《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 48 unpredictable outcome


Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

The two of them seems to be having a glaring contest. Bridget and Rebecca don't seem like the type to get along. After hours the unreasonable lady left. The mad hound went to challenge in such a crazy weather. Bridget seems to have fainted. I guess the faking her toughness got to her.

“Glad she left.” (Lydia)

I felt shivers down my spine. That person was too strong for the current me to fight. She’s unreasonable, she’s worst than muscle brains. Rebecca is a battle junkie who can think for herself. I’m more worried for the elf that’s in this weather condition. Even if she’s an animal lover this weather is harsh itself.

Wait the thing I just saw manifesting in the sandstorm looks more crazy. A huge undead purple skeleton. That’s probably Rebecca since she’s a witch. Then an undead army, she doesn’t have to go that far. Yet I know her thoughts from doing so she’s doing numbers over good soldiers. This person wants to fight a high level beast with the number of undead she called upon.

Yet I covered my ears when I heard ringing and loud roars off in the distance. But judging in the direction and distance I’m certain it’s from the dragon’s nest. The elf is probably fighting the earth dragons by now. I did leave the earth dragon eggs behind. Can’t raise something that might eat myself when it’s born out of its shells.

An elf on par dragons seems odd because I can hear more roars than ever over the sandstorm. She’s as unreasonable as Rebecca.

“So this is where the little one is. As unreasonable as ever Luna.” (Mei) (Hitomi in disguise)

What the fuck is with today. The ruler of the east appeared. One who has a even better networking than Luna. They say she’s the ruler of the east but everyone knows she also rules half of the south. It’s just that her home is in the east. Everyone talks about her often but no one knows her origins. She’s also abnormal. Records of her is before the heroes era here. Is my low stats that bad that I attract nuke like characters. The east area she rules is where Hitomi‘s home should be. It’s also because she has the Leviathans in her rule. When angered they take out the whole continent into the sea itself. So when they’re on land people tend to avoid angering them.

Though their looks pisses me off. They’re like mermaids who lure men to repopulate their race. They have beautiful girls and pretty boys for offsprings. There are rumours that Mei is a leviathan too those the unreasonable behaviour and temper. This person can go at it and beat up Luna.

“It’s no wonder your main body in your timeline is asleep. Isn’t this funny. Well I don’t complain but. I’d say it’s amusing if not. She’s not wrong to throw you close to here. She wants to toss you into the gods graveyard then this is the second closest place to its borders. I’ll allow it though since it’s not Lydia that’s going.” (Mei) (meaning Ling Yue wont go extinct so I’ll tolerate Luna’s unreasonbleness.)

Wait the that last reason was messed up. Did she just teleport me out, what kinda grudge do you have to a baby to sent her to that unreasonable battlefield. I flinched when I saw the scene before me. Armies of gods on all sides in the sky and Luna in the fertile grassland staring up at them.

Misfortune one title has been given.


Unlucky one has been acquired.

Eventful one has been acquired.

Abnormal one has been achieved.

Fated child has been obtained.

Disaster Magnet title has been achieved.

The fated child one and the description sounds annoying. Especially the part that says is targeted by historical bigshot hidden behind the scenes. That last one isn’t my fault my low luck stats causes events. This is foul play, in more ways than one. The eventful title gives a description of being so because my -100 causes non threatening life events to meet important people, if it hits unlucky then can be life threatening to me. That’s what it says.

At least I know why my guardian tossed me away. She’s going to war solo. I wonder if Bridget made it out alive with unreasonable Mei there.

3rd pov

“Luna surrender Lin. Also give up your rule to us gods and goddesses.” (Johan)

Luna didn’t answer but pulled out her soul bound weapon the glaive as she slashed the ones that came charging at her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lydia and a crazy grin came onto her face. She cut down thirty more gods in front of her as if she was mowing down grass. The gods and goddesses charged ahead in anger.

“Luna I’ve come to help.” (Jasmine)

The elf with her bow and arrows on her back didn’t flinch but shoot down a god on her left. Though the appearance of her confused many. Underneath the elf was an Earth Dragon, they weren’t tameable even Luna knew that. Yet there was one here in front of them.

“Since your here I can start it.” (Luna)

Her hand waves upwards as her unbound soul weapon caused a domain all the way through the grassland to where Lydia stood on the cliff over watching the battle. She had sacrificed her only time weapon. But she frowned when she realised she really doesn’t remember who gave it to her. So that letter was true then. Her memories of that person were blurry. She shot down another god as if they were flies before her. The field of domain became unstable keeping the gods in place reliving and experiencing their final moments of fighting Luna and Jasmine. The field she had toss was so no one would be resurrected or revived by spells or normal means. After the battle was over she smiled at the cliffs where she saw Mei stood holding Lydia and Bridget.

“I don’t approve of your actions Luna. Especially not the ones before this. Trying to poison the world tree isn’t funny. Not when everyone’s lives are on the line.” (Mei)

“Don’t care nor will it matter. No one can stop me from seeing that person nor can they stop my actions of controlling everything the way I want.” (Luna)

“This is why she didn’t leave her weapon archive to you. Her weaponry of lost artifacts, weapons and items from all eras from the time period the items were lost in time. She knew, no, she understood that leaving a 9 year old Luna would later make, the Luna today so twisted she was nothing but her former self. Innocence was lost the moment you lost her.” (Mei)

“Yet you yourself could’ve used this place to return to your original time in the present Hitomi.” (Luna) (Luna investigated through her weapon’s ability to look in time since there’s no record of identity for Mei who was Hitomi hiding her identity)

“I will not. Instead I will fight for stability to change your mentality. I will not allow you who seeks out abnormal ways to end everyone just because you justify yourself. You're nothing more than child. Especially to Rika. Your actions makes no one happy. She is alive but she won’t be happy to see you like this. I’m certain she’d rather have the innocent alive and active sister than the death seeking one now.” (Hitomi)


“I see, you too hate me.” (Luna)

“No. I am different from you. Unlike your manipulation and mind games on everyone else, I will confront them and aid them for a better future. That’s what both me and your sister wanted. She puts you first at one time. But after that her selfishness gave only a twisted result so she wanted everyone else happy at her own expense.

You, her own sister, understand nothing about her. She might have left her magic scroll to you from her moment of death for you. Yet that said person didn’t wish for the selfish unbearable child now in a grown ups body. Your a living corpse seeking death of others and your sick means for control. I had watched since the near beginning I will not leave things to you.” (Hitomi)

“Spoken like a true Usalra indeed. Justice loving and kindness goes hand in hand for a fool like you.” (Luna)

“I think I understand why Rika wanted me to punch and beat you up. It was to wake you up. Yet I pity you. She didn’t leave anything that could’ve been of use to you. Her relics, abilities nor her weapons. She only left records of herself and birthday gifts to you.” (Hitomi)

“Shut up you bitch.” (Luna)

Her sky blue hair up to the waist flew in the wind yet she smiled sadly at Luna. Those words of hers was pity towards Luna. Her sister had to archives with her. She was a living library archive that continues to update information about their world and lower worlds. The other one was the weaponry archive that collected the weapons and items lost at the moment they disappeared from history itself. So that the weapons wouldn’t be lost completely. That same archive was also able to copy the items even if lost again or destroyed.

The secret that no one else but Hitomi knew about was because she looked up the past with her Asura racial ability. Both abilities were reborn with Rika when she was in the lower world but manifestation of the two was impossible. She lived in a world where it had no energy or power to support such a fantasy like ability.

Hitomi blocked Luna as she tossed Bridget to a confused Jasmine. The elf was stunned that Luna tried to poison the world tree. She was unsure who to side with here. Both person seems so unreasonable. One was from the future from what Luna said and Luna seems to have gone crazy. Jasmine didn’t remember hearing Luna had a relative. Yet from their conversation it seemed like the person died. Confused and nervous Jasmine flew away from there with Bridget. She didn’t want to be involved in the battle with the two.

A shockwave was sent as Luna kept trying to punch Hitomi. Hitomi blocked the punches with ease and stared back at Luna.

“How come? Why the hell does she choose you? What made you special? Why did she abandon me.” (Luna)

“Like the person said she had zero choice between you and the circumstances. It was also because your stupid promise that tied to her. She didn’t fulfill it earlier until too late when her divine spark was being corrupted by faith. Thus her situation. You breaking that promise can make you end up worst, yet you throw such childish tantrums here in all sorts of time period after finding out. How lowly can you get.” (Hitomi)

Hitomi punched Luna’s face as she grabbed her blue green hair and smashed her onto the ground. Rather she had a long time to create her own force because she time jumped as Rika advised. She also had time to train many things based on the notes of Rika’s experiences. The skills, abilities and techniques she has was honed by her own hands. Not copied by the system by a click. She wasn’t Luna, who was insecure after finding out the truth.

The only traits she copied from the system was racial traits to cancel the physical damage trait that the Divine Phoenixes has a weakness to. For the battle with Luna she didn’t even have to use her angel form or Asura form. She used her human base form. Her white t-shirt and jeans were now bloodied with golden blood from Luna.

Luna was on the floor bloodied and confused why she couldn’t win Hitomi. She was confused why she was losing to an angel. An angel who went into the past and somehow didn’t die in this current time period.

“How the hell can I not beat you.” (Luna)

“It’s quality over quantity little Luna.” (Hitomi)

“What the hell does that have to do with this. I have many skills, techniques, abilities, and Artes. How can I lose to the likes of you.” (Luna)

“You never listen to her completely even back then. Skills may be important, but that’s only if you, yourself, improved everyone of them.” (Hitomi)

Luna frowned as Hitomi smashed her face back into the ground. Hitomi wasn’t stupid to let Luna‘s pride and cockiness happen again. She knew the goddess would even do cheap tricks if she was desperate. Plus she was holding Lydia in her right arm tucked in.

“Just because your powerful doesn’t mean you can control the people or the timelines as you wish. Don’t be a bitch about it either. This person isn’t who your meant to be Luna. Not meeting your sister later on can bring many regrets especially so in the future with her plans.

For that I’m interfering with both your plans. She seeks…… well I can’t say, you can’t realise your dream either way Luna. Going to the past to meet her won’t change anything because she’s what keeps your current world afloat even if invisibly.” (Hitomi)

Hitomi POV (Heroes era)

‘You do know riling up the girl can come bite you back right.’ (Rika)

‘What gives her the right to do so. A person can live how they want happily. She shouldn’t have interfered with me or Ling Yue first. Plus your cleaning up her mess. Yet if she screws over the whole final fight it’s at the expense of your soul to reset everything. That’s the diagram you drew isn’t it. To make it so if you don’t return here to the upper worlds your soul fades into nothingness. Both your stubbornness and her is fucked up. It’s not funny.

What’s the use of a new beginning for her if you cease to be. She should wake up now while she still has the time. Why does our jumble time periods have nothing more than tragic romance yours isn’t romance. It’s a self sacrifice that isn’t needed.’ (Hitomi)

‘Is that why you over train and level up like crazily after you found my weapon archive and the library. Or was it because you went investigating because you wanted more than the truth.’ (Rika)

‘You planned it all before this reincarnation. It was all but a moment of death yet you used that opportunity didn’t you. Your manipulation of time surpasses your race of Asura so much you can create a pocket dimension out of bounds from our timeline.’ (Hitomi)

‘I guess someone got nosy because of my wish.’ (Rika)

“Running away solves nothing.” (Hitomi)

I meant it. For both Luna and Rika avoiding each other. Instead smashed her into the cliff with a kick. Carrying Lydia I walked away from Luna who was unconscious at this point. It was satisfying to beat her up. I had been watching her patiently until this time era. When things start changing because of Rika's death letter. This was where Luna’s insane plans were put into action jeopardizing millions to trillions small individuals that she thought was insignificant to her.

That angered me because Rika has to time jump and fix each individual places all at once. The first one was when she poisoned the world tree which caused the small lights to be snuffed out. If Rika hadn’t given me so much knowledge I’d be in the unknown of it. Yet Luna walks on the borderline of massmurder so easily ticks me off.

“Do you even wish to see her Rika. I mean in person, I know you can time jump yourself as a soul. But meeting her as your current self.” (Hitomi)

‘I sent the letter to future her when she stabilised that she was missing something in her heart and was able to move on. Yet her actions after that doesn’t surprise me. It’s something bound to happen when she happens on the truth. It just so happens that she snapped early.’ (Rika)

There’s nothing to say anymore to the former goddess. I walked away from the grass plains and camped out near the border. Lydia is sleeping from exhaustion and now it’s Ling Yue’s turn to meet Rika from the past with her real body. Yu Mei was the one who wanted those two outcomes. To change against Luna. I guess she didn’t trust completely in Luna either.

Ling Yue POV (it’s two different time lines: one where Hitomi is sent making young Rika aware of what’s to come. And the one where the original was dying because she has to make a choice fast or face madness)

I woke up with a surprise but the surrounding threw me off. In front of me was a weird lady in her 19s. The purple night like hair seems to be glowing faintly. Yet her face looked similar to Luna. But what confused me is the temple altar next to us. It was destroyed. The lady flickered in front of me like a glitch. Her long white gown flowed out behind her as she stepped towards me.

“So I’m dying yet someone sends me a young godling. The irony of it all. Young one I will heal your heart so you can feel again without pain. But I have a few messages. Do not trust anyone or anything easily. Nor can you believe in blind faith. The faith systems established for us gods mean without it we will either become corrupt or influenced by our followers.

Zero faiths means fading away like I am. But for me it’s a choice of not granting prayers or miracles. My goddess name is Illysiel the goddess of the just and fair. I denoted my divine spark and stopped listening to the sickening greedy people who came to me. I will use 50% of power that’s left to help you. The other I will use to guide others on my dying breath. My last wish is to take my dying priestess with you. My name will fade once I die. Look for Rika of your time to help you in whatever problem you need after this. She is also me.” (Rika)

Wait a second she rapidly fired speech, gave me her original heart and faded into silver ashes even faster. I blinked confused but I had to go help the priestess outside. I’m guessing she’s the only goddess everyone knows about as the forgotten goddess. It doesn’t sit well with me of how I got here either. How am I to return home. Without a word to the silver ashes laying on the ground I grabbed the sword on the floor and ran outside.

“Pitiful lambs to a slaughter, you’re but the last one standing little priestess.”

“I will not falter even if my goddess is dead. I’m the only one left to remember her because her blood runs in my veins. She will not be forgotten I and my descendants will fight for her against you and your bad men.” (Rain)

When I came outside I saw corpses littered around the ground of a destroyed temple. Priestesses all kinds littered on the ground as if it was a war zone dumping site. I who came out stared around to see a girl with bright red hair like flames bleeding on her knees yet holding her Yari to stand up. Pretty certain that’s who the goddess wanted me to save. There’s a crowd of shady men around her. Guess those numbers explains why the corpses here around a ruined temple.

But it seems surprising that I remembered the goddess. Although not her goddess name.

“In Illysiel I will slay you bastards for what happened to my sisters and my goddess.” (Rain)

Even with her shaky bleeding legs she’s slaughtering through them. She won’t last if she keeps going like that though. I looked at my feet and noticed a bastard sword on one of the priestess’s body. So I dropped the small one in my hand and grabbed the bastard sword and charged towards the crowd she was in.

“Death comes for me now. This isn’t funny, my sisters I couldn’t avenge you.” (Rain)

She staggered as I caught her as weaved through them easily. Yet I frowned because I noticed how easily the goddess’s heart synced with mine. I held the priestess and wished for a way home. Surprisingly I returned to Hitomi’s house. Along with a bloodied priestess in a white haori. Her blue hakama was all bloodied.

“Oh ho, our guest wakes up after 3 days. Then we see a bloodied priestess, did you kidnap her in your dreams.” (Fiona)

“No I didn’t. I saved her. That’s not the point, get her some medicine for her wounds.” (Ling Yue)

“She has a point sister. Go get the first aid kit and sewing kit, I’ll go get some change of clothes.” (Lan)

That odd sensation didn’t leave me, I frowned. The goddess didn’t lie over her rule regelation but her heart allows me to go through time. I’ll have to check my status soon. I haven’t checked since my memories were off. It bugs me I’m missing chunks of memories. 100 years worth of memories bug me. It’s like I don’t have the memories prior to meeting Niana when I was in the mood to go there.

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