《Dungeon God》Chapter 9 Waking Up


Chapter 9 Waking Up

So tired, I don’t want to open my eyes, but I need to get out of this cave now. I fall off the bed I was sleeping on, and stand up. I notice my clothes are gone, they must have disintegrated with age, great then I make a green and black robe appear and put it on.

Those dungeon torches I made are still lit, they must not go out then. I go to the cave entrance and open it, and I go blind for a few seconds. Once it clears up I can see a big forest, and notice that this mountain grew a bit. How long was I in that cave for to grow a mountain so much I could notice it, and I am on an island now that I am fully awake, I didn’t notice it was an island when I came here I must have been sleepy.

I can see a city off in the distance on the mainland lets go there. I jump off the mountain and start to fall to ground level, while falling I see a fox with nine different colored tails dart through the forest, interesting fox I thought.

I flew across the water quickly so no one will see me, because now that is has been a while since this world has been formed, the sentient species will have gotten all settled down, and have their own lands now. I wouldn’t want a race to attack or chase me to unlock my secrets now do I?

I went a bit far from the city and land, and then I walk the rest of the way to the city. At the entrance I see some guards. This so going to be troublesome, I am guessing a need an identification to get in, what will I do, lets try a mind trick. I pick up a piece of wood and walk up the guards waving with a smile.

I get to them and they say.

“May I see your identification please, so then you can enter the city,” the guard says.

“ Ah yes here you go, also may I ask what city this is and what land?” I say, and I hand him the piece of wood.

The guard looks at the wood a bit surprised then gives it back.

“What you don’t know? What are you some lone wolf on a mountain, and your identification checks out” said the guard

“Yes you could say that” I reply.

“Well this is the Land of Elm, it is one of the four human lands, and this city is called Balmore after the city Lord Balmore.” the guard explained.

I thank him then go into the city. It’s been a while since I have seen so many humans. I walk through the city exploring it, soon I come among a big building with a small constant flow of people through it. Wonder what that is, I enter the building and see a big reception desk, and a few big boards with lots of papers on it.

I go up to the reception desk and see a female receptionist, I asked her what building this was, and she replied politely that it was the Adventurers Guild. So Bobicus did do his duty, I should reward him if he is still alive.


I leave the guild, then I leave the city, since I am in search of some dungeon that gets spawned by my power, I see some adventurers enter a cave opening and I go toward that.

Some adventurers that were standing near the dungeon see me and start walk toward me.

“Hey are you an adventurer man,” one said.

“No but I am going to the dungeon there” I say. Then they start to laugh.

“Sorry you have to be an adventurer and at least D rank to go into a dungeon, and you are weak person, so go home and leave the adventuring to us,” an other says.

“Fine” I say then I walk away those humans are so ignorant I should have killed them, but I can’t well not let at least. Lets rise in the ranks as fast as we can. I go toward the Adventurers Guild.

The Dungeons Pov:

Well I was killing adventurers like usually when I feel a weird aura near my entrance I go and check and see some adventurers talking to some man that had the aura. Then I recognize the aura it was the aura of the Dungeon God, I had learned about it from the Dungeon Council.

I heard the adventurers insulting our Lord the Dungeon God Vlad, I got very angry I was about to kill those adventurers, by sending a lower floor boss monster to attack them, but then the Dungeon God left, I still killed them too as soon as they entered my dungeon.

I need to inform the Council that The Dungeon God has awoken, they told us to do that once one of us dungeons sees him, to inform the Dungeon Council. I send my consciousness out of my dungeon to the dungeon god and left my dungeon to run its self.

Soon I got to the council, man are they terrifying the first eight dungeons that the Dungeon God made. I tell them that he is awake and is in Elm. They look up from what they were doing with big grins on their face, and then they sent me back saying they would reward me.

I am glad to be back in my dungeon, that place is scary, and so messy they are not neat at all, I wonder what the Dungeon God will think of them being so messy.

I see outside of my dungeon and see the Dungeon god killing Goblins, killing animals and collecting plants outside for the next few days. I think he became an adventurer I wonder why.

Then one day he finally comes into my dungeon. All the monsters bow before him, so he just walks straight through all 20 floors I have. Then he comes into my room and speaks to me.

Vlads Pov:

Well I get to the Adventurers Guild and become an adventurer, the receptionist explains to me that I can only do quests of my rank and one rank above and below my rank.

The Ranks are:
































SSS ranks and Up are considered mythical, it is hard to go through the adventurer ranks as you go up.


I am Rank F Currently. There are the Adventurers Guild’s Own Dungeon Ranks too.

















That's is as far as the guild has ever gotten so they have no data if there are more powerful ones, but they suspect that there are and they are afraid of that. They don't know the true dungeon ranks so this is their ranking for dungeons. That receptionist knows her stuff.

I go to the Board for F rank and E rank, and take collecting herbs, killing Goblins, And getting animal Pelts.

I was about to leave when a few brute looking adventurers stopped me.

“Hey aren’t you too weak to become an adventurer” one said trying to intimated me. I was about to speak when woman came over stopping the man, the color of the mans face drained when he saw the woman.

“Stop causing disturbances in the guild” The Woman said.

“Yes madam” the man replied then he ran off.

“ Thank you, the man was annoying me,” I say to the woman.

“You welcome, just trying to keep the peace of the guild, later” then the woman left.

I go up to the receptionist lady and ask whom the woman was.

“Ah that was a powerful person that was Rachael Light, she is a rank SS adventurer, her class is a Healer” says the lady.

I thank her then leave. So that was a SS rank huh, interesting..

I then went to weapon’s shop to get a good spear, I could just create one but that ruins the fun, of being an adventurer.

I enter the store and see a dwarf at the counter, he looks up and smiles a toothy grin.

“Welcome to me shop, my name is Nave what do you need” Nave the Dwarf said.

“ I am looking for a good spear to use, I am an adventurer and I would like a spear to use,” I say to Nave.

“A Spearman huh, I got some spears over there most crafted by the dwarfs, some by others” Nave replies and points to the spears.

I go to the spears and see some good crafted spears. Not really anything I want, then I notice a black spear that had a four-sided spearhead, I like that one. I take it and bring it to Nave.

“ I would like this spear please, how much?” I ask.

“Ah this is Black Iron Spear very strong, this has a small life absorbing curse on it too forgot I had one, lets see how about 50 gold” Nave said as he inspected the spear.

I give him the 50 gold, and then I thank him and leave. I get to the plains and spot a goblin.

I walk up the goblin with my new spear in hand, then I notice the goblin isn’t attacking me, ah crap it is that aura that makes monsters friendly toward me. Well I can always command them to fight me, If someone is watching, but for now free kills.

I stabbed the goblin, and then the color of the goblin drained into the spear. So that’s the life absorbing curse it has. I start to run around killing goblins, until I killed about 100 of them.

Then I go catch some animals for pelts, then collect herbs, I repeated this until I ranked up to D rank. Then I marched off to the dungeon.

The Adventurers aren’t there to stop me this time too. I enter the dungeon, and after a bit I start to notice all the monsters are bowing before me, well I am the God of them. I go through 20 floors with ease, I guess the dungeon wants to meet me. I enter the room with the dungeon heart.

“Hello dungeon, I wish for you to tell me about what you know, if you can” I ask.

“My Lord I will tell you anything, I have heard about you from the dungeon council, and I am rank D++ my Lord” the dungeon says.

“Wait the Dungeon Council what’s that, tell me,” I ask.

“The Dungeon Council? Well lets see the Dungeon Council’s Job is that they lead and control all off dungeons, and supervise, and sometimes ether punish or reward us dungeons, and the final thing is to spread the Church Of the Dungeon God” the dungeon explained.

What? That’s the reason I have some faith power, I need to have a serous talk with this Dungeon Council about that.

“What I want to know is who is the dungeon council,” I tell him.

“That, well that’s is simple they are the first eight dungeons ever created, and was personally created by the Dungeon God, they are very powerful, and scary. But the Dungeon Council Supervisor keeps them in check most of the time” said the dungeon.

“Dungeon Council Supervisor who is that?” I ask.

“The Dungeon Council Supervisor, is your first servant the Dungeon Phoenix, he was trained by his mother Hestia the Phoenix God” replied the dungeon.

Ah so Hestia kept her word, that’s good, I wonder what his personality is like?

“Dungeon Phoenix?” I ask.

“ That is the variant he is, the green flames are dungeon flames, so he became a Dungeon Phoenix, so basically a green phoenix, he is very powerful too, since he was trained by his mother” said the dungeon.

I was wondering about that, so my flame is a dungeon flame, lets ask him where I can find the council since I am going to see them now.

“Where can I find the Council, since I am going to see them now. And will you send a message to them saying I am coming over to them” I ask.

“Well that is at the world tree since that is the safest place, no other races go there, because of the dryads and pixies and even the world tree repels them. The land is considered a sacred land anyway, no one would want to defile it. Yes I already sent to message my Lord,” explained the dungeon.

“Well I must go, I will come visit sometime, later,” I say to the dungeon then I leave.

Well lets go to the world tree then and see the dungeon council and the dryads and pixies too, they will be excited to see me, ah I need to ask them how long I was asleep, onward!


Well I am bad at thinking of names for stuff

Hey if you have any questions about the story ask in the comments, and I will answer it,well it depends on what the question is. But ask away

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