《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 44 unexpected situation


Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

It isn’t hard like she said. But a yawn is let out of my mouth from not sleeping for days. I had to be on look out for both the worms and Earth Dragons. The Earth Dragons flew overhead whereas the worms were more troublesome. They dig underground so if you hear rumbling you should run far away from it.

The elves in my era had no home to go back to because the world tree out grew the forest it was in and created a dryad with its own consciousness. Yet I don’t know what year the tree out grew the forest but it was somewhere in the heroes era. That’s all the facts point to, no year was mentioned in records. So it isn’t surprising that there are elves wandering around. Then again no one stupid enough would mess with the world tree. Even necromancers were wary of it. Undead or not the harm done to the world tree means lives would be lost. The one most connected to it is the elves themselves.

“You seemed very deeply in thought. Is it because you lost your eyes from your bird you let go.” (Bridget)

“I don’t usually possess innocent people unless it’s an emergency. Pets and animals are different, though monsters are a choice too it feels weird.” (Lydia)

“Maybe it’s the fact that they’re in the wild and no longer have reasoning in them.” (Bridget)

“Well not all monsters are like that. There is one pitiful one that Luna overkills it and it revives just to die again. It does give 10,000 levels at once.”

“I pity the monster then. Why doesn’t it run from someone as high leveled as Luna.” (Bridget)

“It’s aware but it’s territory is bounded. It can’t move from its territory unless for food. That same monster is also aware of its memories of being killed.”

“By the way why does Luna even kill it then her level is probably in the billions already she’s older than the gods of our time period.” (Bridget)

“The living should not pass their will on the dead. A wise queen once said this on the downfall of her kingdom. She meant the dead have passed already and the living should not impose our wills onto what they strive for nor can we put words that they themselves didn’t use.” (Lydia)

“Why did you jump to that conclusion.” (Bridget)

“Because the wise queen of the said place is your mother is she not.” (Lydia)

I eyed the soul behind her, but I didn’t smile. It was odd for a soul to be able to hide like that. Much less protect the living for so long. A frown came on my face as Bridget seemed stunned. I’m guessing this foolish princess didn’t know her kingdom disappeared.

“Eh? That’s impossible my country and its citizens were alive and well just a few years ago.”

“I see. The reason you haven’t died is you’re always protected by her. Why didn’t I think of that? There’s a reason Clovis couldn’t kill you Bridget.” (Lydia)

“No, no, no! That’s not true my mother and sisters are still alive and well.” (Bridget)

“The one to protect you is your mother’s soul. Someone who couldn’t let go of her daughter even in the afterlife. Can she not seek you out, for her young daughter who ran away from the kingdom. You’re the last of your bloodline.” (Lydia)

I stared at the clouds in the sky from cave we sat in my eyes widen. (If Luna was here she’d be whispering that a -100 means events pop up as a danger quest daily. Those who are lucky don’t get events for a month at most.) Curse the gods that’s not what I think it is. This place never has a sandstorm but the one in the sky makes myself pale.


“What’s wrong. Why are there clouds here? That's odd.” (Bridget)

“Prepare to hide inside the cave, we shouldn’t go out. That isn’t a normal storm. It’s a storm gatherer beast. This category of beast is a tiger that is in the holy beast section. If it’s here then even the gods wouldn’t want to come. Only Luna is able to fight that thing. Other gods are useless to it.” (Lydia)

“You mean the black and blue stripe tiger holy beast but why is that here.” (Bridget)

I felt the magic scroll tied to my waist glow. It’s Luna calling isn’t it, only that goddess has such timing. Bridget looked over confused at me while I unfurled the magic scroll.

“Luna here, well there’s lots to say. But I’ll suffice with a thank you for saving the goddess of death, Lin. Also the beast sent there is my pet. It’s unruly and hates people besides myself. So try not to approach. Oh and your luck stats sucks, accident deaths are an occurrence so try to avoid big black Earth Dragons. The one that looks like a western dragon you see in pictures.

Plus the Fates asked politely to dispose of their stray one there. Stay out of sight like a good wolfy. No one will know your there if you don’t act on your own. Remember to eat healthy. Try not to die, I have to revive you with Aura since it’s the only thing that can revive your whole body intact so don’t get dicey and die on me. From your lovely goddess guardian Luna.” (Lydia)

She’s dissing me isn’t she. For some reason the lettering of hers pisses me off. The fuck is wrong with her, she sounds so damn happy I’m in a situation of dying soon. Even Bridget who seems in denial earlier is looking at me in pity. Don’t just sigh at me like that. I didn’t ask for this. Lydia’s mother is responsible for this mess. She had to leave me to Luna, the most eccentric goddess.

“Well I’m no longer angry at you for earlier but I’m guessing your sight is special to see that far. And this is just a guess but you can see souls right. You're looking past me for a while too so I’m certain that’s why you mentioned my mother.” (Bridget)

I just nod to her as she looked sad about the news. She didn’t seem worried about the elf Jasmine. The crazy elf in question was spotted at the Dragons nest. It’s not my problem if she’s there now. We have a problem with the black tiger floating in the sky sending storm clouds everywhere. I do remember seeing Luna’s insane collection of beasts as Ling Yue. Her monstrous collection is at level 1 million and up. She loves them like she’s collecting a museum for them. It’s even crazier than a zoo. This person is unhealthy. That was my thought then when I saw such high level beasts. Her answer to my thoughts then was it was her favorite hobby to be a beast tamer.

My eyes went to the impossible situation outside. Rocky wasteland now reduced to this from a storm beast.

“You know it seems like the sand of the wasteland is picking up even with it being just rocky terrain here.” (Bridget)

“That’s Luna’s beast for you. She has more in her garden where she raises children. She also has some dragons and wyvern there.” (Lydia)

“But why does her letter sound like she would like to see you dead so much. I mean your luck stats is low. Yet it’s not that bad right.” (Bridget)


“I wonder why Yu Mei combined so many worlds into one which caused such weird time periods to exist.” (Lydia)

“Hey don’t change the subject.” (Bridget)

“Oh that. Luna had asked me to unseal the goddess of death. Now the other gods and goddesses fear her so they started a war with her. I was nothing more than the small catalyst for their excuse.” (Lydia)

“So, as a Azual. Is the demon world any different from ours. I mean you demons live in a pocket dimension between worlds right.” (Bridget)

“You’re asking a 4 year old baby if she’s been around the demon world. That’s something I can’t say because I’ve been stuck at home with my lovesick parents until the elders wanted me gone.” (Lydia)

“Must’ve been hard being a princess and all right.” (Bridget)

She looked away after the awkward words. I didn’t answer her but yes I’m certain Lydia has zero memories of outside her home. She’s been protected until the assassination attempt.

Though I still question why Yu Mei jumbled all the worlds together. There were stories of her past here and there but it confuses me even now. In the stories her two sisters were tricked by an evil greedy human. They as creators stopped caring for others but the man. So in her anger Yu Mei fought her two sisters and accidentally killed her sisters in a fight. Yet she reincarnated the man to change him and keep them away from sisters when they’re reborn. Some say she’s still looking for her sisters even now. Other stories say she’s forgiving and always giving that man’s soul a chance for reincarnation to be a good person but he always kills people. And the said souls can't reincarnate because of him attaching themselves to her.

“I don’t know about your question earlier. She’s probably just a bored Creator. Isn’t she, I mean they are made by life energy itself, thus the creation magic. But her actions in rumors seem strange. I mean what is she searching for away it’s been centuries since she united all worlds into one right. So what does a Creator like her even do that.” (Bridget)

“From what I’ve heard from the gods and goddesses is that the limitations on her were lifted when she accidentally killed her two sisters. But she doesn’t like taking lives so she spared the man but she had to put a curse on him to limit him from trying to abuse her sisters again. Maybe what she’s looking for is the two of them. This is just a guess from the gods gossiping though.” (Lydia)

“Hmm. If it were me I’d probably wouldn’t forgive the man so easily. But I guess you’re right the girl can’t fight her nature as a Creator, they’re meant to create and cherish life. Her killing her siblings was more of an accident of her trying to stop them.” (Bridget)

“My guess is that man wanted to rule more worlds than just that human kingdom he lived in. So he tricked both sisters.” (Lydia)

“It’s a controversial topic. There’s been many rumors and guesses of why but I guess that’s the most sane one I’ve heard so far. Actually makes more sense. That might be why she fought against them so stubbornly.” (Bridget)

“Why do most men here seem corrupted by power. I mean look at our damn history.” (Lydia)

“Eh? Really I haven’t noticed. So which one would be an example.” (Bridget)

“Well there was that human researcher who wanted to have magic right. He combined all magical bloodline from witches, warlocks, wizards etc. into one just to create the Spellcastor race that uses unlimited mana.” (Lydia)

“That’s one example gone wrong. Didn’t the idiot like blow up himself and three cities after leaving a bloodline for himself.” (Bridget)

“But it’s obvious right or else the men around us wouldn’t have the words as a status alignment for personality like that. It does read cocky, narcissistic, jerk and asshole.” (Lydia)

“Right the first two are 95% of the population so it’s very rare to meet a non greedy guy.” (Bridget)

She bit her tongue when she said non greedy and almost said the word bastard. Seems this one has experienced similar situations in the past too. Well considering that we have more similar people around us I don’t think my hopes are going up for the men around me. My father was an asshole and my half brother was a man whore.

“Men here should just die and be reborn if they’re like that.” (Lydia)

“You can say that again.” (Bridget)

Wow she answered on reflex and now covered her mouth. Funny too, but yes the men do have a personality alignment on their status that’s shown. It’s very rare but a nice and good person here has a neutral status. Those with chaotic evil are more often seen in our world. I don’t go looking at every person though, if a Fate noticed me it’d spell trouble for myself. I usually just possess the person if I’m curious and have them look at their status.

“Sorry, it’s an auto response because Jasmine says it often.” (Bridget)

Instead of saying anything to her I smile bitterly at her. It’s a messed up world indeed so I’m guessing she too knew it. A person who’s similar to the me who met Yami for the first time. An girl who just learned her father’s worst side. I who was saved by her too was like a child. If anything Yami was unique for her own race. A Chaos Beast who wasn’t led by the instinct to kill those around her. A being comparable to a God since they were the ones who created the lower worlds but left it to run on its own. A God is one who took the work they did and said they did it though.

A God is nothing more than a irresponsible being. An unreasonable existence whom takes others work as their own. They whom were created by the said Chaos Beasts. That’s how it was in our worlds here. Yet I found Yami unsettling when I first met her, those were her words she said. With a bitter look on her face.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts as I looked at the rocky sandstorm annoyed. Me and Bridget have been chatting away but this storm reminds me of Yami. She was more of my guardian than my father. Yami was more like a mother to me than mother since she was there longer than my father and mother. After she saved me from the Witches Garden. She brought me to a sandy desert by accident. It was her second time here in the upper world, the Realms. A person with no sense of direction of a new place in world she was unfamiliar with.

“Have you heard of the Witches Garden. The most cruel place that criminals hide in. The place were time is out of place and they punish you however they wish. Witches whom have somehow escaped their own life span.” (Lydia)

“No but Jasmine did mention that the gods dislike that place because they too can hurt the gods themselves. She didn’t like the topic. I did hear the words so I was curious and asked her.”

“They summon beings from the Dream Planes there often too. Beings that come when you use black magic. Evil corrupt creatures who're out for souls to be destroyed or worst. It’s not exactly pleasant place to be. Both the Witches Garden or the Dream Planes. Lost people end up in the latter don’t come out. The ones dragged in half a soul never recover, their body are empty husks of their former self.” (Lydia)

“Well I guess that’s two place I won’t ever want to visit.” (Bridget)

“Yea. The me either.” (Lydia)

“But if a 4 year old like you knows does that mean Luna tossed you in either one of those.” (Bridget)

“What, no. I had a prior information exposure to it. I heard it from the elders. Yes that’s it.” (Lydia)

I avoided eye contact with her. Well this topic is now dead since I just wanted some small talk with her. A sandstorm is not my favorite place to be. As Ling Yue it was harsh for me, Yami didn’t bring any water that time too. I drank my water as I watched the outside in boredom. Bridget seems to be awkward too after asking that question.

“Ah, that was a good nap. 2 centuries worth of napping indeed.” (Rebecca)

I flinched at the voice behind us in the cave as I looked at her status screen. Wah, it’s the immortal witch of the northern continent. She rules the north of our current world. In this era, she retired in my time period when Arisa was in reign. The Bloody Mad Hound has now appeared in person. My luck stats are very low indeed. This person is battle mania and her use of magic is ridiculous.

“Oh I have visitors, how odd there’s a sandstorm outside too.” (Rebecca)

Bridget don’t freeze up stiff on me just by seeing her. I know she has a pressure she exerts but don’t leave me alone on this. This mad hound is the worst person we should see here.

“Ah, we're just taking cover from the storm made by Luna’s storm beast. While looking for my friend in the Dragons nest.” (Bridget)

Earth to Bridget don’t just spit out the truth when you’re panicking that’s the most useless thing to do. This fighting manic seems interested now. Looking at the crimson hair, smiling and her curvy figure in black leather. Her whole body just screams I want to fight that beast. I facepalm myself at the action of hers eyeing outside happily. So I went from one innocent useless princess to having a battle junkie as a companion. My head feels like it’ll burst. Rather than be here I’d rather be in the rocky sand storm outside.

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