《Chaos Zone online(CZO)》Chapter 27:Present
"Takuya !!!"(Hana)
.CZO was unlike other games where you can't feel tired. This games one of them games that can make you truly tired. That's why It was like a have second life in here....what's more your character also mirrors you. If you grow fatter..character in game also become fatter..thought if you use dummy avatar ,no one will know.Hana was out of breath and even her leg was shaky.There was some minor wound at her hands and leg..the same as everyone..I guess they had been run for a longtime. ...I am also familiar with their face..it was classmate .It wasn't just 1 or 2 person. All of them are.. I see they were hunting in group that consist the whole class huh?
I guess the scenario was like this,the whole group was hunting some kind of boss item..and they accidentally drop very rare item..The whole class decided to pass it on Hana,not to mention she was the wounded the most...then someone who was belong to the guild report it and plan to kill for the dropped item. There 2 possible outcome...the first maybe the guild idiot and choose to trust him or he had high position in the guild..with the scale this big..I believe it was the latter...from the emblem..it was famous PK guild in this area. I see I see...so you guys are my enemy!!!I give a look at the group behind me..both of the group of knight behind me and the group of classmate..both of them step back. Oh sorry looks like I scare you too much...more likely..the feeling to beat you up..
"Hey,Take out the person who betray Hana.."(Takuya)
Maybe I sound like deliquent because some of them step back....well if they pass me the traitor..then it will be fine I guess. I will spare them if they do that. Hearing this the one who look different from others laught..from his stance and armor..I guess He was the leader.
"Are you joking?Why should we do your request?After all we can easilly kill you guys!!!!What a person can do?"(Leader)
"This is not a request..this is an order."(Takuya)
I go toward in front of him and then pierced his head with my rapier at my left hand after that pulled it back and kick him. Once he falls to the ground..his body lay for a minute..then vanish without trace..looks like they don't understand their position..
"Every 5 seconds,1 people will die. as long you didn't what do I ordered..then it will keep happening until no one left.."(Takuya)
"...Every-one that was only bluff!!Fire your arrow!!"(The archer)
I see,that was your action huh....well well..
"Hana stay behind me....while the rest of you guys make a line behind her."(Takuya)
Once I finished saying that the arrow was fired..not only that..there were only 20 arrow that will hit us. So slow.....
I intercept all of the arrow with my rapier and sword leave us unharmed. with arrow beside us stuck at the ground...I see..I see they aimed Hana...they dare to aim at my friend huh?They really daring aren't they?I pull out some exploding dagger that I buy for tommorow camps...the weight was five and when I throw it will explode with 300 offensive power. I told to buy a 100 and kept in our shared invetory.. that's why I take out around twenty and put it at my waist before the battle. If I know this kind of thing before I go 'that valley" maybe it won't be that hard...sight well let's see how big the explosion was? I tried throw one of it...it stab one of the archer head...then in span 2 second it explode...hmm 2 seconds before exploding..it was rather slow..but their reaction also slow...I guess they didn't put much status in speed or agility...no..it must be speed..because they react to the explosion but they were too late to move...the archer died because of the explosion...but the knight were still alive..so they defense must be higher than 300. Standard line up of Rpg game huh..
"Impossible!!!!!Just who is he?"(Archer)
"A cockcroach like you won't need to know.."(Takuya)
I move in front of him and severed his head.....then after that I jumped with his body as stepping stone and then throw 5 of dagger to the where archer were gathered....and then as they panic I use skill. Never got a chance to use this..well time to do some testing wasn't it?after I land on the ground..The knight started to attack me but I easly pull back and then use skill wall run..and run to the highest place...once I Run to the highest place ,I jumped and then use another skill...
"Meteor Impact!!"(Takuya)
This skill activating was by stabbing your weapon to the ground. When it activated you will create 1 meter radius shockwave around you with half of your attack power.Of course there were a secret effect... the higher altitude when you activate it..the higher damage and the wider the effect...the skill was quite unpopular because it was hard to use.well I pick it up at character creation because the name was cool thought...let's try it!!!! Then I go to ground with ridiculous speed and hit the ground where the knight was.....
Blast*** A crater around 10-15 meter was created because of impact and destroyed everyone in the radius...1/3 was killed because the blast...what a scary skill...as I pulled the sword that stabbed into the ground ,I point my rapier at them..and ask them with generous tone...
"Want to continue?"(Takuya)
Narrator's POV.
"So strong..."(Male knight)
"Just how long has he had been playing?"(Female magician)
When Hana heard that,she had cold sweat at her back,there was no way she can tell Takuya didn't even play for 1 week...not to mention..the accident that happened around him...Then everyone see they started attacking in group ,Takuya saw this..drop 10 explodingdaggers to the ground..Suicide?was everyone was thinking...but the knight can't run..more likely..they can't after all it was just a 1 milisecond before the sword hit him...But then Takuya body..it was like ghost and went pass them easily..at the same time it explodes and made huge explosion that kill the rest of knight.....what a cunning person..to drop some just before activating skill to run...
"Everyone ignore him!!!!!Use your magic and aimed at the girl who had the eggs with her!!!"(Archer)
The archer then begin to cast magic.unlike arrow and bullet,magic can be defended by using sword and shield because it was render uneffective..thought it speed wasn't that fast. That's they think if somehow they can kill her and use skill to get the item..then it will be fine. IF Takuya protect her and die in her place,it will be the best ...
"explosion lance !!FIRE!!!!"(Archer)
This was the best magic they could cast !!! a flame tube that will explode when it hits the enemies.the power wasn't that good and also cost a lot of mp...but the casting speed was superb..as they fired it to hana and groups....Takuya use skill magic taunt..like taunt ..but this target enemy magic instead and also cooldown twice longer than normal taunts..as their magic flow to him...then the archer know he have something hidden arsenal...like magic canceller or something...that will cancel every magic that aimed him with cooldown 8 minutes. Which was ultra rare skill..
'Keep casting!!!until your mp zero!!Keep casting.."(Archer)
Then the first spell fired toward him..second..which make the explosion keep happening..
"FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!"(Archer)
The explosion was keep happening until 5 seconds...and create a huge smoke...then a knife went fly toward them and explode ..all of the archer died and only left the archer who commanded them...this is..Impossible..is what he was thinking,then takuya appeared from smoke..what surprise everyone was he was unscathed....everyone was surprised as hell..just what kind of skill he used?
Takuya used skill crystal dragon protection just before the spell hit him..which made him unscathed.
"Now,now do you understand the difference between us?"(Takuya)
Takuya appear in front of him before he could react...this kind of speed...just how much the point he put in speed?Is what the archer thinking..Then he ask..
"Hey how about work with us!!!!!We with open arms will welcome you to the guild!!!!We even give you the phoenix egg that Hana got !!!how's that?"(Archer)
The archer knew the only he could do was ask him to change side..because the whole army was eleminated by a single person...this was absurd..not to mention the person in question go throught the battle unschated..
Hear this Takuya immediately know...he is the one who betray them...and severed his head without second thought...once he do that..he said as he sheathe his weapon.
"Remember it traitor,there is no real happiness after betraying your own friends.."(Takuya)
The classmate who saw this immediately only mutter 1 word.
"SO COOL!!"(Classmates)
"....you guys don't tell me you had gone nuts because the explosion.."(Takuya)
He never expect the classmate who always tell him that he was lazy otaku guy tell him cool..what's more the girl looks at him with red face..this is...just what had he done?He was out of control of a moment then this happen...then Hana who saw this only smiled at him..which made everyone disperse. Then Hana bow to her..
"Takuya..thank you for saving me who were so selfish.."(Hana)
"I promised you didn't I?As long you are my friend then I will help you."(Takuya)
Hear this the classmate see me in different light..what?some of look as they amazed some of the girls was whispering a nice guy,handsome guy or anything sort.....I don't understand them.is what takuya takuya thinking..
While at reality Alina was watching from Takuya point of view while munching a popcorn..
"Uh...Kennosuke was slacking his job again!!!!!!You should help him so he doesn't stand out !!!Didn't he know Takuya was a flag master!!.."(Alina)
Alina lean of sofa,as she giving up..then someone ring the bell. She hastily left the scene and then open the front door. After all It must be young miss as she open door she was right,she found Lune and tsukihime as expected.
"Alina-san?where is dady?"(Lune)
Lune look around but didn't found takuya,Alina didn't know how to answered her...then Tsukihime instead answered ..
"Daddy was doing work for mommy..Now lune be a good girl and wash your hands okay?"(Tsukihime)
Lune then go in like child and release her shoes immediately ,left at the entrance..
"Bad girl bad girl~~"(Tsukihime)
Tsukihime said this as she saw lune who was like this..
"Let me do it young miss."(Alina)
Alina pick up her shoes and then put it at the place suppose to be...then she noticed Tsukihime was bringing 2 bag....as she wondering that. Alina then ask her.
"Pardon of me young miss,May I know what you brought?"(Alina)
"This?A present for Takuya.."(Tsukihime)
Tsukihime smiled warmly as she look at this..while Alina was wondering what is it?.
"By the way Alina,,did Takuya did his work?"(Tsukihime)
"About that.."(Alina)
Takuya's POV.
"Finally we were out of dungeon~"(Takuya)
I do a bit stretching..after all we was waiting for 30 minutes too see if the enemy was here...once 30 minutes passed...the time for the penalty also already end..now it was belong to hana ,no one can steal it anymore..once it happened we immediately go outside notice kennosuke outside was leaning on the wall.
"Kennosuke,did you wait for me?"(Takuya)
as I walk to him,he answered..
"Well,you can say it was like that. ANyway..."(Kennosuke)
He wraps his around my neck and then..strangle my neck..
"Ugh!!why -"(Takuya)
"he???you are really flag master!!!just how many flag do you want to plan?he?You bastard!!!"(Kennosuke)
"What do you mean!!"(Takuya)
"DAMN THIS AIRHEAD!!!"(Kennosuke)
As He tighten it...I am out of breath dammit!!!thought I can't die in the game...still no way I will like this!!then suddenly I heard a knocking sound?
"daddy wake up!!"(Lune)
Lune already go home?Oh my god!!!Then it means Tsukihime already home!!!FUCK IT!!!
"WHat's wrong?Did I strangle you too hard?"(Kennosuke)
"Kennosuke..tsukihime already home.."(Takuya)
Hear that his eyes turn white..then he immediately take out a motorcycle.
"Takuya,sorry....but as you can see I was just working..ByE BYE!!"(Kennosuke)
He running away....goddammiT!!!I must run too !!!!as I thought that..
"Takuya,can you log out right now?"(Tsukihime)
Oh shit..too damn late......I will be punished ..
"Takuya...what's wrong?""(Hana)
"Well as you can see,I was told to log out.."(Takuya)
"I see...Takuya...can you come to bbq tomorrow?"(Hana)
"Ah,but can I invite lune?THe little girl that come to school today ."(Takuya)
"Of course you can...after all she was so adorable.."(Hana)
"Ah thanks a lot!!well goodbye everyone !!let's meet again!!"(Takuya)
"see you soon!"(Classmate)
Then I log out,and get out of capsule. I saw lune and Tsukihime was waiting for me...ugh....THe first I thing to do..DOGEZA!!!!
As I immediately do dogeza..
"Why you are doing that?Do you think I am angry?"(Tsukihime)
"eh?But I disobey your order wasn't it?"(Takuya)
Lune was confused and just watch both of us?then tsukihime made me stand up and hits me lightly..
"Why I should be angry?After all you disobey me because you want to help your friends right?"(Tsukihime)
"Anyway...forget about it. now just ease..for tomorrow."(Tsukihime)
.........Tsukihime you was a nice girl. But I felt guilty..
"Tsukihime please punish me...I mean..I disobey your order right?"(Takuya)
"Sight..really..what a troublesome man you are.."(Tsukihime)
Tsukihime,then go to lune side and then told lune something. After understand what tsukihime saying Lune walk to me while bringing out some plastic bag..then she take out immediatel a box...this is..a gunp**a!!!TO be precise this was be**guy..
"Daddy daddy!!!Help me make it!!!Mom told me you were really good with it!!!"(Lune)
Eh????As I was confused, Tsukihime sighed walk over while bring the other plastic bag...
"You like this kind of things right?Think this kind of thing of present for all of your work..I don't know this suit your taste or not..but I tried my best okay.."(Tsukihime)
Tsukihime take out box that contains..a gun**la that I want..not to mention..this thing was what I want to buy and ..higher quality too.........This is!!!As I start shaking because of happiness..I then hug tsukihime..
"Tsukihime you are the best!!!"(Takuya)
Tsukihime embarrased.But I don't know as I keep thanking her..while Lune also wanted to hug.....after a while I released my hug then I ask her was it fine for me not to buy anything?And then she told me she already punished for someone who do work his terribly...I wonder who is it?well who cares..I will help Lune first..then finish off mine!!!!
Narrator POV
In a certain dungeon..a man was punished..
"UWEEE!!!This isn't fair!!!Why Takuya got present!!!while I got punishement!!"(Kennosuke)
Kennosuke scream bitterly with Alina behind him and whip him. Thought It didn't give him damage..it was quite hurt not to mention they were in dungeon not a city..
"Do your work faster!!!It was your fault to begin with!!!because of you Takuya planted another flag !!"(Alina)
"Eh!!!But it can't be helped right?"(Kennosuke)
"Shut it!!!You should fight with him instead holding off at the entrance!!!with that Takuya won't be too stand out wasn't it!!"(Alina)
"Still this isn't fair!!!why I must the one who buy the things not him!!"(Kennosuke)
"Idiot~~If you don't want to be punished then do your work.."(Alina)
"Please don't hurt me!!!"(Kennosuke)
"Then quit grumbling.."(Alina)
Right..the one was punished was kennosuke...because of that. now he must buy all things...for every late...well you know the rest..
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