《Revenge of the Golemman》Further Plans


After Lyels death it took Balin only a few hours to track down the last of the Gaus-group a trio of two men one big and bulky, one tall and skinny and an average sized woman. He found them hiding in one of the houses next to the main building of the Gaus-group. The big guy was stabbed in the lungs with a knife that Balin took of one of the Gaus mercenaries, the skinnier one got his ribs crushed and the woman was chocked by the earth hand. Balin could barely recall the last few hours. All he remembers is the satisfaction of avenging his comrades and village. Then he suddenly recalls what happened earlier. One of the Gaus-group cut of a big part of his leg. Balin sat on the ground and inspected it. His left leg was detached about one hand with above the knee in one clear almost horizontal line. The swordsman who did this was skilled since a cut through that much bone requires a lot of skill and force to pull off. Under the still meaty part of the leg was a now earthlike replacement for the lost limb. It had the same color as Balin’s right arm and Balin felt the same from it. He knew when the leg touched something, and he was able to control how strong and where it moved. In many ways it was like his right arm. Balin concluded that whatever Epidex-curs did to him, it didn’t just fix him up. It somehow gave him the ability to replace everything that he loses with earth. He knew that would come in handy for his further plans whatever they were.

Balin thought back to everyone who was responsible for the catastrophe in the Rivervally. He killed the Gaus-group but who was next on his metaphorical chopping block. Balin recalled the thing that scared Sir Egbert the most, the fact that the feudal Lord’s men never appeared. He would be next. In a way he should have been the most obvious target. But Balin was just so focused on the Gaus-group that he forgot the Lord Conway’s crimes. He was next. Balin made another oath of revenge and started planning. Balin went to the main building of the Gaus-group to take any useful items. Since he didn’t know how long he would have to travel nor what he had to do to achieve his goal. He needed to be prepared. In a way he would take the money back that they have stolen from the Rivervalley. At least that was how he justified what was essentially just looting but he did not care. He searched to whole building. He found some jewelry that he could cash in, some gear that he could use. From new cooking utensils to new clothing. He even found some bags with coin. Not nearly in the amount that the group hustled form the Rivervally but enough to fund his further plans. By the time he got what ever he could carry the sun was almost gone. He didn’t want to spend anymore time near the crime scene and left to return to the inn where he was staying. He would have to leave tomorrow early since as a stranger to the area he was suspect to his crimes once the bodies would be found.

The next morning Balin traveled back east. Since Lord Conway lived only a few days away from the Rivervally, Balin already knew the way. After all, until a few weeks ago he was a knight’s squire and due to that a lower noble, so he had to be affiliated with many of the higher nobility and some of the lower royalty. Specially Lord Conway since he would be the one Balin and Dilan would serve under once they would be knighted.


Balin already traveled a few days in the right direction when he took a day rest in one of the inns of a smaller cities that he had to pass through. It was important to rest occasionally. Not just to orientate oneself but also to keep your feet healthy. It was common knowledge for everyone who had to spend many days on the road and wasn’t a true nomad. That day Balin made an interesting discovery about his right left leg. It didn’t have any blisters. In any other circumstance that wouldn’t be anything that Balin would notice. But his right leg was full of them. It made it uncomfortable to travel but Balin would have to get used to it. It also made Balin think about his condition and once again he recognized the fact that the earth like limbs had none of the weaknesses that their fleshy counterparts have. For a moment Balin was thinking if he should just cut his remaining arm and leg off to replace them with their earthy counterparts but that thought was quickly dismissed since having his leg cut of earlier was incredibly painful. Not as painful as when he almost died but it still hurt, also he didn’t want to arouse any suspicion and the less normal parts he had the easier it would be for him to be found out. Later the same day he was eating dinner in one of the local taverns. The most noteworthy thing about it was the taverns size. It was gigantic for what it was. Apparently, this building used to be an old chapel that the church sold of cheap. While Balin was sitting there eating in silence, he overheard two guys talking.

“Did you hear? A few weeks ago a monster horde collided with a small village in the east and completely destroyed it. There were no survivors.”

“Really no survivors? Why didn’t the local lord do anything?”

“He wanted to help. But apparently, they arrived two days late. It was a tragedy.”

“Two days? Mann that must stink. Why were they late?”

“My friend who told me this said that a part of the horde split of early and attacked the soldiers on their way to the village. Although they didn’t have any casualties their equipment was badly damaged in a fire that erupted during the fight. So, they had to postpone their arrival but by then it was already too late.”

Balin accidently crushed the keg that was in his hand and emptied the liquid inside it all over the table. One of the men who was talking looked over to Balin and asked with concern.

“Everything ok? Have you hurt yourself?”

Balin was clenching his hands into fists.

“Yes, everything is fine. Excuse me. I have overheard your conversation. Do you just so happened to know the name of the village that was wiped out?”

The concerned man turned to his friend and asked him.

“Do you know the name?”

The man who was asked thought for a second and remembered it suddenly.

“It was R something valley if I remember correctly. I want to say Rivervalley but don’t quote me on that.”

“So, the lord is completely innocent in this?”

“Yes, it was tragedy. Why are you so concerned young man? Did you know someone form there?”

“Yes… I knew a few people from there.”

“I am sorry to hear this. Losing someone always feels terrible. Are you sure that you are ok?”


The man pointed a hand towards Balin’s left hand. As it turns out Balin clenched his hand so hard that his fingernails cut his palm and it bleed lightly.

“Ohh. Yes, I am ok. Please excuse me for a while. I need to… get a dry shirt.”

Balin stood up and left the two men and the mess at table that he created to go to his room in the inn to think.

“God dammit! It wasn’t his fault. This was a waste of time.”

In his frustration over the new revelation Balin punched a nearby tree with his right hand. Shaking the tree in the process. He looked at his still bleeding left hand. It wasn’t magically healed by the demon’s power. Probably since the wound was shallow, so his healing powers didn’t activate. He would have to disinfect it the old-fashioned way. That is when Balin recalled the incident with the medicine delivery. They were handled by the Gabriel supplies company. And they only brought them trash. They were responsible for many of the dead. If they had done their job there would have been enough lion pills and other potions to save more people. The blood of the Rivervally was on their hands just as much as it was on the Gaus-group. They had to pay. But the company was big and powerful. Balin would have to plan this carefully. But that won’t save them. Not from Balin.

Balin made his mind up. He would hunt down the one responsible for the scam inside the Gabriel Supply company. So, for the first step Balin visited the local market, searching for the both where an affiliate of the company was selling his wares. But Balin couldn’t find a representative at the market. This slightly confused Balin since this city while not big was clearly big enough for Gabriel to make shop here and try to sell their wares. After carefully checking every single table Balin gave up finding it on his own so he asked around.

“Gabriel Supplies? They stopped selling stuff here in weeks. They used to have a booth near the city entrance but for whatever reason about two months ago they just packed up and left. No one really knew why. They usually sold well around here. But hey, that’s their loss. And their loss is my gain. So, can I interest you in something? These herbs here for an example. They drive of insects at night and can be used to make a delightful tea. Interested?”

Out of politeness Balin bought the herbs. If anything, it would help him when he must sleep in a foreign bed that is filled with lice. While walking away Balin thought through what to do now. He could go to another city and try again there? Balin didn’t really feel like searching forever to find the culprit but he owed his village at least that much. So, Balin left the city in search of information of Gabriel Supply company. Balin didn’t want to keep going east. That was his original destination in the first place but after getting that information on Lord Conway it only left a foul feeling in Balin’s stomach. Heading south wasn’t really an option. Since then he would have to traverse mountains and then he would most likely only get home sick. He just was westwards, and he didn’t want to be seen in the same area for too often. So, by default towards the north it was. Balin crossed multiple villages on his way to the north but in none of them was a single person who worked for Gabriel’s. It would take Balin four villages and a week and a half of traveling too get hold of someone who worked for Gabriel’s Supplies up until a few months. His name was Ernest. He used to run the booth for Gabriel’s in a nearby city but when the shop was closed by his superiors he had to move back home. Luckily, he was able to work as a fisherman under his ageing parents in a village next to the river called “Snake’s tongue”. Balin was able to find him next to the huge river. He was fixing some nets that got broken after the last salmon season. The monotony of the work meant that he appreciated having someone to talk to.

“Gabriel’s Supply company had to close down many of their shops due to a financial crisis. Some said that it was sabotage others say it was bad speculation of the market. I don’t really care why it happened, but I am still pissed. I really liked my job. Talking to people and getting them to buy stuff was a lot of fun, and I didn’t want to return home. But what can you do? Say Boy! Why are you even so interested in the company? You should know that they don’t look for workers right now and you are wasting your time if that is the case.”

Balin knew he had to choose his words carefully.

“I am not looking for work right now. I guess you could say that I am going to file a complaint about some of the wares that my village bought from them. And it is important that this works out as I hope it does.

“Must be one heck of a complaint for you to go through all that trouble. But if I were to guess I would say that the medicine that you got wasn’t that good. Right?”

“Yes. Good guess. How did you know?”

“There were rumors at the shop. Apparently, they were stretching some things like the Ichor where they put less Moly in then the recipe needs. But there weren’t too many complains, at least while I worked there. No idea how bad it really was.”

“So, can you direct me towards too where I can find Gabriel’s?”

“Well I don’t think that it would help you a lot. But if you really want to know where to start, I would recommend going to King’s hold. Their main branch is stationed there so if there is a place where you could get something out of that complain it is there. But I’d say you should go home instead. It probably won’t be worth the journey.”

“Well it is really important. So, I must try at least.”

“Alright. But you don’t have to go right now. There should be at least enough time to have lunch at my place at least.”

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