《Blessed with a curse (BwC) [Tryout.]》Chapter 2.3 Welcome to the city!


It took about ten minutes to get out to the main road thanks to Dina casting a magnetic spell that helped her locate were north was. Yeah. She couldn't tell from the sun, the forest or the stars.

She was a city woman, but she was still a lot more useful than Venir. He was going to wander off in a complete opposite direction.

'It's a miracle that he even manage to survive out here.' (Dina)

Under their walk to the city they didn't talk much, not from the lack of trying from Dina. It was just that Venir was pretty bad having a social conversation at this moment.

-So. Where are you from? (Dina)

-Hometown. (Venir)

-Okay... So, how did you end up in this state? (Dina)

-Got lost. Tried to get home, got more lost. (Venir)

-I see.. (Dina)

The conversation didn't go that well and Dina didn't manage to get much out of it. But Venir was quiet happy by the situation, he enjoyed her company. She talked a lot, but being with another human once more was very comforting.

When they both finally reached the city of Phen. They were already best of friends... Or not, but Dina had at least got to understand Venir was from some lesser village and that his house was close to city of Como. (It's the city where Venir got his name inscribed and his father used to work at.)

She told him that she have been staying in that city under a short period when she was younger. When she was in training to become a mage. Venir of course already know all about it and only nodded when she told him about it.

-I saw you. (Venir)

Dina was then told about Venir being there with his father to inscribe him as at the age of five.

-I see, I see... Wait!! (Dina)

She started to remember a young boy that had grey eyes and an extraordinary small mana pool. Dina would normally never remember him because there were a lot of children under a two day time she inscribe. The small mana pool and grey eyes mad him stand out in her memory.


-No way! You are only sixteen then! Four years younger than me?! (Dina)

Dina had the right to be skeptical, Venir with his current state looked very old and was far taller than her. But she could not deny that he had called him himself a shrimp and she vaguely remember calling him that when she was younger.

Looking at him made her doubted it.


The city of Phen was a lot bigger than the city Como. With that said it was about ten times bigger and their walls was about 6 meters high. The guards at the gate were looking at Venir and thought about to stop him. Not in need of more beggars inside the city walls they were about to stop him, but before they had a chance do that a pretty mage hindered them.

They recognized her from her "stature" when leaving the city gates with five guards escorting her. She now had arrived with a beggar instead of the five guards.

-Lady Dinastra. Have something happened? (Guard1)

-I will talk to the city lord about that in a moment. But first I need to escort my savior and.. Get him cleaned up. He have been having a hard journey. (Dina)

The guards could only look at Venir and wonder what kind of hard journey that would be too look like that. It was not their job to ask questions to a noble so they let her pass with her special acquaintance.

Inside the city walls they were greeted by a buzz of life, the street was paved with stone and the houses were also of higher class then the last city Venir was too. Following the main street and walking by Dina's side he stood out like a sour thumb up a nobles butt.

It was clear he shouldn't be walking close to such a pretty lady. Other nobles started to walk sideway as Venir walked by. He smelled like a dung truck and felt so out of place he wanted to run for it.

-Venir. Not that it matters, but do you have any money? (Dina)


-Ah. Yes. I have. (Venir)

Suddenly being brought back to reality he remember he needs money to live here. So he took out the money pouch he haven't used since several years back when he worked at the Inn. Not knowing how much things would cost he handed it over to Dina.

She seems to understand and didn't mind.

-It's not much to live on... This is all you got? (Dina)

-Hihi. No worries. You saved me so I will take care of you until you can get started. I own a big house with lots of rooms. (Dina)

Dina seems to think Venir was harmless and was kind of glad she could help him straight away. She hated to feel she owned people. After it was said and done Venir followed Dina to her house and she was of course happy to show him around.

It was a single store house with 6 room. Not exactly what Venir would call very big but Dina was clearly very proud of it.

-I got an own maid that clean and take care of me. Her name is Cinda, be nice to her. (Dina)

-That is nice. (Venir)

-I will be in your care from now on. (Venir)

He bowed to the maid and she was a bit taken aback with her master taking home a clearly homeless person. But she said nothing about her taste, he was after all very polite so she offered to warm some water for a bath instead.

Before know it he was laying in a warm bath after washing of layer after layer of blood and dirt. His clothes he did fold up neatly and put at outside the bathroom. The maid took them carefully while he was busy and frowned.

'What am I suppose to do with these? I better burn them.' (Cinda)

After conferring with her master Cinda was sent to get some clothes he could use. The clothes he got were very comfortable.

Nothing fancy and didn't fit him that well but it was much better than his old clothes. The maid was not sure about size so she took somewhat larger cloths for him to be sure he didn't have to walk around naked. She could always refit them if needed herself.

She even got him a shaving knife and when he was clothed he was set down on a chair to be groomed. His natural hair color was finally seen and the made was starting to imagine he wasn't too bad looking but it was still a long way to go.

First he got his hair cut down to a descent size and then Cinda hunched down before him and started with big concentration shave him. It was her first time but she was steady on her hand and halfway trough she started to blush for some reason.

When dinner was ready Dina sat and waited for Venir to get down. It seems like her maid have taken a liking to the male. It have taken several hours until she said she was done and by then Dina was bored and wondered what was going on.

Her maid had told her refitting the cloths, cut his hair, shave and all that would take some time, but this was ridicules.

The maid finally was walking up to the table and was red on her cheeks.

-Ho ho. He is ready now. Shall I tell him to come down for dinner? (Cinda)

-Are you joking with me? What do you think I have been waiting for? (Dina)

She was clearly starting to get angry at this point and thought the maid had gone crazy.

But it all went away when Venir stepped inside the dinner room. His clothes was only of ordinary cotton but he wore it like a king. Although he didn't look that confident at the moment when both the woman looked at him entering he sure was looking different from before.

-Eh? Who are you? (Dina)

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