《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 47 a sad wish and Hitomi’s first outing


Hitomi POV

I stretched after a night’s sleep. My eyes went to the glowing red scroll I tossed yesterday night. Oh right Rika. It wasn’t rude but it was more exhausting than I expected because my muscles are still sore. Well I could regenerate the muscle tears too but that’d defeat the purpose.

‘So I have a Luna to take care of but, since I can’t leave you dying or hanging. I have connected this to my other half there that is a half soul. She’s a soul projection. But cleaning up most timelines messes made by both forces. - by young Rika.’

Sounded like a siscon thing to do. Toss all responsibility to the future you to take care because your sister is more important. I guess she’s as broken as any genius here in our world. They do have many screws loose. Oh the scroll glowed silver that’s rare. Silver is a pure and very odd color you don’t usually see.

‘I’ve heard what the other one said. Yes I already know your story before that. I don’t have all hands to care for every single thing since Luna’s being careless on not caring for small individuals. But the said individuals means a dead time node, or a collapse in that world itself in that small time period.

Deadly for those living in cities and small worlds. But I’ll send you some other notes if you need help. I’ll also take into account you don’t have any experience personally such as in battle or in business.’

It stung but she sounds blunt and on point there’s a huge difference. No siscon happening. Must’ve been bad after the original died and split in half. Oh my inventory has more new notes. I read some of the titles to see these are improvements to the Rika I met before. Seems she’s an even worst monster than the original after death.

‘Just so you know I can still hear you.’ (Rika)

Wow I closed the scroll yet I can still hear her. The thoughts of this former goddess is strong.

‘That’s rude. I might be busy but I can clone myself with magic into 20 and have those magical clones work without harming my soul. Also magical scrolls are slow. I’m reusing the broken link of willpower to talk to you mentally. I replaced all the old notes. Plus I included from data management, hacking, business, music, martial arts, and crafting (art, sculpture etc.). This is just a small portion of it.’(Rika)

No, I’m pretty sure she went into everything a modern and Stone Age person would’ve cries over at the skills. This person doesn’t know the comparison is out of this world logic. I’ll ask her what happened mentally.

‘So how's Luna and your relationship as siblings.’ (Hitomi)

‘As twisted as a person can get after having her memories overwritten by the rules and laws of the world itself. To blur my existence in her memories so she doesn’t believe the dead me completely.’ (Rika)

‘So how did your first meeting with her as a dead soul feel like.’ (Hitomi)

‘About that, she tried to kill me instead of listening.’ (Rika)

Ouch, not a friendly meeting. A not sane Luna doesn’t mean she’d listen completely to Rika for sure.

‘How was trying see her after that then.’ (Hitomi)

‘It’s not really a peaceful topic. She tried to blast my soul into pieces. Her wording is you’re not her don’t act like your her either. I’m pretty sure I’m still Rika though. At least the one with all the knowledge, emotions and prior abilities before. Though I don’t think she likes that. She wanted the one who is dying. I think she doesn’t forgive herself for letting me die. Nor does she forgive herself from forgetting the one that stayed with her since childhood.’ (Rika)


I opened my mouth wanting to say something yet I couldn’t. I could understand the feelings yet I couldn’t give advice. These two people are different. Rika seemed to sound different, she was probably hurt by the actions of Luna.

‘You don’t mind if I talked to you sometimes through the link right. I could give advice, I’ve been there and done that many times. Well subconsciously for most. The one I had free roam mostly on was Hina in her foolish human life.

Hima as a demon and Setsuna as angel. But I couldn’t control Hima’s actions completely which led to her life ended by her half brother. Hima was herself, I just guided her for her own sense of justice.

Setsuna, I only gave her advice because of her pair of wings. She has 8 pair of wings, an angel's soul determines their wings. It meant she was powerful enough to be hunted down. Your ancestors were kind yet were misused. Only Setsuna wasn’t. That girl understood her surroundings. She’s actually a Destruction Phoenix. The set conditions for one is to witness the death of loved ones.’ (Rika)

‘Wait then the legend that Setsuna lives in our time is true isn’t it she’s been reborn with all memories intact isn’t it.’ (Hitomi)

‘You’re not wrong, on she's alive but after she killed the god that controlled the heavens of angels she killed the devil who caused the deaths of her sisters. She was sealed off by the dying devil. The war zone became a trial ground for race changing. Setsuna was sealed into the far future for them but to you it’s your current era she’s sealed inside a living person.’ (Rika)

Doesn’t that just spell more trouble for our current time period then. Setsuna isn’t really portrayed as kind. Stories says she’s a monster for killing a god and for destroying a devil.

The demons from hell here judge actual living corrupt government officials. Angels destroy towns and cities on orders of an insecure ruler. That’s how the truth we live in are for us.

‘I’ll give you advice in battle if you want. I don’t like possession either. Though I do those in emergencies only. Evolving crowd of zombies is one. Avoid those type of cities and towns if possible. That’s first on the list. Second is be wary of pretty looking females that look more beautiful than goddesses.

Those are Abyssals. They can eat souls inherit the memories, skills, traits and information of said person. Their race are a gluttonous race that eats all other races as food. Sweets are to sate their hunger of not gobbling up other races. They’re as ridiculous on orders of sweets. Though they’re loyal to lovers. All Abyssals are siblings and female only race.

Third on my list is A ranked soul reapers. Young beautiful boys and ladies that eat a person alive in forest openings. Never, never ever camp in a forest opening unless you want to be eaten alive. They also have a nasty hobby of corrupting souls and turning the person into a monstrosity in the city or town for amusement before eating it. Soul reapers: ranks: G>E, F>D, E>C, B>S, C>A. Whereas the S ranks kept the souls in this world stable by fighting the A ranks.

Fourth on my list is places not to go. Dream Plane is one. I will not explain this one. There’s a poison world in a closed gap hidden in some modern cities a step in there can end most people. Don’t go there instantly build up immunity for poison to high degree unless you want instant death.


Fifth was annoying avoid Luna’s animals and pets. They’re as eccentric as their owner. As for sixth on my list is the abyss, don’t drop in that place it’s connected to all worlds in a gap. Dropping in there in a dog eat dog world isn’t the best option.’ (Rika)

With that advice the former goddess went quiet. She was telling me that the outside world was more dangerous than told. Seems like I should probably check the reincarnation system for races. Or talk to the AI created by having Divine Phoenix as a race and its own system aside from the reincarnation system. I didn’t want to bother Rika because it sounded like she didn’t want to talk about Luna.

If someone told you that they’re your dead relative, you’d probably act like Luna. Yet from young Rika’s words she messaged her before current Rika met her. So that meant Luna didn’t trust the one she saw nor did she want to reconcile with her. Damn, she’s cleaning up Luna’s messes too. I don’t think me or any other innocent souls want Luna as our guardian at the end battle then. I’ll probably have to fake my death and do a time jump. But which period am I gonna hide in while she (Luna) can’t detect or look for me.

‘If that’s your question and answer to the obvious. Then I will have to say the age before the gods graveyard. The age when Yu Mei had just began grieving and realised that if she combines all worlds later her sisters will have no choice but to reincarnate there. This is the only era where Luna is unaware and no network nor did she know of me. An innocent Luna who was just starting to look for information to fill her void of losing me.’ (Rika)

The answer she gave me was sad but she didn’t seem to say much aside from that. Even I’m not stupid, I have to look for a place to hide until the present time. So there’s gonna be two me’s. One without the racial change. But I’ll meet Ling Yue again after. A grand plan indeed. I’ll just fuse both Ling Yue’s together. That is but my selfish wish, since I will have to hide myself for a long time. Yet to do so I need to somehow hide my new race change and soul from Ling Yue.

‘Already done so on the racial thing. It’s hidden for everyone else. Well high level is always hidden from low levels so she probably can’t peek at yours anyway.’ (Rika)

I was gonna ask but the way she said it made me sigh in relief. It wasn’t like she was reading my thoughts she probably knew since from the wording of willpower projection I can guess that she’s also been through this time period before.

‘How many timelines of this period.’ (Hitomi)

‘Lost count. But if you hadn’t race changed you probably die around your sister’s wedding. If luckily then you’d last until her 50th kid with the horny bastard.’ (Rika)

Ah that last bit sounded like hatred laced into her words. Yet why does she seem annoyed.

‘Oh you asked politely so I’ll answer. Any indirect help I do ends up fixed automatically. But direct help in person isn’t fixed by the timeline itself. So magic clones count as me myself. Since past me help you that’s a permanent change. If your going to hide in the past after all this I’ll help by giving memories of what to avoid so you don’t kill off future historical figures and your own ancestors as well as small important figures that Luna ignore. How you do things is your own actions though.’ (Rika)

‘Then my idea for Ling Yue.’ (Hitomi)

‘It’s easier. I just pull her and place other her to the her in the 2nd timeline. Just give her the timeline memory of what’s going on then you meet her. Everyone else is happy otherwise. I don’t have to interfere indirectly either. Luna doesn’t care longest timelines stays similar to what she’s seen.’ (Rika)

So I have to do so. Also seems from the fact I have to let the timelines go since the ones it is also parts of our souls but small chunks so if they died permanently it won’t affect us. But their memories and experiences comes back when we have to fight the last boss. That is too far away for the current me. Besides this is my first life I’m not stupid enough to play puppet for Luna or whoever. That said, it seems I’ll do my plan on Niana‘ wedding. That way I get Ling Yue’s love at the same time. Yet why does it feel like I’m doing something cruel when I’m just trying to escape watchful eyes.

‘My advice is meet Lydia, she’s Ling Yue’s ancestor at the same time she’s also has Ling Yue’s soul inside her. Well when Ling Yue sleeps here in this time period that is. Just establish contact when you can.’ (Rika)

That’s interesting, I can tease her and not jeopardize her ancestors since it’s soul sharing. It’s interesting but not an uncommon case for our world.

‘Or you can cast out a double in this era and fuse it with yourself later on. After all this world is strange enough to allow personality split to have a background and family and fuse back into one person. But with all the skills, abilities, techniques, and racial traits. It’s true but the amount of people knowing it is few. If not the gods and goddesses of most timelines would’ve abused it by now.’ (Rika)

Interesting so that’s another knowledge hidden that only the forgotten goddess knows. No, there’s one more person that knows yet she will keep it to herself. It’s Luna, yet she doesn’t do so. From Rika’s words as the main personality you won’t be affected by it but the personality would cease to be. So it’s as if that person vanished. It’s not entirely killing it because it was formally yourself you split for more help for yourself.

‘No, I won’t go down that route. Instead I’ll create my own path just give me the knowledge of the magic clones spell you made. I’ll do the rest with your notes you dabbed on every modern and Stone Age era to magical era notes.’ (Hitomi)

‘You do know I’ve dabbled into the galactic empires here too but back when I was alive. Why do you think there exists magic here to make same sex couple with kids.’ (Rika)

I choked on my herbal tea for the fact she didn’t avoid the topic. I was having a meal yet she gave a bit too much information. At least now I know the mechanic notes will be a lot too.

‘It’s not like same sex is prohibited in this mix time period world. It’s because Yu Mei combined it all into one. But the scum, narcissistic, jerk and power hungry all goes into the men here due to that. It’s like the high density power plus the personality corrupts them more thus 5% of population of men is decent. It’s also why there’s more female couples.

Why do you think most historical couples full names are sometimes avoided. Except last names. If there wasn’t the Phoenixes zero people would know the full hidden story in historical records. Men are stupid to be in denial if they can’t conquer women here. So they put IT terms in history, how obvious can jealous and angry men be.’ (Rika)

I kept coughing with my food. This person is the worst conversationalist when eating. A blunt former goddess who doesn’t hide her feelings.if anything I don’t think such a person can stay dead long. Why is her soul even halved.

‘Oh that I’m a soul projection. My main body is in the lowest world. As for my other half of my soul, it’s in a brand new state of separation. Right and if you’re thinking of going to the time period before the world combined, avoid the living me. She’s annoying in her own way. You also have to avoid depressed Yu Mei. Well unless you want to save her sisters. There’s not much historical stuff aside from my said death and her sisters.’ (Rika)

I’m pretty sure that’s a period I would avoid, even if young Rika helped she was more siscon than caring. I understand it could be a bit too excessive even for the current Rika.

‘Do you still love your sister the same way.’ (Hitomi)

‘I don’t know how to answer that. It’s more uncomfortable now since Luna’s no longer the same. A twisted sadist with a narrow mind isn’t gonna listen.’ (Rika)

‘Then one last question what is the current you’s wish since you’ve done your part on protecting our home. You yourself said that something horrible would happen to both you and Luna if your kind broke a promise. That’s why you did the willpower projection onto everyone else. So what is your true wish now.’ (Hitomi)

‘To return home. If not, then to fade into nothingness so I don’t be reborn.’ (Rika)

She didn’t talk anymore. That sad voice, it sounded like she herself was avoiding another confrontation with Luna. But not meeting her sister again was selfish. If anything it’d make the void in Luna’s heart bigger. The worst is that not many people knew about her. Her noble cause was more of a selfish wish to a young child. Luna had asked that promise as a child to her when seeing the future timeline scenery being beautiful to her.

“Why is both sisters so stubborn.” (Hitomi)

Tears dripped down my face as I wiped it away. Since she showed her own resolve I guess I know mine. I won’t run away from Luna. I’ll build my own forces and slowly make myself stronger. But I felt dizzy from the information that Rika just stuffed into from magic to technology. Guess I’ll try to look for a way to reincarnate the former goddess too somehow. I guess I understood why young Rika said punch Luna. Both her and future Rika weren’t on the best of terms.

Guess I’ll leave a sickly fake clone here. It’s still me just remotely controlled. Plus it’s been half a day but Fiona said our guest hasn’t woken. Seems she’s stuck in some place troublesome then. I sigh as I cloned myself and had it go to the library like usual while I turned myself invisible and flew away with the 6 wings on my back. I’m so glad it didn’t change. Yet the green color on the wings didn’t bother me.

After all I’m not a fallen angel. So I don’t have to worry about hiding the darker shade of wings. I read the taming notebook on good place to gain battle experience for a beginner. I’m not killing though. Probably need to train with non living objects first. I see the best place would be Dark Forest. Just opposite of the Ice Immortals. Well it’s not completely non living but it’s parasites investing former ice immortals dead bodies. Possession on my body is impossible so it’s a great place to go. Just they’ll probably be annoying.

Ice immortals are from a former human lineage a priestess found the fountain of immortality and had the ability to grant immortality to others as well as recreate the fountain. Her lineage is the current royals. The ice city is also called the City of Light. They are always at war with the parasites because those parasites steal their dead’s bodies.

The parasites are the lowest in the race ranking. If found they’re instantly killed with outside help. They have two skills only, they can’t inherit racial traits, abilities or skills. It’s a useless race. It’s possession and nightmares. Nightmares allows them to devour the host and replace them. Thus the outside help is needed for extinguishing them. Hm, 1 hour flight and here we are.

Dark dreary trees, black soil that looks unfertile seems to be exactly like explained. Oh black worms like parasites squirming everywhere. Alignment is evil, that much is obvious. It’s also the common type that counts as almost undead. I swat another one trying to come at me. From what I read purification magic works wonder on these things too. But Rika’s notes that got me curious was saying there’s a unique parasite here born from a stillborn. That’s what brought me here.

The stillborn of the first queen of the ice city. It came alive here after so many centuries as a child. This got me curious to see the miracle in person. This place isn’t the best for taming but it’s included in monster geology. I purified the undead before me. It makes me uncomfortable with the corpses plus these parasites actually do count as monsters.

Though it annoys me to know the cause of the miracle here is also the very cause of her mother’s death. The body maybe immortal but their souls aren’t. After her second child she died in grief because the first one which she buried here. I want to see the very thing in my own eyes. The person who is gonna be brought back to life after so many centuries. A stillborn baby that grew here.

My hand automatically swatted the 45th parasite in annoyance. By the gods the book wasn’t kidding when it said this place was overflowing like a big river for these parasites. Yet they come as if not afraid because I only purify dead bodies. It’s getting on my nerves.

‘Then you should’ve gone to the Gremoiv Grasslands. Undead there are dumb soulless and lifeless. These here is at least honing your muscles slowly at the same time cutting down your excessive movements. It’s a great place to train for nonhumans. Plus these only come alive from corpses itself. Why do you think they count as undead. They don’t usually have souls, they do have personalities though. Only special one is the princess buried inside the forest itself.’ (Rika)

I kicked the weird bark crawling towards me creepily. This doesn’t seem to make my muscles ache too much yet it’s not making me pant like with the zombies. Actually the evolving zombies seemed excessive for a first timer. I kicked down hard on the ground. Good news is these things help me slowly train my new stats from my high level as well as hone my body to be used to it.

‘I know. Yes my wish is selfish. Even if her soul has been aware and in her body since then I still want to meet her. In this way you also shouldn’t give upon returning here to the Luna.’ (Hitomi)

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