《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 37 Hitomi’s missing relatives and live lessons from Luna


Usalra home

Hitomi POV

I sat on my futon then sighed to myself as I stared at the sky. I had to at least wake up the maids to put Ling Yue to sleep in another room. The twin moons remind me of they myth I once heard of but even I’m not sure if it’s true. The myth mentions Luna and her having a twin before they were goddesses to only have the other girl vanish into thin air because there can’t be two goddesses of the moon. This story is actually very sad with many different versions.

Yet I for one don’t believe it because there has always been only one goddess of the moon for as longest we can remember. As for why I’m always reminded of this myth when I look at the moon alone. It’s because the deep sadness that the story tells.

“Does the moon truly have a twin? If so why is there no evidence left. And what brought it all to an end.” (Hitomi)

“Mistress here’s some snack for the night.”

“Thanks Yil.” (Hitomi)

“It’s my honour for you to remember me.” (Yil)

“I prefer your real name but sister won’t allow it so she forced me until I called you Yil. Which refers to the number 2. Actually I don’t understand why she does that until it became a habit. You yourself have a pretty name too so I don’t understand why sister picks on you.” (Hitomi)

“Youngest mistress, there’s no need for you to be concerned over trivia matters.” (Yil)

“Sister Kana is also missing.”

“You needn’t worry they’d always come back here.” (Yil)

“Yil hows our guest.” (Hitomi)

“Sleeping so you need to sleep yourself.” (Yil)

“There’s no need I couldn’t sleep even if I wanted to. The night is long. Right I asked you before what did you think of the myth of Luna.” (Hitomi)


“Um…….. youngest miss, this….. isn’t this a taboo topic for even us.” (Yil)

“I don’t know something tells me the story doesn’t add up. How does a goddess vanish. Plus everyone knows Luna was born a goddess so if she truly had a sister why is there no words of it.” (Hitomi)

“Miss look here I brought you some other books.” (Yil)

I stared at her then at the books she brought me from the library. Instead I sighed at her for not reading the mood but avoiding it instead.

“Damnation of the hell circle. Really you bring this one to me. I read of the mystery of that one already the higher the circle after the 1st circle to the rest the harsher the environment. The second book you brought me is the Diary of Setsuna. Who’s that about.” (Hitomi)

“Ah? Didn’t you know this one is of your ancestor’s younger sister. Until she disappeared before being sealed. Many rumors were brought up but this book is the real deal because it’s the Phoenixes who found it on the battlefield of gods and devil.” (Yil)

Once I heard her words I remembered Ling Yue’s words of how much my tea tasted similar to and old friend related to my bloodline. Because she herself said she was older than them. That means she’s almost the same age as Arisa.

Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

I woke up annoyed to see Luna’s face in front of me. With an grin on her face as she looks down on me. From the memories I just got she had dragged me here first thing in the morning and tried forcefully teaching Lydia how to do hand to hand combat. Or unarmed combat for short. This person is tossing a 4 year old as she pleases.

“That thought is disturbing coming from you.” (Luna)


“How was I supposed to know I’d wake up here.” (Lydia)

“Again come at me with all your strength.” (Luna)

“Oh come on I’m what a few years old. Luna I’m a child, I can’t even flip you over.” (Lydia)

“That’s an excuse. It’s not a matter of age. It’s a matter of skill levels and understanding of the skills. I’m trying to teach you hand to hand combat.” (Luna)

“I don’t want to hear that from you who can make a genius cry due to your skills. You can master a skill in a few months by creating it. And it’d take a normal genius years to get there. I don’t want to hear that from a monster like you.” (Lydia)

Actually it’d hurt my pride if she continued that talk. I charged the blue green haired beauty in the middle of the training room. To which she responded by tripping me so easily. How the heck does she even move in that purple gown dress so easily.

“Come at me again.” (Luna)

“I’m not freaking flexible nor is hand to hand combat my forte.” (Lydia)

“Then get used to the feelings and make use of getting your body used to reflexes. Your opponents won’t fight fair.” (Luna)

Oh come on this is so damn unfair. She’s not even giving me a chance at going at her. I tried to punch her but she side stepped me so easily and jabbed an elbow into my side. Which made me stagger then she kicked me in the gut. I coughed spit out as a response as tried to get my bearings.

“I’m only doing this to speed things up for you. The old geezers is pressuring your mother. So you have to grow faster.” (Luna)

Then why the hell don’t you tone down this fighting lesson.

“You also don’t know how to control your own strength as a devil demon race. Which reminds me is that damn tail of yours just for looks.” (Luna)

“Damn it I don’t even have my third eye opened, how am I supposed to fight you with you overpowering me.” (Lydia)

“Power and ability isn’t everything. It all comes down to experience and skills.” (Luna)

Instead I stand up and charged her with my full body then tried to duck down at her leg. Her response to me was an chop to my head which stung like a bastard sword hitting me at the blunt back side instead of the two sharp sides. It wasn’t funny it forcefully made me sit down. But the embarrassment wasn’t even that it was my stomach growling so loud.

“I guess someone wants her breakfast.” (Luna)

Her stiff laugh told me she was forcing herself to look happy. Luna just stared at me with her cold golden eyes. The moon twin moons were like her hair color for most. It’s either green. Or for the gods and goddess blue in color. Yet why does she seem so sad right now. She didn’t talk much as she took me to the cafeteria for food. Instead it looked so stiff in here considering how everyone is avoiding her like how a waterfall pathway is. It’s awkward as heck to sit here in silence.

“Just so you know even an adult won’t fight fair with a child.” (Luna)

I choked on my juice I was drinking at her poor excuse. If I didn’t know her better I’d say she was giving me a lesson. But no, she’s the type to go all out no matter who it is.

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