《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 57 Rika portrays herself as a villain and Hitomi’s Uncomfortably situation


Ling Yue POV

God mother Rase was so freaking awkward but the shaking of the school got everyone’s attention. Yet the very unsettling thing in my stomach started when I saw hell beasts popping up out of nowhere. It was utter chaos when I noticed them because the very reason mother tells me not to fight them is one thing. They can negate goddess and gods’ physique. It’s the last thing even I wouldn’t wanna test yet here we are.

“Damn it.” (Theresa)

“So not my day.” (Seiko)

“Worst school year ever.” (Aya)

You’ve said it Asura that is very true. This is the worst school year ever. Why the hell are things happening to me I don’t even have Lydia’s titles this time. Blood splattered all over me from one of the students running away in panic. They went from running from god mother Rase to running away from hellhounds and hell beasts. So living fire breathing beasts of all kinds let loose on the campus that’s been sealed inside. Utter headache for myself thinking about it.

Plus being a deadweight that can now only communicate to the dead souls. This is a foul play for even my father and half brother. And the thing is they don’t know where I am. At least not that I’m in this city. Zenith is out hunting. My other guards aren’t even around because I told them to lay low. Damn it, I thought human school were gonna be normal.

“Can’t say i didn’t expect this.” (Celen)

“Why does that sound like it’s directed at me.” (Ling Yue)

“Because sometimes the truth hurts. Especially so when it’s sometimes a fact that the gods are sometimes a magnet for trouble.” (Celen)

“Very true.” (Seiko)

“Agreed.” (Aya)

“It’s a very sure thing.” (Theresa)

I never questioned how fast Aunt Celen ever gets anywhere. Her arriving fast is something that’s always unquestionable since mother said that Aunty is always first even on a crime scene after it happens. Maybe it has to do with her being a cultivator. Aunt Celen always defies logic as usual. She punched the hellhound with her fists but the blood splattering on me wasn’t funny.

“Aunt Celen do you also have a thing against me? Why did you make me more bloodied than I was earlier.” (Ling Yue)

“You’re useless anyway in this round. Stay put behind me.” (Celen)

“You maybe a wolf demon but with the other half of your physique useless I’m certain your powers and abilities are like reduced to half.” (Seiko)

“Even as a former goddess of love. I don’t go around these things.” (Theresa)

“More like you enjoyed staying far from them because you didn’t want to feel powerless.” (Seiko)

“Can we not argue here these things are an annoyance.” (Aya)

Aya had taken out a spear and started stabbing them. Godmother Rase was as ridiculous as before. Her punches one shots them. Yet her crazy smile puts me on edge. It’s like watching an insane patient escape the asylum into the outside world. If anything I want to cry when I see her like that.

“Here Rina.” (Theresa)

The way she moved was impossible for a human. Yet her left arm was glowing with a faint light of divinity. Then it clicked in my mind. She’s the gods’ favourite child. It does happen once every century or so among millions. They choose someone they like the most and gift them with an ability or trait. Her situation it would be multiple individuals that did so. Thus she’s able to excel in everything she does. That’s why when she arm locked Seiko it looked strange.


I didn’t like the feeling of uselessness it reminds me of the horrible Witches Garden. Which made me shudder. That was one place I didn’t want to revisit. Father’s the one that screwed me over for that one.

“Truly you are as much of waste than the original soul.” (Rika) (she woke up after Hitomi got transferred and Eris could stay separate from her since they’re two different people sharing one body. Also it’s been a full 16 hours for her and she finally recovered her eyesight again. Her eyesight injury acts up randomly so she doesn’t know when she’ll go blind. Eris has a way to tell since she can sense it because she’s similar to the person who’s the cause of the injury)

I frowned, upset that her eyes were looking at me. Those words hurt but I didn’t understand her meaning at all.

“The main timeline was a tragedy with her life. Yet she trained herself more than you did. She has only one weakness. And that much different from you is that she can attack and defend against these things. How can you be so damn weak that you can’t even kill level 1,000 hell beasts. At least make sure you don’t get killed by them.” (Rika)

For some reason her words hurt me deep down even if I didn’t want to understand. It did click that she’s saying me in another timeline was more better than me.

“Does the little one need more protection.” (Rika)

It irritates me that she’s taunting me. But in a way I understand what she’s trying to do and say to me. Quit being a baby about things and mature already. Fight for your own self instead of following what others say about you. You’ll never learn if you do nothing. I pulled my kantana from my inventory and stabbed in eye the nearest hellhound as I glared at her.

“See you just needed courage and the willpower to live. You were but a husk when your mother died. Locking up yourself from others can do more harm than you think. I know. I’ve been there before.” (Rika)

The dark purple hair and the overflowing glow of a former divinity. She’s more like those kind goddesses you’d hear in myths and legends. Nothing like what it was today. I cut a burning hell hound that tried to bite me.

“Did you know the second title for a forgotten goddess like me made by other gods. It’s why I still have some divinity left. They call me the mad goddess because I want to overthrow the whole race system they created with them at the top.” (Rika)

“You’re insane.” (Seiko)

“Then you’re an enemy for us former goddesses too.” (Theresa)

Theresa had her whip pointed at Rika who was in a white and blue kimono. Seiko seemed to look more tired than anything.

“The race system goes like this: Parasites >Humans > Demihumans > vampires > spirits > demons > angels > spellcastors (a race created by a mad scientist human who wanted infinite magic reserves) > dragons > race changers and shapeshifters > Phoenixes > death and life masters (humans with abilities over these two attributes) > immortals > leviathans > soul reapers > gods and goddesses > Fates > holy beasts > creators & destroyers > Dimensions > Destruction phoenixes > God > Chaos beasts > Abyssals.

This is the order of things in your harsh world is it not. Yet the gods abuse the lower races on their own. That is why I have to do things my way. To tend against all of them.” (Rika)


“This is a declaration of war from a former goddess how pitiful.” (Seiko)

“Then I’ll end you now.” (Theresa)

“Does former Aphrodite have a problem with me. Shouldn’t the one truly worrying be you Hera. The former strict mother of the twins.” (Rika)

“They have nothing to do with this.” (Seiko)

“Crap if she overthrows the system then there’s gonna be utter chaos in who’s ruling.” (Aya)

“I wouldn’t careless, my family comes from a bloodline of former angels turned into demons.” (Rina)

“Actually wouldn’t matter to me.” (Celen)

“Wait a second here. Shouldn’t I be worried as a half goddess myself.” (Ling Yue)

“But your Hades descendant. It’s in your bloodline to not care for anything but the dead souls and your own family. Why would you be bothered by something like this.” (Rika)

She did something very impossible even for me. Her hand glowed a golden light and she ran through both Seiko and Theresa. Then before us their body vanished into thin air as if it didn’t exist. In their place we’re two different beautiful people. A blue haired beautiful lady with sexy gown dress. The other was a formal office like lady with brown hair. Their blue icy eyes told me a lot. These two were Hera and Aphrodite as goddesses.

“Isn’t it better in this form.” (Rika)

“What are you truly after.” (Aphrodite) (former Theresa)

“Damn she was able to reverse the process of reincarnation so damn fast. As if she had the abilities to manipulate soul down to the smallest bits.” (Hera) (former Seiko)

They do look in their mid 20s but how the hell does these goddesses pull those looks without wrinkles.

“It’s called beauty from within little one.” (Aphrodite)

“That gibberish coming out of your mouth seems unnecessary.” (Hera)

“I need the two of you. So I’m sending you two into the past along with former Athena. She (Hitomi) needs your help and you three are more powerful as well as sensible. Athena can do the planning, I’ll give you the information. Plus Hera you’re the one that wanted stability and declined that divinity should continue to what it was today. That being said you’re going to be the one to change it. Because the truth is your always on the side that’s right. You too want equality.

Aphrodite you’re the type to be unable to stand couples being broken. Not after you lost your first child as a stillborn. What if I told you that by doing this you see her again. Her soul is reborn in the past. What’s not here is answers in the age before the Heroes Era. It was what made the current you so unstable even for a goddess of love.” (Rika)

Shit she’s bribing goddesses in front of me. Yet why the hell does it feel like a empty bottomless pit in front of me. Hera’s so strict she won’t fall for it right.

“Fine I agree.” (Hera)

“I have no choice since my own child is being held hostage.” (Aphrodite)

So not convincing when you’re smiling like a little girl after being offered candy. I noticed that all the hellhounds around us bursted into blood earlier when Rika arrived. Yet she was purposely letting some come at me. What the hell do you have like a fucking grudge or what. Are you like in love with Hitomi and taking it out on me.

“That’s impossible for me Ling Yue. Plus Luna’s the one who dug out whatever I had left. There’s no longer any love left.” (Rika)

“Wait a second if the strict Hera is siding with you along with Athena isn’t this already a win for you.” (Ling Yue)

“You’re not wrong I’ve been gathering my forces for a certain young girl and everyone else’s survival. After all many centuries after your era the whole soul system collapses because the gods themselves were the scourge and scums who abused the weaker races.” (Rika)

No, shit that’s kinda bad to hear even for me. That means she’s right in overthrowing them but a collapse in the system is bad. I had a bad feeling about it but I still had to ask.

“What does those gods do to the souls.” (Ling Yue)

“They taint it. In all colours until it’s so black that reincarnation is an impossible choice. Such causes an overflow into the Fates race. Those souls are forced to guard the gates of reincarnation. For them to be cleansed. But such influx of population means a collapse in the wasteland. So they themselves have to go out to look for food instead of insuring the balance of your world.” (Rika)

“There’s a catch to all this isn’t there.” (Rina)

“They go out and they themselves don’t want to return to their wasteland like home.” (Aya)

“How smart the Asura girl gets it. That’s only half of it. Most of the time it’s the outside world that also poisons their world views. So what happens to the fate race, they themselves wants to play with the very lives they want to protect prior. Isn’t this utter chaos for the rest of you.” (Rika)

Shit! That’s just as bad as the gods tainting souls for their amusement. If the fates aren’t maintaining their jumps then other races will go extinct fast.

“I see then why not slay the gods now so that they don’t exist later on.” (Rina)

“Rather than that why not make sure they’re nonexistent.” (Aya)

“Hey that’s my existence you’re also talking about.” (Ling Yue)

“It’s probably easier if you strip them of the authorities over souls and their powers as a god than let them abuse it later on.” (Celen)

“True. If that’s the road we’re heading down then we really have to start before the Heroes Era.” (Aphrodite)

“I thought your favorite line was I don’t want to think about such troublesome things. So you can also use your brain cells too.” (Hera)

“How rude. I might be a goddess of love but even I worry about things.” (Aphrodite)

“That’s the situation for now. Luna isn’t really helping either. She cares for only herself. Nor will she take things into her matters if races went extinct.” (Rika)

“That is one messed up goddess.” (Ling Yue)

“It is how she is. She’s been there since the beginning. This won’t faze her. Nor do you want your next lives in jeopardy at all. Especially not someone as eccentric as her to do continuous chain curse on you at her own whims.” (Rika)

Never mind Luna’s got some screws loose. If possible stripping gods of their power might just be the way to go. But why do I have this uneasy feeling that things are gonna go very ugly fast if Rika’s plans works. Aphrodite and Hera disappeared in front of us. Aya and Rina doesn’t question it but why is Celen glaring at Rika now.

“I don’t like it so I’ll go too.” (Celen)

“Oh, so you don’t trust me with Aphrodite at all do you.” (Rika)

Rika is a time bomb waiting to explode, she gave so much information at once too. Yet I’m not so sure if it’s truly the truth yet why does the goddesses believe her.

“She has no need to lie. After all she’s the one who created my race. The men can’t really use the time racial traits and abilities. It’s been known that men can’t control it so she made sure that they don’t inherit it normally or forbidden way. It’s females only. There’s not many that abuse it either. Rika maybe the goddess that humans used to worship but she’s a time goddess. If the gods call her mad they’re never wrong.” (Aya)

“Eh, you know her so well. Is that self taught or your peeking abilities into the time frames of the past.” (Rina)

“Of course I have to make sure she’s authentic. So I have to peek at her past. It’s just that…. her past is sad. She has neither the time or choice to choose and had to kill her self early. That’s probably why my race doesn’t worship her or any gods.” (Aya)

“If you’re right and she’s the real deal then wouldn’t Luna go after her since it’s her divinity that is endangered by Rika’s plans.” (Ling Yue)

“She has every right to do so. They’re twins. Luna and her are the same age. Just that she got erased from everyone’s memories. Rika is the one who stands on the right sides and always does her best to fulfill everyone else’s wellbeing. I think that’s what set off Luna. At least that’s what I got so far from peeking at Rika’s past. It’s better to not know more that though.” (Aya)

“Wait if you’re saying that’s true then why did she die for.” (Ling Yue)

“I agree with the freshmen on this one.” (Rina)

“There’s nothing worth it. Knowing is but a burden. She isn’t quite the same as everyone. It’s better to not know or to seek knowledge of a history you weren’t involved in.” (Aya)

“So you say but did you notice she cried all hell beasts as well.” (Rina)

“That’s how it is. She does things how she wants leave it alone.” (Aya)

“You know Aya this seems weird even for you.” (Rina)

“Shut up Rina. I want nothing to do with the divinity for their sick game. That includes this girl who’s Luna’s pawn. I will not talk to her or you of Rika.” (Aya)

“I see three years down the drain. Does our friendship not matter anymore.” (Rina)

“I’m no one’s pawn.” (Ling Yue)

“It’s obviously so since Luna’s men are watching your every move. It’s why Rika sealed off the area first.” (Aya)

“Indeed and she ignored me too.” (Rase)

“Yet she took Aunt Celen away without a word.” (Ling Yue)

“The Ice Empress deserves her name. She’s a cold beauty through and through. She shouldn’t have belonged in this era either way. Unlike you she’s useful there and more important there than here.” (Aya)

What the hell. You were this judgemental when we first met earlier. How the heck did this turn into a 360 of indifference to acting like I’m trash.

“But you are trash compared with your original. The Hitomi now is also the original. That’s how much the difference is between you two. She’s more powerful than you.” (Aya)

Wait a second stop for a moment and think about who you’re talking about. Hitomi’s a person who’s unwell. Her soul is too powerful on her body and it’s a burden. So she probably can’t go outside.

“Did you know that your story is actually a romantic tragedy.” (Aya) (in anger)

I was in shock at what she told me. That Hitomi would die soon. Her physical self seemed to be stable at the moment though. I’m certain she’ll still be fine for a while.

“Aya! That’s rude of you to say.” (Rina)

“Or what! She should be less naive. Rika has been through our time period millions of times. For such a thing she knows even the minor details. That person doesn’t need to sympathize with such a useless half goddess whose memories are altered by Luna as she pleases.” (Aya)

“That’s rude my memories is just missing a little bit.” (Ling Yue)

“Hah? Says the self centered closed off half goddess. Who’s being very pitiful since her mother’s death. Loves a first love that she only spotted once. Neglects the soulmate of her life that would make her happy above all else.” (Aya)

“Aya stop it.” (Rina)

“Or what!?! This person is the one who gets more happiness than us yet she’s bemoaning she’s in depression. Yet her love is there and she isn’t even looking at her (Hitomi). That’s what I’ve understood from looking at Rika’s past. If such a half goddess like her deserves such a happiness even in a short time span she doesn’t deserve it with her confused attitude.” (Aya)

“Wait Aya! Don’t just storm off on me. Explain now what just happen.” (Rina)

“She peeked at the goddess’s past but instead she saw Ling Yue’s future.” (Rase)

“That’s kinda fucked indeed. I can see why she got annoyed. Her lover died in front of her. He didn’t really deserve that. But squash like into blood mist by the vampires. I think she was angry that someone has such a soulmate yet they ignore what’s close to them.” (Rina)

Woah don’t take your anger out on me. You’re an Asura so can’t you like rewind time for that then.

“Even if she did it’d be abuse of her racial abilities plus she’s too low level to even fight 29 vampires head on.” (Rina)

Vampires are the most annoying race ever alive for us. If even ashes are left they can resurrect themselves. So we have to make sure that turning them into a bloodmist and burning the blood before they have the time to recover. If there are 29 vampires in one spot. They’re likely to be high levels or they’re skilled and can fight well in a group.

Hitomi POV

“Did you know that my hair on my head that I tie up and hide is up to my but. Whereas Rika’s hair length is up to her shoulders.” (Eris)

I didn’t have time to argue with her with the blast of magic came at me so I jumped back as quickly as I can. I’m not sure if the vampires here at the same as the ones in the mixed time period. Meaning I’m unsure if they can also fly. Their very easy to spot with the pointy ears and white skins like the stereotype. But I’m not risking my own life to find out.

“You two are outsiders aren’t you.”

“Look the Princess Yu is here to help isn’t she. After all in every other time loops she’s been through no one returns to the castle.” (Eris)

“If you know that then don’t freaking teleport me to such a spot.” (Hitomi)

“At least it’s not in a crowd of vampires right.” (Eris)

“Damn right I don’t want to be there. They’ll probably try to make me into a blood bag.” (Hitomi)

“At least that’s how it is little Jade.” (Eris)

“Don’t call me that! Your not my mom. That woman died in the arms of her lover. She didn’t even care what happened to my father.” (Yu)

“She was ill, plus he was a douchebag to begin with. He raped her in the first place when she was becoming famous. After she conquered the land and had you, she was tied down. That lover you said was a former slave that was fucked over by a even more powerful being similar to me. He enjoyed watching her miserable as a slave. Your mother was the one who freed her and helped her escape slave life. The woman you said that’s been with her has been with her since before she got her hero title.” (Eris)

“That wasn’t an excuse to ignore my father though.” (Yu)

“Do you actually hate her. She was threaten by him all the time with you. She had no choice but to accommodate him as a king. Faris was a good female empress. But her only fault was she cared too much for you.” (Eris)

“That’s bullshit.” (Yu)

“I’m certain that your mother did care for you in her own way.” (Hitomi)

“Yet her lover disappeared with her body before the undead invaded.” (Yu)

I slashed a zombie down as the human princess frowns at me. Her silver armor was bloodied with purple blood, her silky yellow hair seemed to be in a mess. It was tied back in a ponytail yet it didn’t get in her way as she fought. The dark blue eyes seemed to glow. Yet my sight as a divine Phoenix kicked in again. The soul form behind her was beautifully enhancing as she battled. It glowed brightly like a divinity spark that’s seen in stories.

“What she wants to achieve is far above Divine Phoenix. She wants to be as powerful as a Abyssal. The race eater race that’s a gourmet. They do ease their hunger that they feel by eating ridiculous amount of sweets. Yet the dead was what shackled the human princess. Is it not? You can’t even forgive or forget your own mother even if you talk badly of her. Because the hidden humans that live underground reminds you constantly of her lost prestige and glories.” (Eris)

“Shut up! You as an outsider knows nothing.” (Yu)

The way Eris even though with eye closed seemed to be smiling at the princess as she made everything turn into dust. It gave off a feeling as if she knew more about the princess than the princess knew herself. I thought Rika had gave her a feeling of naivety from her words of how Rika described her. This person isn’t naive, no her innocence was real. But the words of hinting it to me makes me realize the truth.

“You’re a concept and a personification yourself aren’t you Eris. That’s why you know things isn’t that right.” (Hitomi)

“Congratulations Hitomi you’ve guesses half right. But I’m a dying concept. Zero souls means your life span is short. Plant life doesn’t count if it has zero souls inside. All I have is landscape. Thus I myself am dying. As for knowing things that’s all Rika’s memories.” (Eris)

I jumped away from her and made my way to princess Yu instead. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I’m uncertain if Rika should even be siding with her.

“That look on your face I see it often. Especially so since I’ve come here. Don’t worry I won’t harm anyone. Rather I’ll help Rika. Just she doesn’t know I’m dying still even if we reset the world. That person would probably be more guilty than anyone of my death. She’s also like the goddess of death Kana. It’s a double edge, their nature that is. Think what you will but I’ll do my best.” (Eris)

That sad smile on her face even though she said all that. My instincts screamed at me to not trust her something was off.

“Look you’re making the human princess confused too. These things are the outcome of something left behind by a legacy long past. Her resentment and anger towards the living for not trusting in the future she wanted and paved for others. If anything I brought you here for her, Hitomi. Rika doesn’t need to know that I’m doing something like this.” (Eris)

What the fuck are you gonna do now. If you’re not an enemy of Rika or me what are you then. Was your actions all a lie earlier. I just got to know you today, yet you’re already being questionable.

“Dying isn’t the answer she wants. That’s all I’m saying. You won’t pass her trial if I don’t help with my time abilities. I brought you here for her legacy. The first was here in this closed off land. I’m the fifth Hitomi. This main timeline you and everyone else is in is the 4th. Rika we’re from the 5th outcome after Luna betrayed her. She goes blind randomly because of it. It causes her to panic, so I want to heal her. The only way I know how is to sacrifice myself to her. Yet it will only leave a more gaping hole for her. But she’ll heal. After all she’s the one who closed her heart after Luna killed her second child and Kana.” (Eris)

“Wait a second. That’s the part I didn’t see with my passive skill of soul prying.” (Hitomi)

“I have to block it out with my abilities. But you’ll still find out later, after the trial. Though even of you finish it, you probably can’t stop Grace’s resentment.” (Eris)

“Woah, you’re kidding right, but you said this was a trial ground.” (Hitomi)

“Wait if you know the cause then stop all this.” (Yu)

“For a human, you think it’s so simple. You’re the human’s will to survive. If you can’t survive this then the humans on this land is all done for. That is why you’re in this time loop. You’re looking for a way for yourself and everyone else, that’s why you closed off the space here. What’s left here is her life core. Her soul maybe gone but it still follows her emotions. That’s what I’m here for Hitomi.” (Eris)

“Rika described perfect resurrection with aura, can’t I do so with her mother.” (Hitomi)

We followed quietly after Yu as Eris turned those in 3 kilometers into dust as she walked with us. Rather she smiled bitterly at me with a hint of amusement,

‘Rika made sure that her mother was alive and well. Just that her mother was kicked out of this time loop with lover. This person doesn’t understand much but her mother is proudly watching her and sending her constant help when she’s about to lose hope. So even if her mother is outside she still cares. The only difference is her life span is very long because she’s the link for the time loop.’ (Eris)

“Never mind then.” (Hitomi)

I can see why she’s not saying it out loud Yu seems nervous and uneasy when I mentioned reviving her mother for her. Makes me wonder why that is.

“They left on a sour note every time because a certain princess is a a damn tsundere.” (Eris)

“I’m not! I just can’t be honest when I’m around her. I’m unsure how to respond to her. It’s easier with father than her.” (Yu)

“Yet she still cared for you.” (Eris)

“I’m certain she’ll still forgive you as her daughter.” (Hitomi)

“She never got to. Mom, Faris she died before I got to apologize. I always told her I hated her for ignoring my father.” (Yu)

“Such a fake father isn’t a real father. He actually was the first to run away in the first invasion though.” (Eris)

The disdain from Eris was very obvious that she didn’t like the father of the princess. Something tells me this is but one story you don’t want to hear the beginning to the end.

“By the way your race says High Human. Is the result your looking for still going from human or you looking for something to do with the soul and being a human.” (Eris)

You’re telling me this person is the first high human since the start of the realms. The crazier person I’m wary of is Eris who makes zero sense. I’m wary because she’s the one who out right said what she was without a worry. But why does Rika trust her with her life.

“Because Rika is the one who raised me who was only conscious without a body for myself. I can’t manifest a body since there’s zero life (souls) inside my domain. It was a boring empty world. With only me and Rika.” (Eris)

She sounded happy about Rika yet the sadness in her voice brought only sadness. Where ever Yu was taking us Eris wasn’t saying anything if anything she had a bitter smile as she smiled back at me. My gut instincts was telling me I’m screwed. In more ways than one. But the one thing I’ll be safe is sticking close to her if anything. That she was my safety and hope in whatever place Yu is taking us.

“You’re not wrong. The inhuman shapes of ghosts is going to be clear as day. You’ll be uncomfortable seeing such things twisted from lingering attachment to the living. They may had human shapes, it’s lingering feelings even after the soul reincarnated. Such is what it is. They do have some human form. But what happens to empty emotions lingering thinking they’re that person.

The shape they take is no longer human. Like a example would be a human female with a spider like mouth with pale skin. Or a weird twisted face and abnormally muscular body. But that’s not why you’re getting chills, they manifest easier in darker places where sunlight can’t touch. They’re the type to possess you or whatever is around to do as they please. They don’t care if you’re dead.” (Eris)

My breathing hitched high as I panicked, the way she said it so seriously. It seemed like she had experience yet she doesn’t care. As if our lives didn’t matter to her.

“Yu can resist because she’s the one in a time loop but people with deteriorate much faster there than you think. Influenced by that and you won’t stay sane. What they wish is something you can’t grant. An echo is all that’s left over yet they want to also live. Purifying them kinda works but it’s not permanent. They do come back.

To them it’s an enjoyment to give hope to the people then chase it down as the prey it is. To truly kill it permanently you have to kill it with a certain weapons created for this. They’re also uncomfortable for you since the truth of it is they can also control humans easily. Without the humans being aware. Some special people are aware but unable to do anything about their body being possessed. Ghosts are just that. You can’t fight it completely Hitomi. It’s the world you live in. Plus you truly don’t have the sight to see them. You need special eyes for that.” (Eris)

“So that’s why my people act strangely underground and never wants to leave.” (Yu)

“They’re too far gone to realize it. But yes. Stick close to me Hitomi. It’s troublesome for me since I have to get Rika’s weapon for you if you get possessed. Hold my hand and no matter what you see or hear don’t let go. They maybe to take human shapes of their former self but even that’s a illusion. Do not under any circumstances respond back. That only makes them worst. I know, I’ve had it happen many times before Rika found me.” (Eris)

“Then why don’t you just slay them with Rika’s weapons.” (Hitomi)

“I don’t like touching curse intelligent weapons.” (Eris)

“So I guess you won’t be able to free them.” (Yu)

“It’s not like I can free a deteriorated mind. There’s nothing to save that isn’t there anymore. You’re lucky that your body is strong enough mentally as well as physically. Or else they’d probably possess you by now.” (Eris)

“Wait a second is this why you had a amused smile prior to following Yu.” (Hitomi)

“They’re kinda grotesque form but close to human as possible. That’s truly what ghosts are echoes of emotions lingering. Not even fragments.” (Eris)

“Here we are my home. For some reason they don’t come underground. I don’t understand why though.” (Yu)

“You call that thing near the entrance a human form. That thing has an weird shaped head. Like the head was similar to a squid. It had 5 glowing creepy eyes and it’s body seemed human but what the fuck was with the cut off hands. Plus the uneasy comfortable vibe as if it’s gonna eat you alive.” (Hitomi)

The way it’s colored like a human’s dead body freaked me out too. There was no mouth parts nor hands. That thing isn’t even human anymore, how the heck are the emotions lingering they’re inhuman. There’s that feeling that it wasn’t even close to human anymore, it gave a chilling cold feeling that it’s unlive. The uneasiness was crawling it’s way up on me. It made me realize what she truly meant they became what they were because they were detached too long from their former souls.

“I don’t think I even want to know what you saw.” (Yu)

“It’s great how she can’t see them right Hitomi.” (Eris)

I just wanted to shiver and hug myself but I held her left hand tight. Afraid to let go of it. These things probably wouldn’t care what we see them as anymore. That’s the feeling I get from them. Eris seemed to have a very sad feeling to her since she’s been here. As if something or someone was beckoning her. That this would be her grave that’s the strong emotions I keep getting. There’s something wrong with this place. Yet she wanted us here. The feeling and gut instincts are telling me this.

“You wanted us to come here. That’s why you let Yu bring me here with her. Eris you already know the way here don’t you.” (Hitomi)

“It’s true I know the way. But I wouldn’t be welcomed by the people here. What lies here is that person’s core. Did you know I am an abnormality because I have 2 cores. A blue circle core with my life essence. The other that stores my soul as well as tells my life span. It glows a golden bright color. Ironic right. The thing I seek is something forbidden to do even among our kind. We have the abilities to revive another. But the consequences are just as high for the stakes. Rika doesn’t know but the one she needs is Grace. Not me.” (Eris)

“Wait! That last one I just spotted seem abnormal! There’s no gender. And what the hell was with the ten creepy eyes on its body. Eris are you damn sure this place is even safe for me.” (Hitomi)

“It’s an unclean place because it’s the place where humans died the most in all timelines. Live with it, they won’t kill you yet. If anything they’ll probably enjoy eroding your mind more than humans.” (Eris)

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