《Chaos Zone online(CZO)》Chapter 4:A material for weapon
Author note:i know my bad grammar is bad ,i am still learning .that is why if anyone willing to be editor PM me.
This?as i stare at ceiling that is unfamiliar to me,i noticed that this isn't my home.i try to rub my eyes with my right hand but i feel my hand is heavy.then i noticed my arm was hugged by Tsukihime.
"Oh,it just chizuru.."(Takuya)
.........WAIT WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE!!!!!!!!it took me about 10 second to notice it. i check my clothes...fuh my clothes is still my uniform.. looks she doesn't do anything.i sigh in relieve try to break free from her grasp i slowly pull it out when i actually pulled my hands still remember the sensation of her mound.no no no takuya remember 3D girls are no good!!While shaking my head because she wake up in her sloppy pajamas while rubbing her eyes .
"Good morning~~~Takuya."(Tsukihime)
"Good morning my ass ,you pervert!!"(Takuya)
I give her a nice chop,immediately she rub her head.
"Auw,even though i don't rape you~~~"(Tsukihime)
"If i am not log out then i will be raped already!!"(Takuya)
just thinking about yesterday send me shivering!!!i must forget about yesterday.after that checking the time today is Saturday,there is no school today which is very good thing.If not there will be a huge uproar.
"Fuah,it it still 6 a.m,but it is fine."(Tsukihime)
She get out the bed,then she immediately open the dresser which contain my clothes too then immediately she started unbuttoning her pajamas!!In panic i ask her.
"What are you doing!!!"(Takuya)
"Unbuttoning my shirt."(Tsukihime)
"IF you doing that you should told me to get outside!!!"(Takuya)
Immediately i get out from the bed and run to outside.What a Fearmaster girl.. to make me sweat this much just in 15 minutes.
"Young master,you are sweat to much here is towel for you."(?????)
A maid handed me a towel
"Ah thanks."(Takuya)
Wait...a maid?
"Why there is a maid here!!"(Takuya)
I see a maid with short green hair and blue eyes compared to Tsukihime and hana maybe she isn't that beautiful but i am sure she will be idol in my school.to think maid still exist,Tsukihime sure fearsome.
"Sorry for not introduce myself,My name Alina Seichi ,i am the maid in this mansion."(Alina)
Seichi,seichi...hmmm where i heard that....AH I REMEMBER SHE IS ONE OF THE IDOL IN MY SCHOOL!!!She work as maid here?
"Alina,let him rest.it is normal for him sweat that much because they have done nonstop for one night."(??????)
Then i see a butler.A guy with handsome appearance... i remember he is one of the prince of our school!!!!!Kennosuke Ichirou!!!A guy that often give recommendation of good anime one of my best friend.so the reason he never let me go to his home because he works here.
"Takuya,How was your first time?"(Kennosuke)
he smiled ,but his smile this time make me pissed.
Hah....after i shout from my deepest lung ,they blink their eyes twice .immediately i coughed then ask them.
"What are you doing here?"(Takuya)
"We are working of course,we owe her so much after all and they payment is considerably good."(Kennosuke)
Kennosuke agree with me that the stalker order are weird.then they are the one who make the video.
"But young master!!!At first i though you was just a common guy,stalking you allow me to understand your awesomeness !!!!You act like that but everyone barely knows you!! As expected the guy young miss choose!!"(Alina)
Her eyes glittering with star...Kennosuke only smile bitterly.
"Alina,stop it you will bother him if this continues."(Kennosuke)
She step back then kennosuke said to me while smiled bitterly he always smiled a guy that can kill many girls with single smile.
"But Takuya,it just suggestion please give up your dream to marry 2D girls."(Kennosuke)
I give him form X with my hands as my answer.
"Then do your best Takuya,though i say it impossible because you love each other."(Kennosuke)
"what do you mean?"(Takuya)
I confused and kennosuke close his mouth and whistle away looks like it slipped up.then Tsukihime open the door and ordered them.
"Kennosuke,i will the one who tell him there is no need for you to tell him,Elina you are the same."(Tsukihime)
"Yes young miss."(Kennosuke)
"It is my pleasure,young miss."(Alina)
She wear a white bluish blouse and a skirt.it suits her very much.noticing my sight she smiled.
"Stop looking at me takuya,you can looking at me all you want after breakfast."(Tsukihime)
"No thanks."(Takuya)
I can deny her that beautiful,but my only love are 2D girls.3D girls are out of option.after that we walk to dinning room and having breakfast together with Kennosuke and Alina,though they are servant but tsukihime think them as family and let us eat together,she is a good person.i am glad for it.after breakfast we walk again and arrive at another room.there is 5 capsule here.A free drinking machine and even a shelf full of instant food..also an toilet..for gamer this room are heaven.
"Takuya,let me explain about weapon crafting."(Tsukihime)
Weapon crafting.
By preparing material and blacksmith tools you can create weapon that suit yourself.it usually divided into three area.
Handles,Edges and sheathes.
Handles are the brain of weapon.for example if you try to reload your guns you need to create the cartridge which is at Handle section.Or if you create a sword than can transform into bows then you put the feature at handles.
Edges are the main offensive or defensive point of weapon,you create the blade or defensive point of the system at this section,like barrel sword edge,hidden weapon and many things you also can imbue the magic at this section if the material fulfill the conditions notes:A magic weapon need intelligence and consume Mp to use it but mechanical weapon don't .
Sheathes are the one who support the weapons for example it allows you change the weapon in the middle of battle depend on material you use it also needs exchange abilities.you also can imbue this part with magic if the material fulfill conditions.
notes it magic and changing weapon consumes mp,this section was fine even if is not created.
Rough of it.
"Yeah,Tsukihime then your weapons are magical weapon right."(Takuya)
"Right,If not it will waste my huge of mp ,the edge i fought you with was imbued with First strike magic the first hit since the katana drawn will increase 50% damage and my katana sheathe was imbued by force return you can set the edge return in time you set ."(Tsukihime)
"Then you also use exchange abilities?"(Takuya)
"Yes,Different edges mean different magic abilities .my active abilities also required to be sheathed."(Tsukihime)
This game is too free with its customization.but she was really good at this game.
"There is also an armor creation but for now just focus on your weapon."(Tsukihime)
I nod
"Then what do you want to do now?Do you want certain abilities or certain material ?Considered you just play 2 days i think you need to know the material by yourselves."(Tsukihime)
hmmm.for now let's gather money.
'let's gather money ,i mean i am still poor in the game."(Takuya)
"What do you mean we have our money 10 billions shared there is-"(Tsukihime)
"Chizuru that is your money,i won't touch it beside i already owe you for the motorcycle if i ask more than i will be a trash."(Takuya)
Even if we are in relationship i won't use her money as a man it should be me not her.i thanks her for her good intent but i don't want to live by using her money.
"As expected of young master!!!"(Alina)
"Takuya,you said you just play for 2 days aren't you?Then just what are you doing at home?by go home early."(Kennosuke)
what?Wait a minute Tsukihime also ask the same..
"Didn't both of you followed me?you should know what i do at home."(Takuya)
He shake his head.
"We only do that and after school once you go home we will stop because tsukihime says so."(Kennosuke)
I see,then sometimes i go to port cafe to help hana she also didn't knew huh.
"I do that because i know in night you often Ma-"(Tsukihime)
"No ,i don't i am not a pervert."(Takuya)
"Fine,i will respect your feeling of you to hide it .as a wife i understand."(Tsukihime)
Why you look so smug.what i said are the truth.Alina hearing this blushed while kennosuke don't believe me...i say the truth though.
"Forget it,let's go log in the faster the better i need to buy some material for my own weapon."(Takuya)
"You already have a plan?"(Tsukihime)
"A bit,i need to gather material for weapon that have high offensive point,low durability and light weight.it doesn't the durability 1 rebound is break ,Also the low offensive point,but high durability and light weight it doesn't matter as long it can used for defend even 1 offensive point is fine."(Takuya)
If that weapon is created then i can use both of my hands fully.
"How much do you need?"(Tsukihime)
"The hard one about 100 str required,the other one is 100 Str."(Takuya)
Hearing this she though for a bit then..
"Then should we aimed for the highest offensive strength in the game?"(Tsukihime)
"Young miss don't tell me you?"(Kennosuke)
She smiled then she said.
"Let's go to the Glass Crystal valley for some mining!!this is also a good place for farming."(Tsukihime)
"But young miss,to kill the monster you need a great precision because the skin or shell monster there are the hardest in the game."(Alina)
This will be great training for that weapon..
"The skin and shell can be used for creating good armor.it will be good source of money.But i doubt we can return alive."(Tsukihime)
"Then shall i go?this will be fun."(Takuya)
"Wait takuya are you sure?No one has returned with the material alive because the boss was to insane .even the one who found it only get a 0,01 gram from the cave ."(Kennosuke)
"Then i shall be the one who clear it."(Takuya)
hearing that everyone become silent but Tsukihime the laugh .
"Really you will always so reckless,Kennosuke,Alina what will you do?If you want to stay it is fine i don't mind ."(Tsukihime)
"We will follow young miss."(Kennosuke,Alina)
"No there is no need to follow me.i will go alone."(Takuya)
Hearing this Tsukihime even taken back then she ask me.
"Takuya,are you seeking death?There is no way you could do it solo even me can't do it."(Tsukihime)
"How about a this then?"(Takuya)
Tsukihime frowned for a moment then i said.
"I will finish the dungeon in by tomorrow ,if i failed then you can wish anything from me but you must let me go alone this time."(Takuya)
"Why you want to go alone that much?Do you hate to make a party that much?."(Tsukihime)
"No,it is my weapon of course i need to get it alone.please understand that much."(Takuya)
Tsukihime close her eyes looks she is thinking then she opened her eyes and answer me .
"Fine,but if you failed then you will marry me in the game.,do you still willing to take a bet? "(Tsukihime)
Tsukihime was serious,she always smile at me regardless what i do. now she is serious.
"Of course,i won't take back my words.i will show you that i are the man can depended on.."(Takuya)
Tsukihime then sigh after that she says.she smiled and turn back.
"Well ,i will prepare for our wedding then."(Tsukihime)
"I will cancelled our wedding,because it will be me the one who will held the wedding."(Takuya)
i don't know why i am saying this,it is more like an instinct.
after saying that i ask the area and some shop that i can get supply .then i go into the capsule and log in.
Narrator POV
Capsule room
"sigh what a stubborn guy."(Tsukihime)
"Young miss,is it fine to let young master be rash?I mean it doesn't good if he married to miss because of that promise."(Elina)
Elina was purely worried for Tsukihime.But Tsukihime just smiled.
"If Takuya married me because of that then let it happen,it is normal for him to make 1 or 2 mistakes.beside don't you he heard what he said before he go log in?"(Tsukihime)
"""I will cancelled our wedding,because it will be me the one who will held the wedding."I believe takuya say so."(Kennosuke)
"Right,he will cancelled our wedding not because he reject,but Takuya wants himself to hold the wedding. doesn't it show his heart have opened a bit?"(Tsukihime)
Tsukihime thinking how he ignore everything she offer clearly show that he doesn't want their relation depend on money.Just thinking of that she smiled if he doesn't hold her dear surely he will accept it because he is guy who accept any goodwill toward him but only she was ignored for example the lunchbox he didn't search for the one who give him not to give him,he is also accept any DVDs that given toward him but he didn't do their favor.only she get the special attention.maybe by instinct he realize who she is.
"Then young miss,what you hope?Hope he failed or you hope he success ,which one?"(Kennosuke)
"The latter,I believe he will able to do it.because he is the man i choose and i loved.let's watch him through TV set."(Tsukihime)
The capsule in Tsukihime home was equipped with a cam room so they can watch each other and can do their work together with best efficiency .then they go to the cam room which door only can be opened by enter some password.
"Alina,get us some potato cheap,Kennosuke make some tea today we will watch endless movies until tomorrow."(Tsukihime)
"Yes young miss!!"(Kennosuke and Alina)
after they gone the cam already started it shown Takuya buy some whetstone and some potion with 500 credit he get.
"Now go beyond my expectation Takuya,my Dear."(Tsukihime)
Quest 1
"Glass crystal Valley."
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