《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 51 (two in one)


Ling Yue POV

Hitomi seemed odd after the afternoon. Her emotions were all over the place even Rain was tense when we had dinner. Anger was basically rolling out of her and I wasn’t sure what made her angry. The fish we were eating with rice seemed bland due to the atmosphere as if it’d ignite any moment.

“I heard your voices from in here. I’m guessing she angered you with her actions.” (Rain)

“Eavesdropping is a bad habit for even a priestess.” (Hitomi)

Scary I saw a snake behind Rain and a Eastern Dragon behind Hitomi. So I guess the gunpowder had to do with the forgotten goddess after all. I hope Artemis is doing better than me. Aquatic monsters and animals here are problematic. Killing them instantly is the way to go. Unless you want to listen to an intelligence like a 5 year old talk back to you. Not that I don’t mind good food.

“I’m saying let her manifest herself her for a conversation herself.” (Rain)

“I’m saying it’s unneeded and unnecessary.” (Hitomi)

Yikes she just slammed her chopsticks down in anger. Which she was already radianting beforehand. Can’t the priestess read the mood earlier. She should’ve just avoided the topic that would’ve set her off more.

“Come on it’s not like conversing is gonna harm anyone. She’s my former mistress.” (Rain)

“I’ve had enough of this. You and just everyone is like that to her. Is asking too much of her because her kindness….it’s better to stop all at once.” (Hitomi)

“I will not harm my own mistress.” (Rain)

In front of us the purple haired lady formed in middle of the room. In a blue kimono standing before us. Her gentle eyes seemed to past me then look at Rain.

“It has been a long time Rain. So long that I had enough time to give your sisters a proper reincarnation in order. Your soul was the only one I couldn’t find in the void.” (Rika)

Seems this dinner has gone full silence. It’s even worse than before. Hitomi had looks as if she wants to beat up the already injured Rain. Rain was in tears and crying as she stood there. I scratched my head in this awkward atmosphere. When a former goddess appears, I have no clue how to respond back.

Actually it does look like she’s somewhat bothered. Hitomi seems very on edge as well yet she dragged her away so easily. Seems she said something about getting her a meal alone. Well Hitomi did finish her meal. Rain seems to have become a water fountain of tears. It actually irritates me how close she seemed to the goddess. I don’t even understand why I feel so irritated in the first place.

Hitomi POV

“Seems your anger blew up in the least expected ways. Rain’s not really like that. Rather she’s the type that is grateful for saying her life.” (Rika)

“Sorry. I’ll take you out for a meal. So I’ll leave a clone here. In addition I’ll have it avoid her for awhile.” (Hitomi)

“Want me to send Ling Yue back to school for a while.” (Rika)

“Yea… I don’t wanna deal with it (relationship) right now.” (Hitomi)

Rika snapped her fingers and I could see a beam of light from the direction of the dining hall. I sighed but it’s probably for the best. Sending Ling Yue away so she wouldn’t see me blow up some more would be for the best. I for one don’t want her to see me like that.


“I’m not exactly your lover yet she seems jealous to see me being so close to you.” (Rika)

“Don’t tease her.” (Hitomi)

“Eh, your choice of city for us to fly to. Is this ironic or what. It’s G city. The one where her school is.” (Rika)

“Oh shut it. The reincarnation system pinpointed a corrupt official here. We’re gonna sneak you in.” (Hitomi)

“But I don’t appear on cameras or sensors. I’m not seen by humans. You’d probably be spotted with your wings.” (Rika)

“Shut it. We’re here for you to get you food. Starving isn’t a solution.” (Hitomi)

“Your disguise sucks. All black leather and a crow mask. Also the illusion on one pair of wings while hiding the rest. You’re trying to pose as a tengu. It’s very very like you. 8th grader syndrome, ah youth.” (Rika)

“Shut it and act like you didn’t see my disguise.” (Hitomi)

“Right. I’ll ignore the funny girl. I did destroy all the electronics in range. So where will we go first little lady.” (Rika)

“Don’t treat me like a royal now it feels weird.” (Hitomi)

“You’re more squirmish than me. Well it is your first time sneaking into someone’s house.” (Rika)

“Shush! I hear someone coming.” (Rika)

My eyes were on the heavy plated gates near us as the guards walked pass the grass hedge. The heck is with rich corrupt officials and grass maze. I hate it if I wasn’t an angel. I’d be so damn lost. Rika seems to be having a blast from her tone of voice. Yet her face gets me annoyed. In the her face really doesn’t change from that sad smile. It’s no longer a smile problem but still facial expressions. From what I can see.

“I’ll just do a avoiding charm so everyone else would avoid us.” (Rika)

“Thank you for that.” (Hitomi)

“Right 3 days ago I saved Artemis also along with the baby Ling Yue gave her. I did hand her a notebook on how to take care of babies. I’m certain Athena’s reincarnation would blow her top if she knew. Also I cured her completely of both the aphrodisiac potions.” (Rika)

That’s Rika for you, the things she does on a whim is major but to her it’s small thing. Even I wouldn’t anger the former goddess of crafts and wisdom. If found out she’d probably wring me dry. Yet I don’t even wanna know what’s in the potions for Rika to cure her (Artemis), herself. From seeing her memories minor and major events throughout the timelines she (Rika) was involved but subtly. But it was more for everyone to protect home. Not cause chaos. If in fact she hadn’t our whole timeline would’ve been more chaotic with the time periods all over the place by now.

“I loved Luna’s blue green hair back then. You wanted to ask did you not Hitomi.” (Rika)

“Sorry. I was reminded of that time you died. If you hadn’t made that choice I or Ling Yue would cease to be.” (Hitomi)

“True enough. You really shouldn’t have peeked into that alternate timeline of chaos. The me there isn’t the me here. She went insane because she lost Kana. The Luna there tried to recover her kind sister. Plus ‘his’ interference made it even worst.” (Rika)

“I don’t get why he’s trying for immortality, even personification can die once that rule ends. Why panic and be so human like. Why be like men looking for something you can never have.” (Hitomi)


“Because both he and Luna wants something impossible.” (Rika)

“Luna wants the unchanged you before death. But you don’t want that either.” (Hitomi)

“Did you know once a year the moon turns purple. All beasts goes insane or into heat.” (Rika)

Hearing her say that I blushed at her hint. She’s telling me by the end of the month of 12th to have my way with Ling Yue.

“I will not.” (Hitomi)

“Suit yourself.” (Rika)

“Right you never said how you know about Kana.” (Hitomi)

“You do know I can time jump. Also I saw how the gods played her cruelly. Her current task is to whisk her soulmate away.” (Rika)

“The hell is that. Your asking her to kill and take her away based on the job description.” (Hitomi)

“Her cause of death is car accident. Kana like usual is to cut her soul out of her body. The gods and goddesses chose this task because of her kindness for all beings. This is a double edge for Kana. She has to learn to hide her emotions. Or defy orders and hide her lover with the ability she inherited from me.” (Rika)

“Like hell I’ll watch someone as kind as her suffer in the hands of power hungry and stupid bastards. They only care for their life line. They’re only doing this for a kick out of her reactions and want to punish her. And you’re letting them.” (Hitomi)

“She has to learn herself to say no and stop at some point, right.” (Rika)

“Look we’re now at his office. Now eat the soul fast, we have a goddess to save next.” (Hitomi)

“Does it really matter. She has 3 soul mates. One human, the current situation, 2nd one is a pure angel princess, 3rd one is a fairy queen. Last one is kinda more important.” (Rika)

“Wait I thought everyone had only one soul mate.” (Hitomi)

“What can I saw some situations are special circumstances. Like past lovers, current lover or future lover all in one time period. What do you think will happen to someone of my lineage.” (Rika)

“You can’t mean that bad timeline I saw one of her lover’s soul is from the Kana that died. Then the current situation one is…. she’s the past one isn’t she. Fiona is the current one isn’t she, that’s why you didn’t stop her. Rika you’re playing with high risks returns yourself.” (Hitomi)

“I did say a special case. I’ll be quick so don’t look.” (Rika)

“I’m supposed to make sure you eat remember.” (Hitomi)

“Fine peek all you want.” (Rika)

I watched in awe as she pulled the soul out of the fat greasy old man. It was bright blackish purple flame in her hand as she placed it into her mouth. There was a sound of gulping which. Though her eyes did tell me she was annoyed.

“I do prefer them more riper than this. Like a blackish red. The taint when they’re at their most highest corruption.” (Rika)

“Nope. Not happening if we did too many lives would be lost.” (Hitomi)

I was holding documents that had drug dealings, human trafficking, embezzlement, tax evasion, briberies and killings. Actually I understand Rika’s words of my ancestor’s sense of righteousness is what she meant now. I was highly disgusted and wanted the man ended soon so no one else would suffer.

“I’ll just drop these off at the police.” (Hitomi)

“Aren’t you glad I made you wear Lan’s black gloves.” (Rika)

“They feel weird. And why the heck did she fucking have my size. This thing is up to my elbows. What the hell was with all the bucks.” (Hitomi)

Instead I got a small chuckle out of Rika. Though she did whisper to look up the complete description of sadistic personalities. Ok, I will not question the odd things lying around in Lan’s room. Like ever. Not gonna go there unless I need props for disguising. Her closets is full of all kinds of modern clothes too. Sister must love cosplaying.

“Actually as a spy, she has to have all kinds of clothes for situations. That’s probably why she keeps doubles in her closet in case her inventory isn’t accessible. Plus she’s a closet sadist, the kind who’s in denial. She has everything but it clashes with her smart and normal look. The hot pink hair of her is normal looking so she blends in just fine. If she has Fiona’s wave crazy red she’d probably be unable to spy for information ” (Rika)

“Actually the only hair color that didn’t make sense was Yuna. Mother Ayame has blue color hair like mine. Yuma’s was purple.” (Hitomi)

“Phoenixes also had bright colors. Destruction Phoenixes had more of a darker shade of colors. Yours is a rare case.” (Rika)

“Thanks for the compliment. Now give me directions to Kana.” (Hitomi)

‘Fine but I’m hiding.’ (Rika)

Ling Yue POV

I blinked when Aunt Celen stared back at me. Don’t just gawk at me like I’m some item on sell. Actually it feels awkward when she stares so much.

“Well look where the escapee came in.” (Theresa) (Aphrodite’s reincarnation)

“I’d say Artemis was probably testing her.” (Seiko) (Hera’s reincarnation)

“She escaped so Emiko will probably punish us.” (Theresa)

“Well at least we cleaned all family spies in the enclosed space including other spies from other factions. Athena would be so proud when she gets back.” (Seiko)

“And play the hearts of maidens in this all girls schools like a fiddle.” (Theresa)

“Plus Theresa looking for your lover as a soul weapon is the best you can do.” (Seiko)

“Shut it you idiot.” (Theresa)

“Delinquent remember, I don’t need you telling me. Plus one of them is Hades descendant and the other is a former goddess’s daughter.” (Seiko)

“I’m not involve.” (Celen)

“Ah don’t be such a stuck up bitch.” (Seiko)

“Hera stop it.” (Theresa)

“Or what.” (Seiko)

“Don’t bother them.” (Theresa)

“Feeling self pity when it’s a do or die situation for you. Look here Aphrodite either you choose your lover now or face you dick of a fiancé they arranged for you. Your family is special in that they can choose, so do so yourself, for your own happiness.” (Seiko)

“I’m still here you two, can’t you not like ignore me.” (Ling Yue)

“At least they’re including you in their mischief. I’ll go back to cultivating.” (Celen)

Wait Aunt Celen don’t leave me alone with two former goddesses. Their topic seems very sketchy too. Plus I didn’t know the big former there were here. Aphrodite, Hera and Athena took things into their own hands when Zeus thought it’d be great to fuck a angel that was offlimits for even other powerful gods. Thus ended up in the situation where Athena, Hera and Aphrodite had to strip him of his throne and authorities. I heard from mother that he did more than that. Which pissed off Hera that time. She also didn’t allow him near their last children. Two twins Eve and Ava, about the same age as Kana and mother.

They didn’t have followers though, seems faith was still forbidden as no one wanted to go down as a mad corrupt god. Nor did they want to become a forgotten god either. So the twins were under strict management by Hera to never use their godly powers for humans. Thus they were hidden from humans.Annoyed the heck out of the other gods though.

“So what do we do now that Emiko knows that Artemis is gone.” (Seiko)

“Um, isn’t it obvious. Hide ourselves until the lady comes down. She is Athena after all.” (Theresa)

“This is the part where you tell her you did wrong.” (Ling Yue)

“You say that but you haven’t seen a angry Athena now. Actually nevermind hiding on school grounds is stupidity. Best bet is not doing anything.” (Seiko)

“No, that’s definitely gonna make her temper worst. Last time she sent the scorpions all over campus in anger. Remember that Seiko. Your prank fucked the whole showers in the school. She was trying to take a bath. All that came out was sludge.” (Theresa)

“Ok, not the best one I did. I didn’t know she’d go crazy on me.” (Seiko)

I felt sweat when I heard them. Are they crazy, that’s Athena they’re messing with. Poison was kinda messed up but they could’ve died.

“Or the time in anger she let loose her pet on campus.” (Theresa)

“I didn’t know a Visped was her pet. That thing was crazy. Why was she raising a hell viper.” (Seiko)

Wait hold, the conversation. You’re telling me that she has a dangerous pet laying around on campus and the teachers allows it. Poison from a hell viper can put down even a dragon. If she has something like that laying around I will hide myself in my room. I maybe a half goddess but I’m also a wolf demon. Having that in my system would probably kill me. Or if I’m lucky I probably might survive and be knocked out for months.

I think I’ll back to our dorm where I share it with Aunt Celen. These two can handle the aftermath themselves without me. Though the thought that bothered me about their conversation was the strict lawful Hera turned into a delinquent. The flirting Aphrodite turned into a loner of the discipline community. Yes that was the information I used possession to look up. How the hell did their personality get so weird from one reincarnation when they had thousands of years of memories.

“Zenith.” (Ling Yue)

“Here my lady.” (Zenith)

“Tell the others to hide well. We’re laying low for a bit. Don’t let grandmother find you.” (Ling Yue)

“Mother would probably kill your guards if she spotted them. She used to be a strict goddess until she retired. Actually she stopped caring about family after 1st sister died.” (Celen)

“Wait so her sending us here is her trying to care.” (Ling Yue)

“In a way mother ran away from family after sister was murdered. That day I was with master as usual. Sister sent me a letter saying that she found a lover and wanted to come out to mother. Yet that same day when I and mother arrived we saw only her dead body and blood from her waist as she smiled. Mother cried and went into a fit. Rather her depression was very long after that. It’s also why she’s so detached now.” (Celen)

“Wait. So no one ever found her lover or investigated who killed her.” (Ling Yue)

“No, mother panicked and I was dazed for months. There was no evidence left after we buried her.” (Celen)

“Why don’t we ask her.”

“I did see her soul again a few days after her death. She said she’d wait for her lover and protect her until it was their time to reincarnate. But she sounded so happy so I couldn’t bring myself to ask.” (Celen)

Seems tragedies comes a lot in our family from my mom’s side of the family. Even if they’re made by someone else it’s bound to happen. Their bloodline always has bad luck of something ominous happening. Though I’m sure the reason she didn’t want to leave completely is she’s worried about her lover because the killer was probably related to her lover somehow.

“So you’re saying that the silver haired beauty who stunned most of the gods and goddesses as a goddess of beauty refuses and refrains from reincarnating until her time is completely up.” (Ling Yue)

Aunt Celen didn’t say anything back but went back to meditating. Though she seemed as cold as always. But why does she seemed to get along Theresa (Aphrodite’s reincarnation), they didn’t talk but she actually did stand there and comforted her. I’m certain Aunt Celen wasn’t the social type either so maybe it’s because I’ve been missing for 3 days.

“Sleep.” (Celen)

And she’s back to cold beauty. Her silver hair doesn’t help either, she still looks like those ethereal fairy. Guess she doesn’t have much emotions (to show others) since she lost someone too. I sat on the top bunk bed as I stared outside the window. My thoughts wondered to Hitomi’s outburst. What does she mean using the former goddess. That part didn’t make sense before I was sent back here. Why the heck was Hitomi’s emotions rolling out of her like that too. It’s abnormal. Rather I sensed trillions of resentment rolling off the former goddess.

What the hell did that stupid person do. But from her words and actions I saw she wasn’t a bad person. Why is Hitomi involved with such a troublesome lady. Hm, I’ll just have to look at the resentment following her. I closed my eyes and focused on the voices of the dead lingering souls of resentment I saw earlier.

“I didn’t want to die.”

“Why didn’t you stop ‘her’.”

“I still have a family to feed.”

“I didn’t want to work as a slave merchant.”

The complaints piled up a lot. So she wasn’t involved but the one that tried to ease the innocent souls that was neutral. But ended up with unnecessary attached resentment towards her. If they can’t be grateful for the one that allowed them to move on when she was in someone else’s body like that they’re stupid. I could see from their memories the former goddess wasn’t one who killed them. She was the third party who tried to silently reincarnate and send souls away. Yet they came for her in anger because she was there.

This is why I hate nosy do gooders sometimes. Her circumstances seems bothersome. She should’ve left them to the goddess of death like usual. Why the heck does she take on such bothersome things. I have to untangle them one by one. Since she’s friends with Hitomi. It’s not like I want Hitomi to be proud or anything. So I focused more onto the red misty souls until I see a then straight smokey red color. I yanked it hard to break it. That’s 1 out of trillions.

“What’s with all the glass cracking and screams.” (Celen)

“Breaking resentment of souls off a friend of a friend.” (Ling Yue)

“Sounds problematic. I’ll just sleep then.” (Celen)

Rather it seemed more troubling than anything the souls seemed angry at me for taking them away from her. But too much causes negative emotions in the host it’s attached to. It can lead to nightmares, if worst it causes the host to kill themselves directly. So that means the one I saw earlier wasn’t her main body. Her main body must be possessed due to both ghosts and high resentments.

“By the gods, (she’s cursing) 300 freaking resentment and it’s almost day time.” (Ling Yue)

“Sounds rough.” (Celen)

Seems Aunt Celen is a heavy sleeper. She didn’t even wake up after that. I sighed as I got ready for class after looking at my schedule.

Luna POV

I felt annoyed when I have memories of past me. Seems like that idiot Hitomi isn’t going how I want her. Why can’t a puppy stay where it’s supposed to. Plus I can’t butcher her here in this era because she’s one of the main characters of this time period. Both she and Ling Yue are the main characters in this timeline.

“The fucking bitch says quality over quantity. Is she freaking mocking me. How the hell is she so cocky. Just because you over leveled me in the past doesn’t mean anything. Maxing out your skills are useless.” (Luna)

I just need to copy her skills to counter her then. That’s odd the second system can’t access the one in this timeline or the one in the past. Making me frown instead. This isn’t a good thing. My plans will go up in flames with her actions. Is it wrong to want to meet Rika when she was about to take action for her own life. Why the hell does she have to sacrifice herself for scums and lowlifes.

That bastard is also just a personification of time. He shouldn’t have corrupted her faith in the first place. Indirectly he manipulates the most easiest greedy humans. Mostly men, and a few unlucky females. Doesn’t matter he’s accelerating his death. I can wait for all I want for him to weaken himself. After all I have all the time in the world.

“That stupid girl better learn to stay put. Dogs are meant to listen to their owners.” (Luna)

The cup in my hand broke. Seems my anger got the better of me. She really thinks she can do as she please. Also seems freaking Yu Mei interfered with Ling Yue. She sent her to Rika but she blocked my teleportation to Rika.

“Damn it Yu Mei. I know you owe Rika but this is foul play.” (Luna)

Actually the thought that popped up might not be bad. What if I tossed the most powerful Ling Yue from the original romantic tragedy into the past to confront and destroy Hitomi. (Forgetting that soulmates only get reborn a few times as enemies. The same time period means they’re still lovers.) All I have to do is message, the other me in the past then sit back and watch the two battle each other. Yes maybe I don’t have to clean up the mess that Yu Mei made myself.

It’s a rare case but soul fragments of different timelines resonate and combine. It’s not like she’ll survive until this time period. Yes I think it’ll be fun to watch lovers kill each other as usual. I’m not the one usually doing so but I allow that bastard because it’s amusing. Why can’t they just be straight and not look for their damn soulmates. Breaking couples isn’t my job, I just find it amusing when the other one is still a heroine and the other one is a villainess at each other’s throats. But the gods and goddesses are annoying as ever in each period.

They always abuse the goddess of death because her faith automatically resets to zero and she doesn’t fade or get corrupted. It’s because those that remembers her has to go through reincarnation and forget that she’s always the one that guides them to the doors of reincarnation. Which resets their memories. Meaning she has zero followers because stupid rules since it was set like that long ago.

Every fucking timeline I see damn Kana being manipulated by them ticks me off. She just cuts the soul out of the body when they did. So she’s also the cause of the death, but if she doesn’t do so the reincarnation system would be a mess. The girl sucks at her job because she loves life and always always postpone it until it’s very late. It’d be like a few months or years late. The stupid girl would grin as she’s getting punished. For goddess of death her being at her position is the worst.

Actually I did try to manipulate time specifically for her but my ability isn’t as strong as sister Rika. It actually blurs the timeline when I do so I just leave Kana be. So like sister she too is important to all timelines. Normal here is something I hate especially couples. I have no qualms destroying lives either, they should experience despair for living so carefreely.

Hitomi POV

“Eh, something the matter.” (Hitomi)

“No. I sensed something sinister from Luna.” (Rika)

“Isn’t she always depressing in real life. I mean sure her hair is blue green, she has emerald eyes like you but her vibe just feels off.” (Hitomi)

“Why are you so sure.” (Rika)

“Like she feels fake aside from her sadistic side shown.” (Hitomi)

“So she is weird, it’s happens to a lot of people too.” (Rika)

“No im certain she’s the bitchy type that hates all race and thinks they’re beneath her.” (Hitomi)

“You’re not wrong there she has a god complex even if she’s a goddess.” (Rika)

“Then my idea is after we help Kana, I go back to the past and strip her of her authority as a goddess so she live as a normal person for once.” (Hitomi)

“Your idea seems dangerous. But it actually might work. Because Luna is the type to go with an insane plan if threatened.” (Rika)

“How bad can it be. It’s not like she’ll send a ancestor at me. That would mean Hina, Setsuna or Hima. They all would probably feel something wrong.” (Hitomi)

“If she sent Setsuna all things that goes wrong will be worse. Setsuna has a sense of priorities. Her sister’s souls comes first for resurrection. If she’s sent to the past she’d be ticked off more so than being in the current era. She might be crazy enough to fuck with Luna if Luna did so. Luna might not choose her because her extreme actions after the war. Remember she killed the ones responsible for her sisters deaths.” (Rika)

“What about Hina doesn’t she like follow orders.” (Hitomi)

“That girl does do so. But if she’s sent to the past she probably feel on edge. She tends to over think things. Like what if she killed someone and ended up killing an ancestor of hers. That’s just how cautious she’ll be. If it was Hima, she’s investigate every deed and actions you’d do and see if it goes against her sense of justice.” (Rika)

“That’s problematic for personalities.” (Hitomi)

“What’d you expect from their lineage in your bloodline.” (Rika)

“Um… responsibility from their bloodline. Wait you came out when we arrived at the city why is that.” (Hitomi)

“I sense a lot of negative emotions and energy in the city. A Destroyer is about to be born. For every Creator there is their counterparts born. The ones who seek out their counterparts (creators) ends up dead. Plus they’re on auto play (Destroyers) when they meet so the Destroyers themselves are on instincts alone. But this city it always, always gets destroyed when that being is born. Most creators are female only. Destroyers varies because they’re both genders. So female or male depending on circumstances. Natural disasters and manmade disasters follows if they stay in one place too long though.

I never got to step inside personally but I did hear about it and see from a distance.

Kana doesn’t have much time she’s probably stalling for time for her lover. She’s too dense the negative energy building up though. Usually she’s the first one to notice but in her current situation she probably is closed off on her other senses. I’m like that too when I get too focused on my books.” (Rika)

“Shit! That means we’re walking to practically a shit storm that can walk. Ugh I hope no one notices me completely or my plan of fake death is up in flames.” (Hitomi)

“You should be more worried about how we get Kana and her lover out. Usually when this happens aborting her job is top priority because the Destroyer race outclasses the gods and goddesses. It’s also why Luna avoids direct confrontation every timeline when Kana is in this situation even if they’re best friends. She doesn’t want to deal with a timebomb that can make her skills or abilities backfires on her in direct confrontation.” (Rika)

“The fuck is with that. It’s not like I’ll die. I’m just kidnapping a goddess and her lover out of a city. How hard can they be to spot in a city.” (Hitomi)

“Don’t jinx their lives just yet. Usually when someone says that it’s a death flag.” (Rika)

“Then what’s with the black and white kimono in this situation.” (Hitomi)

“Hey it’s my first time seeing Kana let me prepare this much.” (Rika)

“Once she sees your eyes and the mark of yours in your eye she’d flip won’t she. After all she does have servants to tell her what the mark on her back is right. The purple crescent moon over the full moon with a butterfly. How can she not tell when it’s inside your right eye. Plus with how world is with the markings, it’s pretty obvious to tell who’s your parents. In her case it’s more that you gave birth to her and ended up almost dying not long after then as a last choice you sent her to the future. While you didn’t tell your lover a damn thing about the child.” (Hitomi)

“She would’ve spotted her marking on Kana when she’s going around. She’ll probably understand from eating other races herself from the links I had on the souls. She’s not stupid. Plus all abyssals are sisters. Because the resonance with the abyss. Also first thing I did when I got my memories back was give it all to her. As payback for not being there for them.” (Rika)

“I don’t think information overload is useful and fun.” (Hitomi)

Someone teach the former goddess it’s not good to just cram everything onto someone’s head like it’s a good thing. Actually her actions of making up doesn’t seem as extreme as other lovers. It’s kinda odd her lover doesn’t seek her out at all. I know she’s (Lian) hunted down by the whole world and she’s constantly in battle but can’t Rika give her some breathing room or breaks too.

“I did try. She got pissed off instead. Saying that she has to stay at the top by constantly improving or she can’t keep her position as queen. She’s the only one who’s level status and stats are a question mark to me. Maybe because she always kills many opponents all the time. Plus she says she’s used to not sleeping, she also eats her opponents. Lian said it’s a waste to leave food on the ground.” (Rika)

Yikes, that’s really messed up for the people that goes for her changing price on the world’s most wanted. Like she sees you as a sparring deathmatch partner as well as food. Guess I wouldn’t be able to talk any common sense to her or Rika who seems to sound like she admires her lover. It does sound like she enjoys her time of talking and being with her lover so I won’t say anything about that.

“Lian is better at martial arts than me. Since their race is a race that reforms muscles from the feet up. That’s why they’re beauties that outclass goddesses in terms of beautiful looks. Their body rebuilds itself to be the best as they fight for survival.” (Rika)

Wait the admiration you’re saying is more towards your lover than her race. Your practically praising her for being the best. But the muscles rebuilding itself would explain many things. Their body is the best weapons for them. Meaning they don’t often use weapons.

“I love her one shot punches too. Though I pity her opponents. It’s a bloody headshot.” (Rika)

“I’m more worried her opponents don’t know how to handle her.” (Hitomi)

“Eh, she eats the bodies while she fights. Her adaptation for fights is best point. Though she doesn’t pity those that diees they’re all food to her race.” (Rika)

Our talk ended when we reached a park in middle of the city. Seems Kana is the most obvious in her black kimono with purple butterflies. That part reminded me of Rika’s marking. I think I understand, she wears so her parents can spot her more easily.

“Wait if she’s a half abyssal then that means she too is loyal to her lover.” (Hitomi)

“Obviously.” (Rika)

“Isn’t this the part where they’d flip and kill everyone who targets or harm their lovers.” (Hitomi)

“Normal ones yes. Halfies don’t. They have more control of their self esteem. But if a normal Abyssal, say the parent found out she’d do more than massacre the idiots.” (Rika)

Wait you don’t mean, that huge air of disaster I felt passing by as we flew near the city that left it was here was her other mother.

“Seems like the gods won’t be having a laugh.” (Hitomi)

“Lian doesn’t do torture. Nor will she leave enemies alive.” (Rika)

I watched as the dark haired goddess with white skin seemed stunned to see Rika. Her lover seems surprised by her actions. Rather it was refreshing to see someone surprised to see Rika. The goddess of death stared at her opening and closing her mouth. Yet there was no words coming from her. As for her lover was a middle aged lady in a suit and skirt. The golden hair of hers seems to stick out like a sore thumb.

“I’m sorry for leaving you in some else’s care Kana. But we need to get both you and the girl out of the city. Before it becomes a raging storm giving birth to a Destroyer, who will be sucking some life with it. (To be born) We will talk later.” (Rika)

Wow Kana the goddess of death has tears in her eyes but she nodded as she held her lover and followed us out of the city. Seems her lover didn’t question her. Once we were in the magic grass plains with monsters she eyed Rika again.

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