《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 36 changes (3 in 1)


Ling Yue POV

Hitomi wasn’t exactly making an enemy of me. In fact she’s probably wary due to my crazy father. If that man even counts as a father, I mean what kind of father sends assassins, bounty hunters, and rapists to your own daughter. This actually angers me each time I remember that he does this. In what time period would they send someone to kill the legitimate first born daughter while they let the illegal son run rampant.

Thinking of his actions makes me more angry but Hitomi was right I was transported out to her house in a wheelchair. Which doesn’t look good since I was injured in her house a few days prior to this. Her leg was not moving as she wanted nor was it healing at the rate it should’ve. Which made her frown, what was the move that the other did to make her healing abilities slow down so much.

“Even if you did want to go back you at least need to rest until your wounds are healed.” (Hitomi)

I didn’t argue back, I at least knew this much this girl in front of me is currently neutral. Yet she’s only cautious because my family was in the wrong.

“Do you know you and Setsuna who was Hina and Hima’s sister has the same vibe.” (Ling Yue)

“How is it that you knew my ancestors.” (Hitomi)

“I told you I’m older than those three. I’m the generation before them, plus I only got to know Hima the fallen when she was a demon already, Setsuna was still a human at the time.”

“Wait that means you were born in the same generation as the 1st phoenix empress.” (Hitomi)

“Hah? She’s my childhood friend’s best friend. What do you think.” (Ling Yue)

“Really you should just stick to being quiet until your potion status wears off.” (Hitomi)

“I do have one of your sister in my palace but I’m still analysing the seal that sealed her to a pillar and the the stupid weapon that idiot tossed at her.” (Ling Yue)

“That would explain the part of why she went to a forgotten goddess’s temple.” (Hitomi)

“As for your mother, she’s injured and inside the barrier.” (Ling Yue)

Hearing this Hitomi couldn’t help but curse in the angel’s tongue. I stared in awe at how much language she used for it. It went somewhere along the lines of which idiotic monster, wants to challenge the Usalra family. How dare they harm the family who keeps the peace in most worlds. Which mountains do they dare not cross (do they not know the limits of the boundaries we had to set for their worthless lives) for even the gods can’t forgive it. The rivers don’t run without a current (what old monster dares to stir this behemoth family of ours). I want to see which bitch or bastard comes knocking on our own doors.

Her cursing goes on but yes she isn’t wrong when she says her family is keeping the peace to a minimum. Most gods and goddesses cares more of their self. Or their life lines, if they’re is rumours or they sense even a damn threat in a city. They will send angel or angels to level the whole city. Not sparing one. The Usalra family is the middle men who’s keeping this from happening in most worlds. Rather they make a deal and the god or goddess will only send the angel to check and get rid of the threat, if it is malicious. If it isn’t then they will step in themselves to prevent that innocent soul from getting killed for a crime they’d do in the future.


The Usalra direction descendants has two direct lines under Hina. Aside from her name mother of all angels. These two lines are from her arranged marriage and the other is her demon lover. The other one took her lover’s family name. As for the arranged marriage is was made by the god ruling the heaven she was under. There are so many so called heavens under gods and goddesses it’s a nuisance to remember all of it.

“You just thought about it.” (Hitomi)

“It’s not my fault you yourself brought up the topic.”

“But from your looks it’s easy to tell that you thought of it didn’t you. About my family lineage from her.” (Hitomi)

“Hina was a baby farm for her god. Since he was mostly out of angels and Setsuna didn’t want to get involved with the war. Yet it didn’t excuse him for using her to make the 2nd and 3rd gen through her.” (Ling Yue)

“If you knew why didn’t you stop it.” (Hitomi)

“Hah? You’re stupid or what. I was being tossed aside by my cruel father. At that time I was thrown in with his secret security guards that he tossed the kids in to kill each other for survival. And you want me in this balance. Even if I did have a sort of say or ability to it’s probably during the heroes era. Or also known as the gods era. Where Luna herself ruled.” (Ling Yue)

“I’m not stupid but why are you being so specific and sure.” (Hitomi)

“Because I’m sure….. plus I still want to know what happened back then to my teacher who’s a 0 generation angel.” (Ling Yue)

“You mean a 0 generation as in those created by the disgusting gods and goddesses.” (Hitomi)

“Don’t factor me in with them.” (Ling Yue)

“Right you dislike them due to your own grandmother.” (Hitomi)

“What of her? I haven’t even talked to her until the day before. Not to mention a lot can come chasing me in 1 day.” (Ling Yue)

“You’re rather unlucky.” (Hitomi)

“Don’t use your damn eyes to stare at me like that.” (Ling Yue)

“What’s wrong with stating the facts out loud.” (Hitomi)

“The way you made it sound is bad.” (Ling Yue)

“Your first love will forever be unrequited.” (Hitomi)

“Don’t look at my destiny on your own and say it as you please even if you do have the dragon’s eyesight.” (Ling Yue)

“What’s wrong stating a fact.” (Hitomi)

“I don’t care if it’s your soul lineage from Hina but the only one I’m ok with like that is Setsuna. And she’s not the type to pry a person’s future or talk trash to them of it.” (Ling Yue)

“Oh so you dislike interference. That’s an interesting thought, well I say to hell with it. You may have met me second but I won’t lose to my own sister.”

“What’s getting you so worked up I barely met you why are you so angry when you stare at me like that.” (Ling Yue)

“I can’t help it ok. You are similar to me are you not. Before this your heart condition didn’t allow it to show emotions. But we other races are no dolls. Yet I’m physically weaker than others.” (Hitomi)

“Damn it so you were aware of it.” (Ling Yue)

“Well it says it on your status screen your former condition. But damn you’re dense. Even if you’re on a truth serum how can you not understand what I’m trying to say.” (Hitomi)


“What do you even mean by trying to say that.” (Ling Yue)

“Wow you’re dense. I’ll only say it once and only declare it once again. If I say anything later it’s up to my own self and my emotions.” (Hitomi)

I stared at her and drew a blank at her declaration. I’m sorry I have zero understanding of her at all. Damn it what’s she supposed to mean.

Hitomi POV

I have such a headache from the double images from the premonition of the future of hers. But wow is she dense I confessed but in a vague way. Yet I’m also glad she doesn’t find out since it’s only my 2nd time I’ve seen her. My emotions seemed to be running crazily around but I find it odd to be here with my anger maxed at her shameless father. I didn’t think he’d push my sister Niana into such a arranged marriage to such a jerk of a playboy. One has zero limits.

Which part of me doesn’t want to rip that shameless family apart yet I’m stunned how cautious Ling Yue is in front of me. What the heck is that goddess Artemis thinking. When I heard her mention she was the one who sent Ling Yue here as a test. Alarms set off in my head if it was someone else. Before she could say anything else I knocked her out when she’s unaware. All because I can feel an heavy dark pressure I’m all to familiar with.

“Lilith.” (Hitomi)

I squeezed out those words in anger at the succubus who can exist as herself on all timelines as her current self. The mother of all demons or as they called it their originator.

“Oh hi dear. Let’s say you and I what of that contract we talked about. I help you and you do me a favor and get me together with one of your sisters.” (Lilith)

“I will not make a contract with someone worse than a devil. You also knew about my powerful soul before this that was why you came knocking.” (Hitomi)

“Guilty as charged but what do you say.” (Lilith)

“Was that why you approach me when I was 8 years old.” (Hitomi)

“No, no, no, no, no my dear lovely girl it’s because of Luna gave me a warning.” (Lilith)

This damn succubus would come once every three months to come irritate me. But it was odd how she was now coming daily at night. Something tells me she’s rushing it. And it has something to do with the events of Niana’s wedding in a few years from now. That much is sure that is why she’s here now.

“I won’t do the contract if you’re asking currently.” (Hitomi)

“Awww, but this once it’s a free win win situation for both you and me. I get you’re murderous sister on my side you get rebirth as many times as you want with all memories and abilities intact. Say isn’t this the greatest it’s also a healthy body.” (Lilith)

“You’re insane I won’t do it and none of my sisters are as insane as you’ve said.” (Hitomi)

“Are you sure.” (Lilith)

I dislike her smile as if I was being naive but I remember all the rumors and news about her from my family members and maids. None of them were good news at all. Rather my danger senses were going haywire when I saw her standing in front of me in her black dress and her wavy violet hair in front of me as if she knew something I didn’t.

“Also a certain someone asked for a favor eons ago. But you need not know her.”

Damn it her trick questions and mysterious talk always pisses me off somehow. Yet something tells me I have no clue of the person she talked of.

“After all why would someone from the past know of someone of the present time, hm, what do you think. Who is it? Does she knew the current you.” (Lilith)

I hate how she disappears now that she got me curious. Oh damn it all. She wants me to sell out a sister of mine but why the hell does the crazy lady visit me. Or rather how’d she find me after knowing about me before I was even born. Damn I nearly forgot she was that person who exists all timeline and is the most dangerous and crazy but not a threat to the timeline itself.

Who and how does she want something from me who’s not even 100 years old. This is driving me insane in more ways than one. I mean who wants someone who’s notoriously known by the whole world (all races except the modern humans living in their current era) as someone who’s lusty and murderous. She’s used as bed time nightmares by many except the demon race. She has no care for what they do. Yet she comes knocking when I least expect it. Her soothing, gentle and kind voice towards me makes me more frighten then anything. Why is that I have zero clue but something tells me this transaction shouldn’t be like this. It’s abnormal, my eyes can’t see through her either.

She scares me how she’s talking so sweetly. Her actions don’t make sense either. It’s also a first time she mentioned why she’s really here, someone from the past is concerned about me. Which confuses me more. Although her mentioning Luna is not a first. I stare at the sleeping Ling Yue then sigh. I’m not physically fit enough to carry her.

3rd person POV

Luna held her bottle of wine as she stared at the double moon as Athena glared at her. Rather she didn’t care for what Athena’s reincarnation was called because to her she needed someone to reminisce with. She sat on the balcony railing that Athena was staying at.

“I know you’re sad but seriously you need a better drinking buddy.”

“Says the one who downed 8 ful barrels I brought of wine. This is the one special bottle I kept.” (Luna)

“Who told you to bring the wine of the gods those are addicting.”

“Says the lady who chugged them happily when I only gave you one glass you went for the whole barrel.” (Luna)

“Then you took out the wine from the dragon kingdom.”

“As a wine connoisseur these two is the best from the top wines.” (Luna)

“The sweet yet the soft sour taste that leaves a bit of honey taste in your mouth that can’t help but leave you floating even though you’re still on land.”

“Ok you dummy, I’ll be leaving… I left some Devil’s wine at your desk. Remember too much at once is bad. Don’t poison yourself all in one go. The thing is ethereal but even I can’t stop if I drink 3 bottles. I only left 2 bottles. Remember only 2 cups for you no more no less in 2 days.” (Luna)

Instead she made a face at Luna as if to say why the heck are you giving that to me. I’m avoiding that because Theresa. Emiko frowned at Luna for she knew a decision made can’t be changed. But the next words by her former best friend had her choke on her drink.

“Right was it true Hera killed Zeus for getting married with Hermès descendant’s daughter and then she killed herself. I heard she stabbed Zeus to death crazily. As for her death she poisoned herself.” (Luna)

Hearing her words Emiko couldn’t help but have her mood ruined. This question was one she least expected. Since it’s been so long ago but she thought Luna forgot it.

“Mother Hera grieved for 180 days before that. Father excuse was he had gotten her (3rd party) pregnant at the time. Her anger at him after that reached new heights.” (Emiko)

“Oh who wouldn’t after being cheated on by him 1,990,999 times. She find out about this last one and exploded. Their twin daughters were the most confused were they not.” (Luna)

“You didn’t ask for it for so many centuries why do you bring up something so annoying now.” (Emiko)


“Is it true she doesn’t trust men as much as before due to him. But she’s still dating them but is super picky.” (Luna)

“If you knew why ask.” (Emiko)

Without any more words Emiko watched as Luna jumped off her balcony while laughing. Yet she couldn’t find herself angry with her on this one. She was in D city which was a province away from where her school was. But she found it odd Theresa not calling her for updates for tonight.


Blade sat on the throne eating happily as he stared at his father’s headless corpse without a care. He himself had killed the old man for dragging on the coronation but he was amused since it’d meant he’d have to get married to his supposedly fiancé.

“How naughty. You had really killed the poor boy.” (Lilith)

“Shut up.” (Blade)

“How sad didn’t you taunt that Lilith can’t do shit back to you. Well here I am before you am I not. How’s this for show.” (Lilith)

Blade sweated when he looked down and saw the netherworld no longer in chaos. Rather he was awed by how she perfectly resurrected his father’s corpse.

“Oh silly me it’s nothing more than a puppet corpse now but hey it works. How fun I get to play hidden ruler until your marriage.” (Lilith)

“Lilith.” (Blade)

He seethed her name out at how she was not even fazed at him. He was annoyed more than anyone how his words came back to bite him.

“Didn’t you say ‘I’m the greatest even Lilith has to bow down to me when I make my presence known if not she doesn’t even need to appear unless I say so.’ Who was the one who said so mightily at the party 5 nights ago.”

“I’m an Azual you have no rights to do this.” (Blade)

“Oh but dear I can. You yourself was the one who spread the rumors. I had to come since I dislike others hurting my reputation. I don’t really listen to orders from others. I make and do deals. Or I do promises if they fulfill my request on doing an outrageous thing.” (Lilith)

“Your deals and promises are due to your devil like personality for deals. No one is insane enough to do it at such high risks.” (Blade)

“One I’m fond of yes the little girl was a rare case in your ancestors. But the rest yes unlucky.” (Lilith)

“That’s because how insane you are. And what ancestry are you talking about there’s no one like that.” (Blade)

“Right the old foggies erased her name from the family tree due to being friends with a hero who took revenge for her father for their unjust ways. Reminds me of you and your father. Anyway not my problem now.” (Lilith)

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