《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 49 At home with worries


Hitomi POV

“Where is goddess Illysiel.” (Rain)

Gods I have returned and pushed the infant into my siblings by saying I found her. White snow like skin and black hair like the first queen of their city. The white skin was part of them being ice immortals. Yet my sisters bought my lies since I said I found an abandoned baby. I will not go into the events then it was embarrassing. I screamed and ran with the cooing baby. That was so un angel like I had to cover my face when I remember the giant black wriggling parasitic worm that reminds me of a cockroach. I can’t stand those things.

‘I did warn you two hours prior that the parasites were being odd. They weren’t attacking. And you took 2 extra days to find the newly awakened baby. She’s still in a clean slate but since she was buried there as a stillborn she does have chaotic evil for alignment.’ (Rika)

It doesn’t mean she’s evil right off the start either. Yet from what my clone told me this uninvited guest was brought in by Ling Yue.

‘You’re still embarrassed you forgot your wings at the point of running away.’

‘Shut up. You weren’t helping. Rika you freaked out too. How was I supposed to know the head and neck was 40 feet tall when it came out. Even you were curious why they stopped attacking me.’ (Hitomi)

‘It wasn’t that bad. Oh and that would be my former priestess. She’s not quick to jump to conclusions, so it’s a good thing she didn’t attack anyone. She was in the war zone in front of my former temple on my death.’ (Rika)

Understood. We will not talk about the embarrassment of events. No one else was on the scene when it happened. Plus I was the good girl who stayed home. It didn’t happen.

‘You do know that the baby is a century year old infant that can tell what happened right.’ (Rika)

Ugh she can’t talk yet she’s still a baby. Her body maybe 1 year old but she’s a blank slate. They'll probably think she’s talking about a dream. I’m physically weak either way.

“You’re safe now. This is our home. As for your goddess she’s no longer here.” (Hitomi)

“Wait Hitomi! You shouldn’t have said that.” (Ling Yue)

“And not saying the topic will have her poking her nose in unnecessary stuff. Like Luna’s crazy mood swings.” (Hitomi)

“She’s got a point.” (Fiona)

“I have returned after you had that message of Luna. Seems she is insanely unpredictable. Her mood depends on how she acts these days.” (Lan)

“Second mistress would not be like you said. She’s kind and understanding.” (Rain)

“Rain right, words from mouth isn’t what we’re talking about. It’s been more than 300 million years since your goddess vanished. Luna is bound to have a few screws loose in her loneliness.” (Hitomi)

“Wait why the heck are you telling her that now.” (Ling Yue)

“She’s actually considerate enough for telling me everything straight out. I’m not wrong, you’re connected to my goddess even though she died.” (Rain)

“You can say that. I won’t lie to you who’s misplaced by this time period. Especially so far away from home too.” (Hitomi)

‘So she’s not bothered, I told her name to you.’ (Rika)

“Right I’ve sent someone to check for relics or similar related to the goddess at Hitomi’s requests to make you have a sense of comfort.” (Lan)


“Guess that’s all for lunch.” (Fiona)

“Is that so.” (Rain)

She adapts fast, way too fast. I guess she isn’t fazed at all.

‘Don’t worry you’re more broken than the main characters in novels. Even more broken than me.’ (Rika)

Shut up that subconscious thought was for me to know and not for you to peek at. Yet seems like Rain is now spaced out. Ling Yue was being nice by trying to consider her feelings.

‘But I do have to respond to the thought of being called monster too. I mean I can’t count as a monster since it’s just knowledge. My body is healthy but all information seems to be void if I think about it. As if it’s been locked out or blurred. So maybe only in soul form.’ (Rika)

‘That makes you seem more useless than an genius.’ (Hitomi)

‘It’s the truth. But if you stayed too long in center of the forest like that it would’ve been dangerous. Because the dead never stays dead there too long.’ (Rika)

Don’t remind me. I still have guests ignore me for a bit. My sisters escaped to look after the baby. Yet the black kimono seems to suit our flaming haired guest. Ling Yue looks nervous since it’s now awkward.

“My goddess was also called Rika. She was named by a young girl. That young girl wasn’t normal either. The girl and my mistress was lovers. Yes, before her death she had a lover and a child.” (Rain)

‘Right my lover. She’s the current Abyssal Queen. As in the top of cream, the most powerful. As for the child. She doesn’t know her parents. She’s the current Kana the goddess of death. The dark hair of hers is inherited by my lover.’ (Rika)

I coughed as I had two shocking news. Kana the current goddess of was probably cast into the future out of protection from Luna. Whereas the most known and wanted person on the world’s top assassination list that is always targeted 48 hours a day every year was Rika’s lover. I didn’t even know about abyssals before Rika told me.

“Wait just to make sure your goddess had an Abyssal as a lover right.” (Hitomi)

“Yes.” (Rain)

“Is her name Lian Cross.” (Hitomi)

“That’s about right how do you know her.” (Hitomi)

My eyes went to Ling Yue’s soul almost leaving her body in shock. Yea about just right, the most wanted and active person who’s always fighting and improving herself by seconds. Life and death battles for her is a constant.

“Lian Cross is the Abyssal Queen. She’s the one at the very top of the food chain in the abyss. This person is also the most wanted by the current world. As for the child you say, are there any important features.” (Hitomi)

“Hm…. let’s see she inherited her dark hair from her other mother. She was very white skin like Rika. Her eyes were a emerald color like her mother but she has a distinct marking of her other parent on the left side of her neck close to her shoulder. Oh and she has a very beautiful shine of silver on her back like the moon butterfly it was transparent sometimes. That mark is Rika’s signature mark.” (Rain)

Are you telling me to just peek in on someone’s bath to confirm their identity. Rika admitted it but I don’t think Kana even knows her parents. She’s been kinda ordered around by the gods and goddesses already.

‘She’s fine where she is. That child is very kind, she loves all lives even when she has to guide them to the gates of reincarnation she cries as she does her job.’ (Rika)


Then I’m certain she inherited that kindness from her mother. But it’s a good thing she doesn’t have faith. Or rather she lacks faith because any gathered would be forgotten once the person reincarnated. That’s how sad her job is. She might not be responsible for the deaths, it’s the other gods who write the orders and force her to do the orders. Her job is pitiful but it’s the only god position that won’t collect faith so she’s safe from fading away.

Oh, is that so. I probably can’t peek on a goddess since I stay in the house. I’ll probably have Fiona do it, Lan is great at information. Only Fiona can be shameless in such situations. Well dense in her own ways. Naively innocent too. The spacing out Ling Yue even after Rain went to wander the house was kinda irresistible. So I kissed her lips. Her face turned red, she might’ve experienced others doing it but she never experienced it herself.

‘I think the person tongue kissing for a first kiss shouldn’t comment on her.’ (Rika)

Oh she ran out of the run. She is experienced in watching just not being initiated on. Though her lips were very soft, her face afterwards was bright red up to her ears.

‘Do me a favor and check on her later after she gets herself out of a cold shower. You don’t want her with a cold or fever.’ (Rika)

‘Ah so innocent.’ (Hitomi)

‘I think your personality got twisted when we went into the forest.’ (Rika)

‘Actually it didn’t. She just looks so cute frozen. Did you notice her silver hair was still in bed hair.’ (Hitomi)

‘Oh, I just realised something you’re a partial sadist aren’t you. You don’t have, all the traits but just the teasing your lover side. You're not completely sadistic though. Well just make sure it doesn’t harm her. Don’t like Luna who kills her soulmates as babies or kids before they get a chance to meet her and know her.’ (Rika)

‘How rude. But I think that’s why she didn’t care if I lived or died. Makes me sick.’ (Hitomi)

Wait if she kills them off is it because she doesn’t want to fall in love with them. Nor does she want them to get to know her because she doesn’t want to be attached.

‘Accidental deaths are the highest when Luna does so. After all she has so much network and people in her control.’ (Rika)

Why do you also sound nonchalant about that. It also bothers you with her actions. That’s why the first thing you did was fix minor issues first. In a way Rika seems more like a parent than a sister. I pity her soulmates. The death rates must be over the top.

‘Why don’t you meet Kana.’ (Hitomi)

I just asked her in boredom since there’s no one in the dining hall now. I’ll probably head to the library like usual

‘Oh that. Don’t worry she knows in her own way. Memory gems allows users to experience all their memories. I had hers when she was a baby sealed within her until. She was of age. Kana’s not stupid but she probably has to worry about meeting Lian rather than her nonexistent mother right. Oh right if you're gonna use my notes remember to level up yourselves and not be lead around to having so much you’d forget about them. Remember to level them too, they'll come in handy you can never be too sure. (Rika)

Yep most definitely a mother more than anything else. Rika cares for everyone yet she avoids seeing those she loves the most. Guess she doesn’t want to be hurt like with Luna. That’s why she neither approaches Kana though goddess Kana knows about her already. Instead she steps around it all instead of confronting her lover or her former child.

‘You’re a bad mother.’ (Hitomi)

‘Not really. I do see Lian once in while but Kana is out of the question. If it’s her, it might now go so well. She’s besties with Luna.’ (Rika)

Ah I get it she hangs out at Luna in her free time. So it’s awkward for you to make contact with her. Plus Luna tried to wipe out your soul projection.

‘Kana is easy to spot though. She’s weird in that she likes a black kimono with purple butterflies.’ (Rika)

‘I’m certain her dressing sense is inherited from you. You did show yourself in soul form. Why the hell is your grey kimono with the blue leviathans on it.’ (Hitomi)

‘They’re my favourite after phoenixes.’ (Rika)

Yea you two fashion sense seems weird. I grabbed the book from the shelf as I sighed. I’m not exactly housing a goddess but she does have trouble. Why is her family more complex than mine. Yuna is missing, mother’s injured and Niana went out to play instead. From what Lan said that is. Lan, Fiona and Yuna are sisters from one father. Me and Niana also have two different fathers.

‘Actually your mother is dating a new one. Just that her luck in men sucks sometimes. Your first father was a dick. Niana’s father was a scumbag who misused her money. Well at least she got the correct one the third time.’ (Rika)

‘Getting blasted by a air energy canon that Luna made wasn’t lucky. He vapourized instantly.’ (Hitomi)

‘At least he was a gentleman and lasted for your 3rd birthday right.’ (Rika)

I don’t want to talk about how he was killed by a experiment Luna was testing. That was a very annoying memory. Mother cries for days after his death. 2nd father never came back with the money he took. Even if we’re princesses it’s an annoyance. I stumbled backwards when Rika manifested herself before me.

The dark purple hair no longer looked like the night sky. Her outfit was a green gown that fit her curvy body in all the right places. It annoys me how the former goddess can still pull off her looks even if she’s just a transparent soul.

“How is this for fashion. Oh and that book in your hand is good read. The princess and the death knight. It’s great romance, no tragedies but it does bother me that she’s an undead from a rival country.” (Rika)

“So you even came in person. Then again your always busy cleaning up messes. That said go visit your other family members already. It’ll be bad if you just killed yourself off and not even tell them anything.” (Hitomi)

“Don’t say that like your hosting me. I might be a soul projection but even I have feelings. Priorities come first. Lives are more important than time with them.” (Rika)

“You know for a half soul. It seems you’re more stable than most. Plus those work piled up can hold couldn’t it. You’re just avoiding Kana because you don’t know how to talk to her after sending her into our part of the timeline in this time period.” (Hitomi)

I seemed to have hit home, she’s no longer talking. A former goddess who can jump around in time anywhere she wishes but isn’t doing so. Rather she puts everyone else but herself. This person would count as a tragic hero.

“If you had a status screen and a physical body here, I’m certain you’ll be labeled saint. Also tragic hero.” (Hitomi)

Oh she vanished, meaning she didn’t want the topic to continue. She answered me when I asked why she still helps others even though I think she did enough already making our world what it is. Her answer was wasn’t it the right thing to do, anyone else would’ve done so. The answer I was looking for wasn’t that. In a way she reminded me of my family’s genes. Kindness and responsibility runs in our genes.

Maybe that’s why I want to help her too. Even if she’s given up on herself. She’s already done enough helping everyone else already. I think it’s time for her to find her own happiness. Her actions reminds me of my dead childhood friend who protected me from a stray monster that came into the mansion by accident.

“You know that you should fix that pained face of yours. I took the hit for you doesn’t mean you should cry. Yes I’m dying but aren’t you alive and well.” (Diana)

She was a human girl of one of the maid working her and she pushed me out of the way to only have her neck bitten by a twin headed lion. In my stead she bled to death. I hated the self sacrifice of hers. 7 years old was when I lost her. So having someone with a similar personality annoys me now. Yet the former goddess gave me a similar feeling. Like I was back to being friends with that girl again. The stupid blond happy girl who’s only friend was me. So it didn’t annoy me, it bugged me that she gave up before things even started.

“You’re both so stupid.” (Hitomi)

“Why the hell do I attract such troublesome people around me.” (Hitomi)

“Maybe it’s because you’re always been like that.” (Niana)

“Shut it. I don’t want to hear that from you.” (Hitomi)

“I heard the whole conversation. So it’s true you still attract such idiots.” (Niana)

Right Niana hated Diana from the get go. Of course she’d hate Rika’s similar personality to that girl too. But I know for fact that she wouldn’t go as far to kill off Diana like that. Rather it’s like the two are oil and water. They don’t mix well, I’m not sure about Rika and Niana though.

‘Ah, the person I pity has such a shit personality towards my own. Never let her meet Kana ok. Kana is the type that’s honest yet she will snap at this girl. Maybe it’s like a switch for both sides. Them meeting is like asking for a tornado to destroy your home. I think she deserves the marriage now.’ (Rika)

I’m certain even Rika had limits she didn’t like going past. Seems like Niana’s personality was one. These two doesn’t seem like they like each other either.

‘Maybe this time I won’t save her. She’s on her own. She can look for her partner herself. Oh but she’ll have to survive heartbreaks after heartbreaks by him. Then kill herself. Wonder if she ever has time to find her partner in depression. Well at least her 1st eldest daughter gets revenge for her at the end.’ (Rika)

No, no, no. That’s even worse than the tragedy yet you’re saying he's gonna keep cheating on her even after she has children with him. Didn’t you want everyone to be happy before that. Why does these two have conflicting personalities. I already have a headache with Luna being insane. Now I have to deal with Rika and Niana.

‘She deserves it. Who’s the idiot who mistakes your first love for another guy. Just because you mistake their gender. Her case is a case closed. No need to reopen it. She can regret it in her next lives, how she wants I don’t care. Not helping her in this one.’ (Rika)

‘Now you’re just being petty.’ (Hitomi)

‘No, I’ll just give her partner eidetic memories directly and the fate’s abilities to look for the lover (Niana). But it’ll be after this life. I’ll just allow her to keep all the memories of her current and the rest of her next lives. Niana can be in the dark.’ (Rika)

‘You do know that you’re being mean by doing so. That person you described is a hardcore sadist and you yourself knows that Niana is a normal person.’ (Hitomi)

‘They would’ve met any way even without my help. She seemed so lovestruck at the current period I don’t want to bug her.’ (Rika)

‘Actually the truth is you’re too lazy because her sons and daughters' lives are more important to you than her happiness.’ (Hitomi)

I thought so, she said the 50th kid for one of my death. Yet she worded it like that’s not gonna be the last. So it got me curious. It doesn’t surprise me because the man in question was rumored to be a playboy who whores himself around.

‘So how many kids.’ (Hitomi)

‘100, with a year of each other. Like lovey dovey idiots.’ (Rika)

Oh, I understand he also cheats between that gap of having children. He probably wasn’t a decent father in the first place. I can understand why the daughter would kill him for my sister now. But in our world where sometimes it’s survival of the fittest it ain’t surprising. Though I do like Ling Yue I won’t allow Niana to have her at all. Even if she can’t forget her first love I will permanently have her think only of me.

‘Did you just almost go Yandere on me.’ (Rika)

‘I will not be last nor will I be last place. Niana can’t have her even if she met her first.’ (Hitomi)

I grabbed my book and walked back to my room from the library. No one is taking another thing from me again even is that is my soulmate. Luna can stay in her corner I won’t allow her plans nor will I allow her to use her.

‘I don’t like playing matchmaker either but Luna and that person are the ones breaking couples. They’re also distorting the timelines how they like. It was so damn messy. I had to rewind time and fix a bit at a time. Or had to force possession of a person. Experiencing that last one myself I dislike doing so on another person. It’s emergencies fixing the timelines of small worlds.’ (Rika)

I see. We got two idiots going at it and everyone else is casualties. I neither want to be manipulated or controlled by Luna like that. Meaning I will have to speed up my plans. But that last bit on her speech means her main body wasn’t in her complete control.

‘By the way Hitomi, just a hint but never let Ling Yue see you in the bath from behind. The silver flame lines of the Asura race resonate with water. So it shines brightly. You don’t exactly want her to suspect you for race changing.’ (Rika)

‘You changed the topic but your main body. It’s no longer in your control, is it.’ (Hitomi)

‘Hm… it’s not that bad it’s possessed from the outside by ghosts. I’m aware but have zero control of my body’s actions. It’s not that bad. Nightmares are from the people who died even though I was just a third wheel with willpower projection. So in a way I feel responsible for those that died even if I had zero control of that person’s body.’ (Rika)

‘No, you’re not even responsible why the fuck they haunting you. You’re the one responsible for them having a home and normal life in the first place.’ (Hitomi)

‘It’s not that bad.’ (Rika)

‘Your main body was probably cursed by retards yet you’re here helping those retards out too.’ (Hitomi)

Seems I hit her where it hurts more. She’s worst than Diana. I rubbed my forehead between my eyebrows. This person and my soulmates are idiots. Rika’s too nice and Ling Yue is a Kudere. She acts cold but is sweet. The goddess is blunt, nice and too kind for her own good. I really should look for ways to return her whole to the upper worlds before she goes doing something stupid.

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