《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 53 Ling Yue’s godmother, the saint, and Setsuna’s situation


Ling Yue POV

Human classes and history got me bored as heck. I couldn’t even focus right, damn it’s been a long day. They mentioned history but I felt like laughing at their so called important figures. Like so what, they’re not even the ones in the top. They’re all actually worthless scums at the very bottom no one cares about.

“Like I said no smoking Seiko.” (Theresa)

“Eh. I’m not giving you my box of cigarettes.” (Seiko)

“Rina I give you permission to do as you please to discipline her.” (Theresa)

Whoa these three are skipping classes, I focused on the grey haired girl that’s the personification of womanly. Yet the way she locked Seiko’s right arm with her left arm seemed so unnatural. The vibe it gave was off. Plus she reeked of demon blood badly.

“Not bad your also here Ling. Glad I came to this school for easing my boredom. It’s never boring.” (Rase)

What is this immortal cave woman doing here. She’s the damn first immortal from humans and a childhood friend of mother’s. This is the person I’d like to avoid the most. She doesn’t care what you’d say. She’d pull you along with her.

“Wait don’t run towards those three.” (Rase)

The anger in her voice doesn’t sound contained. She’s an explosive. Literally, you don’t go as she please and she does things to the extreme. The students were also coming out but her punch towards the right towards the wall exploded the student’s head. There’s now screams everywhere.

“Shit we got a crazy bitch here. I’ve never seen a white haired lady go mad before.” (Seiko)

Rina obviously let go when she sensed something wrong too. I should’ve known my godmother (by force) was gonna explode if I don’t do as she wants.

“Sorry…. that might be my fault.” (Ling Yue)

“Aya! You’re on now.” (Theresa)

“Understood.” (Aya)

I noticed the pink haired girl about 15 or so in the black school uniform leaning where the student’s head should be. But I didn’t question her when she started to rewind the time on the student. That was damn close call. Though I’m thankful for those that ran away instead of staying here. I’m certain this girl is an Asura.

“That was too damn close.” (Seiko)

“Yea no kidding.” (Rina)

“Ling will you be a good girl now and come to godmother.” (Rase)

Not when your red eyes are like snake like eyes. That’s usually when you snap. This explosive is very hard to tame.

“Like hell I'm going near you when you snapped at me. You also can’t control your temper or your outbursts. It’s a rebound on the closest person to you.” (Ling Yue)

I backed up to hide behind Theresa and Seiko. Like who wants to be near this person who leaves you with 1% health and almost kills you every damn time. Even the four people with me are cautious.

“So you know her Ling Yue.” (Theresa)

“She’s my mother’s childhood friend and the first human immortal born. Rase is the type to solve things through actions. Her emotions and outbursts happen often. She usually leaves the other end with 1% of health. If you’re unlucky you’re like the student that got revived on the floor there.” (Ling Yue)

Setsuna POV

Dear gods can die for all care. Why me, sealing me inside a baby seems worst for wears. But from the talks from the surrounding seems like I’m in wasteland. They keep going on about destiny, soulmates and wanderers. I’m not stupid Rika mentioned that the Fates were a race that lived on the scarce wasteland and humbled themselves. Only few strays happen among fates. They were always wanderer class that goes out. The fates are also the kind to have corrupted souls recycled by guarding the doors to reincarnation. I heard from Rika that the only ability they have of the fates is looking at someone’s past and future as well as advising the one going through the doors. Even if that person don’t remember. Some lucky ones do remember.


I stared at the surrounding through the baby’s eyes. Seems from the words this one is very much an orphan. Rika said like any society’s the fates were especially harsher for abandoned children. It’s so obvious with her in the box dumped on the city streets as most people were ignoring her. It makes me uncomfortable which reminded me of Rikawhen she helped raise me.

They’re a humble race yet they also have little food so it’s not unusual for abandoned children. One thing that Rika reminded me about the Fates annoyed me though. Since I’m now sealed inside one. Their period as baby to adolescent is the longest period. So I’m stuck inside the baby of a Fate for a while. Guess I’ll have to do what Rika did and keep this innocent child alive. Though the sights of the Fates as a race is interesting. Strings with memories of the past or future intertwined with the said person.

In the border between worlds connecting the upper worlds to the lower worlds, the exception of excluding the lowest world. That’s what Rika talked about when I asked her about our world itself. Rather she was rather informed and seemed very sad about it. That she herself wasn’t here in person. She didn’t have a choice either.

‘Hey baby! I know you’re self aware. You’ve done nothing but look around from this box. I’m Setsuna, an 18 winged angel sealed inside you.’ (Setsuna)


‘We’ve been at this for about 3 months after your birth. Just watching, can’t you like cry and get attention. I mean you did cry a few times and got fed on whim. But we can’t go on like this. If you die I would die too since the seal is connected.’ (Setsuna)


‘Us dying is bad. First let’s name you. How about Tia.’ (Setsuna)


‘Ugh you’re not even a reincarnated person. Guess it’s better than having us dying. First step giving an identity to you so you know that we’re two separate beings. You understand that.’


Damn this conversation with a 3 month old baby that is self aware that doesn’t know anything about its surroundings is bad. I remembered a fact that Rika loved about the wasteland here. There’s a siren here. A siren is also a race of the sea. They attract humans and other races in the autumn and winter season because they go into heat. So they sing and ensnare, their lovers. The one Rika mentioned was an immortal siren who lives here because she didn’t want to be like her race. They’re not exactly like mermaids either.

The race most like a human except with the gills on the side of their neck. Sirens are a beautiful race that knows to charm better than succubus. My only hope is to get her attention in this wasteland.

‘We are to cry so we get attention.’ (Setsuna)

This is our only gamble left. A 1 in 1 million chance. I can’t have her starve to death after 8 days of no food. At least with the siren we can survive in this wasteland. This is the last day for her as a baby. I know because Rika loved talking about this race. Down to the very last details of them as baby. They can last for about 8 days as a baby without food. Anymore than that is the baby’s limit. They’ll die if they don’t get picked up. Good Tia is crying as advice so loudly. The immortal siren that Rika talks about is hidden among the fates in the wasteland because she lives here with her lover. An annoying person during my time period.


A leviathan princess. Someone who’s as moody and eccentric that it’s impossible to predict her actions. She’s not exactly kind nor is she a battle junkie. If anything she’s a nuisance in more ways than one. We’re friends but on the line of more acquaintances and not borderline friendly either. From what Rika said she is the type that can’t leave it alone because her lover (immortal siren) is nosy so she’s my only ticket out for both me and Tia.

Even if she’s the person I hate the most I still have to get her attention. As a princess she was very prideful, cocky, dishonest and very much a tsundere. I couldn’t really watch the last bit of her personality when she acted like that on me. But guess can’t be helped if she’s my only ticket out. Leviathans are pretty in appearance. Dark colored hair similar to water in color. So dark blue hair, blue, dark green etc. Thus easy to spot than anything else. Yet in the wasteland of fates it’s an usual hair color too, since the fates are more centered on variety based on their environment in the wasteland.

While Tia was crying I was trying hard by using appraisal on the people passing by. Can’t be too sure on her looks staying a teenager like when I was alive right. I have zero clue as to where I am in this era, this baby is born in. But they were dating when I was alive. Plus Rika was very detailed on the fates situation. The siren Faris was the type to pick up strays and strange stuff or unwanted children. So I’m sure Pare will have to pick us up. The seaweed hair color and fair complexion spotted. Though her young look of a teenager was gone. I rolled my eyes as she saw Tia as a baby with a troubled look.

Yu Mei POV

“Rika. Does this really matter? You did all this and set things into motion. Yet you act like you’re insane but you’re not. Out of all of us you’re the one who’s the self sacrificing and logical in thinking.” (Yu Mei)

I had seemed out her soul in person. To talk to her that her wishes were very much unstable. Especially at her own expense. This former goddess is testing the brain of a person to try to see if they’d kill her after turning the human immortal. So that the person should outlive their friends and family. She wanted to see if the person would go mad and kill her permanently at the end of their journey.

“Isn’t it enough that this is the 2nd run through for everyone in all timelines.” (Rika)

My eyes narrowed on her as I frowned. The sad smile on her face reminded of the situation she had put herself in. Even if she wore such a beautiful green and elegant kimono it seems so out of place on her.

“This is the third run for you isn’t it. The real reason you lost your emotions is because the 2nd run through you sacrificed your emotions when everyone was losing in battle. Stop the insane illogical plans of testing your own limits.” (Yu Mei)

“Don’t worry this time isn’t the same. The feelings and emotions I will sacrifice is fear and cowardice. Then I won’t have anything to lose anymore.” (Rika)

M“That second run through for you was too risky on your end wasn’t it. I found out too late but it was linked to your second daughter wasn’t it. Your whole willpower projection on the second run through was linked to her so she can see the outside world and experience it herself. Because you couldn’t give birth to her when you died as a goddess. She was inside you at that ‘time’ of your death then.

So when you remembered everything in your second reincarnation you linked her to watch the link and taught her through that link. Her hatred towards Luna isn’t from you. It’s from getting cut from you and that link. Your actions now, isn't that of a siscon anymore but that of a mother trying to protect even her daughters. If so, stop this insanity, they wouldn’t want their mother dead completely.” (Yu Mei)

“I see, you went and investigated my actions that far Yu Mei. Yes this is a revenge on Luna. She already spiraled into madness. But I wasn’t really running on emotions when I came to. Yes at some point I did regain my emotions in this third reincarnation. My anger towards her was that the child’s soul was missing because the link was severed. Thus I made Luna lose her loved ones (friends) as a punishment. She should know that a mother’s wrath isn’t one to be taken easily. Her luck is quite good since the girl’s soul was found early. That girl’s body is still on life support.

Though she does respond when I mentioned Kana. I guess I’ll leave the waking up to her older sister.” (Rika)

“You still still haven’t named her.” (Yu Mei)

“Actually she denied me when I asked. But it’s been 400 million years since I reset the world. Not the timelines itself or Luna and that person would notice.” (Rika)

“Then it took you 100 million extra years to reincarnate. This time are you sane enough to think. Do you still have the contract with the void? Are you sure you’re yourself.” (Yu Mei)

“I’m fine. I’ve recycled most of the forgotten souls there. Only one left there is me. It was driving me insane in the second life because the voices of those that died and broke because of the stupid rules of tiers.” (Rika)

“Good thing we discarded that. Knowing how many times you reincarnated in soul tier with all your memories of past lives broke the souls thus they were forgotten in the void and couldn’t reincarnate. Much like how forgotten goddesses and gods end up there.” (Yu Mei)

“It’s not my problem but soul tiers was discarded. Yet the gods are still doing something as stupid as corrupting souls. Thus I want to destroy the system those gods set up as them at the top of most race. Along with Luna. I won’t involve innocents.” (Rika)

“This being said by the one who let loose the corruption from the other side that could’ve killed everyone and needs a host to live.” (Yu Mei)

“I gave her a body. Along with memories of whom to avoid, which person was important in the timeline. What not to do to draw Luna or that jerk bastard who killed me in my first life so early on. She has all the advantages what’s wrong with that.” (Rika)

“She’s the corruption of all negative emotions and every race sealed on the other side of a gate. Yet you were crazy enough to let her loose.” (Yu Mei)

“Was I supposed to not do it. In my second life I was her host, we lost our eyesights every once in while and she understands me. So what’s wrong with letting it loose back into the world. It’s created by the rules of all races. They were the ones that cast her aside. Like how Yami ran away from her responsibilities by leaving all memories and emotions to me as her other half of the soul. Did you know the first emotions I recovered in this third life was. It was anger at her. Not Luna for killing my second daughter but anger at the one who left this whole mess to me.

The second emotions I recovered were hatred and strong disappointment for Luna. There’s nothing left of the kindness of my former self after that. Those gods and goddesses made sure of that in the 2nd run through when they killed Kana. So they along with Luna can go to hell and back. I want them to live and suffer as I did. With the loss and gaping hole in their heart as they become a hunk of their former selves.” (Rika)

“It’s no wonder even if you’re not able to have access to the status system because your body isn’t here. You have such odd titles. Mad Goddess, Saint, Savior, the one who carries the worlds wills, misfortunate soul, former host of Corruption, ruler of kindness, the death god, the grim reaper, fate changer, and the one who exchanges. That death god title you had was during the 2nd run through wasn’t it. When you slaughtered everyone of the gods to the vampires and the Gods’ that were in the lowest stratum of the worlds.

That last title is because you save the main characters of the other worlds in both this world we live in and the lower worlds. At the price of your own expense of your body. If you weren’t a former goddess your body would’ve suicide from all that resentment possessing it. This is what plagues your body. The damn price you paid. None of this is needed. You were punished by the Gods’ of the lower worlds because you killed too many of their kind. So to strip your authority and memories they reborn you as the one race you hated.

The humans, the very race that killed you in both reincarnations. That’s why you’re not bothered by your body. It’s the real reason why you don’t care. You maybe able to return here if you forgive them all Rika.” (Yu Mei)

“And be recycled to be a play thing. No thanks. I destroyed the God system in the lowest world so they wouldn’t interfere with souls too much. I didn’t want anymore soul tiers happening to the lowest world that was out of reach for me. They maybe excluded but they need as much support and help as we do here. No one can be sure that they won’t end up there right. This much is what I should do.

As for the gods and goddesses abusing the cycle of reincarnation and all other races. They should all just go down the drain. Every other race has potential over them. Corrupting souls means messing with the soul, it’s loved ones from the past and present life. As well as erasing and manipulation of memory. And using them as a puppet to do your misdeeds. For the gods of each generation even Luna has been doing so. The reincarnated soul has been probably been through 1000 reincarnation of manipulation to show such taint.

Do you think I wouldn’t try to destroy the soul systems placed by Luna them doing so. That is also why I reset the world. Such a person deserves not the race of a Divine Phoenix. The restrictions and such were placed by her. That much I know from looking at the system through Hitomi. Since this is from my own problem of changing things in the past so that Luna would live. I will chose to goes down this path of no return all the way.” (Rika)

I frowned at her words, because the proof is there. She let the Corruption that now goes by the name of Yao, do as she pleases in the heroes era. This person is playing a very dangerous game. Much more risky than her second reincarnation. It’s also why she didn’t leave her legacy to Luna. Things did go wrong, she allowed me to keep my memories of that time. She too didn’t allow the ones that ended Kana to live now. She actually went as far as to end their ancestors before they were born.

Though she didn’t allow the important and historical figures that were their descendants to disappear. She killed the ones that would directly give birth to those gods and goddesses. For vampires she went as far as vaporizing their whole bodies into nothingness. Rika seems more burden than when she was reborn the 2nd time.

“You used the loop hole in this system for the lower world. By using the resentment of the souls slaughtered from all over the upper worlds as a medium to reconnect here with the realms and to recover your memories. But is the the cost of your body really something you’d do so lowly. That is your own time with your current family that it is missing out on isn’t it.” (Yu Mei)

“What is there to miss in a communication disordered family. I at least want to be in battle with everyone else in the upper worlds rather than be in the lowest world ignorant of my existence as well as the zillions there unable to do anything as we cease to exist without knowing. Is knowledge and remembering wrong? What’s the use of being in the lowest stratum of the world. The Universes maybe the lowest of worlds but even, if we are unaware, we would rather fight than be left to bite the dust. That is my reason for reaching out again.” (Rika)

Risking your soul being extinct is a very bad reason for doing such. Wanting to not forget the lives lost is a fine reason to live but her selflessness seems more overpowering just as before. I wanted to ask at what cost but I didn’t. It was not my place to ask her that question. The one that should is the girl that she linked onto. That one that gave her a third time to make herself shine so desperately to live now. Yet her living and losing emotions again was her selfish wish. This expense that I hope doesn’t happen again.

After she left, I stood there looking at the grassland with the horses and the valley overlooking the moons in the sky. This was the same place she always comes to think and to collect herself over those memories of the ones who died. Even if they’re not her fault.

“Why can’t she be more honest with Luna? They shouldn’t miss each other like this. We have no way of knowing if this is her last time reincarnating either. Luna why must you push her off deeper into the abyss. There’s no returning if you drive the original one into the very void again. Does she really want a repeat of the no gods period she made. That was 300 years of recovery. Luna also spiraled into a even worse mental state because of Kana.

I guess humans aren’t wrong man made disasters never comes in ones they come in many forms. Just this one is brought by the idiotic moon goddess who’s too stubborn to listen for words. But as she said she will probably possess Kana temporarily to find her younger sister. This worries me. Her actions (Rika) seem more strange as the time goes on.” (Yu Mei)

What does she means she saw the other timelines besides our main ones. Is that why her actions are in almost all timelines in minor details. Creating new races from the previous ones, reunited lovers, fixing love ones lives, destroying male abyssals being born, keeping heaven’s fated ones (heroines and heroes of their stories) alive in a pocket dimension, hiding the immortal Phoenix to kill the male abyssals. She showed me the unbalance in the males created from the abyss. They themselves are a mindless bunch that will eat every living thing without a care.

So much chaos being born from the the abyss due to timelines deviation from that crazy person. Yet Luna who was supposed to fight him in the 2nd run through of our lives allowed the bastard to do as he wishes as if it didn’t involve her life. In fact if Rika hadn't reset the souls that died by those abominations wouldn’t be reborn either.

Her actions shouldn’t be justified for her means. The fact that she’s lashing out now means her back plans have all been set. But what are they, she can do more damage than Luna can. It’s worrying that she’s now more rational than the 2nd time I met her. I can’t predict her actions. That person decimated the upper world into being only 1% of its last population left. Now that she’s sane and herself it’s scary. She’s less as bold as the one who lost her sane self.

“Damn. I shouldn’t have come for drinking here like you asked.” (Leona)

“You’ve heard us. So what are your thoughts the immortal dragon queen? You're the best strategist even though eccentric like most of your race. I needed your thoughts on this. How was it? The forgotten goddess’s state in mentality and her actions how was it.” (Yu Mei)

“She seemed stable. Full of sadness, she smells of death. There’s a lingering scent of deads following her. That person seemed like she would go to the extreme at the same time stay within the limits of the boundaries set. If anything she seems more likely to be on our side than Luna. Luna is a loose cannon that can fire or explode on us at any time. Do you suppose we should trust that girl at all? Rika probably let Yao out to test both Luna and that ‘person.’ After all she’s the closest thing to his existence. She’s the things we as a race discarded. Whereas he’s the personification of the time in rule and laws.

But what troubles me is what you told me that Rika did to Yao. She fed her the resentment, sadness and despair from the people who died throughout all our timelines. This is what you told me as you investigated the past eras. Meaning Yao can feed on negative emotions now because Rika did such an unnecessary and odd action.” (Leona)

“It’s her actions that worries me. What sort of change is she trying to bring. I can no longer predict or see our timeline as a whole. It scares me.” (Yu Mei)

“She’s also the one who did an influx of souls into the system. Actually she made the system itself overload for so many centuries already.” (Leona)

“Rather the unpredictability of our timelines because of her makes me uneasy.” (Yu Mei)

“But is she also making sure that everyone but herself survives. That’s why she’s doing so much.” (Leona)

“Does she give the feeling she’s punishing herself hard to you.” (Yu Mei)

“It does, it’s like she’s seeking a place to end herself permanently.” (Leona)

How do you save someone who wishes not to be saved? That’s Rika’s feelings and wish. She wants to live yet at the same time she seeks her own end. Her feelings and emotions are all her personality but she’s too extreme.

“If you’re that worried about her, you just need to find someone to anchor her to one place. Then bring her back to the Realms. Isn’t that obvious.” (Leona)

I stared at the black haired dragon queen in a white gown in front of me. She says makes sense though. The one to tether her down, there’s so many options and choices. There’s the original Ling Yue’s soul. Then there’s the Hitomi in this timeline that is the main one. Setsuna was also a option since she raised her as a baby to her adulthood.

“But neither of the three options that are obvious would be her choice. Unless we bind her down like how Setsuna was sealed inside that baby.” (Yu Mei)

“Isn’t the choice obvious make her host Reaha. Isn’t she the fairy and an Asura. It’d be perfect, the girl has both the aspect and she has the race that Rika creates inside her bloodline. If not then Jean works too. That mad human king’s berserker bloodline would make even Kana jumpy. So that’d mean Rika wouldn’t be able to sit put. If not her then we wait until Yuki the half vampire and angel is born. She’s born in a few years after Niana has her 1st child so that child (Yuki) is also the new generation of goddess considering her mother is the goddess of angels and the one who bridges the dead to the living.” (Leona)

“Didn’t she like hate her inheritance as a goddess bloodline. She was more annoyed by her vampire relatives out to get her. They’d either frame her for a massacre in modern cities of companies or they’d try to assassinate her. Her favorite camouflage was a coke bottle with her blood inside.” (Yu Mei)

“True, but the one Rika can connect with the most is these three is it not.” (Leona)

“But how is Jean even a option. Her bloodline is from the mad king, her race is a devil demon, her mother was a life dragon wasn’t she. Yet her daughter ended up as the same race as her father who inherited the bloodline of that mad king. She wasn’t exactly sane nor was she able to control herself even to the end.” (Yu Mei)

“Yet Rika could connect with her because she’s been there in her second reincarnation wasn’t she. The void and the souls there drives her insane, she was also the host to Corruption that became Yao. Corruption that we as all races discarded because fear it’d control us much like how the rule created that being that killed Rika. Since she was able to come into contact and understand someone similar to a rule, concept or law then she can tame the devil princess.” (Leona)

“But that Corruption of negatives is what made the outlets so that the Destroyer race would exist as her camera to the outside world. She couldn’t control them completely yet she did monitor us from the other side of her seal. That much disgusts me. I don’t understand how Rika can get along with that thing. It’s like a mass of ugly emotions and darkness corrupting and corroding your mind.” (Yu Mei)

“Maybe it’s because Rika and it coexisted together for a goal. She did hate all gods after Kana died. Actually she snapped into berserker like state. From your memories that you showed me.” (Leona)

“It’s because I fear and respect Rika.” (Yu Mei)

“They both hate the race system set by the divines. Probably more so for the one that split from all other races. If Rika was there during the split she wouldn’t allow it. She’d probably treat it like her own child and teach it. Yet the choices weren’t there nor were our own free will. We had to make something or someone take that burden. It’s also why she hates Yami. Yami split from her and gave her more responsibilities than she would need.” (Leona)

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