《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 39 uncomfortable situation


Luna POV (Heroes Era)

My eyes were never the same after the past goddess of death. Lin is a former demon also like the current Lydia. She’s a devil demon, though never explained they’re more powerful than normal gods or goddesses. They can’t use divine powers or magic. They eat either soul or drink blood. It’s worst for the latter if they’re thirst gets too much they massacre a whole modern city into a blood rain and drink all that. Not exactly the best of things. Lin is the former one where she eats souls but after she became a goddess she stopped altogether.

It actually pains me when she does. Because I know for a fact she’s actually looking for her own death. A former demon seeking her death isn’t something I should be proud of. She’s my best friend in this current era, yet I could do nothing for her. They sealed her when I was busy handling Lydia’s mother’s issues. Which was a few centuries back before Lydia was born. Everyone angered me with their actions. I actually slaughtered my way into the gods’ palace. 2000 gods died in my hands those pathetic losers. When was the last time I was angered by them. I had forgotten about before too.

Yet I spared them too much seems I have to show some more power to those fools. I wonder when someone will regret when I respond to them the fullest with my weapons. Actually I care so little for followers. I shall massacre my way if I have to. A goddess should never abuse her power but if she can’t even defend her friends and loved ones what’s the use of powers. Since no one takes me seriously I showcase it all for those fools to see and the rest of the world here to see.

Lydia POV

I crawled up from the ground as I held the tanto in my left hand. Why does this soulbound weapon not seem bound at all. This confuses even me, since it’s impossible to use without being bound first. So how did Luna manage it when she was fighting me. A goddess whom can use an unbound soulbound weapon seems strange in itself. A goddess who hates the gods themselves is what she said of herself. Yet does it mean she hates herself too, I am confused by her words.

3rd POV

Luna carried the unconscious body of Lydia after she fell asleep in the training room. Her jade white skin shines in the sunlight as she carries Lydia to Lilith herself. She had no choice since this was her 4th backup plan. She hated associating with her but she had no choice because the gods had planted a spy close to her. So for her next plan she needed the succubus and the little girl’s help. The plan was simple get Lilith to deliver the young girl into the room where the seal of Lin the goddess of death was sealed. Rather she had many other plans before this but this one was the one she disliked because Lilith wanted something in exchange all the time. Luna teleported herself to Lilith’s bedroom.

“Hello Luna, what brings you here. Oh wait let me guess, it’s for the current goddess of death. Why I love your loyalty to friends.” (Lilith)

The dark room showed her sinister dark smile as she came near the candles. There’s never been a day she doesn’t love having the most powerful goddess in her debt. Actually, she loved it when it comes to making the sadistic information loving goddess in debt to her. Yet she knew that Luna is one who would probably be able to kill her easily without caring about consequences. This type of person is dangerous even for her. So she must tread her words carefully. Yet her long braided dark purple hair only made her eyes show a cold light.


Luna frowned at her calculating look on her face. This person was not so friendly to others and yet Luna can see her true appearance instead of her illusions she showed others. Lilith looked like a 20 year old lady but she was the oldest demon around. Hence her name the progenitor of demons, name this person was nowhere near normal for her. She can see why the demons never went extinct with such a scheming mind behind them.

When she noticed Luna’s cold gaze she felt as if she was inside a ice field in a cave. She couldn’t help but squirm with unease in her bed in her gothic lingerie. It was not that she wanted to seduce Luna, it was that this was her sleepwares at night. But her wearing such thing tonight really made her uneasy even if she’s been through this in many alternate timelines. This visit always does, Luna’s actions would not always be the same.

“So, my dear friend is this child a part of our mission.” (Lilith)

The prided succubus bite her tongue after saying mission, she so much wanted to say deal. Luna who read her mind rolled her eyes as she put Lydia onto the bed. She wasn’t short tempered but hated to be associated with a person who only wanted gains in exchange.

“I want you take her to the goddess’s seal and watch her until she breaks the seal. It matters not how long. Just stay out of sight and make sure no trouble comes to her.” (Luna)

Hearing her words Lilith wanted to curse her own self. Why the hell did she (Luna) pick the worst situation ever for her (Lilith). Which part of her wanted to fight against gods and goddesses for going to their turf. The other alternate timelines of Luna was nicer than this version. Isn’t this a full front confrontation with them. Whereas the other ones she would allow me to escape at least. This is a death game where sure I can revive but the pain would still hurt. Plus it’s a suicide mission, she wanted to cry but there was no tears coming from her.

Lilith lay there with her pitiful face on the bed on the verge of tears. Luna rolled her eyes at the succubus, this was called eating your own medicine. Who told her to only want to do things that she would gain something from and not lose at all. Did she think that Luna was a soft persimmon. If she wanted to full anyone she should go elsewhere if she wanted Luna to be soft to her. Instead she saw Luna leak a killing intent at her causing her to shut up. This goddess is not just eccentric she’s unreasonable. Yet she seemed stunned at the next words.

“Next time don’t use glamor or illusions on others. Even if you do look sinister yet are a mature beauty trying to make yourself look beautiful only doesn’t always help. It annoys me more. I can’t say the same for those you seduce but try to be yourself instead of a fake all the time.” (Luna)

After the goddess left, Lilith twitched a nervous smile. The goddess actually told her off about her looks. Who would like a mature yet sinister face like her. At most she could scare quite a few people off with her evil looks instead of seducing them. Her eyes went to Lydia who was sleeping, then she sighed. This goddess really made her life hard. She hides her hair color and eyes often since she didn’t want others mistaking her. Her purple hair would remind many of the ancient dragon’s lineage. Where as her golden eyes would remind many of the lost race the Destruction Phoenixes.


She had to hide these two due to complex circumstances. The first being that the dragon’s would worship her as if she’s a god.As for the latter one it was due to the Destruction Phoenixes, complaints and almost causing a complete extinction of a race who was a manifestation of worlds. Which was known as the 3rd lower world out of the 5 worlds, the upper world the realms being where they live in. Yet she wasn’t stupid enough to not hide her appearance from these taboo like monsters who could change to any race that lives in their worlds.

Plus any emotion damage done to them influences their worlds inside them. Thus the Destruction Phoenixes wanted to create rights for all other races not just to sit there and die even if they’re inside those other being’s worlds. Which brings her to her trouble of looking a bit similar would earn their wrath. She wasn’t stupid either, sure they can see her race on status but it won’t help with her golden eyes that shined brightly.

Actually she’s not surprised since this isn’t the first time Luna lashed out at her. But she really pitied the number of victims who unsealed the goddess they’d usually alarm the other gods fast. The only reason she even saw Luna’s race is because Luna’s visit here to get her friend out of her seal in so many timelines in the same era. Actually her victims were able to get the goddess out but they always died due to the alarm. An alarm to the gods and goddesses who sealed the goddess there. Demons would have more time to unseal the goddess but end up with the victims dying.

‘Even if I can revive from dying by them I need to get rid of this timebomb on my hand.’ (Lilith)

Her eyes went to the clear blue class like memory crystal. This was something she find from those crystal near a forest. Memory crystals to them project true historical events in holograms of that past events. But she knew the one in her hand was a timebomb for her. For this one made her question Luna’s age as well as knowing what happened to that race and the Destruction Phoenix. The very era before Yu Mei combined worlds to become what they know as the realms. Lilith knew the fact that the Destruction Phoenixes were a soul race so was their descendants the Phoenixes but they were a degraded version of what they used to be. If she was found having looks similar to them it would mean trouble for her. Lilith sighed at the work Luna had given her. She knew this companion of her’s, Luna would work her hard to the ground if she could.

Lilith used a teleportation spell and place the girl in the sealed room where the goddess of death sleeps. She quietly retreated into the shadows. The one thing she’s glad for is the status screen that says her race but she isn’t stupid to risk it. Phoenixes are a soul race so those higher beings that they’d pissed off probably can’t be reasoned with. Yet here she was abandoning yet another of her descendant to Luna’s whim. It didn’t sit well with her but she knew she had to do the job of watching over this one.

She sighed as she felt guilt-ridden by doing this to the young girl. The young demon wasn't even 10 years old. This really could've hurt her reputation if found out. But she knew she couldn't win against Luna. She’d probably lose that fight before it began. Yet she never could understand Luna’s reasoning for doing things these days. What was wrong with the information loving goddess now? She wasn't acting like her typical self. In fact, in this specific time period, she seemed off than her usual self. Yet this action of saving the goddess of death was within her personality.

Lydia POV

I woke up confused but when I saw the sealed palace in front of me. It scared me shitless. Yes I remembered my damn history classes from mother of this cursed place. This was the place that started the gods downfall. The previous goddess of death was sealed here. I turned behind me to look at the damn barrier preventing me from leaving this place. Which made me curse under my breath. Yet the only reason I could curse is that Luna was the cause of this.

She was the last one I was with, when I was asleep. Curses, eccentric goddess is not on the list I want to piss off. Plus this is a damn baby body at the moment. Whom in their damn right mind tosses a baby into the sealed cursed palace. This place became cursed because Luna’s friend the previous goddess of death before Kana was sealed up in. Her damn wrath is scary as hell left loose. Even worst than that is that Luna is a loose cannon without any damn breaks thus the gods graveyard became a time zone that’s so dangerous for everybody.

Me being here can only mean one thing. It clicked in my mind which scares me, I can’t get out. My only pathway is the sealed goddess, plus even if I did I’d alert other gods and goddesses of me being here. I swear if I could do curses to Luna I would. Which I know is impossible for the current me as a demon. Even if I could in my timeline it’d probably just bounce off. Yes I remember all facts from Solomon, all curses and spells from his enemies bounced off her like crazy.

Once again I was brought back to reality due to my situation. My eyes went to the sealed temple I’m inside of. I hate this type of barrier the most. Inside you can go but certain races get stuck due to circumstances and to undo it is by finishing trials. Or the ANNOYING way unseal the person or items stored inside. Oh how I hate my situation so much. Which babysitter throws a baby years old or almost kiddy age here. I swear Luna is insane for doing this. Forcing responsibilities onto a baby who’s not even able to say no.

Luna’s fatal flaw is her friendship which was used by the other gods. I also this era. It’s always known as the gods downfall. We have proof of it in my era as Ling Yue. The gods graveyard where the timeline was unstable in the war zone of the gods. All of them against one Luna. The reign of Luna is this era of heroes, but it ended early because the gods rebelled because they feared the oldest goddess, Luna herself.

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