《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 35 feelings


I was shocked by the sight before me of her eyes and how she seemed less friendly but not hostile than she should be. Instead her eyes are giving me that pitiful look as if she knows how hard my life has been for me so far.

“Your father is considered scum of society while your brother doesn’t know when to stop.” (Hitomi)

“Why are you saying this to me. What is it that you want from getting that information.” (Ling Yue)

“I’m not trying to get info out of you about them. It’s a shame you’re the only decent one in the Azual family bloodline currently.” (Hitomi)

“Yet why do you sound less friendly than before.” (Ling Yue)

“You’re family is the one who one sidedly pushed my love crazed sister into the pits.” (Hitomi)

“Hah? How is that my fault, my father wants me dead for years now if not the past few thousands of years now. And you’re blaming me for this marriage.” (Ling Yue)

“You didn’t have a say but he’s still your father is he not.”

“Hah? You want me to talk to that asshole about the engagement he made. I did try for the past year or so now. But did he listen to me no. He sent his men after me. Had my ex coworker hunt me down. That’s why I fell in your house. Oh not to forget he kidnapped the little kitten under my wing. So say would the bastard of father of mine listen to any crap I give him.” (Ling Yue)

“I guess not.” (Hitomi)

“He also caused my mother’s death indirectly but her death nonetheless.” (Ling Yue)

“I’m sorry for bringing up bad memories.”

“So that being said are you a friend, enemy or are you something else.” (Ling Yue)


“I see your on edge since I’m not treating you as friendly as when you fell down here. Well the situation is called for since my mother is missing and my sister disappeared.”

“Why are you looking at me like that, hey it wasn’t my fault your sister got injured by an insane guy. (the potion at work) Who knew that he’d attack her and seal her to part of the pillar. It was annoying to take her to my palace and slowly work with that thing sealing her. Plus I also have to deal with crazy grandmother putting me and aunty in the same room in a all girls school.” (Ling Yue)

“Stop right there. No more talking I think I have a clue as to what might’ve happened to you.” (Hitomi)

“You mean Artemis giving me something to a truth serum then that’s a yes. She’s also the one who sent me here since the whole school is sealed unless someone who was once inside steps back in. As for why the person is stalling for time I have zero clue.” (Ling Yue)

“Do me a favor and cover your own mouth for a while.” (Hitomi)

I know she meant no offense, she meant it as me shutting up so I won’t tell all my secrets myself to her and regret it later. Meaning she’s not an enemy so does she count as a friend or will she be something else later.

“Why are you giving me such a complicated look.”

“Artemis said she’d be sending me to my fated one to see my limits.”

Hearing these words Hitomi frowns as she looks down at herself then at me. Those eyes I’ve seen once before seems to have pity for me. Me who’s a half goddess who experienced much blood shed over the years.


“You never had an experience towards the opposite sex at all did you.”

“Well I did have a lot of attempted rape from my father’s end. Mostly his hires to kill me.” (Ling Yue)

“Stop this conversation right there.” (Hitomi)

Oh she has the look of don’t you have a sense of shame when you speak of that. But there’s that realization of me having drunken something similar to a truth potion. So I can understand why she doesn’t want to take advantage of me. Meaning she isn’t a friend nor is she a enemy. Yet she gives me that pitiful gaze as if it was my own fault for getting caught off guard.

“It’s not my fault we were sealed inside the girls school. Artemis also seemed normal before that too. Actually she’s the one who treated my wounds after I was hurt.” (Ling Yue)

“That doesn’t mean you’d trust what a stranger gives you.”

“Well she did help me and told me beforehand.”

“Are you really a goddess who’s older than me.”

“Yes I’m a half goddess and yea I’m older than you. Is there a problem with trusting someone who treated my wound.”

“Nope it’s just that you didn’t drop that naive side after all the centuries of your life is just amazing.” (Hitomi)

“That’s not being naive.” (Ling Yue)

“I can’t believe you’d trust someone like that.” (Hitomi)

“Hah? She’s an person who’s easily able to differentiate friends and foes.” (Ling Yue)

“Right since I’m you’re fated one if it was anyone else you’d probably end up dead.” (Hitomi)

“Then it would be my luck that it happened, does it not.” (Ling Yue)

“You sound as if you don’t care, then who’d get revenge for your dead mother.” (Hitomi)

“Dead can also still do damage even as a wandering soul.” (Ling Yue)

“Then you’d end up dead afterwards without being able to reincarnate for that choice.”

“It’s my own decision if I do what I want with my life.”

“An stupid death indeed plus the fates aren’t exactly allowing you to mess with your half brother’s destiny. Meaning you can’t kill the current him.” (Hitomi)

“Is that from what your eyes tells you or is that also from your information gathering.” (Ling Yue)

“It is from both Ling Yue.” (Hitomi)

“I don’t need you to lecture me on what I can do.” (Ling Yue)

“Yet you were sent here to test your resolve by another goddess. Is that in itself not a curse.” (Hitomi)

“I don’t need you to lecture me.” (Ling Yue)

“You’re also an injured person so where do you think you’re going.” (Hitomi)

“Back to the girls high school, my aunt is still in there.” (Ling Yue)

“Then what will you do about the other person who caused the mess.” (Hitomi)

“I’ll deal with it when I need to.” (Ling Yue)

“An injured half demon who’s healing is being stalled has no need to rush to her death.” (Hitomi)

“I don’t need to hear that from someone who just awakened her eyes.” (Ling Yue)

“That’s not truly why you’re angry at me. It’s because you feel helpless in your current state.”

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