《A forgotten ruler》Ch 43 finding an ally


“A wise goddess once said the gods themselves care not for others. They bless not the people out of good will. They kill the innocents before they even do the crime. The gods are a hateful race.” (Yami)

Lydia (Ling Yue)

That was a close call, they were a bit too close and I almost sneezed out loud. But my memories of when I first got here reminds me that Luna is as unpredictable as the twin moons here. Yet how did she unlock the race of the Devil Demon on my status screen. As a Azual I’m supposed to be a silver wolf demon. The things she’s doing and her words didn’t match the her in my era. She seemed calm and collected when I was Ling Yue.

I sat here in the cave wondering why the change is so big. Whom was the one who sent the letter to her. Why did she in this era seem so emotionally unstable. A goddess who’s as old as time itself that the other gods and goddesses feared her. What can cause the instability of a cool headed information loving goddess. My focus went back to the dove I sent to follow the adventures. They had a heavy hitter in armor, a thief, as well as magic archer and a baggage guy. I’ll think about Luna more later.

A frown came on my face when I looked at the baggage boy. His age looked around his teens, but the obstruct look and feeling was giving me a lot of warning signs. How can a luggage carrier have no look on his face and why is he here. This person coming here to the Death Valley of Earth Dragons must mean he wants something here or worse. He wants the death of his team members. My eyes scratched up annoyed since they’re also my only way out of the valley. I have zero food here so far. A low level toddler isn’t fit to fight monsters in the 1000-5000 range. I’m sure Luna wants me to die.

“A death zone isn’t my problem right.” (Brian)

“We’re here to look for that damn elf isn’t that right Bridget.” (George)

“Shut it you two. Clovis set the camp here and we’ll trace her group’s again tomorrow. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.” (Bridget)

“Got it.” (Clovis)

I flinch at hearing them, that’s only like 20 miles from me. Why does this bad feeling creep up in my body as if I’m about to witness a crime scene I don’t wanna see. I’ll have my companion Lucy stare down at the guy named Clovis. This isn’t funny at all when you need someone to get you out of the valley. I’m not even up front meeting them and their luck must suck too.

If only my Aura energy was more than single or double digits. Well I guess I’ll probably have to possess the leader in case of emergencies. I blame meeting Luna in this life for my low luck. It also might have to do with her unlocking the Devil Demon side too. But if Lydia died than none of my ancestors would be born, stupid Luna. This is bad for my heart, how am I to protect Lydia’s body without interfering with her choice of who she gets with.

“It’s fine. Camping here shouldn’t be a problem, but there really is no food here.” (Clovis)

I wasn’t stupid to listen in anymore with Lucy. Instead I rolled my eyes at the guy’s actions. Since I don’t want them to die I’ll have to do this from Bridget’s standing point. If anyone can get me out it’s probably this lady. That’s the feeling I have from instinct. It makes me wonder why that is. She was someone I just saw a few hours ago so why does it feel like she’s familiar. Guess I’ll do a semi possession so she’s aware she’s in danger when the time comes to it.


I pulled up the status screen to look at the time. It seriously says 5 pm. Guess I’ll start now, Lucy double checked that the others were sleeping and Clovis is the only one up. They probably took shifts and have to wake up early tomorrow.

Bridget POV

My body moved without my consent making me open my eyes. I who had just fallen asleep was now in weird situation where body wasn’t responding to my thoughts. Rather it seemed to be listening to the outside of the tent.

“Damn. That elf princess was stupid. How the hell did the bitch pick this place. Why did she know I was hunting her down anyway. Guess I’ll kill both her and Bridget. I’ll also have to do away with any other evidence. Hopefully the elf shouldn’t be able to become the elf goddess since I’m early. I love my race ability after all. Destiny really loves me.

Gifting our race with the ability to change one’s destiny is great and to see their future is a good thing too. But I rather kill them in my own hands with my own ability when they’re still weak. Too bad I was born later than that bitch of a elf.” (Clovis)

His words shocked me, as the baggage carrier that’s been with us for 6 years. Why was he saying all this. What does he mean by his race? Also why does he want to kill me and Jasmine. She doesn’t even know him from what she wrote to me before she disappeared here in the wasteland. I didn’t even tell anyone else her whereabouts so how did he know.

Same time Lydia POV

Shit I’m so screwed because of my luck. I should’ve know that he could obscure his appearance somehow. It was his race then. He’s a Fate, a Wanderer class gone astray. But if he’s after the 30 year old elf goddess in this time period it makes since. This is neither her weak or powerful self, she wasn’t labeled as powerful but, her feelings are never wrong. No wonder a elf would head here. If anything I’d do the same in her situation. Fates are a race that keeps the souls in balance as well as all worlds in balance. They can see a person’s future, change the said future and see the past. Their also the race that guards the door to reincarnation.

If he’s a person gone astray I can’t attack him directly. Nor can I put Bridget in danger, she’s important to both me and the elf goddess. I need her for a way out of her. Her sworn sister is the elf goddess and should've known why she was familiar. There’s a painting of her near the world tree but it was in tatters because of the centuries of desolation from having no one live near the world tree.

The elf goddess was born in this era as well. She wasn’t as well known but she fought with Luna to stand against the gods. Killing her means Luna has no allies in the war. This Fate is playing a crazy game indeed. Changing the history of this era is dangerous for me, it means I can’t predict the next actions. I guess I’ll have to lure Bridget towards me and then have a Earth Dragon attack him. Even if he’s a fate he can’t directly interfere with such a thing. Dragons are an important race, a fate killing one should alarm those higher ups.

This maybe foul play but I’ll have Bridget sneak out through the back of her tent quietly. Confrontation is not an option for the lady to try. It’s a suicide mission if I did. Lucy will act as decoy for him for now.


Bridget POV

As bad as it was my body didn’t listen to me as it packed my bows and arrows on my back as well as my clothes. Eh when did I have an inventory. I thought it was just a status screen that was usable. (They don’t notice the inventory on the status screen because it’s in a small font and a small triangle arrow)

Why did we need baggage carriers if the status screen had something so useful. But I was surprised that my own body seemed to be taking me somewhere so quietly without Clovis noticing. If I could I would be screaming to my friends for help. Yet Clovis seemed stranger than before so I’m not sure if I should even ask for help from him. Then again I couldn’t even control my body as it moved farther from camp. Eh oddly it stopped in front of a small opening next to a hole in the wall.

“That’s rude this place isn’t small, it's just perfect.” (Lydia)

Lydia POV

“I’m free. Was it you who brought me here little girl.” (Bridget)

“I’m not that little. My body is still growing and I couldn’t do anything else since it was dangerous for both me and you.” (Lydia)

“But you know you could’ve just come straight to us when we first came into the valley right.” (Bridget)

“No thanks. Even I have instincts to survive I will not approve of such a shady group with a stray Wanderer class with them. Fates are meant to counterbalance every other race. Not to misuse the power and kill as they please.” (Lydia)

“For a little girl lost in a wasteland it sounds kinda confusing.” (Bridget)

“Hey it isn’t crimson haired lady in a robe.” (Lydia)

“Sure but why are you even out here, you’re not even an adventure.” (Bridget)

“I was forced here by Luna. Never mind that, identify this egg I have here. It's half my size.” (Lydia)

She flinched when she saw it didn’t she. My luck stats is so low I’m pretty sure it’s what I think it is.

“It’s a Earth Dragon’s egg. Why is it out here on the outskirts of the valley.” (Bridget)

“I don’t know but my luck stats is a negative 100 so that might be why. It’s not exactly life threatening yet so I’m sure it’s fine.” (Lydia)

“Yea you showing up in front of group would’ve been bad. I’ve seen those with -2000 or more for luck. They’d die tragically or end up as a slave.” (Bridget)

“I wouldn't be surprised if something dropped on them if I went. You don’t mind right. My ability is possession so I’ll probably get rid of that guy for an exchange of the way out.” (Lydia)

“Fine you can do so with your ability but help me look for Jasmine first.” (Bridget)

“I remember hearing from a servant (Solomon) that if I who had more than 100 for a negative look I can’t have more than three people with me or else they’d die.” (Lydia)

“You’re kidding right. Tell me those words are a lie.” (Bridget)

“It’s a fact, even souls who get judged and temporarily confined at the underground palace says so.” (Lydia)

Oh she collapsed in front of me with her soul half leaving her body. This lady is interesting but the Earth Dragon egg wasn’t all that surprising. The place we’re in is the valley of earth dragons.

“Oh right you said that Luna left you here. Did you know that besides being the moon goddess she’s the goddess who’s born at the start of time itself. Thus we call her, a time goddess even if that is not her domain of control.” (Bridget)

A shock went through me, that information of her being a time goddess was lost after this era. In the era where gods were as many as rabbit monsters overpopulation around our world. If she was a real time goddess she would be able to go back and forth freely. She wanted something from the past, that’s what she reminded me from my era as Ling Yue.

“I haven’t slept in days but I’ll help you look for your friend with Lucy.” (Lydia)

Hm, I’ll ignore the screaming just now from them seeing a Earth Dragon. That’s not my problem anymore. It’s the Fate’s fault for wanting to alter history. Bridget gave me a strange look which I ignored. I hear screaming and ignore it. It doesn’t concern me what happens to a fool now.

“Don’t tell me that roaring and the screams is you’re doing.” (Bridget)

“Eh. It’s not me they’re just unlucky, you have no evidence of it.” (Lydia)

“Muh, Muh.”

“Doing the cute pout and glare isn’t gonna help. I’m not going there even if you ask, unless you want to save your other two friends.” (Lydia)

“Actually it’s fine, they're assholes. Only Clovis was a gentleman to me.” (Bridget)

“If a bastard is definition of gentleman I’d like to see your definition of bastard in person.” (Lydia)

“Wait, don't tell me your luck stat also causes events.” (Bridget)

“Hm….. maybe at worst we get a 6 pair of winged angel coming at us.” (Lydia)

“Don’t jinx it.” (Bridget)

“Look Lucy found a trail. Elf spotted near center of the valley.” (Lydia)

“Wait, is she insane? That's an Earth Dragon nest.” (Bridget)

“As it’s said the best place is also the worst place. It’s also the worst outcome. Do you still want to go to her.” (Lydia)

“Of course she’s my only friend since childhood.” (Bridget)

“That sounds lonely. Though quick question, what's your last name.” (Lydia)

“Eh. My full name is Bridget E. Gins Evera Di Janis.” (Bridget)

Ugh a princess of a powerful fallen kingdom and her name wasn’t even heard from. Why is someone like her even here as a Adventure she should be at the kingdom instead of her.

“Ah but I’m just the 2nd princess. I ran away from home. My father wanted me to marry at a young age, my childhood friend was like a knight and swept me away from the castle.” (Bridget)

So kidnapped princess who’s not so princess-like. Got it the elf sure is weird. I wonder how old is the current her to do so. Not that I will ask. I probably need to stop in front of the nest somewhere. That way I won’t get within firing range of the Earth Dragons.

“By the way what’s your last name. You seem like a toddler but you don’t act like it.” (Bridget)

“I’m an Azual. So former princess who was about to be killed by some family elders. Luna’s supposed to be my guardian.” (Lydia)

“Must be tough isn’t it. That gossip loving goddess as a guardian isn’t very nice.” (Bridget)

“Eccentric and sadist doesn’t really help for guardianship.” (Lydia)

Oh Lucy seems to be cooing strangely. Seems like she’s out of my possession now. I stop my steps along with Bridget behind me. A frown comes on my face as I a goddess in my era, know the skill. Elves have skills to talk and guide spirits of nature. They also can communicate with animals on a deeper end. It’s odd for me I made sure to have Lucy stay out of range of the nest. But for it to be possible it means the elf in question made eye contact with the dove and she herself is powerful enough to have a bigger range than most elves.

“We just lost our scout. I think your friend took it into her own hands.” (Lydia)

“Ah, you should’ve told me. She’s an animal lover she can’t seem to leave the furries alone.” (Bridget)

My mouth twitched at that information she told me. An animal lover is one thing I like avoiding the most in my life as Ling Yue. Considering that I was a wolf demon. Now I’m a Devil demon child but I did hide my appearance when I was at the temple. Can’t say that black scales in a white temple seemed like the best idea. It’d make me spotted easily.

“If you’re an Azual you should avoid having your animal look coming out. You wouldn’t like how touchy she can get with it.” (Bridget)

Hearing her had my elf like ears twitch uncontrollably. It’s like a part of me was warning me that I was gonna be in danger. I stared uncomfortably at Bridget. She can’t look me in the eyes seems this one knows more but she’s not talking.

“Fine we’re taking a break in that big cave over there. I’ll probably nab a Rex instead for lookout later. Earth Dragons aren’t easy to control.” (Lydia)

The one earlier only listened because I mentioned there’d be food there. We sat down in the cave as I took a sip of water. 10 miles is tough on a baby’s body. Plus I’m not even an adult anymore.

“Want me to carry you.” (Bridget)

“No. I can do it myself, I’m just tired from no food. Luna didn’t give me food when she left the one way teleportation for me.” (Lydia)

“Must be tough.” (Bridget)

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