《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 32 injury and memory


Ling Yue POV

Why me, I got attacked due to the other person having a headache. I was not even the involved party. Theresa was giving me a pity look. Oh right she said aunty was nursing Ayame. She did mention to me once that Ayame lost her weapon like twice before her. So I’m guessing this is the third time.

“Also if I were you, I wouldn’t move so much. That thing also negates certain abilities but not in born traits.”

Yay, not that means my instant regeneration from my mother’s side is negated now. Oh just great, for the love of the gods someone go slap that idiotic Phoenix for this. I do not want to slowly wait for my bandaged leg to recover that slowly.

Damn it all I blame the irresponsible other person. As for the barrier I’m guessing it has to do with injured Ayame. Like usual, she brings more trouble to me than her daughters. Which reminds me one of them is injured and has a annoying seal on her body. Which reminds me why is Theresa holding a baby.

“That would be my responsibility.” (Artemis)

I choked on my drink that I was drinking. Sure Theresa handed to me but this one surprise the heck out of me. The dark blue haired beauty with glasses and a motherly warm figure Artemis is in a nurse outfit. Yet she looks normal without changing form. Meaning this is her real appearance in front of us. Her pale skin that glows would make mothers all over jealous.

“Oh don’t look at me in shock like that. I’m the one that treated your wound and that child is the one you asked me to look after.”

“I’m sorry I’m just shocked at how it’s like looking at a green scenery to find out that it looks like a world class myth in front of me.” (Ling Yue)

“Your kidding right, you’re the one that made her responsible for this little one.” (Theresa)

“I maybe look motherly to you two and others but it doesn’t mean I have experience. I’m the goddess of hunt. Not the goddess of fertility and agriculture. Why are you both shaking so much.” (Artemis)

I was holding in my laughter and so was Theresa but she handed the baby over to Artemis with a note on how to raise the baby. Pretty much saying give the baby a bath at this time, feed it milk at certain hours, change her diapers occasionally and when her nap time was. I know that’s my niece but even I couldn’t help but look away. Really I don’t know what to do to her considering I hate her father.


“So you never told me why you didn’t take her to her father.” (Artemis)

Damn, it’s the topic I most wanted to avoid talking about.

“It’s due to the fact it’s my half brother that I have to clean up his mess. As for the mother, she died due to orders from my father. It’s complex family issue short version my half brother is a playboy, whom father left the inheritance of ruling the land that the Azual rules. The child is an unwanted product of my half brother’s playing around.” (Ling Yue)

“So why does it sound like you’re annoyed.” (Theresa)

That’s what you ask me now, my father sends like assassins, bounty hunters and criminals after me. There’s also the fact that he indirectly had my mother heart broken and she died of depression all at once. Not to mention he sends me on insane suicidal missions. Which person wants that kind of father. He should look up the term shameless when he brings home his lover’s child into the family.

“Ok, Theresa I think you just got her gloomy again.”

“I was just asking her circumstances not her crush’s engagement date.” (Theresa)

Judging from what she said seems Theresa isn’t stupid either. But as for how she guessed as expected of the former goddess of love Aphrodite. For her it was easy to guess it I’m sure of it. She’d figure it out eventually but for her words to be so accurate it’s scary.

“Don’t tell me you still have that habit.” (Artemis)

“Not as much now. I do some glass work though.” (Theresa)

We weren’t asking your hobby on your work. Nor did we want to know how nosy you were. Right that would be a weird hobby indeed, former goddess doing glass work.

“Wait why are you two giving me a pitying gaze.”

“No we weren’t Theresa it’s just that the goddess of love is doing glass bottle and windows is so not the previous you.” (Artemis)

“Former goddess.” (Theresa)

“Right, which reminds me does any of you have a crutch so I can get around these 2 week or so.” (Ling Yue)

“Ah, right the head mistress said that classes will be close until the 2 main hallways for 1st year and 2nd years is fix.” (Artemis)


Meaning the roof and third floor for the 3rd year is also missing. The 4th years have a separate building supposedly meaning they were still attending classes. Yet the thing that had the most consequence to me was I was injured without the other person explaining.

“I do not have crutches for you. There is a wheel chair though.”

“Won’t this make me look disable.” (Ling Yue)

“That or walk and cause it to be dislocated completely.” (Artemis)

“Though I’d at least want to choice on my own. Rather than that can’t you materialize it.”

“Did you forget the idiotic barrier that person sealed most of us in here. Unless someone that was previously from campus comes back we’re out of options. Well the food truck can reload but that’s pretty much it we’re isolated inside here.” (Theresa)

My eyes went to her face but she just gave me a pitiful look. When she mentioned how they still needed to fix the broken hallway I sighed. Looks like I’m gonna be stuck in the dorms away from school for a while unless it’s to eat in the cafeteria. Seriously I’m tired from all the unusual things that pops up every once in while. I didn’t say much but I was already in such a state so I got on the wheel chair anyway.

“Right I found it odd for someone your age to have only 156 for your level.” (Artemis)

I almost feel like someone who got smashed in the head. My level before the soul split was 589. After that I didn’t even go up normally and now it’s leveling now. But seriously do I look like I had to check. I mean my life has been one roller coaster after another. Instead once I rolled into the the hallway I froze. That girl in front of me, I can sense a familiar soul. One whom I missed since Setsuna killed that devil.

He used Hima her sister in that war so after Setsuna killed the god ruling the heavens for Hina she went to kill him. Then was sealed to somewhere in the far future for that time. But it’s been many generations yet I have not seen her. Yet this blond girl in front of me with the 1st years uniform reminds me of her. Does that mean that she’s sealed inside. If so why didn’t she try to come find me. I miss her as an old friend.

This scene when I see this girl there standing enjoying the sakura petals blowing through the window stuns me. My heart was about to leap out of my chest in horror. Why does this scene remind me so much of the day before Setsuna ran off to kill those two dick heads. Then got herself sealed, why does the soul inside her look so familiar yet not overlapping with her current one. That’s odd because even Hitomi’s overlapped with her body completely.

“Setsuna is that you? If it is why didn’t you come looking for me.” (Ling Yue)

“I’m sorry but I have no clue what your talking about.”

“Setsuna don’t lie to me.”

“My name is Rin Mei.” (Rin Mei)

I blinked at her name not matching her blond hair. Even her actions match the first figure. The second figure seems blurry but the pressure is definitely Setsuna’s. She left with a frown as I was still stunned by such a thing. Setsuna was in such casual pose like her too before she was sealed away that day. Their personality aren’t the same but that posture can’t be fake. How is it possible unless Setsuna who’s sealed inside has almost zero influence but can talk with her host.

Yet that posture was the same how odd. She denied it yet she showed such a posture that can’t be done. It also had the same intensity as Setsuna when she did so the first time in front of me. I slowly rolled my wheel chair towards my room. Which I’m guessing aunty brought Ayame there.

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