《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 55 Half truths


Hitomi POV

I didn’t think Rika would come back for a while. So after Lilith left I went to the one place I could have a peace of mind. Mother they bought the house when I was 4 years old. This tatami mansion in the grasslands full of monsters with a barrier around it. The mansion was bought they created a second floor basement to store information and weaponry that was sealed up. To never be used again or abuse by its owners.

It calms me being there in the middle of the weapons and the documents inside the basement. The smell of dust and the smell of paper there leaves a calming effect on me.

‘Hmm she’s right.’

That voice sounded different from Rika. Yet the one in front of me was a 15 year old girl with budding figure. Her clothes was a uniform of a school but the light purple hair confused me. The difference between her and Rika was that her eyes were closed. There was similarities to Rika but she wasn’t her. That’s the feelings I was getting from her.

‘I told her you would notice. A friend of Rika’s. A new born soul who shares her memories if you must ask. We share a body after all. I do have to fill in her missing gaps in between. A goddess being chained and sealed into a mortal body can’t be left unrestrained. It’s like leaking energy and asking the unnatural to come kill us as a baby.’

Her bluntness was similar but her words provided me with enough information. Yet my soul prying passive isn’t working on her.

‘It doesn’t work on concepts and rules. I am one of the exceptions to it. Rika’s busy so she asked me to stay with you. Actually I don’t hate it. I never had a body or form before I met her. I was just conscious, aware of my surroundings but unable to do anything.’

‘Then may I know the name of this guest that interrupted my peaceful thoughts.’ (Hitomi)

‘Eris, that’s what she named me. Like the poison lilies that kills the instant you step into that small poisonous world.’ (Eris)

Why the heck does Rika name a child something like that much less a 15 year old like her. The innocence from her smile and running around me seems to unsettle me with her name.

‘She said because in the gods’ divine language it translates to roses. Rika wanted me to be like the flower, able to defend myself and not be harmed by others. Her words meant she didn’t want me to be like her. Nor does she want me losing my emotions. Yet the changes are also my fault.’ (Eris)

The girl in the black and red high school uniform sat down. Rather she seems down at her own words like she was at fault for their situation now.

‘Our body is 25 years old. Yet we have no control of it. It’s on autopilot because her actions. I’m also fine with that. I’ve never interacted with others before. Plus the humans there seems to have problems with communication with each other as a family. The resentment possessing us isn’t really helping much but it’s not that bad.’ (Eris)

So this girl knows their situation isn’t optimistic at all. Actually if it was normal person they’d be annoyed by being aware of their body being possessed. It’s an uncomfortable feeling just from seeing the memories. Though from the looks of it their life doesn’t seem all that bad. Just too much novels being read online and stuck at home or babysitting.


Rather the only problems for her is when she gets behind the wheels. Seems the things possessing her won’t allow her. It’s like a strong resentment that makes the body sluggish and very sleepy after she tries to drive a car. That’s their only problem with their modern life, aside from a bit slow in the skills and the brain area. She could probably function as a normal person but that won’t allow its host.

‘I see.’ (Hitomi)

‘Actually I’m certain she’s doing this because she’s guilty that I don’t have a actual body. It’s like Rika at the same time not. Her body is also my home. She got sad when she heard me say that maybe if she and I reincarnated I’d cease to be. Instead it angered her. But I don’t actually mind. I mean aren’t I a intruder in her body. Plus her allowing me free roam and saying you won’t know the difference.’ (Eris)

Actually the difference was huge. They’re different colored hair. Just that Eris seems weirdly attached to Rika. I think I understand why Rika wanted her away from Rika.

‘I’m certain she just wants you to experience on your own.’ (Hitomi)

‘Well that’s true. I don’t know why I’m physically manifested like this. Why am I different from Rika. We are both soul projections. Only we don’t have access anymore to the status system. It’s kinda hard for her to relink the soul system to the system now. But her problems isn’t yours. I think she knows you’ll help. I’m also the one protecting her by not allowing you to peek on her 2nd life. Her problems stem from the buds. That’s not something that should be your problem.’ (Eris)

‘You’re saying you won’t allow her to sacrifice herself into nothingness.’ (Hitomi)

‘I’ll make sure she remembers everything in her next life. Except the painful loneliness that she felt after she lost it (everything and everyone around her) when she died.’ (Eris)

I stared at the 15 year old girl in front of me with a sad smile. Yet her closed eyes bugged me for some reason. Like how the hell can you see with your eyes closed much less in soul protection form.

‘It bothers you doesn’t it. I gave her my sight because her own was damaged by Luna who borrowed from someone. A damage like that will never heal. Borrowing from a rule or concept can fix all answers right.’ (Eris)

Her way of telling me that Rika was truly actually blind because Luna irritated me. Why does Rika not tell me anything about herself personally.

‘Rika loses her vision occasionally. But her sight is a bit bad. Like she can’t see a person’s face anymore and their hair color. When she loses her vision, she’s like a child panicking because it becomes dark. She’s afraid of losing her sight.’ (Eris)

Eris does seem to be physically more stable than any souls I’ve seen in notes. Even for a soul projection. It’s a full solid especially for someone who said she doesn’t have a body before this. Her head tilted at me as she curled in a ball as she stared at me with closed eyes. Which creeped me out since I couldn’t see her eyes.

‘It’s not my fault. Luna attacked her eyes in anger in her last life. My sight was given to her while she sealed her sight so she wouldn’t lose it completely. Yet it’s also not healing because it’s a time attributed wound.’ (Eris)

Wait a second, why did she pop out from under me. That just gave me a chill since it made her look like the spirit races. They can go through objects like apparitions. It’s very chilly when she does so too.


‘Strange, so when I don’t want to touch you I can go through you and the objects around you.’ (Eris)

‘Can you see with your eyes closed like that.’ (Hitomi)

‘Well I borrow the senses of the others for sight but my hearing is just fine. Plus Rika’s been through the timeline so many times that I know where most things are. Even lost relics, artifacts and weapons.’ (Eris)

From her words the first part she meant was from being inside a crowd of people. But she won’t do so alone. Yet she’s more excited to be out and about as she walks around in here. I guess our information and weapons don’t bug her. The weapons might be sealed here but sometimes they act up and break their seals every once in while.

‘Dorchihara is still in the hands of your mother is it not. The soul weapon that seals elemental spirits inside. Elemental spirits are spirits created by human faith and belief. Thus the elementals named Undine, Salamander, Sylph, Volt, and Gnome were sealed into the sword. That is still in her hands then she isn’t in danger from Yuna.’ (Eris)

‘Why do you sound so sure that Kana Nèe won’t harm mother again.’ (Hitomi)

‘From Rika’s experience and knowledge of the timelines. She does have access throughout all of the timelines. But if she doesn’t go in order it gets kinda confusing even for me.’ (Eris)

‘Wait you said timelines like time loops for us. Is that what you mean.’ (Hitomi)

‘So you’re not stupid. Yes, Luna has been using to empower and enhance herself. Actually I’m now gonna send you somewhere. It’s still within this timeline no worries. You’ll meet the princess who is the presentation of the human’s will power to survive manifested. She’s in an infinite time loop of killing undead. It should be enough to hone your skills against all odds.’ (Eris)

Wait don’t freaking teleport me with such a big magic circle. Freaking Niana will freak out that someone somehow broke in to the barrier. The blue light engulfed me along with the magic circle under me. That person is as eccentric as Luna in name. But I’m sure her words didn’t have any malice. Yet the sights before me left me stunned, a medieval Stone Age castle in ruins, all types of undead overrun all over the place. Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, vampires, and etc. are all killing humans as they please. While I can see in the battle a shine in the distance as someone blasts the wasteland even more.

‘Unusual right. This time period for her is frozen in a time loop infinitely. The Flame Empress dies, she takes the throne and not long after her kingdom is always overrun by undead. Her mother maybe a human hero but even she has limits. It’s a human’s body afterall. She’s the human’s only hope. If she calls they would all die here. The girl in this loop because she knows if she doesn’t fight back they can go out to other time periods. Thus the close off time space, this is why no one outside has stepped into this zone despite it all.’ (Eris)

I frowned at her but blocked a blow from my right. Seems this place isn’t a great place to be distracted. Too many undead gathered in one place inst a good thing for me. It wasn’t complicated for me but I think Eris sent me here on purpose to get in touch with the human princess.

‘Everything here resets when she dies on the battlefield as usual. But her skills and instincts are honed. Cruel it maybe but she always cries when she sees her mother dying of illness. A 14 year old crowned empress, yet she ends up as a princess all because of undead invading her kingdom.’ (Eris)

I couldn’t talk back to Eris as I pulled out a naginata to cut down the zombie next to me. The guts actually poured out in front of me. It felt unsettling but I had to bash the skeleton behind it with the shaft of my naginata. Obviously the skeletons are weak to blunt attacks. How obvious can it be for low level skeletons. Rather it annoys me that they’re climbing the destroyed castle walls towards me. What the hell, I’m not even a human here yet I’m getting attacked too.

‘I did say outsiders are unwelcome here. Especially so in a wasteland with misama from the undead. It’s turned most of the land unfertile after all. Then again they usually can’t find this place because she closes herself in and everyone else out.’ (Eris)

‘Tell me that first part you idiot.’ (Hitomi)

I stabbed the ghoul in the stomach but my naginata almost got stuck in there. It’s unsettling with their blood being so purple. Why the heck are there this many undead. I think the count was probably more than 1 million. They don't really let you rest. Yet I’m glad there’s no vampires here. There’s more skeletons again with shields and swords. Damn, they’re endless, I probably won’t be able to rest for a while.

Where the hell is the source for these undead anyway. Even if I have a lot of stamina I’d probably be mentally exhausted at some point. I can see why Luna labels the evolve zombies as a no go now. It’s because they learn from past experiences and counter you back in unexpected ways. Damn another arrow to my left leg. Sure I can regenerate but having a weapon stuck in you hurts.

‘Hmm, Rika was right you suck at this.’ (Eris)

‘You don’t say. Sending a beginner who just got used to the instincts of dodging and control of her overpowered body isn’t helping. Why the hell do you throw me in such a war zone.’ (Hitomi)

‘Because you’re similar to the young naive Rika. The one who once trusted people in battlefield. But the truth is, in a life and death battle it’s every person for themselves.’ (Eris)

‘So you toss me here to make me experience it all. Just on a whim.’ (Hitomi)

‘No. It is because of your similarities but the outcome is different for you.’ (Eris)

When she says that I could explosions getting closer to here. The same one I’ve been hearing off in the distance. The glow from the battle front seems to be getting closer too. I guess Eris meant it when she said me and Rika were different.

‘Rika was 5 when she saw humans at war. So the young girl decided to help but instead they barred their weapons at her.’ (Eris)

Her words rang in my ears as if she was saying that the humans were mad wild dogs attacking a person. It must’ve been my imagination since I’m still fighting the skeletons.

‘I’m not lying they were like that. The gods blood is golden. The Phoenixes bleeds silver. Yet when they die they’re reduced to golden ashes on the end of their lives.’ (Eris)

My mouth twitched as I blocked another attack towards me, I removed the arrows in my legs as I tossed them back. Damn it Eris are you trying to distract and kill me in battle. I could almost imagine a 5 year old Rika confused in a war zone. That made my stomach turn in annoyance. This isn’t really helping me. My sisters did take the baby on the trip out when I asked them to go out though. (The parasitic baby from the dark forest) Yet this pisses me off that Eris is getting on my nerves.

“Damn it Eris show yourself and fight me if you’re going to act like this.” (Hitomi)

“Was it wrong to tell you the facts.” (Eris)

She had a solid body in front of me. But the dress she had on was a full body armor except her head. It didn’t really match her considering that she seemed to have barely C cup breasts. Yet the skeletons around her trying to attack her were reduced into ashes in seconds.

“Did you know I am the same as that bastard that got Rika killed. It disgusts me. But I didn’t have a body but was conscious. I just existed in dying worlds. If Rika does risk it all, it will probably be long after you’re dead. You don’t need to worry about us.” (Eris)

I opened my mouth but no words came out. The knowledge she gave me was too much of a shock. Somehow it unsettles me about Eris. This was what felt so wrong about her. Rika was looking for a place to die and return to. Eris is looking for a home here, yet her actions tells me she doesn’t care for herself. The explosions and the fighting seemed to be getting close that my ears are now ringing.

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