《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 60 conflicts


Ling Yue POV

I didn’t understand Aunt Celen, why did she follow Hera and Aphrodite. They only knew each other for a few days. Yet she follows them so easily. It would be so much easier if she just told me why. Rika ignored me this time too. Rather if I thought of this way she seemed uninterested in me. But the way she edged me on in the wrong way during battle dues tick me off. Yes we live in a mixed time period world but she didn’t have to act so annoying.

I was now back into classes with them as if yesterday didn’t happen but the Asura’s words bugged me. A romantic tragedy, that’s what my life is. Does she mean Niana then, she’s engaged to my half brother. Hitomi confuses me, I’m not myself around her. But when I noticed my surroundings freezing I couldn’t help but flinch. It made me remember what Hera and Aphrodite said about gods. They attract trouble wherever they went. Even a halfling like me. Shit demigods have it better.

I quickly covered my nose with my uniform jacket when I noticed the purplish pink smog. It was seeping out from under the doors. The students were dying instantly when inhaling. I’ve never seen such aggressive poison before. (If Rika was there she’d amaze at the poison fog from the world that she warned Hitomi not to enter.) Instant death on exposure and the body being decomposed faster than acid.

I could probably hold my breath for 39 minutes only. So I jumped out the window without staying inside the classroom. I wasn’t sure what’d happen to me who was in middle of the class room. Plus I’m sure I inhaled a little bit. I coughed up blood when I was outside. My whole body felt heavy and I staggered with my steps. Yet there’s no poison smog here. It’s probably just inside the building.

But the circle glowing blackish red gave me a very bad feeling. A spell of summoning or a release spell. It was one of the two yet the unsettling feeling was there. A vast amount of pressure made me almost double over on my knees. I coughed out more blood. But because I myself am a halfling I have red blood instead of golden. Demons also bleed red. Yet it discomforts me even more in this situation. Because I know I’m powerless in this situation. High level doesn’t mean anything if the poison is off the charts. It does feel as if my whole body is shutting down on me.

My eye sight is getting haze and I feel light headed. Just what type of poisonous fog is that. Instead my body felt so heavy that I could no longer move. Seriously what was that poisonous fog that came out of no where. Also who made it happen inside a school. The eyes sight went completely black on me as I struggled to move.

“Can’t have the young demoness die so early now. I’ll have her teleported there. It’ll be interesting to derail Luna and Rika’s plans for once. Though Luna flipping off is funny.” (Void) (she can be in many places at once)

Hitomi POV

Void’s smile at me unsettles me, as if a cat were playing with it’s food. It creeps me out coming from her. Especially since she sealed her emotions. The only emotion I felt from her was sadness. That’s the thing that makes me uncomfortable about her.

“I can understand emotions from others. Therefore I can function just fine as if one who has emotions. Though something keeps telling me to get rid of all humans. It’s odd, like a voice out there with that much hate that they can resonate with me on a wavelength.” (Void)


“Actually ignore that voice.” (Hitomi)

‘Then there’s the little princess asking to be freed. She no longer wants to sleep.’ (Void)

“My question for you is if she combines with Rika would Rika be herself.” (Hitomi)

‘Yes and no. They become one entity and the princess will have her personality fuse with Rika. But I think it’s not a problem.’ (Void)

“What do you mean it’s not a problem.” (Hitomi)

‘She’s the one I casted out first after that incident then sealed my emotions.’ (Void)

My eyes widen, did she just admit that the kind naive self she first had was what she casted aside first. That means what I was worried about was pretty much nothing. The girl didn’t have time to develop aside from with Rika. Maybe that’s why her innerworld felt so empty.

“You abandoned her. Actually you’re worst that Rika. You’re the one that casted yourself aside when things got bad.” (Hitomi)

‘I never asked to nor do we all need your help. How we do things is our own feelings. As for her, it’s about time. She didn’t want anything of this so I’m freeing her now. Isn’t that a good thing.’ (Void)

“What you’re doing is cruel to her. That is also a part of yourself that you casted out. Now that you want to move on your casting her out into the world again. Are you sure she’s ok with all this.” (Hitomi)

‘I’m sure she will be different from the current me. A me who can’t move on.’ (Void)

“That’s why you choose Rika wasn’t it. But by doing so you’re making Rika able to return here in her next life. Although for you, it’s a recycling process for yourself who is now stuck because you don’t have your whole soul.” (Hitomi)

‘Seems you really reviewed your new eidetic memories.’ (Void)

“I’m not stupid, I like to know things beforehand so I don’t get surprised. But if I’m going to the past, I’m keeping a tight leash on Ling Yue so that Luna can’t do anything to her.” (Hitomi)

‘Someone seems pissed that Luna always alters her lover’s memory except the main soul.’ (Void)

“Shut it. And allow me to relax at the view a little longer.” (Hitomi)

‘So you say but you enjoy the moons as much as Rika does.’ (Void)

“You wished for something wholesome didn’t you. That’s the feeling I get from you. Being at the top is lonely isn’t it.” (Hitomi)

My eyes were no longer on her but the twin moons. As if I was searching for something. I don’t know, maybe I didn’t want to look Void in the face even if she has that silver blindfold. She reminds me of Rika a little but the similarities aren’t completely there. Because she doesn’t have the gentleness or kindness that Rika oozes it.

“Did you know that Rika’s favourite song is sung by the devil princess who’s family is competitive. During the slaughter of a whole city as she sings in a lost because she couldn’t control her thirst for blood. Because she couldn’t make herself kill. She lost her sanity after that. A whole city massacred because she didn’t want to kill. Yet her instincts as a devil won her over. Thousands died in that city as she cried in the rain and sang a old lullaby for the Devil Demons.” (Void)

The way she worded it sounds like she also enjoyed it. The song that is. But that was the very song I disliked. In the angel’s tongue it goes on about how the devil baths and relish in the blood of all that’s dead. Those slaughter in the city just to quench their thirst. Dying is but the duty that food there needed to serve them.


‘It goes like that for the angels eh? The Devils have it described in sadness. It goes as if you slaughtered you friends, families, and all because your instincts as well as sanity won you over. The very blood rain that bathes you in is the closest dead ones to you. You’ll never feel the feelings of love the same way again. For this disaster is one you asked for by not quenching your thirst beforehand. Avoiding to eat has led to this outcome of all dead before your eyes without their body in sight.’ (Void)

“That’s the first verse of the passage. But how does that relate to an half Asura and Devil demon like Rika.” (Hitomi)

‘Hm, it relates it definitely does. Her heart died because her link was cut to her child. So all that’s left is a hollow person. She can only feel the grieve that’s left by the betrayal. Just like the song. As there is an old phrase that means in the song: my own heart dug out by my own mistakes of a young me. Actually that’s the only phrase in old tongue almost forgotten. ’ (Void)

“She’s not the same. Although she would get revenge on Luna she’s not the same as you Void.” (Hitomi)

‘Humans are an ugly creature as much as the gods are themselves. Greedy, vanity, full of lies, emotional and very very foolish. So much so that I agree with Rika’s outlook on them. Did you know she truly hates them deep down. On the surface she hates them. For they were the case of her suffering from the beginning to the end.’ (Void)

I didn’t talk to her anymore I glanced at the sun coming up. Eris popped back up but she shifted her fingers into her hair nervously. Guess she’s still awkward about my question of Grace. But I understood what she meant Grace was the type to do so in a time and place that she felt was right for the atmosphere.

Yet it annoys me about the truth that Rika was revealed to me by Void. That the truly reason why Rika hates herself was because Luna and a whole race. This person couldn’t forget or forgive herself. It hurt me to see either of it from Eris and Rika. Void wasn’t being fair here. It’s like she’s playing with my heart and feelings as a whole. I understand that’s what entertainment it was for her. To observed me full of emotions when I least expected it.

“Well at least you didn’t do what you wanted in the back of your mind you before Ling Yue left.” (Eris)

“Shut it. That’s for my subconscious to know and not said out loud.” (Hitomi)

“Even with Rain there, you wanted to pounce Ling Yue into your lap and outright kiss her a lot there and then.” (Eris)

I blushed as I quickly moved from the heart shaped rocks and covered her mouth. After all I didn’t need her to tell me what I wanted deep down to do. Even I know how it was with soulmates, like something clicks for you and everything was an impulse you couldn’t control. It irritates me that I couldn’t completely control myself. Yet I knew how to hold back myself since I only meet her a few times. The kiss was all I did just by holding back so much.

Although it pisses me she thinks that Niana is the love of her life. Makes me sick thinking my sister was the one she thinks is her true love.

‘If you truly saw the sleeping princess I’m sure you’d cry. After all she looks so close to someone you know of your past. An aunt or a relative maybe.’ (Void)

I ignore the person trying to dig into my brain behind me and Eris. Eris gave me a wry smile after I let go. Yet Eris tackled me with a hug out of nowhere and hugged me tight. If I was born in a normal warm family maybe this would be how it felt. Her hug felt comfortable yet there was nothing else between us. There was no invisible wall between us like my family. No walls built so we won’t hurt each other more than needed.

It made me remember my 2nd aunt who was similar in age. When I was 10 years old, she was 16 years old. She always made time to be with me. As busy as our family seemed she always tried to be there. Aunt Ray disappeared completely though on my 12 birthday. There was no signs of her, zero words and poof as if she didn’t exist. We had a mini funeral for her. A body was never found. That person loved the stories in the library, she’d collect more books from around the outside and read them to me.

A 9 paired winged angel vanished without a word. An angel wanted and branded by the world for her wings. (They’re hunted down if they have more than 12 wings.) Just because her soul was so powerful that the gods couldn’t control her. Yet it was what she used to protect our family at the time. No one bothered us after her disappearance because of fear.

“Sometimes you have to forget Hitomi. I don’t think Sayuri will be angry at you.” (Eris)

“Wait how do you know her name. She wasn’t shown much in Rika’s memories.” (Hitomi)

“That’s the only memory that Rika hid deep in herself soul prying doesn’t work. Rika blames herself for that fault. Sayuri’s disappearance is what Rika could never let go. Especially when she disappeared into the poison world with plants. Even though Rika warned her never to go. She went in with the mind to cure your illness.” (Eris)

So the cause for her disappearance was because of my own weak self during that time. Even knowing it made my heart feel painful. As if it had been cut by a knife. Eris didn’t go into the subject anymore but I knew it’s better to let it go. Not everything is meant to be known. Yet I could remember her smile in the summer as if it was just yesterday. My current age is 17 years old. Yet my looks are like 13 or 14 years old. Niana’s age is 17 years old. She met Ling Yue at age 13. She met Ling Yue when she was 4 year ago, which annoys me. (I did a 3 year timeskip during the time Ling Yue has to go to school. Because that’s when they meet again. I didn’t mention their age again because it goes more smoothly.)

I met Ling Yue at the same age, it was also when Ling Yue’s plans against her father backfired too.

It was just after aunty Ray disappeared. But then again I’m now older than Niana due to Rika using her dimensional pocket. Like last month I used a clone to stay with Niana and Rain but I spent 45 years inside that pocket dimension with Rika training different skills. So mentally and physically I’m 45+ 17 which makes me 62 years old but I kept my age the same since it wouldn’t make sense. Plus Niana would flip. Since were similar in age.

Well angels die at age 10,000. That part is similar in the Phoenixes in regard to age. But aunt Ray’s second name is Sayuri. But as a baby I couldn’t pronounce it so she told me to call her other name. Which was Ray.

“Things are what they are.” (Eris)

“You say so but my life span just went infinite due to race change didn't it.” (Hitomi)

“So true.” (Eris)

‘Like the fact you didn’t meet Ling Yue until you're 17 again. But Niana is dense. Nor that the truth is that during the 4 year gap you were investigating her and Rika’s past.’ (Void)

‘Shush.’ (Hitomi)

“Lifespan isn’t the problem for you. But what Rika taught you is since she has no common sense there.” (Eris)

“True. She taught me runesmithing, engineering, blacksmithing and languages. For the 5 extra years she crammed lock picking skills into my body. I swear I almost broke with how harsh that person was.” (Hitomi)

“She probably doesn’t want you dying by traps either. Because it’d be pitiful if you died by a arrow trap or pitfall full of spikes.” (Eris)

“I didn’t know that Rika had so much information to cram inside someone.” (Hitomi)

“Well at least your not heroines. She kinda crams them mentally with all the stuff she knows. And that takes around 1,000 years to get it all done. It also includes hacking, business, martial arts, weaponry, blacksmithing, engineering, and etc. But you kinda get it she dabs in almost every. Well except cooking and fishing.” (Eris)

‘Asking her to excel in cooking when her skills is average in it is a disaster recipe. She doesn’t know how to measure how much salt or spice you need in it. Her main body as a human but is a disaster in a kitchen. Her food counts as poison. As for the fishing her, are you asking her to confront her trauma. Simple soup plain soup seems fine for her though. ’ (Void)

I won’t ask. My mouth twitched in response but I’m certain there’s a reason for that. I stretched instead of asking since I did know that Eris probably won’t mention it anymore than this. So that I know ahead of time to don’t ask.

“By the way, do you want to check modern human laboratory in person.” (Eris)

“Like hell I do! They found out about other races and created an abomination. It literally reads Failed experiment on race. Humans tried to make their race more powerful. It’s white genderless, full of muscles, no eyes and crawls weirdly. Can’t die by nukes and moves at amazing speed. So much so that humans can’t see them when they arrive. They also eat any living thing they see. Why would I go there. I’ve seen it from Rika’s memories and my sisters videos of how humans touched that line they aren’t supposed to.

How the hell do you want a beginner like me to fight something that moves like 890 kilometers in speed. Do you want me to instantly die. Eris is my life a joke to you.” (Hitomi)

“No, no, no, I wanted you to go there and see in person what actually happened. I can teleport you out before it goes wrong.” (Eris)

“I’d probably lose a limb before that.” (Hitomi)

‘She’s actually trying to distract you from a very disturbing truth. The poisonous world has taken a manifestation of your disappeared aunt’s body.’ (Void)

My eyes seemed to have burned into Eris who flinched. She most definitely read that thought of mine. Anger was sleeping out of me. Like why the hell does it take on a person it killed. Eris wriggled around uncomfortably and went into hiding.

“Sorry about that.” (Rika)

I calmed down when I saw Rika in her see through self before me again. In fact I’ve understood why she didn’t say. It was like those stories of being spirited away. That’s why Rika couldn’t forgive herself. Even though the her back then couldn’t do much.

“At least I saved her soul this time around. Her body not so much. Sayuri was very amused at the fact.” (Rika)

“That she finally met you.” (Hitomi)

“There’s that too but seems that she was surprised by me doing a full revive without consequences. Though she didn’t want to return home because of embarrassment since you're now cured.” (Rika)

I can so imagine Aunt Ray looking nervous and red faced when she faces me. Hearing that she’s well I laughed hard at her actions.

‘But, you’re avoiding the truth aren’t you Hitomi. You can tell can’t you. The truth is that this isn’t Sayuri’s main soul. In fact that’s only 1 third of it. Even Rika didn’t notice something so simple as that. The poisonous world is probably not the one responsible. Yet you tire yourself by doing this.’ (Void)

“Shut it Void! It’s not true.” (Hitomi)

“Revealing me to Rika. Is this how you intend for things to go.” (Void)

My anger got the best of me. But it was probably because of the fact that Aunt Ray was the one who raised me. Rika flinched when she saw Void. Her glowing body stood before us outshining her surroundings. The green hair of her was braided up to her butt yet there’s an illusion as if her hair is up to her ankles.

“You’re Temi Ayame Tempus Fiord Liona Jewel. The Abyssal Void Eater. The one only seen three times in Grace’s timeline where she ruled fairly. The first time was to help a villager. The second time is was during the human race almost going extinct by your actions. That third time was when you plunged yourself into the depths of the sea. Actually how the hell are you alive when you got swallowed by a Sea Serpent as big as world itself.” (Rika)

“And there it is, she’s not completely clueless. But I’ve let go of the humans already in the 3rd timeline. I mean they’re going to be destroyed by themselves or by Luna so why not leave it be. Plus my bonus for you is a gift is it not. I casted her to the least expected place. The two twin sisters. The heads of the Hidori and Midori family that we’re at odds later on.” (Void)

“You went and threw Ling Yue to the 2nd stratum below the Realms. That’s called the Worlds for a reason. You can’t travel without finding a portal to go to another world or teleport gate. Don’t you dare think this is funny. The Midori specializes in weaponry and smithing. Known one half of the Worlds secrets. Yuna Hidori and her sister Velvet Midori founded the two families. While the Hidori holds the other half of the secret, they specialize in techniques. It’s in their second generation that they went back to being enemies.

It was those two sisters that wanted their families united. You think it’s funny to test those two sisters. They worked hard to be where they were. Yuna Hidori was a pacifist, Velvet was her backbone but their parents tore them apart. The damn Hidori’s have a sick age of coming. They make the 6 year old sibling fight the older sibling to the death. Those two twins tried to change the outcomes with the best they could. Are you saying your tossing Ling Yue there on a whim. Ayame you make me sick.” (Rika)

“It’s not that bad. The Midori has many dead too don’t they. Killing the Hidoris before those two’s birth.” (Void)

I didn’t answer any of them because I remembered when I saw that scene I threw up for days. I’m unable to imagine killing your own sibling when you’re 7 or 8. Or when they turn 5. They truly were in the wrong there yet they still keep their tradition to hone the best only. It sickens me to think of killing someone you helped raise from a baby with your own hands.

“At least your vessel didn’t burst from you being reborn right.” (Void)

“Wait you know about Mayu.” (Rika)

“I cast her aside from myself. She was unnecessarily at the time.” (Void)

“So you abandoned her when she was naive. If you’re the one who casted her aside then I understand. I don’t think she needs you.” (Rika)

Anger was seething out of Rika. Void was not disturbed at all. If possible I could almost see the sparks flying off. These two are like water and oil. They don’t mix well. I have a major headache. Rather I don’t even wanna know why Void was trying to get under my skin.

“Does That girl matter that much to you? Isn’t she another me though. It’s not as if she knows it though.” (Void)

“She’s nothing like you. Mayu isn't such a person nor would she end up like an emotionless doll like the current you.” (Rika)

“Are you so sure.” (Void)

“Like how you cut the Celestial races and crammed them in with the immortals.” (Rika)

I see these two are those type. Rika is a tsundere. Void is a kudere. She cares about Rika and Eris but acts cold. I’m not sure about her towards me though.

“At least I’m not the same as the Abyssals. They restructure every muscle and fiber starting from their leg then upwards. After that the process repeats. Plus they get all the skills, techniques, artes, and memories of the victim they ate. That’s the only side effect aside from their racial abilities. The sweet craving was a mechanism built in by their mind. As a self defense so they don’t eat their lover or soul mate. It’s funny how they’re loyal for life to that one lover.” (Void)

Why the hell do you go pick a fight with her about her lover now. I can see so much energy in the air besides Aura condensing around Rika. I think she flipped the wrong switch by dissing Rika’s lover. I backed up quickly before I could be in the cross fire. Rika tossed her naginata at Void, who deflected it with her right hand. If it was a normal person they’d flinch at the speed it was going.

Yet it scares me with the energy bursting from that naginata . How the heck do you deflect something that can blow up a limb. That’s how much Rika put into it. Rika picked up her naginata and charged at her. I don’t think it’ll do much Void just stood there and I can see sparks as it touched her skin. Kinda like how metal against metal. But there was zero scratches on her face after Rika backed off.

“Here eat this.” (Rika)

Seeing the huge magic circle and the meteor. I quickly spread out my wings and flew into the sky out of range. Even from a far I can see void use her pinky finger to hold the meteor in place. Just how overpowered is her race. She actually just pushed it back lightly and it’s sent back into the sky. Our skies are weird for us. If you’re trying to go to space, instead you’ll end up in another world. It’s similar to the magical grassy plains here. I flinch at the thought it probably might hit a city. These two fighting are worse than children fighting.

Rika is sending spell after spell and Void is deflecting them with a finger instead. That tells you a lot, meaning she could’ve done so at the beginning with the spear but she didn’t. It’s like she’s toying with Rika. When Rika realized that the spells weren’t doing damage. She changed her weapon to a bow and started firing magical arrows instead. I didn’t think these two were like this. They were like two rivals on the field, where one was trying to kill the other, while the strongest wasn’t even into the fight.

Void deflected every blow Rika threw at her. Yet her lower part of her face shown didn’t flinch or twitch. It was like a doll’s neutral look. It was almost eerie to watch her expression during the duel. I don’t even wanna know what her eyes were like at the moment. If you can just picture it, I bet it’d look evil. And the thing was she wasn’t even trying to look the part. Then she just stopped defending and I can see how it goes badly for Rika.

All the energy blasts at Void leaves zero damage to her body or clothes. It’s as if the title goddess was just for show. This person didn’t even flinch as all those hit her again and again. Yet there’s absolutely no damage. I can see why she wants to create a being stronger than her using parts of her past souls she casted aside. She wanted someone more powerful and challenging. That’s probably why. Even if she doesn’t have her emotions she’s using her instincts to look for it.

That’s the vibe I’m getting from her battling Rika while only defending. Rika actually stopped too. I think she kinda read my mind up until why Void was doing things. Oh with Rika’s horrified expression she had no idea. But I’m certain she’ll do everything to protect the innocent one inside her body she’s sharing it with. Her body has three souls in one but Rika is the main one.

“And she’s now gone with her tail between her legs. That was very like Rika. She freaks out when she’s something she doesn’t understand. If Mayu was awake she’d understand more than anyone.” (Void)

“She is awake. Just not in control and she coexists with Rika. That much I can tell from Rika’s response.” (Hitomi)

‘An wise Amazonian Queen once said that an era dying is an age for a new one to dawn.’ (Void)

Damn it I think why I feel creeped out and on edge with Void. Those words freaking reminded me of the royalties I know in the current era we live in. Void gives off similar air of authority to them and the thing is she isn’t trying. That’s what has my head freaking out so much. It’s as if she can manifest a ruler’s authorities out into real life with her speech and actions.

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