《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 42 Luna’s self wish and the truth of the past


(Ling Yue’s time period)

Yami stared at the sky and then looked at the castle-like town that she wrecked. The dragon had dropped her off but she wasn’t in any mood to play around.

“Luna’s insanity. It must’ve gone off the charts. The day her sister died that person lost her heart too. Unconsciously looking for clues in history. Why does these fools even do so. A lost history is just that unnecessary. There’s nothing to learn from it. People died so what? The people now are more important than the message left by idiots of the past.” (Yami)

“It’s exactly because the dead don’t come back.” (Luna)

“Oh, hearing that from you isn’t funny. You’re the only one stuck in the past. Yet when you get a visit by her dead spirit herself you’re the one who denied her. Why the heck do you even try looking anymore. She’s long gone. Dead should stay dead Luna. You're a Destruction Phoenix made by your sister’s choice, live with it.” (Yami)

“And you’re the other half of her soul that discarded her emotions and memories.” (Luna)

“So what I’m not here. Are you gonna do something to me too.” (Yami)

“No. You’re just leftovers not her.” (Luna)

“Even if you did go back to that era as yourself as a 9 year old you are unable to stop her death. Because she is the catalyst to what makes our timeline exist without imbalance. Luna face it she’s the scales to this whole ordeal reviving her will undo all her work of fighting for you to be alive today. The past should stay as it is you know it too. Ling Yue might be able to change that but you can’t force her to go that far into the past. She (Ling Yue) will cease to exist since she wasn’t born in that time period.” (Yami)

“I will do as I please.” (Luna)

“Luna don’t do this. Let nature run its course. Everything is meant to be.” (Yami)

“Why did she abandon me.” (Luna)

“You, me and Yu Mei know that in the past she had no choice it was either that (her death) or to be turned into a corrupt goddess and be fueled by anger and kill you. As a siscon she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself. She used herself as a catalyst to right history with only her willpower alone for a promise to you. To protect our home here. Luna let go of the dead. She’s long gone, forget and forgive.” (Yami)

“I can’t let it go. How can I forget such a person because she became the forgotten goddess.” (Luna)

“She self destructed her divine core. So what it was that or be corrupt by faith by fake prayers. Who wanted greed for their own reasons. A goddess like her is honorable and just. Her fairness and kindness is what kept every soul tethered together in the reincarnation cycle also. Her willpower was powerful enough to keep all races and people from not destroying this world we live in. Why do you think those mythical creatures and beings haven’t gone insane on us.” (Yami)

“You’re saying this is common sense for us in the upper world but she’s my only relative left. She’s been with me since the beginning yet I forgot her like that.” (Luna)

“Stop this path to destruction for everyone else. She wouldn’t be happy with your choice to negate the promise she made with you. The goddess then and me now isn’t her. But I will not allow for you to destroy our world as we know it for selfish reasons.” (Yami)


“You’re not even her Yami.” (Luna)

“Even if I’m not her I understand her feelings to protect those dear to me.” (Yami)

“I’m not on a self destructive path. I want back the time with her.” (Luna)

“Luna as far as know from the messages left behind she warned foremost that you and she can’t make promises or they tie you two down. If not make ends me a terrible end awaits even you. I will not just sit and watch it happen. You are also a friend of mine.” (Yami)

“Oh what friend, you’re just a leftover soul of her. My sister created the Destruction Phoenix race for me yet she made me evolve 4 times to be a new race. Then she left completely just after leaving a message saying don’t use faith. 0 faith is a dead god. That’s what her words meant.” (Luna)

“Don’t give me that sarcastic crap. You just want Ling Yue to suffer.” (Yami)

“Indeed I want her to experience what happened to me.” (Luna)

“You’re insane Luna. You mean to send her through the gods graveyard.” (Yami)

“It’s the perfect place isn’t it. Front roll seats at the tragedy of Yu Mei and her sisters.” (Luna)

Yami frowned at Luna’s kind smile. If anything she wasn’t kind she was forcing Ling Yue to see the sad history at front seats for her (Luna) own benefits.

“You do know that the other girl on the other side of that won’t allow it. She will interfere. But this is what you wanted. To meet the dead soul of your sister. After all even with Aura you can’t revive a soul that’s been reincarnated. So you’re aiming to torture your own sister for leaving you.” (Yami)

“How rude! I want to ask her why she made me forget along with everyone else.” (Luna)

“But a word of warning Luna, she already split her soul then what will you do.” (Yami)

Yami flinched when she saw the dark expression from the blue green haired goddess. A sigh left her as she stared at Luna giving off an ominous vibe of wanting to kill someone. Yet she couldn’t word it since she knew that Luna was trying to look for someone else through her.

“May the gods have mercy on you. I always hated that phrase. And the other one was a nuisance. If anything Luna I think she doesn’t want to see you either. Her soul is all that’s left she doesn’t want her own sister to see her after she made a choice to keep your life.” (Yami)

“That’s for me to decide and not her.” (Luna)

“You two have been the two oldest goddesses since the beginning but have you considered that maybe behind the scenes she had no choice. Luna leave it alone.” (Yami)

“No.” (Luna)

“Her feelings are what everyone knows and feels close to so let her sacrifice be honored and remembered Luna. Let the dead stay dead. It’s long gone Luna don’t make her waste her own effort for you. I can understand that sacrificing for your loved ones is a hard decision but what if it was not just your life on the line but the trillions of lives in the future. Luna take a moment to cool down, a soul of your love one doesn’t seek you out, then let it be. At least she left you a message or two right.” (Yami)

“How I live is what I should decide, not you or her.” (Luna)


“Yes I’m not her but your actions defile even the dead’s memories. Look not to the far past Luna but seek the present.” (Yami)

Instead she smiled bitterly as she watched Luna storm off from the castle tower she was sitting in. The goddess of the moon was like a storm when it came and it passed by just as quickly. Her hands felt cold from the conversation and she also felt stiff.

“It all comes into a full circle doesn’t this. A cycle of revenge and life itself goes on. Will she too make others feel her pain or will she seek out Rika.” (Yami)

“Yet the other half is also here is she not.” (Yu Mei)

“So you were here. I wasn’t wrong when I felt the space shift.” (Yami)

“You’re also right that her sister’s other half of soul didn’t move on, she's a soul projection. Meaning any damage to her soul here would hurt her body the lower world. But she too doesn’t wish to see a crazed Luna.” (Yu Mei)

“And neither of us is the one Luna seeks then. She wishes for her sister at the moment of her death. But what can she even find, a goddess fading away into silver dust on her death. I don’t think she’d be happy to see that either.” (Yami)

“Her emotions are of no concern of mine. The longest she doesn’t destroy our worlds here with the jumbled timelines. It matters not what she does.” (Yu Mei)

“You only worry about your siblings reincarnating.” (Yami)

“Yet the real one is the other half is it not, for that is Rika herself.” (Yu Mei)

“Hey, hey don’t go telling me the big secret now. If she came to me I’d be done in.” (Yami)

“Congratulations you have now upgraded to the victim for once.” (Yu Mei)

“This isn’t funny. The one involved in the history ain’t even me nor do I have her memories. I think Luna should just cherish even remembering.” (Yami)

“Emotions can’t be controlled though. Especially not that of a innocent former child’s.” (Yu Mei)

“That’s not funny.” (Yami)

“It is but the truth. The one she seeks is there but she thinks it’s not. That’s what makes people miss the opportunity.” (Yu Mei)

“Don’t get all sagely on me. You came here at the beginning of the conversation and stayed in the shadows.” (Yami)

“I did not wish to talk with someone who can’t be reasoned with even if you try.” (Yu Mei)

“Then don’t leave all this to me.” (Yami)

“But it is also because you’re similar to her that I brought her here.” (Yu Mei)

“With that timebomb you wish.” (Yami)

“It looked like she listened, did she not.” (Yu Mei)

“I dislike your way of things Yu Mei, you don’t play far.” (Yami)

“Let the Fates decide for her then will her answers and the one she meets be the one she wishes.” (Yu Mei)

“You’re cruel you know that.” (Yami)

In front of her was Yu Mei with 20 years old but her hair color was light blue color. Her way of dressing threw Yami off too the white kimono with a black spider on it.

“Why this appearance.” (Yami)

“Does it not suit me.” (Yu Mei)

“You’re not her so stop it. Only Rika can pull that off.” (Yami)

“My hair coloring is wrong but how did you guess I’d take your appearance with the kimono. Even if you’re no longer her you are still able to tell right.” (Yu Mei)

“Shut it, you two make me sick. Both you and Luna. Luna’s now a siscon herself and other souls is hiding so just stop the mind games Yu Mei.” (Yami)

“Is it not also why you have all her knowledge inside you because you’re also her other half of her.” (Yu Mei)

“I’m not her! She’s the one that abandoned her duty to protect her own family.” (Yami)

“See you do care.” (Yu Mei)

“I don’t care for her or Luna. I care for my own family, even if were messed up in our own way.” (Yami)

“It’s the same isn’t it. Just that you’re no longer her because you let go.” (Yu Mei)

“Wait a minute how is it that you’re connecting the dots that way. It was about Luna and Ling Yue not me.” (Yami)

“Luna’s plans will not go as kindly as she wants. Like Ling Yue’s plans. I did interfere. Why did you think you didn’t hear from any of her guards at all. Dying is Luna’s sister’s goal and she wants it permanent.” (Yu Mei)

“That’s not cool either. Just because Luna doesn’t want to see the reincarnated self doesn’t give her an excuse to look for real ways to make her soul to fade into nothingness for real.” (Yami)

“They’re both stubborn.” (Yu Mei)

“And you’re not preventing her crazy plan.” (Yami)

“A person’s wish is a person’s wish.” (Yu Mei)

“If Luna found out at the end that everything she did was for naught because of you she’d be angry. That I’m sure of it. Also change your hair back.” (Yami)

“I can’t help someone who wishes for death and plus I tried every other color already.” (Yu Mei)

“You also locked Ling Yue’s level as Lydia. It was level 367 wasn’t it.” (Yami)

“Can’t have her change my past now can I.” (Yu Mei)

“Ugh you’re cruel to yourself and others.” (Yami)

“There’s actually another way Rika could’ve survived you know. She could’ve pulled her divinity out but she’d be in weakened state. Rika and Luna were born goddesses for their race. But she created the Destruction Phoenix race for Luna. Instead she herself didn’t have a race to rebuild herself and ended up in a state of do or die. Her choosing her way to go was her own choice not yours or Luna. You are also her yet not her. Rika is Rika’s self even if you two had the same starting point you two are now two different beings.” (Yu Mei)

Yu Mei changed back her hair into a black hair color as it was now this color after her grieve of losing her sisters. Their choices made her kill them in her anger. So she didn’t lecture Luna on Luna’s own feelings.

“But someone else should really warn Rika. Her current phrase is dying isn’t so bad right.” (Yu Mei)

“That’s only said when a person experiences it one too many times. Wait don’t tell me you’re allowing that.” (Yami)

“No, it’s because her willpower projection was similar to Ling Yue’s Soul possession that she was able to subconsciously make everyone protect our current world. Luna has to fight for our timeline and alternate ones too so it’s harsher for Luna but she should go easy on Ling Yue.” (Yu Mei)

“I agree. Luna should be nicer on the girl. But seriously you didn’t prevent Rika at all did you. She’s selfish and too kind for her good. She probably downgraded the said person’s pains and took in most of their negative emotions even if she wasn’t in control of the body.” (Yami)

“That is how she is.” (Yu Mei)

“I can’t picture myself as such an idiot to use myself for everyone else’s betterment of their lives. She’s just stupid and optimistic of everything.” (Yami)

“She’s a person who can’t leave those in need even at the expense of herself and her happiness. Rika is that much different from Luna.” (Yu Mei)

“You speak as if you still have memories of her. Everyone but herself forgot too, except her messages and items left behind. How is it that you know more than the record itself.” (Yami)

“It’s easy, I am the one who mashed up the worlds together am I not. So if there’s a record than I would remember everything existing within it. Even her willpower projection left into the souls was noticeable. She just wanted everyone to have a home in any world they live in. Not to destroy that said home.” (Yu Mei)

“This is not me avoiding it but you don’t think she’d be crazy enough to send Ling Yue straight to the living Rika before her death right.” (Yami)

“With Luna’s sanity going on and off I’d think yes she would.” (Yu Mei)

“Does the person who wanted to meet a dead soul sound sane earlier.”

“She sounded like a child wanting to return to a time of innocence and naivety. Rika is a dense person in her own way. She's the type that doesn’t think before she acts on it.” (Yu Mei)

“Which reminds me she is called the forgotten goddess because her name was erased when her body faded into silver ashes. Meaning Rika was a name given to her by her lover or friend.” (Yami)

“Gossipping doesn’t suit you Yami. I met her once in person too after I was lost. She was my light to who I am now. Dense she maybe but she’s like a shining star.” (Yu Mei)

“Geh, the cringe type that I can’t be.” (Yami)

“Right so heroine in our timeline is Hitomi and Ling Yue. Hitomi treasures each day and the other is a awkward goddess who’s been hurt by those she wanted love from.” (Yu Mei)

“Long Yue isn’t awkward she’s just not sure about it.” (Yami)

“But soulmate eh, she misses this one she’d have to wait until her next one. So being much about being immortal.” (Yu Mei)

“Hey don’t jinx her yet.” (Yami)

“Wasn’t yours the worst. Your sister killed your lover in her fit of not being able to control her craving for destruction.” (Yu Mei)

“Don’t bring mine up.” (Yami)

“Rika’s love is harsh though. I don’t think her lover even has time to talk with her on the run and fighting bounty hunters 48 hours a day.” (Yu Mei)

“That’s true. But why the heck do you wanna connect the dots on how I her are once 1 soul.” (Yami)

“It’s not me but Luna who called you leftovers.” (Yu Mei)

“I’m not leftovers of anyone nor do I want to be such a useless goddess like her.” (Yami)

“Luna is simple when it comes to Rika. But Rika is straightforward, honest to a fault, and harsh on herself.” (Yu Mei)

“Why do you say that as if it’s a sad thing.” (Yami)

“She can’t forgive herself for the deaths even if she is just using her willpower to guild souls not to destroy the world they live in through their subconscious.” (Yu Mei)

“Then the one letting Rika and Ling Yue meet isn’t up to Luna. It’s you isn’t it.” (Yami)

“Hmm.” (Yu Mei)

“Don’t shrug it off you jerk of person. Playing goody two shoes isn’t gonna save yourself. You’re doing this because you know something else. Yu Mei Stop humming so happily it’s creepy coming from you.”

“But isn’t her wish to return to the Realms amazing, she can even project her soul here. Though I guess her willpower is now inherited by the souls themselves so they don’t need her anymore to help guide them right.” (Yu Mei)

“You're annoying me with your smug smile.” (Yami)

“Rika’s complaint of Ling Yue was obvious though. She said the reason why she thought Hitomi wasn’t her soulmate was her heart didn’t skip. Then Rika explained to me that the reason why was because her heart was removed or it’d burden her body to feel emotional. It was in her lineage that was their emotions were amplified so much that the heart was unstable so removing it allowed her to be alive but without complete emotions.” (Yu Mei)

“Let me guess that explanation was from the failure of girl Rika in soul form.” (Yami)

Yu Mei nodded at Yami’s words but this was the longest conversation between the two of them. Usually Yami stays far away from Yu Mei all because she causes spatial warping around her, when she’s in the area. Yet they both agree that Luna and Rika should never meet. Luna was an unstable factor and the living Rika was a siscon through and through.

“If those two meet it’d be a disaster for us in this timeline wouldn’t it.” (Yami)

“Yes she’s the guide for us and the one Luna wants is the one who perished. Not the one who raised her as a child. But the one who made her forget her memories.”

“Things are about to look ugly for Ling Yue if she did that. Yet if it’s you I’m certain you’ll send her there with force since almost everything in the Realms is your domain isn’t it.” (Yami)

“Wrong, I can control spatial time coordinates of any place as I wish I just don’t want to.” (Yu Mei)

“Then why didn’t you stop Luna’s crazy plans.” (Yami)

“Because Rika means no harm and she’s the one cleaning up both Luna’s mess as well as other people’s.” (Yu Mei)

‘Why the hell do you look proud like she’s your child.’

“So you’re saying she’s fixing Luna’s mess in different timelines when she’s a soul form and you left her to it. Are you retarded? You should’ve just done it yourself she’s no longer a goddess nor is her physical body even here.” (Yami)

“Right she’s probably on her last life now she’s only soul form right.” (Yu Mei)

“That’s what you’re worried about. You should be worried about Ling Yue still in the past.” (Yami)

“Spatial cracks in the gods' graveyard is easy for me. Unless you want me to fix Ling Yue’s problem also.” (Yu Mei)

“Nope I made a promise to the one who died I’d keep their sister and the sister’s kid safe.” (Yami)

“That’s your lover who died though. Plus you found her later than you expected. You also befriended her before you found out it was her (Ling Yue).”

“At least Ling Yue is normal. Look at Rika she died 45 million times by taking in the pain through their injuries or about to die, as well as their negative emotions such as regret, sadness, and etc. If you say this isn’t a disease of hers I don’t believe you.” (Yami)

“That’s exactly why I have to send Ling Yue to her. Because she herself (Rika) is someone who understands the most about responsibility and the regrets in life. The living Rika then or the one now they both have that feeling and knowledge they will be able to guide her well.” (Yu Mei)

“Hah, the way you say it makes me feel like I lost even before the fight began.” (Yami)

Yu Mei smiled brightly at Yami. Her dark green eyes seemed like they could be a fire waiting to ignite any moment. It made Yu Mei understand this person hated that other half of her soul. The one who struggled to survive and wanted to live but decided against it. Thus she was now a different being. The light green wavy hair seemed to blow with the wind as she glared at Yu Mei. It’s a rare case that doesn’t often happen.

“I see. You too made a choice at that time.” (Yu Mei)

Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

A sigh came out of me when the thought of my luck stats is what put me through this. At least it’s not a negative 1000. I read the report for it and almost laughed my ass off. As it went he’d almost always end up in a tragic situation or almost dying kind of situation. An example was going to a party and almost crushed by a dragon landing down. The people before him were smashed into a blood puddle. I shuddered when I realized that maybe the 4 adventures would probably die if I appeared to them.

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