing Luna somehow linked my physical self to that said creepy place.

“It seems you even know how drastic and desperate your situation is. But our years as goddesses aging never did make sense like the current one now.” (Rika)

Hitomi POV

‘If i were Rika I wouldn’t wait 1 billion years for Luna to develop. She waited 900 million years for the world to be recreated. Another 90 million to watch Luna from childhood to adolescence and another 10 million for the time concept to manifest. Were I in her position I’d one off her sister just when she turned 9 (in physical form).’ (Void)

“I would’ve got rid of her when she was aware and making crimes to go on Rika’s head.” (Eris)

“Then think of it like this timeline A or 1 Rika died. Timeline B Rika gets reborn then Luna goes on rampage. All damage down mentally and physically is there. But the world always resets on Rika as if she’s an exception to the rule. As if the world doesn’t want her dying for it. In timeline C as you saw earlier is the timeline that’s a dying world where souls are practically nonexistent. Timeline D is here where Rika reset everything so the world once again resets for her so no one remembers her.

Meaning Luna doesn’t remember betrayal of her sister. But the denial is there. Her sister is a soul that remembers everything of this world and it’s timeline. She also knows places, relics and artifacts. Plus the people that exist. Think of it like this, she who nourishes and cherishes all. Yet her sister is the one who destroys and wrecks all her hard work.” (Void)

“And isn’t it similar to the current you who wants self destruction of herself.” (Hitomi)

“I won’t deny that.” (Void)

“Then you won’t deny that you want to kill yourself by challenging a stronger race or the previous soul you casted aside.” (Hitomi)

“I won’t deny that.” (Void)

Why the hell does the people around me seem so suicidal. In a bad way too. Rika is self sacrificing so is Eris. Void is looking for her place back home by ending her life. I don’t even wanna know how the ending results are after they combine Rika and Eris with two others. I don’t know what their personalities would really be like.

“The main persona would probably be neither Rika or Eris.” (Void)

“How the hell are you so sure.” (Eris)

“It’ll probably be the one you call Mayu or it can be Sayuri.” (Void)

The coffee cup in my hand broke. Eris had handed me a cup of coffee after we went into the moon valley. Yet the words of my aunt’s news always sets me off. The way Void was saying it pisses me off more. As if she knows this piece of news will get me more angry. She knows more than she lets on. My eyes widen in disbelief. How the hell does such a kind and gentle person relate to you who’s inhuman, unfeeling, and destructive.

“You’re nothing like auntie Ray at all.” (Hitomi)

“Because she was cast aside after I resealed my emotions. I killed my teacher’s favorite student (her sworn sister). The one she was affectionate to. It wasn’t like me. I don’t need such weakness.” (Void)

Hearing her words got me disgusted at her. This person went as far as getting rid of someone close to her because her own emotions scared her. This is probably why she sets me off. She doesn’t realize it but she’s dangerous to be around.

“Don’t worry I have no need for split souls of myself or emotions.” (Void)

I didn’t comment since this person was inhumanly insane. That’s what I got from her wording earlier. If it was someone else they’d probably flip at her. But I didn’t because I know she’s trying to get under my skin. No, I know why. It’s there but at the same time it makes zero sense.

“Because that’s just the person Ayame is Hitomi. She does things irrationally because her emotions aren’t all there. Logic and common sense you’d see in society or a person isn’t her. Ayame with act on herself. Only when it’s in her best interest will this person move even if all the odds in chess are against her.” (Eris)

So the type to brawl through with brute strength. Got it, considering her race is probably at the very top with Abyssals. In power, class, and race she out ranks us but her inhumanity is what is backfiring on the current her now. I reverse the process of my coffee cup breaking. But there’s no longer any coffee inside. We’re in a log cabin to relax away from my family yet Void seems to be the landmine stuck to me.

“Odd….. I looked into the timestream in the era of Niana’s kids. Why was the main soul Sayuri with the goddess that bridges the dead’s daughter. Yuki the half vampire and angel. She’s the same age as Niana’s children. So why was Sayuri with her.” (Eris)

I tilted my head confused but seems like hearing that Void vanished on us. Like she teleported out with an insane smile on her face. One you’d see on a person who’s a Yandere. Don’t tell me, Aunt Ray is now in danger because Eris is mumbling to herself confused. Since I can’t do anything I used the astral projection spell to project Void.

“Ayame for the last time stop trying to kill us. You and me were once one being but even this is out of hand. This has been the 8th time already. Even former Mayu’s personality was fed up. So she split Rika completely off of us. Since Rika isn’t part of us.

Plus that girl is a liability. Riot brought Luna back from the past after Eris killed her in soul sacrifice. It was so damn annoying fending off a useless goddess.

Then Rika’s damn personality wouldn’t allow either me, Eris or Mayu to rid ourselves of her. We just had to take her out from within us. It’s problematic. Nora agrees we don’t need her inside.”

“You’re not Mayu or Sayuri. But you’re the former Ayame aren’t you.” (Void)

“Yes you can say that I am the former you casted out. All 4 chucks of souls split. The first one was the sleeping Mayu who monitors and counters you. Luna who’s the insane part of you. Sayuri who’s the kind and gentle former human side of you. Then there’s Nora, the one that was casted out because her part was what made you human-like in emotions.”

“Sayuri was the one sent back into the past. She’s the damn one who loved the sworn sister so damn much it sickens me. Nora was a disappointment, she wanted to reconnect with the humans after I almost killed all of them for their own nature.” (Void)

I couldn’t help crying seeing this Ayame person. Because her whole appearance and feelings were the same as my aunt. The dark blue hair, the shining silver with amber in her eyes were now different. But it was inside her pupil in her eyes. The outside of it was a glowing golden you’d least expect. That vibe I can feel emitting out of her tells me deep inside this is my aunt isn’t it. That’s what my heart screamed to me.

“Killing Clare wasn’t enough for you was it, Ayame. Stay away from those I care for Ayame.”

“As if you can stop me, Saya.” (Void)

“So even you notice that Nora and Mayu are almost nonexistent now. It matters not. This is my emotions Ayame. My answer to you. Yes, sometimes it’s better for the dead to stay dead. To not remember the past. But sometimes it’s that past that defines the current us. It’s only you that can’t overlook it. So you want to end yourself. But I’m different than you, I seek is a home to return to. That is why I wish to return to the Realms itself. You seek your own death thus you always challenge me to such a pointless duel.” (Saya)

“Even your damn name is an anagram isn’t it Saya. S is from Sayuri, A is from Ayame, Y is from Mayu, and A if from Nora. You don’t even separate yourself from the past either.” (Void)

“Because they make her who she is today.” (Yuki)

My eyes went to the girl next to the one who I identified as Aunt Ray. The girl seems like she’s 16 years old. Then again she’s a half vampire from what Eris said. The silky white skin that’s not pale like you’d see in stereotype vampire by humans actually ticks me off, why the hell does Aunt Ray see in such a person. There’s also her red hair that seems to shine in the sunlight. She doesn’t even show that she’s a half vampire much. (It sets off Hitomi because she’s comparing Yuki to her as a child. So it’s a jealousy of her past experience.)

“You’re saying that loving this thing is the right thing to do Saya.” (Void)

“If you’re thinking every race is below even you, I pity you. You who couldn’t except humans. Who wants to wipe them out for their greed. But Ayame thing of it this way, emotions are also the same in you. It runs in everyone. Rather the reason you casted is out and sealed your emotions is because subconsciously you fear that it’ll make you irrational and change.” (Saya)

Void’s actually surprised me next. She straight out tries to punch Aunt Ray. Instead she’s stopped in front of her and isn’t able to move an inch forward. Rather the appearance was the same but the little details isn’t the same. Like that cold look she’s giving Void is something I never saw in my aunt. It confuses me, is she truly my aunt like my mind and heart reasons me. Is she the aunt that I’ve been trying to look for as a child. The one who raised me from a baby until my early teens.

But from the looks of things she too is blind like Void. So that part of them is linked then. Something unbelievable happens, her hand changes into a dragon like scales and claws like when their in demihuman form. If it was truly my aunt she wouldn’t be able to do that.

“How insane, Rika’s ability and powers are left over. You can take on the racial abilities of others at will as if you’re a Dimension. The very beings that can turn into any race inside them. But that should be impossible for us though.” (Void)

“You’re the one who fused us with Rika and used Chaos itself as a catalyst to make us different from you.” (Saya)

“Then she’s the one to stabilise the unstable factor inside yourself.” (Void)

“In a way. That’s why we owe her our life, but Luna is seriously a pest even if she’s but a fragment of soul left over. It’s annoying that she uses the same attack pattern as Rika at us too. Then, there’s you can’t even attack because of the sheer pressure I give out.” (Saya)

Void tried to attack her again but it’s an energy blast at her and Yuki who’s in a sailor uniform. Rather what the hell are you doing that in a modern city in broad daylight. Even it’s common sense to use an illusion and fix the scene of the fight. It’s what everyone as a race agreed on tactically. You can’t just go breaking even those small rules.

Aunt Ray seems strange, especially so when she her hand turned similar to that of Abyssals. The abnormal tingling of muscles had taken on a weird form like a spiky yet cool armour on her hand. Yet she breaks energy but the after blast destroys much of the tall buildings all around. I’m certain Void is trying to kill her, that much is showing from her actions.

“Go reflect in the Void, since you use it as a room. For once listen to anguish and screams of the forgotten souls of the past. It’s why you contracted Rika to reincarnate them is it not. You wanted some peace of quiet back. Now I’m sending you back there while I block all exits. Reflect for another million year before attacking someone out on a date.” (Saya)

“Don’t you think that’s a bit much for her.” (Yuki)

“Her childish behaviour and suicidal actions are better than Luna. But her inhumanity trait is a bother. It’s worst than a double edge blade. At best she can cope with it. If not she’ll probably do more than self harm. Luna was also on that same path towards Rika. I don’t want her on the same path as such a person.” (Saya)

“Judging from her actions we can say she hated your guts or rather herself more.” (Yuki)

“Seems someone was still peeking at us.” (Saya)

My connection was cut off, leaving me and Eris very much confused by the facts in front of us. That person had noticed probably long ago but tested to see if we were a threat. I sighed at the thought that this person wasn’t anything like Aunt Ray.

“Very abyssal like indeed. Taking on all racial traits, skills, abilities, memories, and knowledge even though she ate zero people. It’s almost like she ate the left over bones leftover in the abyss.” (Eris)

“That can’t be aunt Sayuri (Hitomi slips up when irritated or angered) kill discriminately or eat such things.” (Hitomi)

“I didn’t say that, she gives off a feeling of being automatically being fed by the abyss as if she’s it’s treasured child. That’s just me as time concept’s instincts I could be wrong.” (Eris)

It didn’t match my aunt’s personality for her to allow such things. She hated unstable factors the most. Aunt Ray wouldn’t do so unless it’s what sustains herself. That’s what I think. At least my hypothesis of it. I can’t be sure unless I want to undo my plan to fight against Luna in the past and build my own force. It’s also ironic how humans term the demon world as the netherworld. But it’s anything but that, they did so because otherwise the humans would be at risk of a higher standing race in power in racial abilities and traits.

“I don’t think a dense Ling Yue would make the first move on you. Unless you make your move on her after she returns from the lower world.” (Eris)

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