《A forgotten ruler》chapter 41 wastelands and unplanned camping


Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

I stared at the rocky waseland also known as the graveyard valley. If someone saw a human like baby in modern day era here they'd say abuse. I might be an adult in a baby's body but I proabbly can't go far. Luna's plans are crazy. What does she mean I'll pick you up when you're 19 years old. Anyone sane would know this valley isn't survivable if spotted by Earth Dragons. Well whatever I'll check my status here first. No dragons yet so I'll head into the nearest small cave to the left.


Lydia Azual (Ling Yue Azual) Female Devil Demon (mutation) Alignment Neutral age 4 class N/A subclass princess level 8 HP 10,000/10,000 MP 50,000/50,000 STR 2 END 10 WIS 400 INTEL 2000 LUCK -100 DEF 12 AGI 1 DEX 3 CHARM 320 LEADERSHIP 1 AURA 12 Skills Soul Possession (Unique) Allows user to possess a person to see their memories, information as well as control their body. Can split your consiousness for this. Lock picking level 1 Can open normal doors and trap doors. Knife level 10 Cuts objects into pieces.

Ugh that bad huh. No wonder Lydia has shit happening so fast. The luck stats is the worst. Its no wonder her racial skill from our Azual family lineage isn't showing. But these low skills won't help much, my possession ability will come in handy for scouting the area and keeping other monsters away. Then again this cave seems a bit too small for a Earth Dragon to enter. I'll be safe here for now. If food is needed I probably need to search for food. None of my assassination skills would even work with zero muscle memories much less no skills.

The only subclass is also useless in this situation. I can't dictate what you can't reason with much less the monsters here. Rexs, Earth Dragons, Dream Eaters, Bisons, and parasctic worms. That last one is 8 ft tall and 6 for the width, living underground. Those dream eaters are easier to spot since they group up. My problem is the dinosours and thr dragons living here. I betting my money on Luna grinning right about now for my situation. She is afterall sadistic in her own twisted way. A sigh escaped from my mouth, no exit out of this valley for now.


A bird's eye view of this place is a mess. I swear I get out of here and I don't wanna see Luna for life. The environment here isn't plesant. No sleep for me who is stuck here. Me as Lydia and the me as Ling Yue means I don't get any sleep at all. Mentally this is more draining as Lydia. I laid down on the ground exhausted as I sigh. My eyes went to my space bag that Luna gave to me when she made me unconsious. I want to see what that crazy person packed inside of there for me.

My hands went inside as I pulled out the contents within. Ropes, a pickaxe, hooks for moutain climbing, 20 small knives, a tent, sleeping back, tanto, a kanta and a magic container that refills water. I'm so glad I grabbed a bow and 40 arrows into my inventory. But still no food, its been a night here and the bird I possessed spotted zero prey. Animals seen is also zero, the dragons are easily spotted 45 kilometers from here. Yea i can guess why there's also zero plants around. All eaten by the Earth Dragons. Oh how pleasant this camping trip is, not. I'm proabably the only food aside from monsters for them.

Day 1 of wasteland no food. 2nd day hey I found a snail and more rocks. 3rd day was a surprise I was using the pickaxe to expand my small cave of a home. Then i found a egg, which I was too afraid to appraise. Here in this era I have zero secret guards with me. Also no friends to network with. I don't even have food reserve here in the wasteland. Luna's water pouch is all I have so keep it in my inventory when not needed. My inventory from the future isn't useable here. I guess you can't bring stuff to the past from the future. This place isn't nice either, my only companion was the small dove that I used for scouting.


"Hey, did you here the guild sent us here to look for a missing person."

I can hear humans not far from my cave. In response I quickly let out my dove friend I named Lucy. It's male but who cares there's now hope for getting out of this crazy place. That's all I care for I haven't slept in days due to all the roaring at night and day time.

"Well, it's not our fault George. They sent us here to investigate why the elf who's top of our adventure guild went missing."

"I tell you she must've been eaten by now, right Brian." (George)

"Don't judge she's not you two."

My eyes widen as the dove swooped down to see them. The blondy with a scar and cocky face was Brian. George was the guy in heavy armor and brown hair. The lady with them was most likely the leader. Her grey hair and calm eyes were a sigh of a cool headed leader. Those clothes on her look like a white robe but the bow and arrow on her back threw me off. A mage and a archer that seems like an odd combination. I would head to them but I remember my low luck stats. My back felt cold sweat as I used the dove to watch them.

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