《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 34 2nd meeting


Hitomi POV

“Sister.” (Hitomi)

Niana froze when she saw the glare Hitomi was making. That glare wasn’t as simple when it came from her sister. Actually thinking about it she knew it meant trouble. When her sister got into her serious mode.

“You’re to go to the ruin temples where Fiona last fell. Follow any trace of her. Aunt is the one who gave me this information. As for the decisions, it’s on me since mother is now missing.” (Hitomi) (trans: the current love sick you isn’t a help right now)

I glared at Niana which made her flinch since she got my message from my wording. I don’t usually talk in double meaning either. But she did notice me glaring back at her as if threatening her if you don’t go I will force myself to fly there myself. Niana froze in terror at my threat because she knows how weak I am physically. Shock comes to her as she notices I was being serious.

“Sister you aren’t seriously thinking of going to a ruined temple.”

“What do you think.”

“But you really can’t in your condition.”

“Considering that not all first loves are successful sister.”

“Hitomi why are you cursing at me like that.”

“Because your heads are in the clouds while you’re clueless about our family situation. Go look for clues about Fiona now. Or else I really will force myself there.”

Ling Yue POV

I’m so damn glad I have my created ability from both my parents bloodline. The ability or skill I’d call soul takeover which I can use in a split sec to take over more than 1 million people while still doing my own thing. While controlling them without them being aware while I can get all their memories, information and use it as a network for more info. If used wrongly a person can commit a murder and still be free of it. I don’t even do that though I turn the corrupt officials in themselves with their evidences.


Seems this ability of mine can work around it but I can’t do much since I have zero info on which city that former goddess of wisdom went to. Meaning I’m at another dead end.

“Why are you back out here in the courtyard behind the school.” (Artemis)

“My aunt and her rival broke the bunk bed on the left side of the room. Along with the only blankets and pillows we had in the room.”

“I don’t often see one such as yourself around so often.” (Artemis)

I’m stunned she means a half goddess but a goddess nonetheless. It’s not often there’s a half goddess like me so much. Take the twins of Hera and Zeus as examples. Ava and Eva one is level headed like their mother and the other is like a playboy but with a girl’s body. But that smile on Artemis I didn’t like it one bit, something tells me I was too late for that personality change potion.

“I do have a special stored away potion and a very useful artifact. Which teleports you to your fated person.”

I’m in a wheelchair and yet this tone of voice of hers sounds so ominous as if she’s planning something. Like a drunk person ready to throw you in with his buddy who’s been drugged. Yet I have a feeling it’s gonna be me in that situation if I don’t roll myself away in the wheelchair. But knowing this is the huntress goddess my guess is she wants revenge for giving her the baby and putting her in this mess.

“Fine I’ll drink your potion.” (Ling Yue)

“It’s not a love potion in the first place, it’s different kind. They called it the 9 poisonous potion. It’s not really poisonous it just brings out all your emotions for 3 days and makes you more honest. I’m sending you to your fated person, like the phoenixes we too as gods and goddesses can consider this a curse of our own. They can be our lovers, friends or enemies. This itself is a test of your resolve.” (Artemis)


Wait she just broke the scroll to teleport me out but how did she realize that artifacts like those could still be used. Unless she realized that it was something cultivators can easily use to escape like a talisman. But how does Artemis who’s the goddess of hunt notice this when others haven’t. Also seriously she gave me a truth serum and sent me on my way. How is that even a good thing.

Instead I’m shocked to see I’m back in Hitomi their house but instead I’m in her room. Which stunned me now. How is this possible that she’s my fated person. Don’t tell me she’s an enemy, if being honest right now kills me later on I’m screwed.

“Hello Ling Yue, I had to look into your family background due to my sister’s engagement. By the way you just missed her.” (Hitomi)

“Who are you really, why would Artemis send me here.” (Ling Yue)

“I don’t know her if you’re asking or why you’re here. But I can see you’re being overly cautious.” (Hitomi)

“Many things can happen to me within one day, I have to be cautious.” (Ling Yue)

“I see you were given a truth serum of some sort.” (Hitomi)

My eyes widen in horror when I saw those eyes on her, I’ve seen those eyes one other time with mother. It was Setsuna’s mother being a life dragon direct descendant. She hid it from her own two older daughters whom thought they were human. But Setsuna learned the hard way along with the loss of her sisters in her life as a ‘human’. Yet I’m shocked to see it here, dragons call it the eye of truth since, it sees through all things. Illusions, true forms, souls and objects or the world itself is seen in an entirely different way. This sight was lost many centuries ago. I can see why her body is also being burdened by her soul in another way now.

“I see that’s what these cursed eyes are.” (Hitomi)

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