《RE:tombdungeon》7 the secret chambers


Chapter 7

After leaving this ‘conversation’ with the idiot and coming back to my senses (as a Dungeon Core I mean) I saw the sun, going up at the horizon. I seem to be out for quite a while…

Well, I wanted to check on to this secret chamber, so I leave my servants alone for a bit more…

As I open the hidden entrance to the ‘grave’ of Valcius Grenada I discover a few blue glowing stones sticking out of the walls. They seem to be the only light source except the sun that is shining in from the entrance.

It takes a while, but finally I’m able to Identify one of these stones through ‘Appraisal’

little magic stones (water)These stones might be little, but through them you might be able to cast better water magic related spells, they shine when it’s dark.

Okay, so they are magic stones, and they can help casting water related spells? is it hard to cast them, or why does one need help for that? Have ask Gerad later on, he should know about that…

With that I want to try and get a stone out of the walls, so I’m able to use them to lighten to living area from my dungeon core. It’s not that I’m scared of the darkness, but to be able to see is always something good, right?Sadly I get interrupted by Gerad, calling me from the entrance. Why does he know I’m in here?

A bit reluctantly I come back, out of the ‘grave’, Gerad looks a bit restless, did he run the whole route, then is there something to be worried about?

“My Lord, we need your help, some of the peasants from the slums have tried to rob from the forge, they are currently guarded by 3 of our men, while the others are scouting for more thieves.”

Ohh, well sure, 4 Houses sort of popped up at the outskirts of the graveyard, an that only in a few hours, so who in his right mind wouldn’t label it maybe slightly un normal? But maybe it’s normal for this world to build their houses so fast, I don’t know…

We run back to the houses, well gerad runs and I’m floating…

When we arrive there, I can see 6 people sitting on the ground, guarded by my men who seem to be really upset.


“So tell me, what happened Gerad?”

He kneels before me, and tells me how he woke up this morning, and heard someone trying to open the door with force from the outside. So he hurriedly got up and equipped his sword to his waist and took his axe in his right, then stormed out of the room the see who tried to break down the door...

In the end, there were 6 peasants who were hungry, and wanted to get something to eat. Why they didn’t go behind the house and just got something from the garden, I don’t know…

They seem not to be educated enough to harvest or grow some crops, so they might not even know that there was so much food in the garden.

“You tried to steal from me through breaking in on of my servants houses, I think you know that this will have consequences?”

The guys in front of me nod, they seem to be much more thinner than my servants, maybe some sort of beggars? Doesn’t matter, I’m going to make them into my work force.

“You are compensating for what you have done through working for me, you are going to carry out my orders and for that I will feed you and house you” Hopefully, my voice didn’t sound to weak.

They look happy, or maybe relieved? my my work conditions don’t seem to be that bad, the only thing I can compare my offer to is my past life, and not many would have accepted such a job…

But well, they sort of had to accept what I wanted, so yeah, I could have made them into fresh mana, but at the moment I need more servants, mana has to wait for later on…

I issue a few orders to my ‘old’ six guards and the new six ones, so they bring me more dead bodies, after eating their breakfast. After hearing that some of the new guys had watering eyes, maybe the situation in the city is even more poorly than I thought it is.

Gerad had to play my educator, so he has to stay with me while waiting for some dead bodies to play, ehrm build with.

“Gerad, the tomb I was in as you searched me, can you tell me about the person whose name is on the gravestone?” He flinches, maybe I asked about something that one shouldn’t ask ? I only asked about a person, right?


“What’s the matter Gerad, is there a problem?” He kind of smiles, and tells me: “Well it is not my task to keep an eye on your hobbies, but can you please make whatever you did inside when it’s night time?” What does he think I have done? Does he think I’m doing necrophilia?

“Stop, it’s not what you think, follow me…” with that I float in direction of the secret entrance, while Gerad tries to get himself out of that while following me, with sentences like that:

“I don’t have a woman, I’m not as desperate as you might be, so can you please go alone?”

“What happens if you get ill through your hobbies?”

“What about a woman? You might have more joy with one, the person you were in is a man as I can see from the name?”

Really? What kind of society is that? Or is it just him? But firstly, I have to show him what I discovered…

“Gerad, shut it. I don’t plan to make such things you suggested, I only want your knowledge for some things I wanted to discuss, first of all, do you know this person named ‘Valcius Grenada’?”

He seem to be a bit hesitant to answer, maybe because of all the things he told me he got a bit embarrassed after my answer…

“He was the Royal archivar, and an tactician on top of that, but I didn’t know he was buried here, as I know he should have died somewhere in the swamps while fighting, so it’s unlikely that his men brought him back home.” he says more serious this time

I activate the letter on the gravestone, and the secret entrance opens up. I float down, followed by Gerad, and move straight to the books.

“Do you happen to know why he or someone else would hide something like this?”

Gerad looks through a few books, and looks really astonished, then goes to a map that is stored in one of the shelves.

“They are mostly about history, and military tactics, but the tactics are so bad that you can’t expect whoever has led an army like that to survive, must have been someone really stupid.”

Yeah, and I think I know who it was, she’s currently trying to revive and do it again. My self proclaimed master, the stupid goddess.

“What about the maps? are they at least useful?” Maybe I can get at least something out of that.”

Gerad looks over a few maps, but answers quickly “ I don’t know who the painter was, but he did a really bad job, the maps are maybe enough to show children that we are currently not in the south, but other than that they are completely wrong made.” They are sort of made with the ‘you stand here’ sign in the middle of the map, that is painted with some sort of watercolors or something similar to that.

Maybe the idiot was born as an at least a bit powerful goddess, but added to that completely stupid? Yeah, most probably…

“What else is there, that might be interesting?” At least something other than the stones should be useful for me, right?

“Here are a few books, with the title ‘Diary’, they have the best paper quality, but I haven’t read them yet, I think I am going to go through them one after the other, so I don’t miss anything that might be important” Yeah Gerad, do that, after that maybe you will see the truth about you so beloved Royal family. For me it’s obvious what that is, the secret place of a stupid Goddess of life and death, who somehow was a creative child, that painted awful.

So I leave Gerad to do his new job, which is reading Diaries from a stupid Goddess, lets see how long he is able to do that…


If you have ideas for how to continue the story, please let me know, I have got some pretty nice ideas through your comments in the last chapters^^

If you find grammar mistakes or see some hard to understand things and have an idea how to write it so one can understand it easier, please tell me so I can correct them and you can read the story more easily without thinking about what I want to tell you

I plan to have Christmas with my family in an house in the Eifel National Park Forest, that has obviously no WLAN, means from the 22.12 till maybe the 27 or 28 of december I won’t be able to update the story, till then I plan to upload a chapter each day...

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