《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 50 Unstable Emotions


Ling Yue POV

What the heck was Hitomi thinking. She kissed me out of nowhere. It was also a tongue kiss. I was still in shock at Rika being with the Abyssal Queen. Not like it’ll help knowing that the lady is with the most busiest person whose life is on the line every second of the day. I’ll look at my status now.


Name: Ling Yue Azual

Gender: Female

Race: Wolf Demon/Goddess

Alignment: good

Age: 1,401

Faith: N/A

Class: Assasin

Subclasses: Blacksmith, Archer, General

Level 80,000

Hp 70,000



Str 9,000,000

End 99,000,000

Wis 600,000

Intel 980,000

luck 3,000

def 450

agi 5,000,000

dext 20,000,000

charm 960,000

leadership 90,000,000

aura 89,000,000

divinity 90,000

Title: time traveler, hidden ruler of the netherworld, ruler of the underworld, goddess of fairness’s heart

There’s an error with my status now isn’t it. The numbers seem more than a 1,401 goddess should have.

“Hm, so this is your status.” (Rain)

That surprised me why could she see someone else’s status. Actually why was she here in the room I’m sleeping in. How the hell did she get behind me.

“Ah, me being here since the beginning. I wanted to thank you. But it seems you’re too absorbed in thinking. Also my level is higher than you, thus you can’t detect me. That person loved leveling, her knowledge was extensive. So quality meant more for her in skills. She said having skills doesn’t mean everything. Even if you do hone each one until it becomes completely usable even in the most impossible situation. Well me being able to spy on a personal status screen is obvious I have her blood flowing in me.” (Rain)

This person sounded weird and the last bit made zero sense. What the hell does she mean by that. Was the goddess I met that abnormal.

“She gave me her heart.” (Ling Yue)

“She was dying. It was probably the only choice left for her who was losing her divinity in seconds.” (Rain)

“But wouldn’t that mean I’m similar to you.” (Ling Yue)

“No, no, no, that’s different. Her last of her divinity and power she separated her heart for you who suffered from emotional outburst from your own heart.” (Rain)

“Why are you so sure.” (Ling Yue)

“Meaning you only inherited less than 0.05% of her levels and you inherited her special abilities of time jumping and manipulation. Well she can rewind and fast forward as well. Or jump to any point in a different timeline completely.” (Rain)

“You’re saying she’s a monster with more than a million for levels.”

“90 quintillion is an estimate of my lady’s over abuse of leveling.” (Rain)

So she’s crazy, understood. Someone like that must have grudges against her. Actually that explains a bit. Yet why does it annoy me when she word it like I didn’t inherit at least a million from that high level of hers.

“It’s not so bad. My mistress wanted to know if the level had level beyond trillions. So she kept levelling in boredom.” (Rain)

Wait if there’s someone like that why is there no complete record of her levels and records in history of titles.

“Forgotten gods and goddesses are erased except for the very exception of the one close to her in a radius and must have their blood flowing in their veins.” (Rain)

“I see. That’s why Kana knows.” (Hitomi) (whispers as she passes by)


I frowned at the information but I’m stunned by hearing Hitomi who seems to be going to her room. Her room is 8 doors away on the left. She has to pass by here if she’s been to the library. Well from what Lan showed of their home. I could try my soul possession on her but somehow my feelings tells me that it’s wrong to do so. I’m clueless as to why I feel at a loss for this. Sure I’m curious but at the same time I don’t want to ruin the friendship I built with her.

3rd POV

Hitomi was reading her book in her room when Niana slammed the door to her room in annoyance. Making her frown at her older sister. This was going to be an unpleasant conversation.

“Can you believe that older sister Lan denied if I can see Blade. He’s my fiancé. How can she not understand me.”

Hearing her Hitomi was still frowning, this tantrum annoyed her as much as Rika was annoyed by her personality. Especially so when she went on about how great her fiancé was.

‘This is why I don’t wanna deal with the current her.’ (Rika)

Hitomi didn’t respond back but her eyes rolled as she didn’t want to listen anymore. She went back to reading her book of the Princess and the Death Knight.

‘Quick, Hitomi move away from your room now. Something is coming fast.’ (Rika)

Upon hearing that she immediately responded by saving her futon and her book as she quickly jumped to the door outside of her room. Niana blinked when the room was cut into two.

“So damn close. Tch it’s not Ling Yue either nor was it that girl Yuna.”

‘Bounty hunters and assassins are annoyance too. I’m guessing this one is here because Ling Yue’s half brother’s post of money on her head. As for my sister’s bounty I’m not sure.’ (Hitomi)

‘At least it’s neither mine or Lian’s you’d be dead in seconds if it was Lian’s. Mine are just persistent bastards and idiots. Though I do enjoy making a angel fall once in a while.’ (Rika)

Hitomi dodged the masked man’s scythe as she cursed in her mind that Rika’s a sadist herself. Rather she didn’t bother to try getting to know the person. Niana finally came to her senses and brought out her crescent blade. Alarmed Rika manifested herself in soul form.

“Hitomi stop her. That man isn’t a normal bounty hunter.” (Rika)

Instead Hitomi was stunned when she saw Niana bleeding on the floor and the brown haired man without his mask. But his fangs were showing as he licked the blood off his lips.

“A vampire. Ugh I hate his kind. They’re the ones who always somehow sent a bounty on me even when I was third wheel that wasn’t in control of the body. Almost as if they knew and hated me.” (Rika)

A frown was on Hitomi’s face but she pulled out a Yari instead of answering. She wasn’t gonna go close to him and end up like Niana missing her left arm. Rather she gripped her weapon tightly as she eyed the vampire who destroyed her room.

“Rika can you fight him also.” (Hitomi)

“I can touch things but I have no access to the status screen or the system itself. Creation magic can only work for seconds if I want to manifest weapons.” (Rika)

“Nevermind then.” (Hitomi)

Without any more words she pulled out a pistol and shot at the vampire before he could attack Niana near his feet again. She was already missing her left arm and bleeding she didn’t need a more injured person to look after. Hitomi tsked when her shot missed but hit the side of his ribs. She was aiming for his hand reaching for Niana. The Yari in her left hand which she waved it at him in response.


“Damn you're annoying.”

“Hitomi, what's wrong I heard gunshots.” (Lan)

Rika held her head in her hand, this was a disaster especially when she peeked at his title for alignment of who he was with. Her mouth twitched just as much as she hated it.

“He’s one of Luna’s ants. Meaning a grunt worker. I didn’t think she’d go so lowly to work with corrupt vampires now.” (Rika)

Rika watched stunned when she saw the giant warhammer in Lan’s right hand. Instead she looked at Hitomi who avoided eye contact. So even she was stunned at the weapon choice. Lan was smashing things into bits while chasing the vampire out of the already destroyed room.

“There they go. So what do we do with the injured lady.” (Hitomi) (joking)

“Tie her up after bandaging her so she won’t make a worst injury. Her regenerate might kick in within like a month or so.” (Rika)

“I’m pretty sure that’s not what I meant.” (Hitomi)

“I was serious when I said to tie her up.” (Rika)

Hitomi patted Rika’s head and smiled at her. She didn’t say anything after pulling the bandages and herbal paste from her inventory. She put pressure on the wound until it stopped bleeding. Then she applied the herbal paste onto the wound. Rika didn’t say anything but picked up a book next to Niana.

“The dragon’s nest. A child’s book. I guess she probably wanted to read it to you but she didn’t know how. So she came out as annoying instead.” (Rika)

Hitomi POV

“You do know that the hobby of making angels into fallens if fucked up.” (Hitomi)

“It’s a die or live situation when they come for me. Why can’t they live with the results of it.” (Rika)

“Because the emotions to become a fallen is the feeling of being betrayed or corrupted. I’m guessing you choose the latter.” (Hitomi)

“It’s because men always comes at me. Very really do I get cute and beautiful girls. Why can’t I turn two or three men gay as they came for my life.” (Rika)

“You’re unreasonable.” (Hitomi)

“The dead don’t come back Hitomi. I’m not her either. I can see in your eyes your comparing me to that child.” (Rika)

“Didn’t you come back in this way then.” (Hitomi)

“I reincarnated already. Yet I retained my memories in later part of my life as a normal human teenager. Yes it’s a lucky thing I retained all the memories of your timelines and Luna’s wish also. I know I’m her former sister. That it was luck I remembered. Your ways of lives and struggles, it lives within me I can’t forgive myself for forgetting what I’ve put through because her selfish wish.” (Rika)

My eyes widen in horror as I realised something horrible. She can’t separate herself from the negative emotions and feelings everyone felt. Rika also took in most of their pain as they were injured or dying. She’s trying to say her remembering now might be her on her last life.

“I don’t want that. You’re stupid to even be helping us when your own body isn’t even your own anymore.” (Hitomi)

Yes I know I’m being childish. It’s because through the willpower projection she relinked for made me realise she was like mother whom watched over everyone like their her children. Even me, yet it bothers me to no need her wish is either to return or fade completely if she couldn’t.

“You’re a fool.” (Hitomi)

“I’m not one. At least I leave them alive. I mostly send the men directly to reincarnate without killing them. You know the spell I specifically made for those type of situation. It’s hilarious to see them confuse. Though at least they become a better person in their next lives.” (Rika)

“And that’s without memories of their current one. How is that better than your current situation.” (Hitomi)

“Hm…. I want to keep all my memories. But it’s more of punishment of forgetting everything that happened.” (Rika)

“I know you’re blunt and idiotic but think of your lover as well as the child left behind.” (Hitomi)

“Kana has her other mother to be there for her.” (Rika)

“She’s part Abyssal, divinity won’t make her fade. Plus like you say that’s a race that likes eating other race. Kana doesn’t even know anything about that part of her either. Will you or her busy other parent teach her that.” (Hitomi)

“Kana’s never had a relapse to her Abyssal instincts so she’s fine. If anything she probably inherited my time abilities but never used it before.” (Rika)

“I hate that you’ve given up completely.” (Hitomi)

“What’s the use of fighting a losing fight Hitomi.” (Rika)

“Then fight with everything on the line.” (Hitomi)

“My gamble is already set.” (Rika)

“Somehow I’m not secure with your plans for yourself.” (Hitomi)

She vanished when Ling Yue ran to my opened door. Seems our guests came to check on us because the noise. Rika probably doesn’t want to meet Ling Yue or Rain.

“This smell no mistaking it my mistress was near the scene. That second smell is a vampire.” (Rain)

Is this human a dog? Her senses of smell creeps me out in a way. Yet I think I understand why Rika hid. This person’s nose scares even me. She’s neither a beastmen nor is she a wolf demon. No, no the way she worded it was as if her goddess was great. The current Rika is worst than suicidal. Rika’s looking for ways to cease to be if she can’t return home. That person is not proud nor does she seem like a siscon anymore. Rather she does everything for everyone else but herself.

“Rika isn’t even here.” (Hitomi)

“So you do know her.” (Rain)

“More than you as a person. Don’t seek out the one who wishes to end things like that.” (Hitomi)

I know I’m being selfish because I want her all to myself. She’s not a lover or anything. Rather Rika felt more like a friend, someone who’s always been missing to my life. It’s selfish but I didn’t want to share her with others.

‘You only feel so because you know more than anyone else the link is due to being in all souls existing in the upper and lower worlds. Except for the lowest world that’s excluded. That’s why my abilities and powers are void.’ (Rika)

Yes, I know that too. But it doesn’t mean these feelings itself is fake. Luna might’ve been scared when she saw the link. Maybe that’s why she severed your connection to here. She didn’t like the not living Rika but wanted something more wholesome from the alive Rika.

‘I don’t mind. Luna doesn’t lie but she also avoids saying the exact truth in her words.’ (Rika)

‘Ruins, artifacts, items and weapons, she gives the opposite direction just because she wants to see their miserable appearance when they can’t find it then gives them actual directions. Isn’t that part of her personality and mental instability already. How is that like her innocent self I saw in my dreams.’ (Hitomi)

‘Wait don’t use your soul peeking abilities on my memories.’ (Rika)

‘Can’t help it. Phoenixes sees the souls. They also can tell if someone’s lying. Whereas you’re always blunt. The only time you lie is if your main body is healthy and able to do as you wish.’ (Hitomi)

‘No, Destruction Phoenixes are different they have a soul peeking and soul scrying ability. One is to peek at person’s past. The other is to track down the soul itself. Normal phoenixes just see your enhanced soul behind you from reincarnations. Which take in the best from your last lives.’ (Rika)

Oh that might explain why Rika was so uncomfortable when I mentioned it once. So from her wording the skill is also passive like the Phoenixes then. Yikes, she probably didn’t want me peeking.

‘Why don’t you do so do your lover. She’s missing a 100 year worth of memories due to Luna playing her like a instrument.’ (Rika)

My mouth twitched but the silence between the room and our two guests seems to understand I wasn’t in the mood. Seems like if I do go back in time I’m gonna need to build my own forces and watch out for Luna’s behaviour.

“I don’t need you to lecture me on my mistress. She saved me as an orphan. If she is indeed suffering and wants to end herself I will also respect her wish.” (Rain)

Ling Yue seems to be at a lost of words. It’s not like I’m saying so because anything else I just wanted her to know it was harder to convince someone like that.

“But even so then it’s my turn to save her. Since I owe her my own life.” (Rain)

‘I don’t wish for her to throw her life away again. She’s the type to go to the extreme. So I will not meet her.’ (Rika)

The reason why Ling Yue isn’t saying anything is because it’s a conversation which we excluded her. Plus she seems at a loss of how to respond to the topic. I’m sure she seems frustrated at this too.

‘The dead never stays dead long. A lost soul is the best example is it not Hitomi.’ (Rika)

I frown at the hint she was giving me. A lost soul is different from ghosts. Ghosts are those that died but left part of themselves because their lingering attachment to the living. Lost souls are those who left a unfinished wish or so and can’t move on. So they stay wandering until they forget everything and fade away after fulfilling their wishes. They don’t get a second chance at rebirth.

But why the heck did Rika bring that up now. I looked at Ling Yue and connected the dots. I hope it’s not what I think it was.

‘Her mother is in the first stage of it you know. Meaning she can still reincarnate. She hasn’t forgotten all her memories yet.’ (Rika)

I quickly ran outside to where Lan was. The vampire was no longer recognizable. It was smashed into the ground creating a bloody red mess. Well that’s one way to go since they’re hard to kill.

“Lan, I need you to look for a lost soul. A former goddess who became a lost soul. She’s related to the Azuals. But she can’t leave because her daughter’s still alive. I want you to assure her that her daughter is doing fine. To choose to move on since her daughter is no longer suffering.” (Hitomi)

“I’m guessing it has to do with our silver haired beauty being here as a guest then.” (Lan)

“Yes.” (Hitomi)

The way Rika worded it was she was expecting me to notice prior to this. Meaning when I met Ling Yue for lunch. As annoying as this was for me. Seems like things have taken an unexpected turn. I don’t understand why Rika didn’t tell me the first time we met. That seemed really important, yet was she gonna drag it on until the dead goddess lost all memories. Or was this another of her whim.

‘It’s not a whim. Actually you do know you could’ve gone instead and told your mother in law that Ling Yue’s yours.’ (Rika)

‘Why the heck does Lost Soul part not seem important. It’s someone’s mother that hasn’t moved on and you’re telling me now.’ (Hitomi)

‘I’m soul projection but my current race is a devil demon and Asura. I’m not eating souls so thus the reason why my soul isn’t like others. I’m transparent compared to others.’ (Rika)

‘Wait now you’re saying it’s unimportant because you’re already starving yourself as a soul. Even if you’re a soul you still have to eat.’ (Hitomi)

‘I want to see how long I last. In a way I’m also curious if my soul dying here means death for my main body.’ (Rika)

‘What the fuck are you trying to pull off woman! This is your own life here.’ (Hitomi)

‘Helping everyone else comes before my own happiness. Since I started this mess in the upper worlds. I should be the one to clean it all up.’ (Rika)

‘Not if your answer is soul suicide. That’s worst than a normal person. Rather stop the habits now.’ (Hitomi)

‘I usually eat enough to sun stain my form of transparency. It's not too bad.’ (Rika)

‘It is bad, that means your glitching because you’re not eating like you’re supposed to. What the heck type do you even eat for souls.’ (Hitomi)

‘Corrupt, evil greedy kind.’ (Rika)

‘Fine after this mess, first thing we do out of the house is get you some damn food. Scums of society should be rid of anyway. Plus the souls you devils eat also reincarnate but get cleansed into a blank slate. Not like Abyssals.’ (Hitomi)

‘Well it’s either blood or souls. The unlucky ones are worst than vampires for cravings.’ (Rika)

‘Wait did you create the devil race also.’ (Hitomi)

‘Nope, I thought the devil part represented me more. In the way like I'm not a complete saint nor am I evil.’ (Rika)

‘Let me ask this question, have you as a soul have any black out moments.’ (Hitomi)

There was only silence between us now. I understand this person was a workaholic who would work herself to the ground if no one looked after her. Actually I think I should axe her suicidal plans while I’m on it too. Meaning she has blackouts many times before she met up with me by arrangement of younger Rika. Older Rika seems more like a child in this regard. I’m guessing an irregular eating schedule then.

‘By the way Luna hates normality here so she breaks couples as if it’s natural for her. She just doesn’t derail the main characters of the timeline since that would make it go unpredictably for her as well.

Oh right I almost forgot I recreated my original body as a goddess. It’s still in suspended animation since there’s no soul inside. If you do reincarnate me or want to reuse it you know where to look for it.’ (Rika)

Then why does it feel so sad when talking to you. When Luna’s involved it feels like you’ve shut yourself up inside. It’s as if you’re saying that no one else had to be responsible but you. Yet the mess and how she’s manipulating our lives is why I hate it. That was also why this bounty hunter was here. Because she (Luna) actually sent it towards me. This goddess wants me out of the game or disabled. It was what my feelings told me. Rika wouldn’t say but I’m sure it’s because she’s been through many timelines before this one derailed out of her expectations.

‘‘The dead need not hear your calls, for they are still among us. They heed not the warnings but when they answer to the call of the living they instead make them sick and unwell. Remembering everything of the past is our jobs. We need to not make them worry about us, the living.’ That’s a passage I found from one of favourite civilization long gone. I guess when they were at the lowest was when Yu Mei combined many worlds into what it was today. They couldn’t survive.’ (Rika)

My brows went to a scowl as I stood in place as Lan had left earlier on my request. This person’s message meant leave the dead be, was telling me to stop worrying about her.

“But you’re not exactly dead either Rika. If you did what you did, your body would be in a coma or worst. It’d be zero recovery rate for you on that side. Yet it’d break your soul here. Is this your answer you wanted. Are you so desperate because you can’t return here with your memories and emotions intact.” (Hitomi)

‘Because then I wouldn’t be myself any longer if it was so. I wish to return as my current self with my memories.’ (Rika)

“With unnecessary emotions and memories of other lives as well. They’re them, Rika. Their actions aren't what you’re responsible for. Yet the resentment of those dead found you in the lower world. Because that kindness you took in the negatives of your hosts. Maybe it’s time to forget.” (Hitomi)

‘I guess you’ve seen a bit too much for memories Hitomi. It’s affecting you more than me. I really mean it, you’re emotions of anger is seeping out your body. So is the hate for Luna and ‘his’ mess I’m cleaning.’ (Rika)

I closed my mouth but didn’t comment anymore on the said person. How can someone like her act so carefreely as if it’s not her probably. I’m certain the real reason why her soul split is her actions of taking the injuries and pain of everyone else as her own. My emotions felt all over the place as I wiped the tears from my eyes. It’s certain I’m not allowing anymore self sacrifice from her nor am I gonna allow anyone in my way of the path I choose.

“Disasters comes hand in hand. Hatred is never the answer.” (Rika)

I stared at the white plain kimono on her as she smiled sadly at me. Rather I’m very sure she didn’t want me to see her memories that far. But she understood that I couldn’t help it. Yet seeing her in person transparent yet frail like this makes me sad.

“I rather end it as myself then take an unknown life I can’t control Hitomi. My choice is mine and this path isn’t one you should fix. Just focus on your life, I didn’t come to you to fix my mistakes.” (Rika)

My hands trembled as I held her soft hand in my hand. It’s selfish of me to want her to also live like the rest of us. I know her plans all include her own death in one way or another but I can’t allow her unreasonable side.

“As a Usalra I won’t allow it. A friend of mine dying like that isn’t a good choice either. You wish for neither reincarnation if you can’t keep your memories. You’re afraid you’ll no longer be yourself. But that’s what makes us ourselves, maybe we will remember many lives down the line our last live once but that’s a chance that should be cherished.” (Hitomi)

“Hitomi sometimes there are something’s that aren’t needed. Things are to be let go so everything else can survive. It’s that kind of choice. I’m not the type to run away I’m taking things into my hand but with all the small consequences as well.” (Rika)

“But I’m saying I still want you to be yourself as well I don’t want you to disappear. I want you to survive along with everyone.” (Hitomi)

“At what cost Hitomi. There’s nothing to return to.” (Rika)

“Luna’s alive and so is Kana.” (Hitomi)

“I know. Like how the twins moons survived until now.” (Rika)

“No, it’s because you’re also alive.” (Hitomi)

“Is that so. Kana is able to replace me for that role if she wanted to.” (Rika)

“But she’s not the 2nd moon goddess. She’s not Luna’s sister.” (Hitomi)

“You’re just as stubborn as Setsuna. She was the one I could talk to through the link. That girl never turned away, instead she only strode forward.” (Rika)

“Running away or dying isn’t the solution. At least not the one I or Kana your daughter would’ve wanted.” (Hitomi)

“Thank you for getting mad on my behalf. I who lost my expressions.” (Rika)

Rika patted me with a sad smile, it’s the only expression I’ve been seeing on her face when she first manifested herself before me in the library also.

“Memories are sometimes unnecessary for some people Hitomi at the same time it’s because those that they can’t let go.” (Rika)

Her expression didn’t really change as she still patted my head. Rika’s mouth twitched but her expression stayed the same. I guess she wasn’t lying when she said she lost her expressions. This person can also feel emotions too but the one that most personifies her is sadness. My instinct as a woman isn’t wrong it’s because she’s only half a soul.

“Then I won’t end myself by destroying my soul or fading. That’s only if you find a way to return me home.” (Rika)

I know, I’m being selfish for requesting so. Rika probably had good reason why she gave up on herself due to all her experiences.

“Then stay with me until the end. As a friend of course.” (Hitomi)

“I guess you’re being childish now. I’ll stay with you until this current one ends.” (Rika)

“You mean your current life.” (Hitomi)

“Because I’m not sure I’ll remember everything in the next one.” (Rika)

“I’ll find a way somehow.” (Hitomi)

“Mhm, I trust you because Hina, Setsuna and Hima’s bloodline is all in you.” (Rika)

“You’re comparing me to my ancestors now.” (Hitomi)

“Don’t be angry it’s a compliment. You got Hima’s sense of justice. You’ve also inherited Hina’s responsibility side of hers. As for Setsuna I guess you inherited both her stubbornness and her ideals.” (Rika)

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