《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 46 unreasonable situation


Hitomi POV

Seems my hair is now a sky green permanently instead of being indecisive. But since none of my family knows my condition aside from Ling Yue it means I have to fake my death when she’s not around. But the idea isn’t working as a distraction at the moment the threat of Fiona’s plan is making me uneasy.

Can’t the said person in question get a clue for once. Mental exhaustion is the thing I don’t want to experience especially from evolving zombies. Though Luna seems to gone off the deep end from Rika’s letter. Seems the informations she provided in person and knowledge is true. Just that I myself don’t wanna experience it first hand.

“Fiona, can’t we change it up. Like you know a normal slime, or a chimera. Not a evolving zombie.” (Hitomi)

“Great idea, I’ve got just the thing. It’s chimera indeed but it's a giant chimera with its children. How did you know that I ordered them to be delivered through the black market.” (Fiona)

I blinked at my oldest sister as if it was confusing to ask for a distraction. Yet all her plans means life threatening to my actual life. The giant chimera isn’t tameable by normal means and so far only Luna has one. It’s also the least docile creature alive. Aggressive and always quick to anger. The giant chimera is one people avoid in enclosed spaces, it can cause a cave in easily. It’s also the type to destroy a mountain or two. I just wanted a normal practice but an abnormal sister isn’t helping.

Especially when her common sense is askewed. It can’t be fixed at all, a sigh escaped me as I stared at the door to the underground basement. Though the thought of guts made me uncomfortable but mental exhaustion seems more of the problem I’ll probably face due to a idiotic sister. Why did she even link the basement to cockroach like zombies that is a endless as the seas. It’s why Luna said they’re a mental exhaustion for even her to fight them for long periods.

The zombies from former modern cities. So it’s an endless cycle since some unlucky idiots from other time periods end up there most of the time. The door was opened by a smiling Fiona and I flinched. The blood and guts wasn’t getting to me anymore. Instead I was more horrified I had to fight them without getting blood on me and have to avoid getting bitten.

“No worries I’m here for you as back up. I’m sure they’re kidding when they say that these things are mentally draining. I mean hey look they’re zombies, it can’t be that bad.” (Fiona)

Her weapon choice for me made me paler. Did she just hand me a knife and a crow bar. This isn’t a weapon choice I’d even choose. In fact this is abuse of your sister now. She seemed so cheerful so I shut up as I eyed the growling male zombies she caught for me. Does anyone want to try because I’m crying inside. I’m pretty sure our maids would cry if they saw this. But she dismissed them all after I accidentally killed that lady.

“Don’t worry a crowbar is the answer to everything.” (Fiona)

Says the muscle brain who plows through everything. Even in combat training with mother she fights with her fist without thinking this person doesn’t think everything else is all guts and instinct.

“Failure isn’t an option you idiot.” (Hitomi)

My eyes went to the zombies nails on its hand, then it’s mouth. The drooling isn’t helping here. Also don’t cheer me on the side line Fiona.


“Don’t worry I texted Lan about this. She responded back. Her words were so sweet it sounded like she approves of my plans to help you.” (Fiona)

No, no, no she was probably saying that just as a escape. I bet she’s probably not gonna be home for a few months until things cooldown here. Her escape mechanism for trouble from Fiona seems to work as always. It’s usually Kana Nee (Yuna) on the receiving end of those failed plans. I didn’t expect myself to be the next victim. If Niana comes home I can probably escape Fiona.

“It’s no problem it’s connected to Furumi City and R county.” (Fiona)

My soul nearly left my body when I heard the city name. Luna couldn’t even go to the center of the city and you. The last part just means this is an endless wave even if I beat the 20 of them. I gave Fiona, dead eye look as I dodged the incoming zombie. Then the rest of the 19 charged me. These zombies knows teamwork. You can’t expect to kill one easily without getting distracted by the rest. If they can’t fight they call for more zombies to help.

“Don’t worry in the event that they die I have compromised to the resurrection of the zombies to always fight you.” (Fiona)

Wait that last bit sounds so much worst than what Luna they experienced. Necromancers even runs away from these undead and you’re saying you somehow thought of how to revive them to try to infect and kill your own sister. I know she’s a genius in a stupid way but this isn’t reviving these things to torment someone even worst.

I dodge another claw like nail as I glared at her from the side. My first battle being health and it’s with the type of annoying undead everyone with common sense avoids. My body moved to the side to roll away from the two that tried to bit my sides. Niana please come home soon, I don’t want an early unplan death. I’m sorry for saying you’re useless for being lovestruck. This sister of yours doesn’t want to suffer from oldest sister Fiona anymore.

It was more fun to sit back and watch her plans go wrong from afar not be part of it. Instantly I had to back up quickly as they attacked me in a organized manner. Did a military squad face these zombies. Which idiots thought it was great to fight evolving zombies with military tactics. Hey don’t growl at me like that it sounds ominous. My eyes widen in almost shock when one of them stacked over the other and jumped at me. Your kidding right this reminds me of the videos I saw of girls in the gymnasium where they helped one out by having the other jump off of their hands.

Which researcher thought evolving zombies was a fun and interesting idea. If I could I would curse the idiot. I’m certain he’s dead by the first zombie he created though.

It’s been 3 hours of dodging them to not get injured, it's exhausting even with my high stats. My first battle seems so exhausting with unnecessary movements. I had to toss the knife that I had in the first hour of them jumping at me. Seemed I angered them when it hit one in the eye. The acidic purple blood on the floor isn’t helping me calm down. I’m huffing in exhaustion because my muscles hadn’t had such excessive exercise before.

“Eh, little Hitomi didn’t last a day. Oh and I can’t control them. But they don’t attack because I’m not giving off any killing intent. Also I used the technique to block my breathing. It’s the most basic right.” (Fiona)


What is the muscle head saying. That technique is impossible for everyone else. Also I will not abuse the system like Luna to copy others. Even if it’s surviving I will hone my own body and skills instead. Yet these things aren’t letting up. If I had a choice of weapons it’d be guns, spear and archery. I didn’t think my own sister would grab something that’s not even considered normal. A crowbar with my strength stats can work but the after effects of the acidic blood isn’t any joke. Even if I can regenerate I’d have to consider cutting that limb off so I wouldn’t get infected by the said blood after regenerating.

“Plus even lich necromancers hate these things they don’t listen to even simple orders. But hey they love attacking the living. Aren’t they great for training.” (Fiona)

No, you skipped the most important parts, they attack living things. They also hate the living. We’re living things but they chase after living breathing people. Fiona’s instincts is what’s keeping her alive right now and not chase down.

I ducked into a pit that they made 2 hours prior due to trying to claw me. My breathing seemed hitched because of the excessive movements of dodging them. Yet this seems bad for me the evolving zombies have noticed my movements of avoiding. It’s been getting to close for comfort when they come for me. Like a inch away from face or my body parts. I have zero muscle memory before this. Just because you have high stats having zero experience screws you over.

My breathing seemed to be heavier yet Fiona was cheering me on. I’m sure my stamina isn’t running low yet but my muscles stings. The endurance stats is helping me. I wasn’t near sweating yet but my body was telling me I was out of shape. But a notification from my status screen seemed to be big and red with an explanation mark in front of me.

I mentally had my status screen open to read the news but it seemed to lead me to another letter from Rika. My kimono was in tatters already from all that dodging. It probably looks like someone harassed me. I quickly read her second letter and thanked her. Seems the goddess seem more reliable (she feels responsible for the situation of Hitomi accidentally killing the maid) but her free time makes her peek at me because she has nothing else to do. She sent my inventory a variety of weapons.

I grabbed naginata just as the zombie tried to bite my neck. It swung them away as I tossed previous useless weapon. The crowbar wasn’t even my option. It was Fiona’s. I’m glad the goddess sent me stuff. But I think her excessiveness seems like she’s bored. I cut the head of the one in front of me. Instead of getting nauseous I had to dodge the ones behind me trying to bite my shoulders. Shit one down, 19 more to go. They don’t feel threatened yet. The fool sister of mine, connected the basement floor to a sea of undead.

I dug the naginata into the ground to dig a big part of the ground for cover. After 2 more hours of desperation I killed all of them. My legs collapsed on me. Yea I was no longer nauseous from the blood and guts but my courage ran out once I finished battle. I’m glad my strength stats is so excessive now. I had uses the ground to crush the rest thus I created 19 more holes all over the basement floor.

My eyes went to my inventory to check the things the goddess said she sent as an apology for the excessive level ups. Weapons: kantana, Naginata, Yari (spear), tanto, tonfa, wakizashi, tekko, gunsen, and tensen. The last two are fans, the third to last is for close combat with fists. There’s also pistols, sniper rifles of all kinds. Is this person as excessive as Luna with her information loving hobbies. She seems to have sent books of all kinds. From lock picking, engineering, robotics, electronics, blacksmithing, linguistics, etc.

It’s scary this person’s hobby seems to be all over the place, there’s even a book on taming. It even includes today’s monsters and animals to their habits as well as environment. What the hell, Luna your sister is a skill and technique specialist. She wrote personally in all those books. Especially so in blacksmithing to electronics. This person is a monster in her own kind of way. But the excessive weapon in my inventory doesn’t seem to end.

My guess is she hasn’t had a close friend before. Yet this apology seems excessive with the weapons for their grade classes.

Items goes by: common, uncommon, rare, mythical, divine, God, immortal, and Fairy.

The problem with the weapons is the last kind. Fairy class is the indestructible kind that you seen in myths and fairytales in old. It’s something that is rare and not found or easily used. There’s also the thing that bothers me is the second part of it. It’s a sacred soul bound weapon. Yes soul bound weapons is the problem for me. From the summary on the weapons these are newly created souls into weapons.

Soul weapons are souls who can manifest into a person and use the weapon as the user pleases. They are often abused by owners though. The ones that Rika gave me are infant souls so no personality and so they can’t manifest but they can be soul bound when used. The problem is her notes and these weapons. That’s an abnormal goddess for sure. Her knowledge and skills were lost yet these very same precision notes are now in my hand. Scary, if someone found out I’d be locked up just to recreate the weapons and items. Sacred class weapons and item productions were lost when the gods disappeared in war.

“Ah why can’t it (her) be normal.” (Hitomi)

“Well that’s our lifestyle it’s never normal. But congratulations for lasting 5 hours for physical exercise Hitomi.” (Fiona)

I glared at her which made her laugh sheepishly at me. Which made me roll my eyes, that goddess isn’t normal. That’s what all those notes that I checked told me. She indulged in every sort of skills and techniques. All the knowledge in such notes in my inventory scares me. She’s worst than the system she made for Luna. This person didn’t need the copying abilities, skills or techniques she’s a monster in them already.

Skills goes by grade of how much you understand them. She probably surpasses Saint class. So maybe it’s Grand Master or worst a even higher class. My thoughts frown when I opened a magic scroll in my inventory.

‘I’m so glad I have a friend aside from Bella. The goddess of spring and life can be dense. Skills are my hobbies but I love geniuses and artes just as much as for my skills of course it’s abyssal. Seems my knowledge broke the system ranking it was funny to watch. The weapons I made is actually 10 class higher than the system records. It’s Mythology Divine Fairy class, a new class I created. I was so proud when the system said I was the first to break the very fabrics of laws themselves that govern us.

Oh and I’m alive because I time jumped to the time when Luna’s the cutest. 5 year old Luna is truly the best. I get to keep all my skills, techniques, and abilities.’

It’s a broken goddess indeed. She made 4 freaking abnormal classes not known to anyone else. Who the fuck says Luna is abnormal her sister is a monster. Wait if she broke the system already then that means this person was the one who fixed the system into what it was today. My eyes widen into horror in realizing that thought. Though her siscon tendencies doesn’t get me at all if much it annoyed me. But from the way she worded meant she fused with her past self for more time with Luna. Meaning the one talking is older Rika (mental) in a 5 year old body.

“Is something wrong Hitomi.” (Fiona)

“It’s nothing.” (Hitomi)

I quickly hide the naginata back into my inventory. The indestructible weapons makes me numb but the fact she made something even better means this was something she did in boredom. Then again they didn’t have any entertainment because Yu Mei didn’t combine all the worlds into a floating world. The lower worlds not combined each had their own names. But I didn’t care about the other worlds that didn’t involve me.

“Fiona, what do you do for entertainment.” (Hitomi)

“Easy, I beat things to a bloody mess until they’re unconscious.” (Fiona)

I should not have asked a musclebrain for something like that. But I looked at the purple blood splatter on the ground. Seems there’s no guts here. Nor is there anything else left to look for of the zombies from smashing them with the ground either.

“But I’m surprised that your strength was so strong that you’d rip the cement floor off.” (Fiona)

Hearing her words I couldn’t say it was a combination of good weapon and my strength. A broken person who created good weapons and gave them as an apology to me. Instead it made me wonder if she had survived would she have been a figure who could change our current situation beyond what it was. Change that’s what I wanted. Yu Mei was the one that changed my life. Making me meet such an unreasonable being. Ling Yue was the one who made it happen by appearing at her house.

“Things are so unreasonable yet change is on its way. The same can be said about Kana Née.” (Hitomi)

“That’s about right.” (Lan)

I blinked when I noticed her knock on the basement door after she said that. This person only appears after everything is over. I’m just glad I had the strength to end things before they went crazy. Just when I said that the array for teleportation seems to be glowing. My head automatically went to Fiona who giggled nervous yet happily. I’m just glad she didn’t revive the undead for me to fight again. But the array going wrong was so Fiona. It’s not that she wants to mess up. Her luck stats is a 10,000 yet her title of klutz and misfortune counters it all.

Meaning any plans she has would all go wrong either way. So her back up for unplanned situations would go wrong too.

“This is why I sent my clone only. Because things would gone wrong either way. Fiona take Hitomi out and I'll bombard the basement. We don’t have the time to fix the array. I’ll just destroy the whole room so they can’t come.” (Lan)

Oh, the problem solver mode of hers when it comes to me. Well I guess that side of her reminds me of the goddess who seemed worried for Luna. I watched as Fiona picked me up and Lan destroyed the whole basement. My guess is Lan came because she was worried about me. Even if it’s a clone, she probably couldn’t sit still.

“What was your backup Fiona.” (Hitomi)

“Oh easy. Smash through the crowd that came.” (Fiona)

“You two would’ve been dead if I hadn’t sent this clone then.” (Lan)

Yes her plan would’ve killed us both. Even I would’ve been exhausted by the numbers if that teleportation succeeded. An unplanned battle for both of us wasn’t something I wanted either. My first battle succeeded and failed in a way. I just thought of the quickest way to avoid seeing guts and humanoid forms. The only one was the first zombie. It was the one I sliced in half. Yet I didn't have time to look and see what happened when I was getting chased.

Death was so damn close. Infection can still affect a Divine Phoenix. That was a close call in ways I didn’t want to test it. Curses, resentment, possession, techniques, skills, and artes doesn’t affect. Yet blunt or physical damage does unless you copy the said skill from someone or learn them. I’m just glad I didn’t test out my theory at the back of my mind. It was such a close call.

Fiona left me nervously after running off. She did give me my dinner but even she can read the atmosphere. Lan’s clone nodded with a poker face. Probably because I was gonna ask her earlier but I won’t since I got Rika’s notes. Her concept and theories of magic as well as uses of magic was more versatile than sister so. I’ll use that instead. Can’t have my family suppecting I’ve recovered. Though I’ll probably unfurl the magic scroll connected to Rika again next time. I’m exhausted enough for one night. I don’t want to deal with a broken character I’d hear in modern fantasies in novels.

“Can’t I get a break for a moment. I swear my heart almost went out in the middle of battle. My muscles are now screaming at me for excessive exercising that I’ve done. Leveling up doesn’t mean that your muscles would improve right away. You have to train your muscles yourself to make your body respond to you how you want.” (Hitomi)

The flashing magic scroll got me annoyed so I answered it. It was mother just saying she won’t be home for a few months because of injury. Kana née must’ve done a number on her body if it left her unable to move much. Seems only unharmed part of mother is her left arm. Mother isn’t left handed like me. She’s right handed, so that’s gotta be a low blow even for Kana née.

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