《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 58 hidden actions revealed and a mystery figure


Hitomi POV

When she said those words a very chilling word seemed to go through my body. The best way to describe it was lingering darkness and unclean. That’s the vibe I’m getting from those things I’m seeing, it’s increasing. Along with my anxiety to bolt out of here. This person is worst than Rika. She knows she’s dying yet why does she drag me along with her.

“Your thoughts aren’t wrong, they’re close to the unclean things you hear in blackmagic. That’s just how far gone they are. Yet they became creatures that thrive the most in the darkest places where light no longer reaches. They do also go outside, but they do more possessions if anything. Because what they want is to drag people into places like this. That isn’t why I brought you here though Hitomi.” (Eris)

“Why did you bring her as an outsider with you.” (Yu)

Wait a few minutes, human princess why the hell did you ignore the ghosts here. I mean sure you can’t see them but the chilling wind of them being too close for comfort should also bug you too.

“What I can’t see is something I shouldn’t worry about. I live in now and present. Instead I have to fight for our futures myself, that’s who I am.” (Yu)

“Thank you for guiding us here. Now they won’t bother us as outsiders. I’ll take Hitomi to the inner temple.” (Eris)

“You’re welcome. Thanks for warning me.” (Yu)

“My only advice for you is avoid depression. That’s when they strike for most people.” (Eris)

“Ok, thanks. I don’t really have time to though. I have to scout for undeads and look for edible food for my people.” (Yu)

“Wait you said they’re close to those things but the difference is that these don’t have souls.” (Hitomi)

Eris nodded to me as she held my hands tight. If the immense emotions I’m feeling through the underground cave seems to be deep sadness. As if something else was here aside from the humans and ghosts.

“Sensitive aren’t you Hitomi.” (Eris)

“Then you know who it is don’t you.” (Hitomi)

“I came here with you of course I know who she is. The current personification doesn’t even know. Because he’s too busy trying to extend his life. He’s not searching for answers of who and what happens before himself. So he has no legacy to inherit. Even if he did I destroyed it already. Along with the core itself. That thing doesn’t need to exist nor reborn to harbor a new soul with similar personality to the current one.” (Eris)

If her eyes were open I swear I’d see a glint in her eyes. But now that my Phoenix abilities that are passive are out. I can see her soul, it’s beautiful to look at. The soul form is behind the person. Since she and Rika were soul projections I didn’t think I’d see it. Eris’s soul has a a beautiful blue gown that shines brighter than anything. As if it were the sun itself in this darkness. Though the odd thing was that her eyes itself were covered with a blindfold. It wasn’t closed like Eris. It looked like it was sealed. A silver blindfold with golden inscriptions inscribed onto it.

They reminded me of an old goddess that was mentioned with Athena. But there were no records as if it were just a old folktale being told. The most obvious thing they tell of is her silver blindfold that’s easy to spot. Many humans and other race have said they wanted to see her full face. That she must’ve been a beauty that matched Athena since they were from the same era being born. But I’m sure of one thing that was probably a myth but the mask was very much real.


I scrunch my eyes to stare at her eyes stare at her soul form more. The thing that threw me off was her hair. It was a fair green that’s close to water. A aquamarine color that’s like the ocean depths. The difference between her and the current Eris was how her soul form moved separately from her as if it were it’s own self. The length of her hair was up to her knees yet her age was unknown. As if she were older than anything known. What truly threw me off was the way she waved her left hand in a shushing manner as if to say quiet.

I think I understand why Eris couldn’t take any form even if she wished. This soul form was protecting her. It was probably not Eris’s soul but someone close to her, someone who’s been there but protecting her silently. My guess is that this person is related to Eris somehow even if Eris didn’t know.

We walked for a long time silently as we came to a huge statue that can be described as a giant. Yet the image it portrayed was a female warrior with a helmet on her head with a spear in hand. With thunder and what seems like water, before the temple. I noticed Eris smiled with a huge grin as if she were excited.

‘Who are you.’ (Hitomi)

‘It is not this child’s time yet to know me. I’ll protect her until she faces her actions. Just know she means no harm to you and Rika. I’m related to Rika and her, that much is true. As for my eyes that’s for me to know and for only me to find out. The day the mask comes off is the day I die. I have no name little one. Luna hates Rika because she is treated equally as everyone. That is why she betrayed Rika in her second life. That is what will be her (Eris) trial. Yours is the inheritance of the first. Will you live up to her expectations? I look forward to your choices.’

That melancholic smile was nostalgic to me. Which caused me to frown. I’ve never seen this person before so why do I have this feeling. Rather the ghosts stayed away from her. As if she were what makes them even more uncomfortable yet why does she give off a feeling of a calm sea gently caressing and caring for us. What was someone like her doing here. Who was she protecting Eris and Rika from? Why the heck is there zero records of such a person.

‘Souls are sometimes the most honest. But at the same time most mysterious. Choices are a consequence. What happens had already repeated a few times. That is also history itself. Sometimes you can’t avoid it. Thus are the actions of fate itself drawing all to its destruction and end. At the end it’s not so scary for it’s also the cycle of life.’

What the hell, you shouldn’t be making poems in this intense atmosphere at a temple. Yet the black marble temple seems to be very much intact. Something tells me this place is probably older than our timeline itself.

“You’re not wrong, this place is 90 billion years old.” (Eris)

The hell, she truly couldn’t read my thoughts about the soul form meaning that person has more authority than a concept or law itself.

‘I’m just a nameless being. Sometimes having too much power is a curse. It was amusing while it lasted though. Separating my soul into many pieces so that I’d kill some time, didn’t expect it to be cast into a lower world along with these two. They were amusing and entertaining but I agree with their actions. I wonder what is it that’s pulling me back here too. I’m no concept nor am I being recorded by your records.’


Don’t just start talking to me in amusement. It’s creepy when your mouth isn’t moving nor is your face making expressions. Especially the visible mouth part you have. Her hair color does remind me of the leviathan’s race but somewhere deep down I knew that bias was wrong. This person was more dangerous. That’s the feeling she gave me. I couldn’t concentrate on our surroundings. It was like she blocked out all obstacles around us and it was just the three of us and the temple.

‘I must thank you for noticing me little one. For a soul that shines like yours is rarely seen. A hazel blue that glows so brightly like a moon. It’s interesting to see such in a angel. It’s disproportionate to your own race as a angel. Those that I think that are interesting are always selfless and self sacrificing though. These two are the same. Why is that they wish for such a stupid thing.

Eris wants family love so much. Rika wishes for all to live and remember their lives in their new timeline at the end of the battle. Such extreme ways to the same goals. Yet the torch they are making will be snuffed out by their actions.’

A disturbing reality hit me hard at the way she looks. If I combined Eris’s pale figure and Rika’s white figure they resemble her. That very thought disturbed me so much. I almost hit away Eris’s hand. Until I remembered the ghosts were also here with us.

‘See you’re smart to notice it. Idiotic they are, but don’t they shine so brightly in their struggles to do things. I don’t wish for resurrection either. But these two wishes combine means pulling back all the scattered bits of my soul.’

My grip tighten on Eris’s hand. I think I understand what Eris is gonna do. For Rika she would go as far to die. That’s how far she would go. This entity is someone out of bounds she didn’t wish to return yet what they’re doing and they wish for is leading to it. I, for one am being selfish I know. Rika and Eris were kind, I maybe have met them in a short time but I didn’t wish for either of them to die.

‘What is Eris here for? What does she truly seek here. Tell me that.’ (Hitomi)

‘She wishes to use her remaining lifespan as a sacrifice to revive Grace. Then to use her soul and Luna as a sacrifice to combine their souls into one with Rika.’

That’ll mean she lives on borrowed time that’s unstable. Is that why she needs me here? Because I’m similar to the owner of these temple.

“Here we are the temple doors to the inner temple. For me it’s to relive Rika’s moments so I won’t be able to help you much aside from my time abilities. But for you it’s probably front row seats to see what might happen in your future due to Luna’s consequences of betrayal. Telling Rika, she’ll probably kill me half dead.” (Eris)

I frown at her, this feeling of uneasiness. She’s not telling the whole truth again. That’s the feeling I get from here on. The entire place changed to a dark purple haired lady with grace and elegance in a kimono. She glowed with the divinity spark inside her. Yet somehow something was off about this Rika before me on the grass plains. Her eyes were trained on the sky. The figure of that soul form was behind them yet there was this deep feeling of sadness as if the bottomless abyss and void were there trying to swallow me.

‘Look closely to the sky. That is the same person that caused her (Rika’s) first death. This isn’t your trial but you are but the catalyst for her searching for the life core hidden here. She’s not wrong, by reviving Grace, that person would be able to extend her lifespan. So that she can be with Rika a little longer.’

‘You’re a person from the void where broken and forgotten souls go. Also a being from the abyss, so you can count as a Abyssal.’ (Hitomi)

‘I see your brain is working well little one. I’m the owner of the void that Rika contracted to. It wasn’t me that drove her insane here in her 2nd life. But the souls that got lost in there. That was my home until they invaded. I protected her lost soul and kept her from forgetting who she was.’

My eyes went back to the sky as it opened up a huge black hole. From it came out a strange person with green hair in a ponytail and ancient eastern clothes. Yet the cocky smile on his face pissed me off in more ways than one.

“Oh, if it isn’t the forgotten goddess. You still ended up as a mad goddess that you so hated. But with Corruption influencing and enhancing that negative emotions to the extreme. Look how the mighty goddess of fairness and justice has fallen! Mad gods became so by human emotions. They are the persona given that they last felt when they fell, thus the fallen goddess fits the current you. Anger was what was left wasn’t it! Oh how I enjoy the current look of dissatisfaction from you.” (Riot)

“You’re the bastard that started this. Come and face my naginata in person! Face me, coward.” (Rika)

A black mist like smoke surrounded Rika yet her eyes were no longer emerald any longer. The green pearl like shine was gone in its place was a red eye much like a beast’s. Rage, hatred and disdain rowed all out of her so intense the very ground and the air around her was shaking from the pressure of it.

“I, Riot would rather not waste my time with a small fry that I already squash indirectly.” (Riot)

The naginata she had cut the air itself causing a collapse in the space itself making Riot move himself away. He seemed no longer amused but troubled. Troubled that this person truly had time attributes to challenge him.

“Fine, I’ll amuse you.” (Riot)

The fight of the two caused the space around them in the sky to collapse into itself unstable. Rather Rika seemed different from what I knew and saw in the memories I saw of her. She flickered between 25 or 30 and she kept fighting him without thinking of the consequences.

‘This was the period of just before the Heroes Era. Each time she is reborn all memories of her is erased from the world each run though. Even if she wanted the best for everyone. They betrayed one by one thinking that he was right. The last straw for her sanity came when Luna too left her.’

It hurt to see the gods truly play with every other races for 1,000 lives. Rika fighting against them as she fought against the Corruption that the gods casted out before the Heroes Era. They casted it out before the Realms was completed. Seeing her struggle to maintain herself while using her link in the willpower projection to protect her mentality. As well as nourish and connect to her second child.

The world was against her, yet she fought against all odds against the gods. All the way until Luna joined hands with Riot who offered to let her see and punish the Rika who was dying for a selfless cause for everyone including Luna. It angered me when she allowed all other gods to kill her former best friend and niece Kana. When Riot let loose the male mindless Abyssals and Luna who had the power to prevent it stood there to watch it all happen. When the last battle came and it was only Rika against everyone else (Male Abyssals and Luna) along with Riot.

Riot gave Luna a weapon he created with his power that’d do permanent damage to Rika. A weapon she wouldn’t be able to undo unless it’s by the user or by a sacrifice by someone similar to the one that created the weapon. The lifeless world that Eris existed with Rika and the dying Guardian of Time.

I cried for her, neither of them deserved any of that. Luna was truly the worst teammate Rika could work with.

“If I was her I’d do revenge once I noticed the change in Luna. Her insanity and slaughter of all the gods was Luna’s fault also. Even for a niece, Luna was truly too cold and cruel.” (Hitomi)


“You’re not a Abyssal. The abyss exists in the edge for all worlds. Even the lowest stratum. Luna is but one part of your soul. So is Rika. But not Eris. Where is the third one.” (Hitomi)

‘Sometimes not knowing is the best.’

“I know Eris wish is to create a new being with authority to rival riot. But her choice in souls is wrong. It’s what is yours isn’t it. I know Rika will keep her main personality but there’s a third one isn’t there.” (Hitomi)

“You’re deeply connected even in all 5 timelines. Pieces of evidence shows that much. The third soul is someone important to our main history isn’t it.” (Hitomi)

‘I see. Not looking but noticing things. It’s because you’re like this they don’t leave you alone. Eris has a very short time to spend. So enjoy her time around you. You don’t need to search for the 3rd part of me. She’s closeby as you suspect but she’s not so much someone you think.’

A blinding violet light shine at the end of it all. In front of me was the light purple haired Eris in her silver armor as before but with a smile. A innocent smile. It saddens me that her only choice was because she wanted approval from Rika. That wanted me to shout I’m here too. Yet it was stuck in my throat as the tears came from me. She held a golden core from her right hand into the purple core that was in her left hand.

The soul projection of hers flickered for a moment. Yet that person’s words seemed to ring to me, she meant that Eris wouldn’t die anytime soon. But it won’t be too long either. From that person’s words. Before my eyes the core restored itself at an astonishing rate into a person. A naked body of a female stood before me. Which I didn’t respond much to. I mean it’s a obvious thing when you have so many sisters it’s like a turn off for me.

The perfectly white skin that’s neither tan or white yet the odd thing was her wavy cinder colored hair up to her shoulders. Her deep thistle colored eyes glared at Eris. This person doesn’t seem bothered by her nudity at all. If one had to describe her breasts it’s well proportioned to fit someone’s hands. Though it does disturb me that she doesn’t mind the coldness.

“Was it truly worth risking it all for you to fully revive me fully through such a cruel method. But I see this mess isn’t what I like either. That person won’t like your means. Though this is your choice, you’re giving too much of your memories for this. Even the locked up legacy of those other timelines in you. This is risky Rize, you’re sure this is what you truly want. We can always go the other way.” (Grace)

This person looks like she’s in her teens but the way she’s ignoring me tells me she really means well, she’s worried for Eris. With a wave of her had all the ghosts in our surroundings vanished into the air as if they didn’t exist.

“She’s right. They need to be reduced into nothingness to be less annoying. Or stayed. If we do as you plan and she plans you can’t be revived. Is this truly as you wish. There would’ve been a way if you didn’t go through this.” (Grace)

Her clothes materialised as smiled refreshingly at me. Something tells me this person was more high leveled than Rika. That this person can easily end Riot. Yet she probably won’t do it. Because it would also mean an earlier end for our current lives. Which was neither what Rika or Eris wanted.

“I want it to happen. She needs me there, not like this.” (Eris)

“Understood. I’ll do as you want. It’s the least I can do for the baby of our kind. That means I’ll extend your life until your other plan happens. She won’t like it. Even I hate such a pointless sacrifice. But I understand you wish to heal that person. You won’t be you without both cores though. Yet a new you will always be born longest one core exists but it won’t be the same. This is the burden she will come to understand from your memories later.

I’ll do everything in my power to make it similar to mine as well as Jem’s. That person almost succeeded but it was the fault of being born in the same time as a male one. The current one is no good, I understand. You also knew that I had more powers then just time. As well as I can revive our kind perfectly the longest the core was there without the consequences.” (Grace)

“You need Jem as well.” (Eris)

“True. It’s time for us three to reunite in power and try to balance all the wrongs he did. Well leave you to judge that person (Luna).” (Grace)

“Thank you for understanding Grace. Even if our time is short.” (Eris)

“I’ll try not to use my time abilities too strongly since you tested if he’d notice. But if anything I’ll go to Jem’s grave first to revive her. Don’t worry I too agree with your stubborn host. I’ll add in a extra that you probably won’t hate. I’m sure if it’s your host she won’t hate that.” (Grace)

“Though I do agree with you two the current one is an idiot. What kind of personification of time even does a time node collapse by killing off heaven’s favorite child. Fated ones or main characters of that mixed time period of village, cities, or towns. Isn’t he just accelerating his own death while wiping the places off from memories.” (Hitomi)

“Yes we have all established that he’s an idiot in that regard. Though his instincts are sharp to notice how to get another male persona.” (Grace)

That’s why Rika had to fix everything he made a mess of and protect the first born immortal Phoenix. Because if she dies our whole timeline itself collapses as a whole. She’s the link that’s keeping everything together. So Rika sent her into a small domain she created and sent male abyssals her way to kill while saving major fated ones that were gonna die in major indirect accidents caused by Riot. He’d send his men to kill the person and they’d do so remotely or directly.

Rika would have to send them away just when they get barely injured to make it believable and leave a clone. Anyone killed by Riot’s schemes wouldn’t reincarnate. That’s why Rika was so desperate yet all things went in vain due to Luna. If I was her I’d get revenge on her instantly innocent or not. This type of time bomb isn’t needed. Even for me who’s family stands to balance things for all races with the gods. Since they themselves will become cancer for us. Then remove it all at its roots.

They too were at fault for the extinction of the Phoenixes many centuries after I was supposed to have died if Yu Mei didn’t help me. The highest population race was down to two or three hundred of people left. It’s own race nearly gone. A race most remembered and honored reduced to surviving on scraps in the dessert.

“The gods authority are unneeded.” (Hitomi)

“Not all. But yes in a way.” (Eris)

Grace had teleported away from us leaving me with Eris. Yet her bitter smile told me why she really brought me here. I was the key to opening the trial for her. Especially past those marble doors, she didn’t want me knowing her past but had no choices to with her plans.

‘What should I call you.’ (Hitomi)

‘Me letting you know was but my whim. Her actions were explained. You learned more than enough. Even the other timelines they saw in the void as they waited for rebirth. Every time they helped indirectly it resetted. So they have no choice but to risk themselves once again. Just this time thanks to Eris or Rize, they are no longer alone. Call me whatever you like.’

It shut me up. The hidden mystery she meant was her name would be determined by the actions made by Rika and Eris. This entity was protecting, she probably be able to make sure they were fine. That was what my body and head was screaming to me.

‘Then if you can’t answer. Take me and Eris to the Moon Valley. The plains that is below that has a beautiful view that Rika can’t resist returning to. It’s also the place that began our timeline. Also what is your race really called in the human tongue.’ (Hitomi)

‘It’s been so many years. A name of my race. It’s odd for a being like me who has control over the void, was born from there also the abyss and the world of nothingness. That is why Rika has a connection to the two. The void and nothingness is what she has access to. She fears blindness and ghosts more than anything. Did you know she sends ghosts into the second one. If there’s a name for my race it’d be a Voidless Abyssal. Because I am connected to all three worlds.’

‘Then I’ll call you temporary Void.’ (Hitomi)

‘Your naming sense sucks. It’s like calling a dog a dog. I’ll use the name temporarily.’ (Void)

‘But since you’re above a Abyssal and a God you can create worlds too. That means you can create new souls and bodies right.’ (Hitomi)

Eris was surprise that we got teleported to the high cliffs of the Moon Valley by the heart shaped rocks. The very place that started our timeline. She seemed more uneasy than Rika. It was the place Rika came to relax and enjoy the view of the wildlife down below as well as the full view of the twin moons.

“This place is the place of many memories. It’s the memories of Luna in her innocence that she can’t let go. That’s what you wanted to happen right. The void left by the promise from here. Because their race is the type to be unable to break promises. You want to be the one to remove the shackles to it. If the promised person dies permanently she’s freed from it all.” (Hitomi)

“I didn’t mean to come out like this to you.” (Eris)

“You had no choice. And I now know the whole truth. If the humans truly know they won’t fight against her. Unless they’re as greedy as he makes them to be. The ones we can trust are the 7 powerful races. Asura, the Devils, the dragons, the Phoenixes, Leviathans, and the fairies. Those Fates also counts but they are neutral since they guard the doors to reincarnation. Getting them too involved in worldly affairs would make them no longer stable for the world itself. It’s a unwanted factor for even us.” (Hitomi)

“I didn’t want you to get involved in all this. That was truly my wish but when I arrived here I noticed that your my only key to that place of Grace’s.” (Eris)

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