《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 40 lost knowledge and mystery


Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

I really wanted to know why the goddess seemed so different in this era. So strange yet familiar. My eyes went back to the seal the goddess was inside. Solomon said this was the Eclipse seal. A forgotten era of the Phoenixes history for sure. Those history loving race would cry if they saw this. Like they’d study the seal as if no tomorrow. Only an Aura expert would love it, I mean they’re a race who’s great at it. In the first and second generation but not in the Phoenix generation now.

Instead I scrutch my eyes at the seal annoyed. Aura is an energy that’s been with mother nature since her birth. Or the beginning of all life, it’s just that humans forgot it after they’re born from the womb. For Phoenixes it’s the thing that allowed them to have two different energies exist in themselves. Like Chi, and Qi in one body at once. I rubbed my eyebrows in annoyance at remembering a much unneeded history lecture of a forgotten race erased by history. Solomon and his damn historical hunt for knowledge he even taught me how to read the damn language.

“Let’s see what it reads first. A knowledgeable princess’s loss, may the sealed be loved and remembered. Ugh, I hate riddles.” (Lydia)

This is a very annoying seal indeed. From the 3rd generation Destruction Phoenix, the Phoenix race’s distant ancestor. She wasn’t an annoying person, she was a genius in her own age.Yet the princess was also a straight forward person with words.

”It’s meaning is cherish that which I can not. Hey that’s not surprising wording from her. They were at war with the lower world for equality for all races inside there. Then they themselves became almost extinct in the war. We do live in the upper world.” (Lydia)

Wow, Solomon’s lecture on old history and language is now helpful. My eyes went to an ominous black sphere in the middle of the room. Yes it’s big enough to fit a person inside. My eyes went from the location of the sphere to the white runes on the floor. Which narcissistic asshole drew runes and added on his own words to it. The Destruction Phoenix was a race which had power over words and Aura. Aura itself was an energy since the beginning of time. Humans had it before their birth but forgot it once they’re born. It’s what allowed the current Phoenixes to be able to have two energies in their body. But Aura mastery was lost in time itself.

My hands went to the floor tracing the runes in annoyance. If the fool hadn’t replaced the language it would’ve been a ticking time bomb I’d have to decipher. I mean it’s like one wrong step and the absorbed energy goes boom in your face. Yet the fool who changed it up didn’t know how to do it right.

“The gods in this era are idiots. That’s what this means.” (Lydia)

If an Phoenix saw this room they’d flip, I mean they’re historians who love history. By bestie is so gonna kill me if I told her of this room. I mean she’s looking for lost history that is blank in their records. My eyes widen when I see the stele of memory crystal hidden in the way. It made me blink a few times and I felt a headache from seeing it. Now we know some idiot did this job lazily. They fixed the room, replace inscriptions on rune and didn’t care if there are memory crystals in place. Memory crystals are historical events recorded in it that are projected out to be seen.


My hand went straight over the memory crystal to activate it. Curiosity won inside of me, plus the crystals can store two memories of history inside. A scene of a young teenager with bright red hair played out in front of me. She smiled sadly as she put a younger girl inside the seal sphere in the room. The room itself looked like a medieval throne room but was missing its throne, in its place was the sphere.

“To anyone who comes here, I have placed my younger sister inside. May she survive the oncoming war. The last of us. Only two of us remain of our race. We should’ve not fought those beings who could change into any race living inside them for equality and stability of all worlds. We call them Dimensions. A 99% possibility of being females only and unstable emotions mean the people inside the worlds in them are in danger if they (Dimensions) are depressed. The 1% is a boy being born but without the abilities or power of the (Dimensions) race.

We who uncovered the truth, wanted the Realms we live in to know that there are lower worlds we have discovered. One of them is the race who walks among us with worlds inside themselves. Our purpose in this war still goes on but is not up to the younger generations. The last of us 6th generation Destruction Phoenix lies with my younger sister. This war has been a losing one for us, other races have not considered that they in their next reincarnation might not just be the upper world where we live.

Our race connected to the status system which allows rebirth into whom we choose has now lost. The future and peace we have fought for was for nothing. Hope lies in the younger generations to not have to fight our war. To unseal my younger sister use the word Ingrsa. It means hope for our future. She is the last of our kind, a youngling if you must. We who live 1 million years has lost all of our citizens, may other races have a brighter future not knowing the unknown.”

Instead her words caused me to frown in annoyance. That doesn’t make it fun to find out any of that. Who wants to know that when you’re gonna be a blank slate when you’re reborn. Plus some lucky ones has memories but they probably cry if they found out their world was unstable. I’m glad we live in the Realms which is the upper world and also the highest. But her actions were reasonable, she wanted for the younger sister to live so she sealed her here and left her to the future races to help her sister. I watched as the girl in red hair smiled sadly at the room as if she was reminiscing of the past and then ran out through the double doors.

“A message to the future seems like a bother. Whom even wanna know you idiots fought for a noble cause for other souls besides yourself but lost. A soul race like yours lost. Then she must be the 6th generation Destruction Phoenix 1st princess. Solomon why did you even look for this lost historical era. This race was a race before the Realms combined into the different timelines of ours or worlds all jumbled up.” (Lydia)

It felt so empty inside me just hearing the words of the girl before. Do we even have to worry about something so far in the future like that. I shook my head as I touched the crystal again. This time the scene came on to look exactly like the stone runes here. A dark tan man with black hair with a smug grin on his face. In his arms was a beautiful lady with emerald like hair in deep sleep. As he walked to where the sphere would be and placed the lady down. Yet her clothes reminded me of Kana the goddess of death in my era. A white kimono with a eastern red dragon on it.Kana had a black kimono with purple butterflies on hers.


The god seemed to laugh after placing her into the seal. As if he wanted nothing more than to see Luna miserable. I rolled my eyes when he left with a giddiness without looking back. At least I know who this fool is too. It’s god Remis, the god of crafts and runes. Wow why am I not surprised by how cocky he is when changing the runes in this room into his. Well I’m not an Aura master either so I am glad I don’t have to decipher that. It also looks like he wasn’t the one to find the last Destruction Phoenix.

Soul Possessions still work here too. I guess that’s my racial skill from being demon. It’s the only thing I’m glad for that I got from my bastard father. But this body of Lydia throws me off in the I don’t feel chains on my body when I think of Forbidden Artes. Forbidden Artes are Artes you use that do damage to your body. In this case 6 to 9 people are born with the ability to use it limitless in one era. Lydia the body I’m in is one of them. My mouth twitches into a smile but I will not use them reckless because I don’t want a cave in the sealed palace.

“Ingrsa.” (Lydia)

The sphere of blackness released a white light from inside almost blinding me. A sigh escaped my lips at how lazy can that god get. Yet the goddess of death laid before my eyes asleep like no tomorrow. Probably drugged if I looked at her status. I don’t even wanna know what kind of drug because how does a baby like me pick her up. This body in this era is still a toddler, yet I also look like a Devil demon. I’m just missing the third eye that is closed on the forehead. A Devil demon may look like a demihuman form of dragons but without the two horns on their head.

Plus I don’t even have the strength of a Devil demon to lift a truck yet. That’s when they’re 10 years old they can lift a truck with one hand. I’m a 4 year old right now. My eyes went to the goddess of death with pale white skin like snow. In my eyes in this era it’s you snooze and you lose because you could die anytime. Historical characters like her in front of me make me wanna cry in bitterness.

“Congrats on getting her out Lydia.” (Lilith)

I stared wide eyed at her purple hair only seen in dragon royalty of the old. Yet her golden eyes seemed to remind me of the sad girl I saw earlier on the memory crystal when she was hiding her sister. The lost era princess whom is said to have died in some myths but others say she lived through it. If she was still alive she’d be alive into my era as well. Yet no news of her so I’m certain she’s dead. I glared at Lilith who flinched at my eyes.

“Hey, young girl I’m supposed to be here only until you break the seal and help the goddess escape. You’re on your own after this. Luna also had a message through the magic scroll.” (Lilith)

As I read the magic scroll she tossed me I cursed Luna under my breath she’s insane alright. That much I know now. She planned this all out, in crazy manner too. The teleportation array she created outside of the sealed palace is for me. But the place it leads to makes me want to punch the goddess in person even if my hits are nullified. This teleportation would take me to the valley of earth dragons.

Here earth dragons aren’t exactly bright or friendly. They’re the worst kind of dragon, a gluttonous group indeed. Always hungry and ate anything that moved.

“Kid you might wanna move since you only have 58 mins before the gods and goddesses rain down here so that no one survives.” (Lilith)

I rolled my eyes at her, it’s one death trap to another. What’s with the teehee at the end of the message. Even I know the magic scroll is a tool that uses your thoughts as message but this is cruel even for you Luna. Who sends a toddler into that war zone like wasteland. But seeing as I had no choice since it was either there or the dessert here where the gods and goddesses are about to smite me down with a sleeping goddess. I ran for dear life towards the teleportation array outside.

Lilith POV

I pity the child. She had no one else but Luna and her mother on her side. She’s a mutation in the Azual family. Lydia Azual, not a wolf demon but a Devil demon. Does mean something happened inside the family. Her family wasn’t really strict either yet they were out for each other. A soul mutation, hmm, seems I have to investigate in this era of Luna’s now. Which fool messed with souls this time. I’m glad I teleported out and gave Lin to Luna at her castle.

Those eyes of hers’ creeped me out though. A goddess has gone insane isn’t a reasonable one especially one ruling this era. The death goddess Lin was given to her yet she seemed more crazed than I saw her in the later eras. This time period must be the time period she went insane. I tried to look for clues but it’s all pointing to the Destruction Phoenix. Who was the god or goddess who created this race to try to balance the whole ecosystem of souls. Why did they disappear and what is Luna hiding? The clues are so little and tiny that I can’t even find it all.

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