《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 56 Eris wish and Rika’s Burden


3rd POV (8 hour prior to teleporting Hitomi)

“Damn it, I was saving the Asura racial abilities for last but why isn’t the stupid soul system not copying it like usual.” (Luna)

“Because I have authority over souls and time itself. Rika didn’t set the limits but I did so since you’re the one who harmed her. Even if she only wants to punish you a bit. I’m not the same I won’t let such a person get away.” (Eris)

Luna with her blue green hair in frustration glared at the 15 year old girl in mourning dress. The light purple hair and the face looked similar but the vibe this person had was different from Rika. She wasn’t the Rika that she wanted to see.

“What the fuck are you talking about. No one has authority over the systems itself.” (Luna)

“Think you, yourself is pure by dressing like a priestess. All I’ve seen is a brat who threw her tantrum and injured her sister. Many centuries ago, you’re the one who caused her the most pain. Time attribute wounds can’t be rewinded back. Nor can they be dispelled by me either. They have to be healed slowly by a individual whose soul has the abilities to. Or to be done (healed) so by the bastard who caused it. (The source of it) Therefore you’re disqualified as a family as a whole.” (Eris)

“I never did as you say. I just want to see Rika.” (Luna)

“And punish her for leaving you? That’s your only thoughts on the fact that she left you to protect you! You’re no different than those humans that killed her indirectly in the first place. It’s also why I had to find a human with the abilities to heal souls. You made this mess, you’re the cause of all her pain. Do you even understand that she’s spiraling everything into a mad plan of hers to discard all divinity of their authority over this world. All of it was you at the center.

My plans are more through than hers. I know hers will backfire. Especially when it’s you fucking them up Luna. So to make sure, I’ll strip your abilities as a Divine Phoenix. You can have your life back without all that power. Just wait for a few centuries and you’ll understand it all. You don’t truly need divinity even if your born with it.” (Eris)

She snapped her fingers and chains came out alive from the ground and swallowed Luna. Eris stared at her white skin with a weird unease. It was strange that she can see even though she gave her sight to Rika. If anything it felt unhindered compared to Rika. Rika was injured whereas she was alive and unwell in a dying world.

“Scenery was all I had alone there. Whereas she lived in the darkness weeping for the lost souls destroyed by the process of losing. Even if I disappear I won’t allow them to lose. If I can I want to exist by combining our souls. I want Rika to life with a part of me in her. So that she won’t be used and tossed aside ever again. Nor will I allow anyone to harm her. Gentleness and kindness of hers is but poison seeping out from her. No one can harm her again. Especially not you Luna. I won’t forgive such a selfish person.

Rika sacrificed herself for your future, yet you trample on her. Then again you won’t hear me with those chains stripping and eating away the Divine Phoenix’s abilities. Stripping you down to a Destructive Phoenix is fine. It’s your just desserts for someone like you.” (Eris)


‘I still have 7 hours to go until I have to go meet Hitomi. Then I guess with Rika sleeping because she’s afraid of losing her sight isn’t helping. But I’m glad she doesn’t see what I’ve been doing during these times. I’ll go with my own plans. I don’t have access to the status systems but my abilities does allow me to manipulate souls. So I think I’ll allow individuals to remember their past lives permanently.’ (Eris)

Eris walked to the throne room of Luna’s with a bitter smile. She had such a urge to destroy the temple of Luna. Yet she didn’t do so, if she did something so obvious Rika would suspect her. Even she couldn’t stand how Rika does everything in selflessly without caring for herself.

“Rika is like my sister and other half. Her memories and knowledge is what taught me a dying being. As the child she gave life to and raised I won’t allow others to destroy her nor for herself to be destroyed by her own hands. There we go, I’ve also led Kana to Ember. I’m glad she named her stubborn 2nd sister. I guess I’m adopted so that makes me the 3rd child.” (Eris)

Her eyes were still closed but she didn’t seem bothered because she could still see. In fact she found it ironic since she really was just using Aura to see. Aura was the energy in nature born with it. Like a golden sea enveloped in all things. Living and non living. It’s a thick mist like energy that humans once had before they were born. Yet Eris used it to see the things around her. Despite it all she felt uncomfortable being close to Luna so she quickly left the place.

“Hatred begets more hatred and revenge. That’s what you tell me but you yourself are doing it Rika. You could so easily just ask and I can age them down to the smallest things.” (Eris)

In her mourning dress she set down the white lilies she hid in her left hand when she was talking to Luna. Eris walked from Luna’s temple to a hidden laboratory that was 700 kilometres away. She used her time abilities to shorten her distance getting there. Once inside she smiled at the body hooked into the machines. The dark purple hair and the white skin with perfect proportions in front of her was obvious. It was Rika’s body recreated by Rika.

“I’ve hidden this place with a time barrier, I’ve also lay down traps so Luna and her people would go insane. Hitomi and Liam can come her as they please as you wish. It’s in Hitomi’s nature to never abuse her powers. That’s why you allowed Yu Mei to send them to different time streams that weren’t the real you. If anything I made sure to clone this body in case my plans go wrong. I’ve even went as far as to use forbidden arts, diagrams and seals.

If all 100 of my plans fail at least you’ll survive it all with my memories. At least someone will know that I was here. I don’t need anyone else. If anything I don’t even look for someone else. In fact I know I’m different from everyone. May the gods be punished along with those that made you suffer. My plans won’t be liked by you, making them aware of your sacrifice for them is just the beginning. If I have to start from the past so be it. At least this way they won’t turn on you again and be tricked by Luna as well as that bastard.” (Eris)


A dark red beam shot out from Eris’s heart as she smiled but if Rika was awake she’d shout at her for doing something so insane. Eris was using her abilities to synchronize individuals of the past with their happier past lives in the 4th alternative timelines. As well as giving them eidetic memory along with the knowledge of the world they live in the Realms. Along with their history of Rika’s sacrifice to protect their home.

“I wonder how much change and chaos this will be for that Luna (innocent unaware). For her she probably thinks it’s strange for humans and other race to have such knowledge much less use of the status system itself. You can’t erase something that began when you were at your weakest. This is also my fight Rika. So I won’t allow these small things to bother you. Luna can be petty all she wants.” (Eris)

Even Eris knew, the real reason why Luna was so pissed at Rika was because Rika cared for her and everyone’s wellbeing. So in her anger she took it out on the rest of the world. She knew they were innocent from it, yet she took everything and her anger out on them because her sister protected everyone. By invisible hands that reached out and stretched throughout her life so Luna headed towards insanity. Questioning if she too was ever influenced by her own sister.

But the only time her sister did get involved in her life was before the realms were created. Instead Luna’s insecurities ate away at herself after finding out she forgot she had a sister because her memories were also erased with everyone else.

“She should not even look for Rika. And Rika shouldn’t have sent her letter to Luna, thus derailing Luna’s life trajectory. I can never be honest about myself to Rika. After all her burden is so much more than just my and her own life. Meaning I can’t have her to myself even if she acted like a mother.” (Eris)

Eris sat down as she stared at Rika’s face without saying anything more. Instead she hummed herself a tone that she remembered Rika singing to her. It soothed her to be around Rika. So she didn’t like the idea of separation. But she knew that things would go that way if Rika failed. So she planned for all possible outcomes just in case. Betrayal of the Asuras was also an outcome that she thought would happen. So her second plan was to start from them. Rather she sat in the laboratory alone annoyed at the thoughts.

“The ones that Rika needs are the Asura race and the Phoenixes. So they should be my first options after the first plan.” (Eris)

The most populated race is phoenixes. Having Asura race means having the abilities to counter time. Third race she needed was the elves and fairies. If anything she hated when she couldn’t hear Rika but she knew she should let her rest. Rika’s eye injuries were what causes her to lose her eye sight for a random period of time. It also causes her to be afraid to lose her sight completely.

“Even if I say she’s never alone she probably will ignore it. That’s how she is. Everyone but herself. Yet she fears the most is the loneliness. Maybe if she does screw up all my plans that last resort will probably have her cry. If I’m truly gone because of her choices I wonder how she’ll act.” (Eris)

Eris sat there moping for awhile but she didn’t say anything more. Instead she stood up and touched the glass with Rika’s body inside.

“A carrier. Container, a body. An vessel. I guess putting all my abilities and powers into it for her to use later on would be a good gift if she wakes up in it again. I don’t know if I’ll be alive though. After all not everyone is grateful to Rika. Even if she’s the one to keep them safe and alive as themselves. Though I’m sure Rika would be pissed off to know that I used more than half my blood for her body even if it’s charity from my side. She’d probably flip out on me. If all else fails you’re replacing my position. It’s a last resort Rika I hope you stay sane when it’s all done.” (Eris)

“What you’re doing is something forbidden. Even if she remembers you, she’ll feel the loss very deeply. Is this truly your wish Eris.”

“As a Guardian of Time and unable to move your own body that’s always in a sleeping state Irene. You shouldn’t lecture me. Her heart will heal over time. It’s because I know and see her outcome. That’s why I have to go through such extremes to make her realize that her life still matters to others. I’ll makes sure she always remains sane. Since that’s the one who saved me. Her mistake was only one thing. The worlds balance shouldn’t be her problem nor do the souls she’s trying to save. If she asks you who’s outside the time stream. Just say I forced you.

She can understand that I too can be selfish. Because I want her to remember me. That’s why I’m preparing so much. I’ll get dirty to get rid of all her pain if she wants but she won’t allow me so I have to do this directly.” (Eris)

Her head turned to the white light flickering in front of her. The maiden in front of her was but a unstable projection of the lady who’s been asleep since the beginning. If she can awaken her body she would’ve been able to prevent them from dying.

“It’s not your actions I’m questioning. I’m questioning your choice of doing things to her. Are you gonna leave her heart scarred for life because your own selfishness.” (Irene)

“I have to. So that she can forget about Luna and the pain she felt then. Even if she acts brave that made her unable to trust again. It’s the only way. To heal her broken heart, I know I have to break the shackles first. Rika will probably cry later but at least she’d be free from it all and feel again right.” (Eris)

Her attention focused on the turquoise hair color that was now stable out of the flickering light.

“It’s also why she made your soulmate an immortal to end herself. Yet you also deny allowing that to happen. If we can save her along with everyone else, that’s your wish and thought. I understand that’s also why I have to go in such a roundabout way with Rika. For I will never be honest with Rika. She gets her wish to return and I get mine to be remembered isn’t it a win win for everyone.” (Eris)

“It’s not! You wish for yourself to be food for soul. That’s not an answer.” (Irene)

“Then your selfish wish for everyone to live is vain Irene. In such an harsh world we live in this is how much things will always be. There is always a bloodied sacrificed path. Even human history is such you can’t avoid it either. Nor can anyone else. So what if I’m a concept of another timeline. I die it’s likely no one will grieve for me. Plus technically I should be nonexistent here. I’m an invader from the outside of your timeframe. Rika is also but she belongs to this world. For she was born in this world. She was only stranded in mine because she was betrayed by Luna.

No one would care for Luna aside from her own sister. This is the truth. Yet what did she do. She tried to kill herself is this repayment of saving your own life. It’s worst than a child. Thus even at the expense of my own existence I will correct all the wrongs between them as well as this timeline before it gets messed up further.” (Eris)

“So you’re planning to…… no your plan at the start was to sacrifice you and Luna at the start.” (Irene)

“You’re sharp. With both us gone she’d no longer be shackled.” (Eris)

“That won’t make her happy, you know that. It’ll only make her worst.” (Irene)

“Why do you think the moon lights is the strongest on the purple moon. So much so that the beasts and monsters go insane? What will happen if I in doing so discarded her mad goddess title that they gave her and the title of moon goddess connecting her and Luna? All that’s left is her abilities to shift and fix souls as well as bestow skills and abilities to people. As well was her racial traits for time manipulation. She gave me a form. So my purpose maybe cruel to her but I want her to live. Without me and those that chained her like she was but a caged bird. That person should be freed for once.

I’ll make sure that she won’t be chained to a promise again. Especially one she can’t keep without breaking herself like this again. Luna at 9 year old maybe naive and innocent but that promise is what made this mess. So to truly free her of it means permanent death of the one who she promised or the death of her soul permanently. Since she knew this she seeks her permanent death that benefits everyone else. That being said I will break her free of it all. Along with my death. If I make sure Luna gets reborn in the new timeline at the end of the battle that’s all that matters to her.

But what I will do is a clean slate for both the current Rika. Hate me she will for it. Yet it’s better than Luna messing up everything after we succeed everything. What’s one more wish of someone who was dying in a dying world. This world seems to run even without me. It connects more with Rika. Yet I stripped Luna of her abilities to put her on equal terms as the current weakens Rika.” (Eris)

“If that is truly your plan then that means your truly meaning to go through that.” (Irene)

“Soul Tribute ritual. Indeed I offer all I have and my powers to someone with an exchange of myself and someone else. Doesn’t matter if the other person knows or not. Since I share a body with Rika. I have to separate at some point. Just I might have to go a bit too early for her to like. This is probably risky on my part but this is something I have to do. Rika hates this but if I can I will. That person will never change her nature so someone has to end this cycle for her.” (Eris)

“Does it truly have to end like this.” (Irene)

“If she hates me then so be it. Punishing a 300 million year old goddess who’s never gonna listen is useless. If it pushes her then that’s that. At least I know that my soul will fuse with her after the tribute. It’ll also heal her sight completely. Rika didn’t deserve the end that awaited her.” (Eris)

The white light tried to approach Eris but went straight though her. Instead Irene shed a tear on the other side in the space she was in. Her body couldn’t move but she had felt much grieve for those erased by the mad concept in their timeline. Rika had showed her all the other timelines. But the one without Rika caring for everyone was truly chaos itself. All that was there were its citizens living in fear of male mindless abyssals overrun. No soul mates were together nor were they spared.

When she saw Eris’s timeline it was a lifeless world with only landscapes and soulless husks. There was zero development and the souls there was practically very low or nonexistent. So she understood how Eris meant she wanted to thank Rika.

“Why are you two so extreme.” (Irene)

“Because miss fairy godmother for everyone, they deserve a chance don’t they. You can’t do much but watch now. But you also hate it. Rika raised me 400 million years waiting for her next reincarnation. So I have to. She is the one there when it was just me. All that’s left is her. That means can’t I too do something to fill in what’s left inside of her. As twisted as I maybe I want her to be happy and be herself for once. Unburdened by everyone else and live for herself. That’s my only wish. Which means to do so I have to free her first.” (Eris)

“If you do so she’ll hate herself for all her actions up to now won’t she.” (Irene)

“She won’t. That person hasn’t changed much in her 2nd life. Rika still retains most of her personality now. So I know. She’ll be fine. Even without, she live on. Whether she forgives Luna and me afterwards it’s up to her. There’s no need for her to always protect what everyone hopes for anymore, she needs to let go.” (Eris)

“Eris.” (Irene)

“Oh… my eyes are bleeding. I guess backlash from forbidden arte affects concepts a little too. But a golden silver blood is interesting. Am I counted as a divine and a Phoenix. I who shares a body with a former goddess.” (Eris)

“Worrying so much will make your beautiful fairy like body with wrinkles and gray hair.” (Eris)

“Shut it. Rather is the only backlash tears of blood for you.” (Irene)

“It wasn’t much backlash though it just feels funny. There’s like no discomfort at all.” (Eris)

“Are you sure you’re fine.” (Irene)

“I’m no child. My core is fine see it’s here in my forehead. Us concepts have a core, each in our body, destroy that and we cease to be. Longest it’s alive so are we. Even if our souls are gone the rules and laws will just make us reborn as a whole.” (Eris)

“But you won’t be the current you.” (Irene)

“She doesn’t need to know now. Rika will learn it all when she has all my memories. If she hates me then that’s that. I won’t be there to judge her. That person needs it more than anything. So that she won’t be another Yu Mei and regret accidentally killing Luna with her own hands.” (Eris)

“You’ll then dirty your hands for her.” (Irene)

“I’ll give my blue core to you for safe keeping. Maybe it’ll have its uses when I’m gone.” (Eris)

“It will not! You won’t use it for something so selfish as that even if you’re gone. Rika will really cry if you do.” (Irene)

“You know you’re more perceived as a angel will be by humans than anyone. Thank you. For being angry in my place. Rika never realized that about me.” (Eris)

“I will use your core to detect his. But that’s all I’ll do with it. No self destructing it either.” (Irene)

“So how did you guess that the personalities would be erased.” (Eris)

“The way you acted, you actually knew that a new soul always gets implanted into the core.” (Irene)

“I see you read my serious expression. But there are three ways to destroy a core: attack it directly, have another concept destroy the core, or self destruction of one core on another.” (Eris)

“Then why leave it with me.” (Irene)

“Maybe a memento that I existed as a whole in this weird world for me.” (Eris)

“Damn it Eris at least seek a way to exist without all this.” (Irene)

“You’re the type to be burdened and feel sad when you see tragedy in front. I’d say ignore me as if I was never here. Then you’d be able to live with a piece of mind. Irene when you’re finally freed from sleeping. I wish you’d be truly happy with your choices.” (Eris)

“Stop being an idiot! Why did you leave such a…..” (Irene)

“She’s there to protect you. That is your daughter from my timeline. At least you can be a mother here. The one there died earlier because she was injured by the aftermath.” (Eris)

“But she’s yours too isn’t she. This is cruelty to her as a baby isn’t it. She’s just 1 year old.” (Irene)

“Then your burdened with her protection. Your protection is also up to that young one. There wasn’t enough time for her in a dying world. There’s practically zero food. I had to freeze her time. At least she’s here with you.” (Eris)

“Why! Why do this then.” (Irene)

“Because my lifespan. It strengthened my abilities and powers when I came here but I know. I exist in another timeline. I was born there. So my lifespan might be strengthened by coming here. But my lifespan is still short. So I wish to do something meaningful with my life.” (Eris)

“Dying isn’t a excuse! You should be with her until the end.” (Irene)

“I know. But you and I know that I can’t when I’m sharing a body with Rika. Rika doesn’t need this again. She’s had enough with Ember. Kana named her younger sister. She was made aware of the outside world and denied her mother naming her until she met Kana. That’s enough of a burden for one person already. Her life was literally linked to Rika’s willpower projection.” (Eris)

“Still you could.” (Irene)

“Irene I had 500 million years for my timeline to be what it was. Another 400 million years with Rika in one body. You’re saying that I should be with her but will she really develop around me. I myself know that my lifespan is short. Even for my own race. The one here is madly going towards his end because his instincts inside is telling him how to get the closest to the bad timeline you saw him existing in. That’s the one he wants. This is also the timeline we all want to avoid. That and the combination of the two concepts in one timeline. It caused so much destructive force it destroyed its own world.” (Eris)

“How is that any difference between you and that bastard now.” (Irene)

“He’s born here and has advantages of the rules and laws protecting him. I might be born from the destruction of such a timeline but I’m not exactly powerful before it. It’s like you say. The End is a start of a new Beginning. Thus I’m more powerful after everyone lost. But if we do so it’d be too late. So I’ll do my best to have Rika abuse my uses until my plans works.” (Eris)

“But you don’t know for sure if you’re still dying right.” (Irene)

Eris shook her head as she placed the banquet of lilies in front of Rika’s body. They were still in the laboratory but the topic was as if they were at Eris funeral already.

“Can’t you be there for her. I mean my body is sleeping still. So in a way I’m more a liability to the child.” (Irene)

“Actually that’s a no. Your other self in my timeline said that the space you’re in would nourish your sleeping body. So it’s probably fine for the child too.” (Eris)

Irene didn’t speak anymore as her white spectral form frowned at Eris. The blue core was already in her hands which made her very much annoyed. It put her on edge as if someone would attack her.

“You’re kind Irene. The dead should stay where they’re at. That’s all I can say, soul calling won’t work after soul tribute so don’t try.” (Eris)

“But that child would be motherless then once you’re gone.” (Irene)

“Then think of yourself as her adoptive mother.” (Eris)

“Isn’t this kinda cruel of you to do.” (Irene)

“I can’t enjoy myself like Rika who does things like she enjoys it. So I want to unchain her from her own burden. It will also free me from it all. It’s also what you truly wish right. A concept that go head to head with the mad one here in your timeline. She might hate me but it’s what has to be done.” (Eris)

“But at your own cost that’s cruel.” (Irene)

“At least I made sure she doesn’t have a weakness like a core like we all do so she’ll be the first anomaly born.” (Eris)

“Doing this is very much like Rika in her stubbornness.” (Irene)

“It’s inherited from her after all. Stubbornness and my selfish wish is for myself to be remembered.” (Eris)

“I probably won’t even be able to stop you.” (Irene)

“Thank you for coming to visit.” (Eris)

The white spectral projection disappeared after Eris leaned back on the glass. Her goal she was doing was obviously just her own selfishness. Yet she knew the ones to grieve for her would be those that she befriended through Rika.

“That’s why I don’t like getting attached.” (Eris)

Eris POV

The one that I don’t understand is myself. Why do I keep doing things like this. I know that Rika will hate me for Luna’s death. But at the same time it’ll free her. Two goddesses born since the beginning of time. Both with the same honesty in words yet the times were harsh on them. It gave them a ordeal and changed both their lives. Rika’s was her cost of her life as a goddess, Luna it was her innocence and protection. They were a race that had to be keep all promises or they’d be punished harshly for it.

Rika’s punishment was her being sent into the void with all those other souls forgotten or broken and tossed aside. They screamed at her endless and tried to eat her inside the void. Yet her sanity left her slowly her willpower and personality to protect remains.

Luna was more of a crazy person who’s paranoid since her sister’s death. Disaster like in personality and love for information only. Two different persona created from the two of them.

“If possible I want to watch over Rika.” (Eris)

I teleported myself 100 kilometers south away from the laboratory and both Luna. Since I don’t want to be seen near either of those. The annoying green hair in a braid and the ancient eastern clothing was a obvious part of telling who he was.

“Well well, look what we got here, a rat from another time stream.”

“I’m no rat. Riot. You’re the bastard doing all this aren’t you.” (Eris)

“You came here from your dying timeline Rize.” (Riot)

“I don’t exactly go by that name and you know it.” (Eris)

“Come crying like a baby you are little sister.” (Riot)

“As if we’re related! You’re just saying that because you’re older than me in terms of being born first. You are also the bastard who made sure all souls going into my world were dead. A bastard to the end, you intwiced Luna with a condition she couldn’t refuse and had her free the male abyssals to do your bidding. It’s such a bullshit you play gentlemen when you're indirectly pulling strings like a puppeteer.” (Eris)

“So you’re saying that you’re discarding your name that means life! You the symbolism of life abandoning her meaning in name.” (Riot)

“Says the bastard who’s a narcissistic cocky, egoistic.” (Eris)

“You know I’m handsome and the women here should bow before myself.” (Riot)

“Damn, Rika’s right your as annoying as the first time she saw you. Using greedy humans to corrupt her faith into her divine core as a goddess. That’s the real reason she died.” (Eris)

The way he slammed his fist on his palm as he realized who I was talking about got me annoyed. This person was very much self centered as shown in the memories.

“Also were not related by blood. The only relationship is the rules and laws of how we’re created.” (Eris)

“Then are you here to challenge my authority over this time period itself.” (Riot)

“It’s not me. And how I wish it wasn’t me to be the one in front of you but Grace.” (Eris)

“I don’t understand what you mean.” (Riot)

“Right you only know the one who enters your time stream not the others like us. The oldest one existing truly didn’t want this outcome either. But I will not challenge you. Especially so when I’m at my weakest.” (Eris)

“I see. Then I will leave. Don’t interfere with my actions.” (Riot)

Instead he opened up the sky itself and vanished from there. Grace was the first time line. It was the timeline everyone had happy endings. Ereq and Jem were the 2nd timeline it was utter disorder and discord as they conflicted with each other. Making more consequences than needed they headed towards their own destruction. Riot’s twin who was before him was the timeline ruled by Treb who caused fear and disaster wherever he went. He used the male Abyssals at his every disposal thus the low rate of souls.

My 5th timeline was the outcome from Luna’s betrayal. It was what Rika called the End of Worlds. Where the only souls I could and would’ve had souls was from the lowest stratum where I had zero authority over souls. Thus I was dying because there was no life in the upper worlds. Riot wasn’t wrong in calling me by that name but it doesn’t represent the outcome at all.

“If I was anything like my name it’d mean I’d create a miracle easily. I’m not Grace. At least she was powerful, full of confidence and authority while understanding what she truly wanted. The only outcome she didn’t expect was the results after her timeline.” (Eris)

That person is somehow the person I respected. I wonder what Rika would say if I told her I inherited all her knowledge. But not her skills. Like a inheritance of sorts, she’d probably be annoyed or bothered. She’ll have her memories later anyway. How she does things after I’m gone I’m unsure but that’s for her to find out.

“Memories can be a burden especially when it’s a legacy with a story to it. I guess I’ll have to use Hitomi to trace Grace’s hidden treasures and weapons. It’s there for sure, I’m sure it’d resonate very well with Hitomi. They’re very much similar. It’s almost as if I’m looking at the same soul radiance of hers. But this is Hitomi’s first life. So she can’t be her (Grace’s) reincarnation either.” (Eris)

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