《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 31 pain


Ling Yue POV

I was surprised by the the stares I’m getting from Theresa. Like she was gonna gobble me up at once, I’m actually the 34th generation. Not the point but we all heard a loud crash and Theresa flinched. To which I guessed since I can feel such intense Phoenix flames that someone crashed into the barrier. I didn’t smell any Phoenixes when we walked onto campus either. That’s the great thing about being a wolf demon that I got from my bastard of a father.

Damn, this is so gonna be trouble. It’s almost a full day yet trouble still manages to follow me. Well, I was so hoping for one damn peaceful day. That’s too much to ask considering who my grandfather is. He’s the god of mischief and trouble. But seriously I didn’t expect the next few seconds to be knocked out by an invisible wave. Which I’m pretty sure means the other party is level 100 or higher.

Lydia POV

I came to in an very awkward situation indeed. One I least expected, supposedly only 5 hours had passed since. It was an usual day as usual except me coming to in shock in this situation. Yes this stunned me because the position I’m in is a kabedon. As for the person I’m shocked in itself she came to look for me. Silvia is inches away from my face. If I move forward or try to talk we’d end up kissing.

“So I finally found the genius that Luna was trying so hard to hide.”

I swallowed back my words, were in the hallway and from the look of things she trapped me on the way to my next class. This person has a higher sense of pride than most. But the thing that disturbs me is I now remembered the other name this gods era was also called. The era of heroes. It was the biggest rise to heroes in many different races against the gods and goddesses that were corrupt as well as the most rich era that they had rose up in.

“Silvia, you can’t even calm down your petty mouth.” (Fiore)

Damn and the ghost princess of the elves appears to save me. But her race is a creator meaning for her race a being made from creation energy means the counterpart also exists as a destroyer for every creator born. She’s also the dorm mother here. Freaking Luna gathered all the damn powerhouses here unkowningly. Rather it almost felt like my soul would leave me when I was in between these two.

Why does it feel like the romance here in this place is a landmine full of nukes. The reason she’s called ghost princess is she’s the elven princess they brought up and it’s due to how fast she is in battle which only leaves an afterimage of her. Yet these two monsters standing before me is scary as it is.

“Ha, why the hell do I have to listen to you.”

“An soul is nothing more than a soul. The body is nothing but a container for it.” (Fiore)

“Did you just threaten me.” (Silvia)

“Oh so you do know what threats are.” (Fiore)

Please don’t mock the young teenager who has blood red hair that looks like it might blowup any minute now. Blowing up is not an option for the current me being held by her like a cat in its mother’s mouth. Yes she’s holding the back of my collar like that while she’s arguing with Fiore. Something about my guts is telling me pissing off Fiore could mean more than danger for me.


“Hey I’m still here can you at least help me a little.” (Lydia)

“Sorry, I almost forgot you were there. Silvia drop the cub.” (Fiore)

I’m so not a cub but it annoys the heck out of my mind when talking to these psychopaths right now. Oh wait Fiore doesn’t count, she only comes looking for them if they did something to her. Sure I’m still young but not to the point the weirdo calls me cub. Yet her calling the current me that felt rude. Unless she was looking at my status that said that I was a certain person’s daughter. Damn the memories are coming to me in full shock of what happened in this morning due to the sweetness of Fiore‘s tone to me. Lydia what the hell girl, you just woke up and you didn’t even mind when the elven princess took your first kiss when you first woke up opening the door.

Actually I’m sure she didn’t care since she was also 6 years old and probably dulled due to living here. But what the fuck was all that before I came back. And what the heck is with this drama before me. Wait if I connect the dots doesn’t that mean that Fiore actually does care about it and the angle she saw Silvia with me is misleading from the angle she came out of. Heck looking at the crowd gathering this isn’t simple at all. Fiore is straight forward and the other is a crazy blood demon in real life. By that I mean she’s crazy to start fights herself and kill anyone and everyone in sight.

Plus the kiss maybe an accident due to us being in such a rush. Well original Lydia or as I say the real owner of this body. But Fiore has been taught by the elves to be responsible for your actions. In which case these two make me feel so awkward and like when you want to dig a hole to hide in. Though the current her is only 5 years older than me but she has manners that the elves ingrained into her.

Yet my alarms in my head is going off telling me this era is more dangerous than the one I currently live in. This person is not normal nor is the rest of them. I cringed when I saw that green blue hair in front of all of us. That can only mean one thing. Luna had appeared herself to stop this mess. Rather she looked more sane than the last time I saw her in this era. Which was 2 week and a day ago. Well not counting the 5 hours ago when I asked her to let me train on weekends instead.

“Children there’s no need for the needless fighting. Also Silvia you better not lay a hand on the current ruler’s (current era’s ruler) own daughter because if she found out you’d be dead.” (Luna)

An empress in the height indeed that’s the figure that Luna just gave off when she came. She seemed stable for now. Yet that coldness the current her is giving off makes her feel so wrong compared to the her in my era. But the pressure she’s giving off made most of the other girls back up. Yesterday us three had to hold back from spilling blood. Oh look Silvia is bleeding from her nose. Fiore is bleeding from the ears and as for me I can feel it inside my mouth dripping from the side slightly. Seriously I want to learn how to do so with aura like that too. Damn Luna you didn’t have to do to us. I feel light headed here, so not funny at all Luna.


When those two retreated I collapse on to the floor as I glared at Luna. My eyes were saying you didn’t have to include me.

“If I didn’t I would’ve been looked at as if I was being partial.” (Luna)

‘Well you should’ve excluded me, you broke my jaws. How am I supposed to attend class without talking.’

“Writing would suffice too wouldn’t it.” (Luna)

‘Writing, did you forget I’m a soul from the future, not the current time and no one taught her how to read and write in this current era’s yet. Are you playing stupid or are you truly forgetful.’

“Fine but since you’re gonna complain. I’m sealing you’re regeneration ability. You can recover at human pace.” (Luna)

‘What no, I don’t want to wait that long. That’s like 4 to 8 weeks of wait or in this worst case scenario you completely dislocated it so it’s gonna take months.’

“You know you could use telepathy for communication.”

‘Considering the strict and up tight people you hired as if they’d let someone like me be an exception.’

Hey don’t just give me a smug look first. This is so uncool Luna what do you mean you’ll allow me to skip classes except the cleaning for the dragons den. Wait don’t extend that you eccentric goddess.

“You’ll clean and feed the dragons until your fully recovered in that time.”

You purposely came for this because you as a sadist couldn’t help it. In fact you wanted to see Lydia miserable too. The sad thing is I’m inside her body right now. Where’s the justice Luna, this is injustice you hear me. Don’t just laugh it off at my face.

“Don’t worry during that time I will watch you closely so you don’t skip out.”

This information sadist just turned into a devil, she’s trying to kill us early. Lydia your mother judged wrong. Luna’s insane due to that one letter now she’s taking it out on innocents.

“You’re not so innocent for listening in on me.”

Hey it wasn’t my fault some lady was screaming so loudly in grief when I was looking for her. It’s called being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But my timing there was off due to Lydia’s life being in danger either way. Damn it all, if I had come a little later than Lydia wouldn’t even be in this mess, she would’ve taken forever to fix up Luna’s library collection.

Ling Yue POV

I didn’t think I’d have this memory of mine resurface again after I’m about to wake up. This memory that I’d long to forget but couldn’t. Why now of all times does it resurface.

3rd person POV

Ling Yue was 15 years old at the time, she woke up screaming as the older man held her down. She tried to move her legs to which she couldn’t feel them. Rather they were numbed from being tied up too long. But her eyes opened in horror now that she was awake. The grey haired 35 year old man smiled back at her. Her eyes filled with fear completely when she realised she could not access her strength or her skills.

“Don’t worry little girl. I made this collar specifically for this.”

She screamed as he ripped her clothes apart. He kept touching her as if she was his personal doll. Hours passed by as he did as she pleased, Ling Yue felt like she was almost broken. Rather she was stunned when blood dropped all over her. Her arms and legs were also freed from his control.

“Little wolf demon, are you ok.” (Setsuna)

Ling Yue POV

I woke up with a my heart about to leap out of my chest. That time was due to father sending that man to me. Which almost got me rape, Setsuna who happened on the campsite killed him on site. It was our first meeting too, but that left me with a trauma for a long time. Sure the men here are 85% jerks. This place that we call home has those beasts. Well except for modern humans in this mixed era. They’re kinda decent but you can’t always judge a book by its cover.

My eyes wondered around the room, this is the nurse’s room. Though that memory was a rape attempt that annoyed me most. It was has been nagging me for so many centuries as if it was still fresh in my mind. A first meeting with the third sister whom many had forgotten. My head is pounding now it’s not even funny. I wonder how that invisible wave even hit me so hard. But my head feels light almost as if I was hit by a dragon’s tail, sent flying at least 2 kilometers deep into the earth itself.

That was once when Olivia accidentally hit me too. I tried to sit up completely and winced at my left leg. That’s an twist in my muscle, which would take at most a week to heal the misplaced muscle. Also would be from my regeneration from my wolf demon side of the family.

“Sorry I had to carry you here myself.” (Theresa)

“Wait your actions just now and that bow. It’s similar to what Hades wrote about a certain goddess but he didn’t mention the name. Which are you.” (Ling Yue)

“Former goddess of love. Which now allows me to be able to tell if someone is in love or not. Or if they had trauma due to you know.” (Theresa)

When I tried looking at my status I was stunned at the window that said sealed. My mouth was opening and closing then I looked to Theresa.

“Oh that you looked didn’t you. The Phoenix girl did so, in fact the whole campus is enveloped by her barrier. Makes us unable to us skills, techniques, artes, seals, spells, curses, lost artes, and forbidden art.” (Theresa)

When I heard the part about the lost arte I wanted to curse. Because I only know one from a lost kingdom that died and it was the one I wanted to use to accelerate my wound on my leg. So not funny when you can kinda see your muscles and bones sticking out. As for why the person targeted me from what Theresa just told me is because she saw me had an confused look with headache and hit me with her invisible aura. So not funny Phoenix aura is a disaster if used wrongly. Damages can be permanent or they can be a nuisance. Yet I did not even see the other person.

“Ah right your aunt said she had to attend to Ayame Ulsra too. Seems like that person injured her.”

(Alternate title: trauma; wounded; Luna explodes; Luna can’t hold her anger; why am I the target of their attacks)

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