《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 52 blooming happiness


Hitomi POV

Looking closely Kana seemed to be like she was in her 20s. Her lover seems like an office lady or a government worker. The lady looked about 30 or so. That’s just my estimate, but the person in question didn’t seem fazed, rather she seemed more worried about Kana.

“Mother how are you here? From the memories I saw you died. You sent me here to this period while you ended your own life. Why didn’t you come with me instead.” (Kana)

“At least I’m here now right.”

The kind goddess actually nodded to the words but she pursed her lips. I’m guessing she still wants answers from Rika. I kinda understand, if I hadn’t seen her memories I would probably be mad at her.

“So Luna is my aunt. But you never mentioned anything about other family members. You couldn’t have known that right? That she wouldn’t be a responsible person. She acts like a dead person with lifeless eyes.” (Kana)

“You’re not bound like us two. Your other mother is Lian. She probably blew her top by now. For she knew before you did.” (Rika)

“Who’s Lian? How is that person related to me now? She did nothing for me.” (Kana)

“Abyssal Queen. World’s most wanted. Always hunted down.” (Hitomi)

What I’m a shut in because my family. Not by choice, I at least keep myself up to date. Oh her reactions is weird now. She seems stunned like frozen into place. If I had a camera it’d look like a live statue. That’d be funny for a post card or phone screen. I mean a goddess as screen saver, when she’s statue-like.

“I didn’t know. That she didn’t meet me because her enemies would come for me.” (Kana)

“That’s one of the reason. She stayed away. Plus Luna hates her more than anything thus the pricing on her head.” (Rika)

Oh and this makes Kana pale as she realized shit doesn’t seem simple at all. I think her brain fried on this one. Her lover seems confused as heck. If I were her I’d be just as confused. Seems the abnormal pricing on her head is Luna out to get her. But for what.

“All Luna remembers by emotion before my letter to her in the past is that she hates Lian. But she didn’t remember why. Yet the truth is she hated that I spent more time with Lian than her even if I loved her then as a sister.” (Rika)

“So she’s after my other mother’s life because of jealousy.” (Kana)

Wait, the smile on her face finally changed to a bitter smile. Rika usually has it frozen. I’m guessing even as a half soul she’s slowly recovering her emotions for her face.

“Luna is very childish, unstable and twisted. I left her too young after all.” (Rika)

“It’s not your fault that your death was caused back then.” (Kana)

“I am but a soul now Kana. If I used that as a excuse it would only be that. There was a second option but I couldn’t do so. Not when I didn’t have much time left after sending you off to this time period. Someone of the past should stay just that. Especially for Luna.” (Rika)

“No. You always acted like that when it comes to her, you always put her and everyone else before yourself. For once put your happiness first.” (Kana)

I so agree with her words, seems Kana read between the lines. She’s not as stupid as Luna made her out to be. Yet why does it seem so tense between a family reunion. This is more like a stiff family meeting.


“Sorry. I’ll introduce her. She’s Catherine Illna.” (Kana)

“A hermaphrodite. Yes I know.” (Rika)

“Eh!?! She’s a human right? What’s with the weird gender.” (Hitomi)

“But I haven’t even said anything.” (Catherine)

That’s the weirdest part though all the information that Rika said she left out the gender part. Which threw me off too.

“Luna has been quite friendly to me.” (Kana)

“She’s always befriended the goddesses of death. Her alter motives is obvious. She wants me. To punish me and to also make me stick to her side. The punishment for leaving her. And her childish wish for me to always be around.” (Rika)

“You knew her plans and that she’s crazy enough to involve innocents yet you allow it. You saw three different timelines. Ours, the one in chaos and one where everyone has a happy endings. Yet you allow her to do all that as she pleases.” (Kana)

“You’re very much like a younger me Kana. Back when I still had the pride and guts to do as I please to help others.” (Rika)

“To not care for the consequences at all right.” (Lian)

The one that appeared from Rika’s shadows surprised me. The dark colored hair like the black night sky shining like the stars itself. Her white skin that was without any blemish or the white dress that seemed without dirt seemed odd. This person seemed so out of place as if the surrounding blended in with her. Yet the warnings in my head was going off when I notice the blue flaming Phoenix on her left hand. The lady that appeared behind Rika was Lian, the Abyssal Queen.

I can see where Kana inherited her hair. It was from the Abyssal Queen. Yet Rika didn’t say anything but look elsewhere as if it wasn’t her problem. It was just 40 minutes since we left the city. Did she slaughter everyone within that time frame.

“Luna has always been stupidly clingy. Even if Rika is a former siscon, she didn’t always stick with her because she wanted Luna to have other friends. Though the one crying in the end would be the crybaby Luna.” (Lian)

“If I didn’t give you my memories and made sure they stick. You’d be pissed off at me either way.” (Rika)

“I was annoyed I had zero memories of it all. Seems someone wanted to suffer alone.” (Lian)

“Can you stop picking on my mother.” (Kana)

And it seems this one doesn’t like her other parent. Catherine seems amused, the smile on her face tells me she doesn’t mind their arguing. Rika seems more troubled if anything she’s scratching her head. Lian seem to have somehow ditched all the assassins and bounty hunters. Though I’m certain from the reek of blood they probably all died horribly. I blinked when Kana charged to kick Lian for trying to hug Rika. She just blocked her with a nonchalant expression.

The poker face seems explainable for the Abyssal Queen who’s always been fighting before this. I scratched my head as I tried staring at her eyes. Where have I seen the golden red colored eyes before. It was in a old book in the library. An old lineage that’s all I remember. What the heck was it again?

“A kid like you is too young to be fighting me.” (Lian)

Rika just went into hiding again. I don’t think she wants to involve herself. That person doesn’t wanna try to do so. She’s not dense so she’s letting the two bond in their own way.


‘They’re so similar in personalities on likes. Maybe that’s what sets the two off.’ (Rika)

Hearing her words got me laughing out loud. Lian frowned at the words. Seems she really is higher level than me. Meaning she can hear through the telepathy link.

“I do not like the same things as her.” (Lian)

“It’s certain you do from your reaction to Rika. So she probably knows better.” (Hitomi)

Hm, this seems fun. Having to go outside and making friends. Traveling, experiencing new things, and meeting someone new. I guess I didn’t experience it as much because I was so sickly before. This is probably what I wanted to experience, the feeling of happiness to be out. When I was stuck inside, I was always inside with maids but it felt lonely. My family was always busy one way or another.

‘You know her hair doesn’t glow like stars. It’s only like that because the sun shine. It’d be the same way in the moonlight. It’s the soul of the abyssals that make their hair shine like that.’

“By the way Lian I have some very curious questions. Does your lover have a hobby of dying a lot? She freaking takes in damage of total strangers and allows them to survive. Is she a masochist? That person all takes in all souls negative emotions so they wouldn’t kill get too depression to a certain point. Isn’t her self abuse kinda of high for even standards? Why can’t she just stay put instead of reopening the link? Is she retarded? Like why does Rika has such weird tendencies.” (Hitomi)

Oh shit, her expression went dark. Kana looks like she wants to kill someone. Should’ve not have asked that question directly. I was curious what kinda person she was to do that in the past. The current her, is also a self-sacrificing idiot.

“I think the person in question doesn’t seem to listen to my words. To not look for ways to self harm herself. Nor is she to work for the benefits of others over her life or I will tie her up in a closed room to starve and self reflect.” (Lian)

I’m certain she’s serious. Rika isn’t responding. She’s probably too scared to answer.

“And if she thinks fading is a answer. I will use Luna’s life as line for her. Let’s see if she dares.” (Lian)

‘Hey! That’s foul play. Relatives are not involved in such situations.’ (Rika)

Oh her siscon self actually answered but her voice sounds weak. Like whimpering almost in a scared way. Something tells me Lian knows how to undo the situation. Maybe she has more knowledge than Rika since she was alive longer than Rika.

“Mother shouldn’t seek to end herself for someone as idiotic as Luna.” (Kana)

“Agreed. Hm if I’m going to the past, I need someone in. Lian do you have similar abilities as Rika? Like time jumping.” (Hitomi)

‘Rather than that she is more like Lilith in that she exists in all timelines as herself. She had my memories in the time the Realms were all combined into floating worlds. Meaning when Luna was already alone and unaware but hadn’t yet stabilized her wealth and sent others to hunt her down.’ (Rika)

Wait, don't just leave in the middle of a conversation. She freaking went back into the shadows through Kana’s. Seems her magic manipulation is very much powerful. Yet it annoys me to no end. Lian left without answering me.

“Well that was how she always was.If she stayed longer the bounty hunters would’ve popped up to attack her and we’d be in crossfire.” (Rika)

Oh now you come back out once she’s gone. In the same black and white kimono too, hiding isn’t even an action you should’ve done then.

“I will wait for you.” (Kana)

“If your talking about reincarnation. I already did this is soul projection. But any damage to the soul, I’m not sure what will happen to my main body. After all it’s a human body. The very race I dislike. Luna’s hatred towards them comes out often. Especially when they caused my death. Rather most man made disaster apocalyptic cities here is her plugging their mind with the information and the know how’s. Well except the Evolving Zombies that were made by some idiotic fool who wanted to see what’d happen to the undead.” (Rika)

Wait so you’re saying she’s freaking cranking up the levels of survival on human civilisations because her hatred is maxed. While up yours is dislike but you’re still freaking helping them. Are you broken or what. Well at least we know now that Rika is equal to all races. Except the men here sucks too so she treats them like that.

“Which reminds me of that demon princess I saw. In this era she’s the lord of the west, she has an very extreme hatred towards men due to attempted rape on her and her younger sister by her half brother. In response to seeing men she cuts open the head and pokes them for reactions while they’re alive. Oh and she’s my favourite in this era. I admire her strong persona.” (Rika)

Nope, definitely hates the men in the upper world as much as anyone else. Well exception of Luna hating the norm. Humans are the only race that aren’t aware if they’re in modern time period areas, same with galactic civilisations. Stone ages, and below are all aware of the status screen. Only a small few individuals notice. If they do it’s by accident and Luna usually wipes their memories if they do. Unlucky ones end up in the magic grasslands with monsters and beasts.

“Don’t give up.” (Catherine)

“I’ll do my best to make it so she survives. While doing so I’ll look for ways for her to keep her as herself.” (Hitomi)

“Since you’re both aware Luna doesn’t want humans with an edge at all. They’re the race with the most potential to kill gods and goddesses. They do have level caps but to undo it they have to do a race change. Their level caps means short lifespans. If your level cap is 1. You're screwed. It either means 1 year or it can mean 10 years if you're lucky.” (Rika)

“That’s a very fucked up luck for them indeed.” (Hitomi)

“Shit so I as a human would be on Luna’s hate list too.” (Catherine)

“I don’t feel as if she’s an aunt to me. Rather I feel she probably wouldn’t care if I had a lover or not.” (Kana)

“You’re the only hermaphrodite and you’re worried she will end you. Are you kidding with me.” (Rika)

Right she counts as human but she also counts as first of her kind so like an odd rare species. Luna probably won’t be in the mood to kill an extinct species. Actually there’s one thing that does bother me when I sleep.

“Hey Kana do you have a habit of biting something in your sleep?” (Hitomi)

“Not sure. Haven’t tried it before.” (Kana)

“I said I was sorry right. That’s a habit I got when I………. nevermind. It was a finger, I apologised already.” (Rika)

“Popping up and biting my finger when I’m sleeping actually hurts.” (Hitomi)

“I told you my sleeping habits had developed, it’s something I can’t avoid. Zero control of it. If anything ask Lian instead.” (Rika)

Oh I see her habits developed there, meaning from someone who’s muscles wouldn’t show even if it got bitten by her. I glared at her as she looked away guiltily. So I was right about it. It’s her former lover’s fault. Her forming at night as a soul was a habit too.

“That means you did allow her to sleep once in while right.” (Hitomi)

“I can create a pocket dimension with its own time. And the time here would freeze so she can rest as she wishes with that knowledge of mine.” (Rika)

“So the illogical time goddess strikes again with her common sense.” (Hitomi)

“Eh? Does that sound weird. I thought all dimensional magic should be able to do as much.” (Rika)

“It doesn’t.” (Kana)

See even Kana facepalmed herself. That’s a normal reaction. Wait where the hell did you get that book for and why are you giving it to Kana.

“Magic guide. More like a monster’s logic on magic guide. Breaking the rules of all common sense and more.” (Hitomi)

“It’s not that bad. It has all my notes, the remade skills, abilities, and techniques that involve magic are also put in there. To magical artifact creations to Mythology Fairy weaponry and items. Plus I added all my experiences on all fields in the back.” (Rika)

“Broken.” (Hitomi)

“It’s not.” (Rika)

I’m certain, look Kana’s soul almost left her body in shock. Catherine is doing a great job cheering her on. Yet the amused look on her face says she’s enjoying this situation as much as I am. I guess it’s because I know Rika’s trying to cheer me up from loneliness. Well her plans worked as I couldn’t stop myself from laughing so hard. It feels like she has been here all along as family. Rika’s clumsy on communication in socializing normally yet she’s gentle and kind. My guess is she wanted me out of the house for this reason.

“It’s been so long since I had such fun and laughed so much. Thank you Rika and Kana.” (Hitomi)

Kana in her disordered kimono from her earlier stumble from trying to fight Lian seems confused. Yet when I look at her emerald eyes I smiled. Yes she and Rika really are similar. The gentleness oozes out of her too. I think I understand what Rika meant. Her kindness is a double edge. It means her lovers and friends can be used against her.

“I think Rika’s over kindness to you is due to her worries of you inheriting her personality of being kind.” (Hitomi)

Wait don’t freaking leave out of nowhere by phasing out like a spirit. Spirit race can phase through things or go invisible but they’re a race mistaken as vampires due to their pale skins. They have flaming markings that they expose to not be mistaken as vampires. But the vampires here also look human-like so they don’t just have pale skins. A living race that has most reincarnated individuals with past memories. They can use telekinesis, go in and out of objects.

‘Sorry I still have issues to solve too. I’ll be back later.’

“Problematic for a adult is my only evaluation of Rika. She sucks at being a mother.” (Hitomi)

But the response I get from her is bitter understanding smile. She didn’t seem disappointed but she didn’t seem bothered either. If my understanding is right she’s not like me who was lonely when her family was away.

“It’s because I know, they’re away but they do think of me too. Mother may act like that but I see she’s unsure of how to act around me. As for my other parent, she seems to want to keep contact to a minimum because she’s being hunted down.” (Kana)

“Why don’t you call her mother also, she's also one is she not.” (Hitomi)

“She didn’t even know about me until mother told her. As dense as they come she doesn’t count as a good parent.” (Kana)

“One night stands do happen right.” (Catherine)

“Rather Rika said that she wrote her racial abilities down too so you will be able to hide your lover from others too.” (Hitomi)

I know because she gave that hint when she said abilities. Instead I didn’t say anything more so I flew back home. It wasn’t long but I got there and went straight to bed after dispelling my clone. The dreams came fast but I frowned in my sleep.

“It’s been a while hasn’t it Rika. I haven’t talked to you since my sister Hina got herself killed by our half brother. That person is an ungrateful bastard who destroyed the kingdom for his own lover boy.” (Setsuna)

The green haired girl in her 30s but had a sad smile as she looked out the window. Her light blue dress seemed to be bright in the sunlight. The comfy bed behind her looked neat.

‘That isn’t something you should be saying as a former human princess.’ (Rika)

“But it’s the truth is it not. I haven’t talked to you since I made my choice on the battlefield as a former human. My sisters kept their memories because they were useful to those rulers. As for me they don’t even know about it. Sure being a Destruction Phoenix after experiencing their deaths.” (Setsuna)

‘Eidetic memory can be a double edge Setsuna.’ (Rika)

“Indeed it can. Why can’t you be alive, Rika. You’ve helped me through childhood as a human princess to survive. Told me many things. You raised me quietly better than my own maids. So why can’t you be here with me all the time. I know that one day you will disappear like the day you appeared for me.” (Setsuna)

‘You can now survive without me. My only advice in this life as angel was to hide your wings. It’s troublesome if you’re hunted down for more than 12 wings.’ (Rika)

“They’re just paranoid. The gods made such rule because they’re afraid the angel can’t be controlled if they’re too powerful.” (Setsuna)

‘Yes, they’re afraid of losing control. Yet Hima and Hina is still in war with each other are they not. It maybe small skirmishes in war for now.’ (Rika)

“That bastard of god is using Hina as a baby factory for the next generations of angels because the 1st generations all died. Rika why can’t you be here alive and helping me dethrone this stupid class race system. I want that Devil and god to suffer.” (Setsuna)

‘The dead should not interfere too much with the living right. It’s unhealthy and unheard of. I’m not exactly alive at the moment. I’ve told you many times I’m just left over projection of a former goddess of the past.’ (Rika)

“Yet my life bothered you so much with the assassination attempts that you couldn’t hold back your tongue to talk. It was also you that raised me to be the current me. The only difference would be I didn’t listen when it came down to Hina and Hima. Were you not the one who cried the most on my death in the battlefield as a former human. Don’t think it would go unnoticed that you took most of my pain away. Stop being foolish. Once that reaches a threshold you get kicked out of the body of the said host as a defence mechanism even if you’re trying to help the said person.” (Setsuna)

‘You’re a genius in your own right to notice something so obvious.’ (Rika)

“Which idiot wouldn’t notice your voice was getting weaker.” (Setsuna)

‘I did try to guide Hina too as a human princess on how not to be a brocon. That ended up as a failure. For Hima it was for sense of awareness of what’s going around her. She did go from an angel to a fallen angel then a demon.’ (Rika)

“That’s because she’s not as stupid as Hina.” (Setsuna)

‘That is very true. I made Hima aware that the god was one offing the angels that were gonna betray him which were her friends. She kinda went….kinda nuts on him.’ (Rika)

“Which reminds me, the topic you’ve been avoiding with me. The Destruction Phoenix can resurrect the dead fully if they’re not reincarnated yet why can’t I do so to you.” (Setsuna)

‘I don’t know, my sense of self before the link was fully integrated was weird. It felt like I was in the darkness for a long time. By the time I noticed it I was here in almost all old and new souls. Except for Luna. I’m not sure if it meant my soul got reincarnated or left out.’ (Rika)

“That’s problematic. I want you to stay with me.” (Setsuna)

‘Practically because I raised you myself. Is that what you’re saying.’ (Rika)

“Yea, you’re more a mother than our mother the queen.” (Setsuna)

‘Isn’t that kinda pitiful to your current mom who’s also her but in blank slate.’ (Rika)

“Sure I’m glad me, Hina and Hima are sisters once again but that’s about it.” (Setsuna)

‘Are you really gonna try looking for me. I don’t think it’s fine to do a pointless task. Even through all the souls so far it doesn’t feel like it’s anywhere near the upper worlds. I have no control or range in the lowest stratum.’ (Rika)

“Troublesome.” (Setsuna)

I woke up with a start in middle of the night. Setsuna looked my way after the end of conversation. Seems she was very much aware of me being there even if only in dreams.

So those golden eyes of a Destruction Phoenix. It felt like she burned her eyes onto me as a imprint. The sad smile she showed turn into amusement when she noticed me. That person was also looking for a way before me yet she was sealed away. She’s probably not dead. Especially being sealed away. It’s been 3,000 years since then. If I remembered correctly Rika said she was sealed into this era of ours. That’s why we’re on the 38th generation of angels right now for princesses. But if it’s the angel generations then it’s probably the 58th generations right now.

They call Hina the mother of all angels because 2nd and 3rd generations onwards was her lineage. It still hasn’t ended today. So I can understand Setsuna’s anger towards the scumbag that made those orders for her. It’s odd for us but we still respect her in our own way. Yet the history of that war itself was lost. Except that Ling Yue still knows about it. So does Luna. Probably the rest of the older generations doesn’t care about it anymore.

“The heck does Setsuna plan. That expression at the end gave me a chill, somehow I should probably speed up my plans and avoid her.” (Hitomi)

‘You do know that the concept of time doesn’t work on Destruction Phoenix.’ (Rika)

“Wait why’d you run away earlier.” (Hitomi)

‘Oh, that Luna thought it was amusing to raise an undead army aware souls of their love ones and set them out on their family members. She does things on a whim.’ (Rika)

That sounds very Luna like and twisted at the same time. Yet it turns my stomach when I think of having relatives kill your loved ones. They didn’t want to be a burden much less to end the ones the love. Luna probably wouldn’t do so to Rika right.

‘First condition would be the soul is not reincarnated. Second condition for her to do is finding my body. But even she wouldn’t do that. She’s not the type to disrespect a dead relative of hers. She did try once but couldn’t call my soul. That girl was more disturbed than anything. Rather Luna got ticked more and destroyed the body until there was nothing left again.’ (Rika)

Don’t sound so amused yet. That doesn’t mean you’re safe from her harm either. You either reincarnate with me and everyone else’s help or end up as a toy on Luna’s end. If someone like that has your soul Rika, her choices depends on her mood wouldn't it end up worst for wear.

‘True.’ (Rika)

“Answer me what is Setsuna planning. You’re the one who raised her right so answer me.” (Hitomi)

‘Mhm I raised the little baby Setsuna when she wasn’t aware of her surroundings. She was very quick to get things. When Hima was 6 years old she was assassinated by accident in her father’s stead. Little Setsuna was 3, Hina was 5. But since I was uncomfortable before that I had to make Setsuna aware at 1 years old. The only thing I didn’t go against was her wanting to be with her sisters. That’s probably all she wants to do. To have her loved ones close by. Though that might be harder for her to have me like that close by. If anything she’s afraid to lose everything again.’ (Rika)

She surprising loves family. That explains why she killed the two rulers after they killed off her sisters in war against each other.

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