《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 38 a life lesson and Luna’s troubles


Lydia POV

First ever lesson by Luna never trust Luna in a fight. She fights dirty and never fights fair. That person was being weird when I was eating, she was staring at me with an expressionless face. Who in the right mind wouldn’t flinch. She’s more than millions of years old. Who wouldn’t get nervous if such a person whom you have no idea what she’s thinking because she’s an eccentric goddess. That’s what we call her also. Due to her being so old, yet we don’t know what era Luna came from. But then again her age is questionable. No one knows her exact age. An unpredictable old lady.

“I don’t like the look you’re giving me.” (Luna)

“Says the lady who threw me into the training room after breakfast and had me fight until dinner was almost over.” (Lydia)

“Did you say something.” (Luna)

“None complaints whatsoever.” (Lydia)

“No worries I’ll make you into a natural genius like myself in no time.” (Luna)

Why the hell does that sound so ominous from you. I can’t be like you nor can be like that monstrous Abyssal Queen who’s wanted dead by all people. Who can create a technique, skill or arte and instantly master it in seconds. Arte has three categories inborn artes are those born with them similar to skills that can be daily uses, the second type of Arte is created artes made by people, the third type is forbidden Arte which can kill most people. But very rarely in each era 5 people out of trillions or billions of people can do so easily.

If she wants me to be like her it’s impossible unless ingrained deeply into the bones. Whom in their right mind wants Luna’s common sense when it comes to skills and techniques. A natural born genius would cry if they knew her. Yes she’d take what they learn in years in a few months time or 3 months to reach master level on the skills and abilities. Simply put comparing her with a genius and a normal person would make them cry. I don’t want to be beaten black and blue by this person who lacks even more common sense than a normal human.

Luna dragged me back into the training room which made me flinch. She’s kidding right, I just finished eating she can’t be thinking of forcing me to fight her again. Really no one knows this lady’s thoughts or mood swings. Much less her actions that she does daily. As for her information loving thing, not my thing it annoys me. Whom in their right mind would want that in the world. I can do that easily with my ability to take over people but I don’t abuse it. Sure I turn in corrupt officials every once in a while but only those who deserves it.

Not that it’ll help the current me when this person can block my abilities and skills easily. I mean the only person I can’t freaking possess is this goddess who’s been older than the Greek gods and other gods themselves. She’s been around for centuries before them too considering that this heroes era was also an era before the Greek gods are born. It’s a pain but that’s Luna for you. Exactly she’s a mystery for me and pretty much everyone else. A mysterious goddess who existed since before this age known as the fall of the gods.

“You should know that I can kinda read minds of those lower level than mine.” (Luna)

I’m betting that very level she has is higher than pretty much everyone due to her unknown age.


“That’s rude kiddo, never ask a lady for her age.” (Luna)

As if I’d as an 18 year old looking lady who can be centuries old and still looking in her mid 20s if she chooses to.

“How rude I can perfectly pick my age too. Did you know a goddess can pick her age once she hits 18 years old in look.” (Luna)

Hell don’t remind me I still look around a legal loli though I’m 1000 something.

“Well here you’re not transmigrator.” (Luna)

Damn forgot she knows that too but at least I’m helping my ancestor right. She can’t complain there. While I was distracted she pulled out a tanto and wakizashi. I blinked confused at her current choice of weapons.

“Thus here is my main weapons. They’ve been with me for as long as I can remember even if I had forgotten whom gifted them to me. It wasn’t until I got that letter that answers started making sense.” (Luna)

“As if you’re a damn cheat within all the realm itself, your level is probably the highest since your older than the current gods and goddesses.” (Lydia)

“Did I say my age should be mentioned.” (Luna)

I zipped my mouth as she slashed at where I was standing prior. Damn me being in Lydia’s body does me no good. I’d prefer my body where I was trained as a former assassin by my messed up father. Oh screw it, it’s the only thing he did right. It’s great news I have a sixth sense for ranger but not so much when it’s Luna as my opponent. Before I knew it I was on the floor again.

“Right, do pay attention to your feet.” (Luna)

She tripped me, this damn cheat whom’s status screen is broken attacked me with her high dex and agility. How do I know her freaking level is high all I see is a lot of damn question marks on there. All I know is it’s higher than the million range which should be impossible.

“Questioning me won’t help you learn combat. Which reminds me I’m rushing you do to your clan elders chasing down your aunt, your mom’s younger sister and her baby. Meaning your cousin is in trouble, I know your soul transmigrated here due to a forbidden time spell as a side effect. But your body maybe around 3 or 4 years old, but I need to rush you since the situation changed.” (Luna)

Don’t pin your hopes on a damn baby who barely knows this dangerous era of heroes you foolish goddess. Which part of me wants to deal with crazy old foggies from the old family of the Azual family. We call them old because their as old as ghosts in age. Meaning forbidden artes or something dark along those lines to prolong their lives. Plus only Luna has a level with so many question marks I’m not even surprised anymore. I’m pretty sure she passed the billion range judging from the number of question marks. Which couldn’t surprise me if that’s why she can read minds.

“It’s not, I’m a autopassive telepathy.” (Luna)

Cheat. Luna you’re entirely a broken cheat for a goddess. Even your damn race aside from goddess being there is question mark. I see it as this ?????/goddess for her race. Who the hell has that kinda race and she looks human.

“I’m sorry but all you can say is I’m an evolved race due to some unquestionable reasons. And I’m three times evolved so I’m pretty sure my race is the only one out there.” (Luna)


Hearing her words it seems she’s avoiding the question of her race all together. But evolving three times is impossible. I mean sure some humans have like a level cap due to the strain of their body not being able to take on more levels than that. So they themselves have to break that strain by changing their race. Yet it’s unheard of a goddess whom had her race changed to environment or circumstances outside of the field of knowledge. She’s a broken character in itself if so.

“Well I wasn’t even aware until I got that letter and did some tracing of my own of history itself in this world and many more.” (Luna)

Oh now she brings up our messed up logic of laws due to the realms having multiple worlds all linked such causing different time eras to coexisting without the others knowing or conflicting. Only like 20% accidentally get involved by being able to go the grassland we know as monster area that connects everything. Yet most are unlucky to slave traders laying in wait for them. The others die due to monsters or if they’re lucky they barely survive it.

My eyes went wide when she attacked me again without warning, then again in fights no one warns you when attacking. I kicked myself off from the ground and charged at Luna. Her green blue hair was just out of my grasp by a few inches. Damn she knew when to dodge narrowly and still look graceful yet elegant. If someone wanted to pull off her looks it’d be utter chaos. I mean whom in their damn right mind would want to fight a passive telepath mind reader. I for one if I had the choice would deny it. But judging from the age of my current body I don’t think I’ll be able to escape this monstrous goddess who’s eccentric.

“That’s rude I’m not monstrous I’m a kind goddess.” (Luna)

Says the lady beating down a toddler in front of her. Even if this isn’t my real body it still counts you idiot. Actually don’t answer that one, the one in my timeline is a weirdo in itself. Plus I can’t even question her personality yet since the gods and goddesses war didn’t happen yet. This is the damn era of the gods graveyard. The flow of time is messed up there, historical facts never did say why. I felt a chill run through my body as I felt her gleam.

No, shit this is the information loving eccentric moon goddess. She’s like an informant sadist. She is more informed than a god or goddess in charge of information. If Athena is the goddess of wisdom, she can never be number 1 on information compared to Luna. Fact, Luna is older than her and then newer gods. She’s been through 8 generations of gods prior to my era where I was born. Plus there’s some myths she’s born before the realms was created by Yu Mei combining the worlds and recreating some worlds. If the race is anything like the ranking Yu Mei and Luna is out of that ranking itself they don’t follow the damn rules. Of course alongside the abyssals who eats all other races even soul eaters.

“How rude I’m not a monster like those abyssals, I have a sense of proportion. Plus I don’t eat other races.” (Luna)

Oh how I hate the world and the rest of you for making it harder on me. I mean, what the hell, I manage the underworld even I want breaks sometimes. For example I have to manage those criminals that are wanted badly that died or slave traders that get murdered (massacred) by self righteous idiots. Whom in their right mind wants to manage insane patients, psychopaths, corrupt idiots, clueless idiots who doesn’t know they died or idiots who think they’re invincible. I held my head in a sigh as Luna stared at me for a while.

Actually I swear the goddess should be called the goddess of mischief instead she attacked me with the blunt end when I was distracted. I rubbed my chest where she hit where my heart should be. Well most demons don’t have a heartbeat but me being a half goddess means I have one. Which makes it not funny. My eyes lowered into a glare as she grinned back at me, a cold smile. This person is abnormal and annoying in ways, she’s also a sadist at heart when it comes to information.

The most she does is give you information off a few kilometers in the opposite direction to throw you off and watch as you’re confused by the fact. Artifacts, people, weapons, lost items, ruins, and any information she has it all. But I didn’t get up from the ground again, I knew my mistake since I know Lydia doesn’t have a heart due being a full demon.

“If this was a real battle you’d be dead from that hit if it was my sharp end.” (Luna)

Right how can I forget she uses soul weapons. Soul weapons are weapons that blacksmith makes from lost souls into weapons. Lost souls are souls whom forgotten their past and wonder in the world still. They, soul weapons and artifacts have a human form as well as a weapon or artifact form. Meaning there’s also sickos who abuse them in their human form to wield their weapons. Which I want to kill those bastards, abusing such a kind of souls leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If humans found out they’d at most get annoyed, I mean lost souls can be past lovers, friends or enemies of anyone. Why the hell does idiots abuse them.

“Right which reminds me, Luna what’s your soul weapon’s ability.” (Lydia)

“Oh, it’s time reversal and fast forward.” (Luna)

I nearly forgot where I was when I heard that, it would explain the gods graveyard. Then again Luna has an archive of soul weapons, artifacts, artes, tomes, forbidden artes, graded weapons (common, uncommon, rare, etc.), immortal killing weapons, high technology from fallen civilisations, skill books long lost, and the list goes on. She’s a collector as well as an information loving maniac.

“For your information this weapon is very important to me so I don’t exactly wave this wakizashi.” (Luna)

Hearing her get so sentimental means she doesn’t want to lose her weapon. That might be why there’s no mention of it in the gods’ graveyard or after that. She rarely uses her wakizashi often even if it’s her main weapon. But her battle styles always changes, she uses any known weapon almost like a war god incarnate. Actually she’s so old that I’m pretty sure she’s more powerful than one. The gods era was during the heroes rising era. This era where Luna ruled during her peak, heck she’s still in her peak in my time.

But I’m sure she’s more powerful than most. Just that she doesn’t wish to rule anymore. Actually most die when their era ends. Her she just withdrew and stop caring I wonder why.

“Say do you know the goddesses of death before Kana were all abused by the gods and goddesses before now. They misuse their powers to test the goddesses and their predecessors limits as well as their loyalty to the gods themselves. The goddesses of death before and after are never remembered by the living such there is no faith or followers to empower them. But that’s a good thing, for they will never fade when forgotten by those followers who gather faith for them. Even if it leaves them the weakest amongst the gods their also lucky yet unlucky.” (Luna)

Why, why do you look so bitter at me like that. When I don’t even know the current goddess of this timeline here. I only know Kana the kind goddess of death whom sides with the living but has no choice but to cause all kinds of deaths due to the messed up orders by others. Her kindness is a bane to her, that kind goddess who wants all to live well. She has no choice but to reap the souls even if she doesn’t wish to.

“Because you now reminds me of them.” (Luna)

She walked out of the training room leaving me on the floor with her tanto next to me. Why did she even leave that with me. This is a soulbound weapon not a soul weapon. I don’t get why she mentions me being similar to those goddesses of death and their predecessors. Then it dawned on me why she said those words that they’re pitiful yet lucky. Her words struck me even if she didn’t directly said it. They’re all similar to Kana whom values lives.

A past similar to my current personality who hates those who takes innocent lives. Plus Kana has to guide the innocent souls to heaven to be under gods and be abused by most of the unjust ones. Whom only care for their own survival. The evil souls goes to hell where a devil demon race manages and they do the work of fighting corrupt people alive in our current worlds. It’s worlds apart from their past selves. The only one whom tried to change that was Hera, Athena and Luna in my current one but the annoying thing is other gods goes by votes so it doesn’t matter.

Am I so naive of this harsh world that we live in the realms here. Why does Luna give me such a cold look before she left. What does she mean by those words. Does she want me to fix my personality of being able to sympathise with most of the unfortunate souls. I know she’s outside the door also but she left me in confusion at her actions. Is she trying to give me a life lesson on life itself.

Luna POV (Heroes era)

I stared at the wall as I sat down, why does the girl remind me so much of my old friend of the previous goddess of death Diana Ember. A former human who the gods put into her position for amusement. She rebelled every time against their orders. She despised taking lives yet her body would not listen even when it was down to the last second when it came to the order. The sick gods used authority on her for that. Though when it came to guiding souls she was special for she could take the innocent souls to work where their supposed to instead of dying in vain under some god’s sick selfish wish.

Her end never sat well with me even if I was more powerful than most gods and goddesses. I couldn’t overpower 8000 gods and goddesses at once. They executed her in front of me no matter what I did. My wakizashi didn’t help even if I rewound that short time. She always died in that situation. My anger towards the gods had reacted the max now. Anger for Ulira the current god of sky. He and many other gods now have been trying plan to kill me for so long now. That transmigrated soul might be my luck for once, I can send her to help the current goddess of death. Those sick bastards realised that I now had more authority over her so they sealed her.

That why they and no one in this current era would die. Yet they used a replacement for her current job for minor ones. Such as Lydia’s father. It angers me when I think of Lin in their hands. She is sealed at the canyons of Heidoral. That transmigrated soul through spell called it gods graveyard though, which is interesting. Yet I can’t even step in there in the current situation. There’s a damn barrier that prohibits me from doing so. But not demons, yet I don’t want to work with Lilith for this. That damn succubus who exists on all timelines as her same personality is annoying.

As sister warned me in the letter I should be careful also. Any promises we make we have to do or the consequences would be devastating. Her actions saddens me after finding out why I love collecting information so much now. I never realised it’s due to her being erased from my memories as a forgotten goddess that caused my innocent 9 year old looking me to change so much in one day. Sure I remember playing with someone for thousands of years before Yu Mei combined the worlds but, like it’s a blank when it comes to her looks.

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