《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 45 meeting the forgotten goddess and illogical level up


Hitomi POV

I woke up to look at the purple haired lady in a white lab coat with a smile. It wasn’t funny because I just had to ask a maid to send Ling Yue to one of the other rooms in the house. But this person’s face was similar to Lilith, especially so for the tail curled by her waist.

“My little kitten I’ve come here with a transaction from a desperate person. Whom own a favor to Yu Mei. And they both want me to send a person over to the past. You’re to meet a said person, whom is said to be able to cure your problem of your body. By the way the name is Lily, Lilith’s 100th daughter. Mother never keeps count of us.” (Lily)

My eyes widen in shock at who was in front of me. The rumored space time manipulation was child’s play for this girl. The 500 year old succubus who can jump between timelines without effecting our timeline. But the smile on her face creeped me out until I realized the worst.

“You’ve taken Ling Yue first didn’t you.” (Hitomi)

“Eh, that wasn’t my job. Yu Mei was the one who took her body. That’s right the famous Yu Mei. That very person came in person. You two were being led by two different person. Indirectly he was manipulating you, whereas his opposition is Luna who choose Ling Yue. He wants you to die. So Luna doesn’t care if you’re alive or dead either. Ling Yue does but the catch is Yu Mei won’t allow you to die this time. Thus we have to make you meet the goddess whom the rules don’t bound.” (Lily)

I paled as she snapped her fingers at me. The gods hates me, my luck is a positive one but the encounters I had after Ling Yue is very bad for my mental health. But whom they talk about makes me curious. My eyes focused on the dark. As if it felt like hours I can now see the surrounding. A stone city floating in the stars. That’s odd there’s nothing like that in our world. From the way Lily said it I can guess that she means the past. A goddess that was powerful enough that laws and rules didn’t completely tie her down.

“Odd I felt a fluctuation around here somewhere. Maybe it’s because I sent Luna to a friend that I’m imagining things. I might be worrying too much. Is she eating, I hope she’s sleeping well it’s her first sleep over. Hopefully she doesn’t get into danger.”

I frowned at the voice that wasn’t far from me. Instead I looked at my surroundings to see where I am in the stone city. It seems like city square, with a water fountain in the center. But the voice’s wording, it sounded like someone close to Luna. What year and age is this. It sounds like a neither young or old voice. A beautiful lady with glass like green eyes appeared. She seemed like she was 16 years old. The white gown on her shone like the stars in the night sky. The clear dark purple hair made me confused.

This face is similar to Luna’s yet it seemed older. I didn’t know Luna had a relative, there’s no record or knowledge of her. If someone of her stracture she should’ve been well known during our time.

“An odd person appeared. I’m Luna’s twin sister. Call me Rika. You seem physically weak. Kinda like some humans I’ve seen down below. Well whatever, welcome to the city of time. It’s a place that has stopped so thus the name. It’s also our birthplace. We were born here at the same time. My goddess name is never mentioned much either. I get annoyed when they do. Ah that’s right I can fix you just easily. Your physical body seems annoying I don’t want to carry you.


So I’ll ask politely since this is important to you. I created the Destruction Phoenix for Luna and created the Asura race to keep track of the timeline. The later race is female abilities for use though, it for some reason corrupts men. Tried too many had to fade some to nothingness.” (Rika)

Really that last bit sounded important but the way she nonchalantly said it seemed weird. Asura, the blue race with beautiful silver markings and abilities to manipulate time itself but didn’t abuse the very fabric of our timeline. This person who made the Phoenix race seemed to mention it with pride that she gave the said race to Luna. She’s a proud siscon in person isn’t she.

“Then I want to keep my appearance mostly the same. Yu Mei is the one gave me this choice, if anything then just create a different race all together. A mix of Asura lineage and my angel race as the main. I want to be myself.” (Hitomi)

“You’re from the future aren’t you.” (Rika)

Eh, she sounds sad. She knows Yu Mei too but she didn’t seem fazed when I mentioned a new race. Instead that bitter smile of hers seems odd.

“I see. A person from the future. In a time where I have to sacrifice myself to protect everyone’s future.” (Rika)

Wait did she just used a seer like ability just from one look on me. I felt cold sweat from that when she said all that. That means this person died in this time period before the realms were combined into one by Yu Mei. This is the period of wars, dangers lurking at every corner and unstable worlds all jumbled up.

“I’m sorry. I can’t answer you but I was sent here without my consent. But Yu Mei wants me to survive and to do so needs your help.” (Hitomi)

“Like all other timelines you lived until your sister married. But in some you die at her 50th child. Your lover Ling Yue wanders the lands in sadness. Is this the story you wish. Do you have the resolve the other you did so proudly to do. To burn your feelings into her heart so she wouldn’t let you go.” (Rika)

My mouth opened stunned, damn seems like other timelines I fight stubbornly. I must say my struggle to live was so determined unlike myself now. I just find the emotions of love. I’m not like others, those alter me isn’t the current me.

“Fine. I’ll resolve myself to catch her but I want the Asura bloodline mixed into my own. My future I’ll go down my own path. Even if it’s a bit harsher. I’ll make her forget Niana.” (Hitomi)

“I see, at least you face it head on. Even if my path leads to the same outcome I’m glad I get to see the results of Luna living. That girl might be lonely if I left. But I guess I’m handing her future to everyone else to take care of her. She may have changed but we are the same deep down. Thank you. If anything take care of your lover and if you see Luna give her a punch would you. I will give you a special gift at the end of it. Along with the race.

Yes I think it’ll be fun. I’ll add a twist, it’s a thanks to Yu Mei. Ah, right you might be creeped out by my seer like ability. Instead you should know both Luna and I born at the same time at the beginning. Yet I hold most of the time abilities. I can see the future, past or present, or I can also time jump anywhere I want. Luna’s physical age now is 8 so I only have a year (1 thousand years. She’s talking about physical aging of a goddess). Sleep little one and thank you for the information. This is a secret between us and not Luna but I don’t usually peek into the future.” (Rika)


Wait don’t put me to sleep after all that information. Why did she say to punch Luna for her. She’s a siscon isn’t she but why does she look so sad. Her smile looked sincere but the green eyes of hers reminded me of the moon. It clicked to me why we have two moons. It’s because Luna and Rika. But this person, she died before our time so why does the moon still exist. I mean sure Luna has blue green hair but she’s not her. Plus the way her dark purple hair shines is almost like the night sky.

Such a gentle person yet she acts like that. What happened in the time before Yu Mei combined. Why did her tragedy happen? A forgotten goddess and she has powers of time as a side ability. Why is that? Who caused someone of such importance to die. It bothers me with the mystery. I especially hate mystery books. When my sisters reads such books I get mad if they can’t find the small hints or clues even if it’s obvious. I heard a chuckle from the said goddess.

“I’m returning you to a second after you left. Because that’s when your visitor left. Also your little lover will meet me much much later. Check your status screen after you get back ok. It’s a first for me but it’s a one of kind. A wild card if I must say, hope you like both my gifts.” (Rika)

This person gives off the vibe of a very irresponsible yet overpowered sister. Maybe she had a reason to say what she did to me about Luna. Maybe Luna did something to upset her. I got back and sat down without any discomfort. Which was odd seemingly with my physical condition. I want to see the changes so I looked at the status screen.


Hitomi Usalra

Gender: Female

Race: Asura Angel (soul race: Divine Phoenix)

Level: 100,000,000,000,000

I didn’t even look at my stats it’s probably broken too. The goddess did too much, she knows no bound on to keep things to a minimum it’s 100 trillion. She broke even Luna’s high level ness, was she freaking power leveling in boredom. The divine Phoenix is the 4x enhance evolution the future her did for Luna not to be bound by the faith system. It’s also got its own talking system. Oh reincarnation system is intact like Destruction Phoenixes.

Wait why am I getting lured in by that unreasonable goddess who can’t seem to hold back. The highest level here is 9 million and that’s Luna. But that same reincarnation system became a powerful cheat for Luna. I cold sweat at the siscon. It’s literally what it looks like, yes it’s a reincarnation system. But at the same time Luna needs only a click she gets the same racial ability traits, skills, techniques, artes, memories and all levels the person had. This made me want to go back and punch the dignified looking goddess for ruining her image more. Yet I calmed down and try not to use the new time jumping ability.

I think this person just took siscon protection to an even higher heights. She as my respect in that approach but it ticks me off for her to create such a race through our timeline. The reincarnation system seemed easy to navigate and just tells you their life summary of what will happen in their life. It just needs you to click the name. It has two different systems thanks to Rika’s overprotectiveness.

But the unneeded part also appeared, Fate’s race abilities to see destiny and events. This is abuse of authority by doing too much. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. If it was someone else they’d probably jump in joy. This is like looking at an object or person and seeing its past history. As well as finding your soulmate easily.

Summary seriously says: the race created by willpower projection from Luna’s sister through the 1st generation Destruction Phoenix princess, 2nd, 4th and 6th generations to not be extinct which set a harsh requirement for being born into one for the 7th generations and below. This very race was what she set for Luna from the outcome of actions of indirectly abusing her willpower project for minor thing as keeping her sister alive.

This person had a cockroach personality didn’t she. The cringeness annoys me most.

To make it worst eidetic memory is a racial trait from the Destruction Phoenix. Meaning you keep all your memories of your past lives in next reincarnation and all the powers can be used unlimitedly. Only thing similar to the Phoenixes is taking your past self’s form for that duration. Phoenixes has 10,000 life span, a destructive phoenixes their ancestor has 1 million. A divine phoenixes has an infinite life span. They can’t die by any means. Curses, possession, poison, spells, abilities etc. are also useless to them.

I think I know why she wanted to change it for me to match Luna. Why the hell did she toss the responsibility of her sibling to me.

“That person should’ve gone earlier.” (Hitomi)

“Yet that person is kind. She’ll probably do the same to Ling Yue for the time sending back. But I wonder why Yu Mei wants to send Ling Yue to her.” (Hitomi)

“The moon is beautiful isn’t it Hitomi.” (Fiona)

“Sister you’re back. I had Niana look for you.” (Hitomi)

“Yuna is long gone. I know you have a guest here but don’t wait for our sister anymore, Hitomi. She’s the reason mother isn’t here. Mother got suspicious of her rumors and confronted her in person and she isn’t anything like the one that appears in front of you. Face it she’s gone off the deep end if she tried to harm mother like that.” (Fiona)

“Yea I noticed.” (Hitomi)

More like reading her summary (she checked all her families first) first since I was checking the reincarnation system. Luna’s a cheat and her sister just made me a worst cheat than her own sister. I looked at the inside of my inventory as I ignored my older sister Fiona.

“A note huh. Let’s see what it says. This might be a bit excessive but Luna went insane because future me, Rika died and left her a message. Her actions all over the timelines itself. My half split soul in your timeline is doing the cleaning of most mess made by her and her opponent who killed me indirectly. But you need to level yourself higher to fight off a crazy Luna and personification of time. These two forces are indirectly involved in your daily life. Make your choices and fast.” (Hitomi)

So Luna went crazy for love and we got a power hungry idiot out for everyone. Understood. Seems she put ps, I made sure the levels stays permanently because 1% of it is mine, I had to write it into your soul. Damn I didn’t even want to know a last boss that won’t appear in this life time wasn’t even Luna. Can I vote for dying and not reincarnated until the end of it all.

So the one sending assassins to me is last boss and the one doesn’t care is Luna. Oppsie, Fiona is frowning at me now. So not my intention, I am clueless as you are on the content. Actually I wonder how defying logic can she be to fit stuff into my inventory. But the logic of their age differences in looks threw me off. If she’s 16 years old in look and Luna is 8 years old and they’re twins. It’s more on their emotions and mental outlook that they take that appearance so maybe she’s like a sister/mother to Luna as they were kids.

“Who the hell sent you nonsensical stuff that makes zero sense.” (Fiona)

“Ah, it’s a goddess. She seemed to know Luna a lot.” (Hitomi)

“Well seems like I’ll have to avoid Luna now then. I’ll probably have to look for a Phoenix since they make 80 of the population. They’re the only, bigger information networking than Luna. But something that makes that Luna lose it Eh.” (Fiona)

Good thing I didn’t read out loud the part she said she’s Luna’s sister. Nor the part that everyone was a play thing the jerk was testing the waters on. Especially not when Luna’s fucking up the main characters of those time periods. The fact that he made it worst than a romantic tragedy makes it annoying even if he’s a concept of time doesn’t mean shit. He wants to escape death yet he alters our timelines into as he sees fit. Isn’t someone retarded if they’re accelerating their death but at the same time is making everyone else miserable.

Ugh this explains so many behind the scenes in history. Humans and their illogical ways aren’t helping either. Last I heard they noticed us other races and had a experiment gone wrong. Ended up with genderless pale white muscled monster who eats living things. You don’t combine all sorts of genes into one human body. It can shutdown the system with so many DNA fighting against your own. Niana was so excited for the mission to shut down those said labs. Makes you wonder if she’s nuts in the head sometimes.

Fiona seems to have left in a hurry now. But I worry for the future now. My eyes went to one of my maid who has the title of Concept of time’s spy. Seems like I’ll really have to fake my death soon. I don’t want more deaths than necessary nor do I want to involve my family in more pointless battles. It’s not in me to do so. I guess I’ll call him a Asshole instead of personification of time.

Guess leveling is gonna be first thing I need to do after I fake my death. Rika did list all the areas to make it go faster. I guess it’s a hobby to power level so much for her. Luna seems not as excessive when it comes to that. I feel so much anger it irritates me. Being used in every timeline isn’t funny. I glared at the maid who didn’t flinch. It was probably because I was unaware so I didn’t see her alignment of who she’s with. This person needs to go. She didn’t come here when I was a child either. Rather she came soon after the assassins failed.

I sigh seems like I have to look out for my life now. The one who probably wanted me aware is the one who sent Lily so it means Yu Mei. Since someone wants me dead I have to keep avoiding death as much as I can. It’s irritating, I hate these games of cat and mouse. Especially when you know you can’t end the last boss. This is like those annoying modern games Niana likes.

Though first thing I need to do is control the balance in my body from the high scary stats. It’s passed the 1 million mark already. It’s in the trillions also. Rika is scary in how she loves to level. Seeing that number kinda numbed my common sense on levels. Guess I’ll have to learn from my sister her magic. Cloning magic is funny in the remote controlled way. Hopefully she thinks it’s for fun only.

I glance at my hand I accidentally waved at the maid, I accidentally tried to make her let go of my hand. Seemed she wanted to get my food but I glanced at the bloodied red right hand.

Her brains splattered all over the door frame, along with her whole upper body. My hands couldn’t stop shaking in shock. I’ve never killed before nor did I deal with a person. This was my first time for me. It overwhelmed me so fast, my knees collapse on me. Fiona who hadn’t gone far came back and was stunned by the scene. What felt like hours passed by as Fiona cleaned the scene of her guts on the wooden floor boards.

“It’s fine it’s your first time. I saw through the magic spell it wasn’t your fault you couldn’t control your strength.”

I flinched after I came to my senses. Actually I was worrying about how to control my high stats and new body due to race change. The scene of the dead maid with her guts and brain splattered on the floor made me throw up. Fiona came back looking worried at me. Yet she stood there with no words looking at me gently.

“It’s your first time taking a life, your arm only swung outwards when she held your arm to get your attention. Though it’s odd for you to lose your strength like that considering your physical condition.” (Fiona)

Her words hit me even harder, it’s not my fault the goddess was being nice but should’ve put the levels in proportion. The gap seemed to be a burden to the nauseous me that Fiona tried to comfort.

“Actually on the thought of you getting nauseous at blood and guts I have a solution to this.” (Fiona)

My heart went from uncomfortable to being alarmed. No longer nauseous, because this person’s plans means something even a goddess or gods fear. Her plans always goes awry. My skin went paler than it usually is. Sister Lan has a sixth sense for these things she always avoid the house when this happens.

“Fiona, um quick question what might that plan include, this is just me asking you.” (Hitomi)

“Easy acidic zombie from the modern apocalyptic city. You know the evolving ones. I got you twenty.” (Fiona)

“The ones that’s on even Luna’s list of 1st things to avoid. That’s suicidal. A group fight with them being solo. It’s mentally draining because they call for their buddies.” (Hitomi)

“Yes that’s the idea. So I connected the hidden underground basement with a special teleportation that responds when they’re in needy need for help.” (Fiona)

“Does the word Evolving zombie with Acidic blood not mean anything to you.” (Hitomi)

“It’s fine right if all else goes wrong you can teleport out. Plus they’re undead. I double checked and tripped check. No souls there. So on one to be sorry about.” (Fiona)

A evolving zombie is the type to learn, copy and adapt to you. The purple blood from it is also acidic, it’d be bad to get close to it. For other races aside from humans who can regenerate it’d leave scars. Though the person that never learns is Fiona though. I’m now on the receiving end of it. There’s nothing more than I hate in this situation is to be on the receiving end of her failed plans. Sure she means good intentions but they always, always ends up as failure.

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