《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 30 worries


Ling Yue POV

Theresa whom everyone in the cafeteria was whispering about was walking in my direction now. It also felt awkward due to the divinity she was using as a pressure as she walked towards us. This person is seriously making it seem like she wants a duel or she doesn’t want me running away. Clearly this is abuse of authority and seniority as a goddess. Even if she’s no longer a goddess but seems her power did pass over with her memories. In most cases it doesn’t. Seems like she’s an exception for now. As for the other two goddesses who reincarnated with her, I have no clue about it yet.

Yet this heavy air that knocked out many of others inside the cafeteria irritates me. My hand almost flip my plate of food at her on instinct. Yes I’m an ex assassin but this was built in reaction for distraction when in disguise. The ones who angers me most is father and my half brother. So seeing her do this pisses me off for some reason. Oh wait now I realize why, she’s acting like a haughty peacock flaunting it’s feathers out proudly. I sigh as I notice her sit down at my table but she seems very tense.

“Are you the descendant of Hades.” (Theresa)

“You don’t need to ask in such a demanding manner at all plus can you turn off your pressure.” (Ling Yue)

“How can I not when others aren’t supposed to be listening plus this is an emergency. Athena, or her incarnation Emiko did something unreasonable and drugged Artemis with a aphoristic and some sort of unknown potion.” (Theresa)

Ah, she seemed me out for that. I never mentioned it but it’s a known fact that we children of Hades can identify potions, poisons and dangerous herbs. That’s the annoying thing for me though. I mean why the heck can’t I identify an high level individual as well. This pisses the hell out of me since that in itself is a also a danger for me as a person. Surprisingly she led me and aunt Celen to the student council room. Then shifted a book on one of the shelf on the right of the desk. Which opened an underground room, so not expecting that.

But when I saw Artemis in this state, my mouth couldn’t help but twitch. Yet the alarms in my head was going off when I saw the name of the third potion used on Artemis.

“Poletheia potion: the demonic change potion that alters the victim’s personality. Side effects may include mood swings, headaches, behavioral changes, heaven defying strength, increase in intelligence, and a cold personality as end result.”

Who the hell uses a banned potion that caused the 2nd angel and demon war to be so damn catastrophic. This thing should be banned and destroyed by now. It should be extinct by now. Which idiot even makes such an unpredictable thing. It even says in small print on the description that it will cause some unknown changes to the body. I massage my forehead, seriously you former goddesses are causing me stress. Because even I can see on the description who made her drink those aphrodisiacs along with that demonic potion. It says former goddess of wisdom. How the heck are you a goddess of wisdom if you use something so vile.


“I’ll remove the two other ones first. Though I got to ask you how long has it been since she drank these two since that’s the only thing it doesn’t show me.” (Ling Yue)

“About 2 weeks and a half.” (Theresa)

No wonder the goddess of hunt is cursing under her breath though she’s unconscious. I moved my hands as if I was sewing as the strands of potions slowly separated from Artemis. Seriously it was glowing as if it were some sort of energy. But seeing who the two potions in my hand was made from I sucked in cold breath of air. Seriously how the hell did she she get Lilith’s potion in the first place. But when I tried to look at her soul I spat out blood instead. It shocked me, the other person I tried this on was Luna. Meaning Artemis is also older than her so called siblings.

As for why I think I know why, mother said she’d often heard from Luna how Artemis hunts things inside the graveyard of gods. A time paradox would explain why her age is like that. And the only place that I know that has that is the gods graveyard. Yet it leaves me stunned and questioning just how old is Luna. I mean she was ten or nine when Yu Mei made the Realms combine into one big place. Then there was the gods era which lasted more than a thousand years after that. Although as for the years in between it wasn’t named before the gods era. So Luna’s age is now unknown.

Sigh, I’m getting sidetracked due to seeing Artemis again. So unplanned for there.

Celen POV

I staggered but I remember my master’s warning. Annoyingly my body is the yin type. So when I cultivate I can’t have another person unless it’s a dual cultivation. Not that I minded, my master was like a mother to me until she died. But her words were always spot on for some reason. Mother never did anything right. Working and granting wishes, kind to her followers and making her so called reputation better.

But my hand went to the male teacher’s neck. Sure we were in the hallway, yet I can’t stand my mother’s spies. This is already my second one here. The first one was when I was leaving the classroom to go to the restroom. She was in the hallway loitering about and acting natural. Yet none of them could even avoid me when I came close. They panicked more faster than a chicken waiting to be slaughter. It’s also because I let out so much blood lust at them as I walk pass them.

I’m not stupid, mother sends idiotic people to spy on me often so I can tell them apart from normal people. Also their class is either assassin, spy or poison master. Meaning they’re good at sneaking around. An annoyance in my life and my siblings. I crushed his neck easily without remorse. Sparing them is like leaving a bug from mother. Which reminds me, her life line is seriously like an undying cockroach.

Seriously she died the first time by a landslide, then a boulder, next was a earth dragon, after that was drowning in a city in flash flood, and the one after that was zombies. Damn it was surprising how many times I indirectly killed her. But the worst ones were me killing her directly when she tried to act motherly. An great example would be a cold two faced step mother all of suddenly starts caring about you as if you were her own child. That’s what’s happening here, it leaves me with goosebumps when thinking about my mother’s trying to act motherly now after so long.


But I nearly choked when I saw the sword sticking inside the hallway. It broke through the wall, only one person can have this bastard sword that’s so dark red in color. It’s the sword Dorchihara, which it’s blacksmith named it that after sealing 5elemental spirits inside. Elemental spirits are spirits created due to strong human emotions. Not the point though, this sword belongs to the exiled crown princess Ayame. The ones sealed inside are Undine, Volt, Ifrit, Sylph, Gnome, and Rem who ruled over darkness.

This sword is also a soul weapon. Annoyingly seeing it here is a bad sign in itself. Meaning Ayame had lost her weapon in a fight again. As for whom she lost it to I don’t even want to know. But that loud crash that went through even the goddesses barrier, that’s not a good sign.

“Mei, you dare rebel against me. You, who are a royal Phoenix who was brought up by my best friend. This won’t be forgotten. Your actions as if you don’t recognize even me.” (Ayame)

Yep that voice is most definitely Ayame Ulsra. Meaning the other is her childhood best friend’s MIA daughter. From her tone she was attacked without warning.

“Did you forget your own oath from your family. Neither of our family is not allowed to harm the other or else you would suffer a price more heavy than just attacking me.”

There goes that, seems like someone is gonna suffer from a blood oath made by the previous generation. Meaning their families were on good terms. An oath made by a Phoenix is also taken seriously, going back on it even if your unaware would cause a backlash. That goes without saying this is troublesome and happening before my own eyes.

That being said I also know Ayame due to that war. I didn’t participate but I watched over it because Ling Yue was dragged into it. The most annoying things is the sword she uses. Dorchihara with its elemental spirits but the one that bugs me the most is that Ifrit isn’t in salamander’s place.

Hitomi POV

I nearly choked when I heard mother said that my fiancé wants to rush our wedding. She did call it off until 10 years from now. If he wanted to talk about It again. Her excuse was I’m too young, well he is also young. Yet he manages to irritate me this time around. An engagement made by our moms. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he’s rushing it because he heard about sister’s rushed wedding.

Sure she’s my sister but I had our other family members investigate the guy and his family members. I mean who wouldn’t when a certain gang boss is trying to push them together. Along with Luna, she never does things without reason. Which reminds me 1st eldest sister is now missing. She’s supposed to have come home by now with the information on Blade.

I wonder if she got into an accident from just that. She’s not Lan or our other sister. One is great at speed the other is great at sneaking and information collecting. If only Niana were clear headed right now. None of this would’ve happened at all. Which reminds me mother seems to be gone for almost a month now, why is that?

Damn should I call one of my other sisters to ask if they know where mother or Fiona went. Why am I stuck here in bed instead of out there. At times like these I wish I could move about as I wish. To be active and outside helping my family or to be free from this caged life. That being said I’m not surprised when I found out her name was Ling Yue and she was related to that thing. Which my sister said that she loves that thing.

Which reminds me with the highest male population of 80:30 ratio of women. It’s not surprising they turn into jerks and playboy in this day and age. This day and age they act so cocky but not as much of a dick like the Azual family head right now. Whom rules the family right now and the netherworld. But sources say that Ling Yue has more power than he does.

If she planned a riot completely the whole place would’ve turned into a graveyard. That’s how much power she holds in there inside the netherworld but she also controls the place where souls rests. To me, it’s boring here inside the house but my sisters are outside in danger on a daily basis with their lives on the line. An whole new world with so many different eras mixed together that could be explored. Yet I’m here stuck like some sort of caged bird just because I’m sickly. Unable to help nor keep my own family safe from harm. Though the one to cheer me up the most is aunty Yui.

“The body is nothing but a container for a soul. I’m away you can say it’s a vessel.” (Yui)

I’m surprised to hear her cold voice that can send needles into your body when she talks. But once you’re to know her you know for a fact she’s a warm and caring person. Yet it pisses me off that grandfather is the one to throw us away. It was aunty who backed us up. She’s now the current empress of the angels but she can’t bring us back because grandfather’s decree and he’s also still alive and kicking. Plus mother still hates her family due to being kicked out.

“Yui, I don’t need you to cheer me up this time. I need to know where Fiona and mother’s at. Or at least their situation itself.” (Hitomi)

“Ok fine you want my connections to find them. I’ll try but no promises.” (Yui)

“Longest you find their trail or their last place they were in that’s also fine.” (Hitomi)

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