《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Chapter 32


''Brother,what is it?''Said a girl at her 14's.She had white shoulder lenght hair and crimson red eyes.At her left was a boy,with a little bit of beard at his chin.He had crimson red hair and crimson red eyes,looking quite dashing.He had a small smile on his lips,which got the attention of her sister.

''Grim will be coming back next year.''Said boy,Deroc.Stella's eyes widened a bit and flashed with happines.''Where is he?He directly disappeared so i was very worried!''She said excitedly.''Big bro Aeneas didn't tell me,so i don't know as well.''He said.Stella looked a bit frustrated but didn't pursue the matter.Even if his brother knew,he wouldn't tell it.

''Darius will graduate this year though,i thought he would arrive earlier.''Stella said,feeling a bit sad.Deroc's face fell a bit as well.War was getting more intense,as high ranked forces were already starting to clash.Pale coast lost half of it's original terrority already,which covered northern east of realm gate.They had holy army and Kong but this didn't made them feel relieved.

Especially when demons showed up with 2 armies,whom leaded by hero realm demons,and crushed the whole posts near the Pale city.Whole population felt more pressure.And this included 4th year students of Academies.Even though presidents refused to send students to battlefield in the name of 'Tempering',once they graduated they would be sent without a doubt.

Most of the students were talented,with rich experience at magic and uses of it.But also never tasted what a war was like,nor knew the smell of blood and death.They would be like pigs,waiting to be slayed by a butcher.Some of them harbored thougts of hiding or escaping but Kong,with 2 Guardians of Humanity,released a decree that any person who didn't participate would be hunted down after war.

So students had to give up on their intentions,because they had no way out of this.If they lost the war,then at best they would be slaves to demons,worse completely eradicated from the continent.So they wouldn't have a chance to live a normal life.Even if they won the war,they would be counted as traitor.Only to be killed at the sight,forced to stay away from world.

''He probably has his own reasons.Also,he was not so close to them,So don't blame him.''Deroc said.Stella nodded lightly,her eyes a bit blank.Whenever she was feeling happy,something bad always happened.At first her father disappeared,showing up only once in 2 or 3 years.Second,her mother and father died,leaving them behind.And now,not only her friends but also her close relatives were under danger.She sometimes felt like she was siphoning misfortune,only to be released on her loved ones.

As they were walking silently in the long hallways of dorms,they reached Stella's room.''Don't forget to wake up early.''She said and entered the room.Deroc heard Amisi's voice as well as Stella's talking but he didn't stay to listen their conversation,thinking it would be unappropriate,and departed towards his room.After walking for 2-3 minutes,going right and left among the hallways,he reached his room's door and knocked lightly.

There were no response from inside,so he knocked 2 more times which also ended without recieving any response.Sighing lightly,he opened the door,trying to make as little sound as possible.Room's lights were turned off and a weak breathing could be heard inside.Unlike the first time he came to this room,window was closed and Vera was sleeping happily on her bed with a cover.


Deroc moved slowly with no sound.After reaching near his bed he directly laid down,not changing his clothes.He was a bit tired but it was not to the point of exhaustion.Only it is a bit of pain to find them in this darkness,so he didn't attempt it.As he looked at the ceiling,he immersed himself in thoughts,slowly falling asleep.


At the far north of the Realmgate,At least 4000km away,stood an ancient castle.It's structure was filled with cracks and some outer walls were broken.But among all odds,it still stood high and mighty against the time.Ancient castle was surrounded by thousands of tents,all filled with several armored people.Most of them wore white full plate armors,with a symbol at it's chest.It was an eye,being held by 2 hands.This was the symbol of Celeste,Light god.

This place was where holy army of Kong,the old Paladin,resided.Even though he was not a one anymore,people still called him Paladin out of respect.He was a great man with countless accomplishments.But among them,the biggest one was his Position. Even though Celeste was not selective when it came to races,she never chose a human as paladin.In the entire history,Kong was the first human to be a Paladin who gained favor of Celeste.

So his standing was quite high,much more than magic god's prophet and nearing to 2 Guardians of Humanity.With his leadership he managed to rally an army of holy/light power.Even though two magic was essentially same,they were a bit different because of their source.Holy magic came from faith while light magic was like the other types of magic,innate.

''Ugh,this believers make me crazy.''Said a long faced man.He was sitting in a wooden chair outside of his tent,drinking some juice.In front of him sat another man,he had a thick beard with small eyes.He directed his gaze to the long faced man,his brows furrowed.''You can always drink wine another time.You are taking this war too lightly.''He said with a harsh tone.

''No,you are the one who is taking this more seriously.''Long faced man said,gulping down the whole juice in one shot.''Also,we have Guardians at our side,let alone the Kong.How could some mere Demons defeat us?''He said and stood up.''Look around you,how can they stand against these numbers?And we have holy magic!We can directly extinguish their life force!.''Man said,with a bit of flushed face.

Other man only sighed at his idiocity,standing up and going back to tent.Long faced man turned to look at his back,muttering''I knew i was right.He doesn't even know what to say.''Bearded man pretended to not hear him,only calmly lying on his bed.

'Man,i can't stand this idiot.'He thought.'Are we so desperate that we need to recruit people like these?'He sighed in exhaustion.Mental strain was making him more and more tired and anxious.Currently,soldier camp was parted to two sides.Believers and recruits.

Believers were the people who voluntarily joined the army,not all of them were faithful to Celeste though.Recruits were people who were forced to join the army.But forced recruitment was a neccessary thing,as believers were only as big as half of recruits.Army was currently consisting of near to 30 thousand people.Which meant only 10 thousand or so of army was using holy power.


He was also a recruit,not because he feared from war but he had a crippled wife to take care.But local ruler promised to,under the order of Kong,take care of their families.Even so,he was a bit unwilling but at the end joined.He took out a dagger from his belt and looked at his face from it's surface.

His wife always said he had bright eyes,filled with happines.But what he saw from these eyes were only blankness.He lost the bright eyes of his when he left his wife behind.He knew that upper echelon was not so merciful.Back then He was working under the mayor after all,he saw many things which tested his morals.

There was a possibilty that not only people at frontlines but also the people at the safe zones would be sacrificed.Why?To protect the 'Interest' and 'Life' of the lofty nobles and great families.This continent was big,but resources were not.There were many mouths to feed but humans were the weakest of the many races,so they had the lowest resources.

To ensure that war was going with no difficulties,constant supply of people and resources were in need.They couldn't send normal people to frontlines,but could use them to increase the efficiency.And first line was starting from poor and homeless.Even so,how could normal people could catch up with the speed of ranked people?It would only lead to their death.The continent was way too big,even if it was serperated to half So distance was way too long for normal people.

And after them were possibly low standing citizens and cripples.Even though they wouldn't send them to frontlines,they could use them at producing or mining the materials.Her wife was safe,but only for now.So he only wished that this war wouldn't last long.But he knew that this was only a whisful thinking.


Clenching both of his hands,Grim felt much more calm.It was only after he was healed his brother explained the dangers of Mark.It may be a fortune but also a calamity.He was relieved that there were no negative response from Magic God,so it was a smooth process.He also learnt new things about God level magic and Undying Mark.

God level magics were working different than other magics.Other than destruction type God level magic,all other types like illusion,restoration,enchanting etc.was strictly supervised by Magic God.If Magic God didn't give permission,the user would take a big backlash from magic,injuring him/her seriously.But Dragon Sovereign was prepared before hand.Demi's mother said that the scroll Dragon Sovereign gave them was used to hide a magics nature.

If they couldn't get a permission from Magic God,then they could hide it as a destruction magic,allowing them to heal Grim easily.She was also very shocked when she explained it because Sovereign handed these scrolls to outsiders only 3 or 4 times in her life.Considering Sovereign was a figure from God's era,it was a very long time.

As for Undying Mark,it was much more miraculous.It could turn ones soul to an immortal soul,enabling them to live for an eternity.After some time the immortal aura would seep into one's body and turn it into an immortal body,making it unable to decay or rot.But it could be still destroyed by outside factors.

The most incredible thing was,this was not like Gods immortality.Gods were not immortal at the first place,or they wouldn't have died at the war of God's Era.Only after Chronos fell,he cursed them with immortality.This may seem as an buff to the Gods who were already powerful,but it was not.

Chronos was time God,an existence much more powerful than 4 Absolute Gods that controlled all gods.Even so,he still died in the hands of fate.Using his last bits of divine power,he placed countless seals to the Chaos world and Gods that lived in that era other than Magic God and Light God.These seals completely changed the time aspect for the Gods.If one were to look from their eyes to Chaos world,they could only see countless images with no meaning.Because not only they saw the current time,they also saw the past and all possible futures of every living being.So they couldn't act like they used to.

But his immortality was different.It was natural,so he was not affected by Chrono metal.This meant he could still freely travel the hero rank dungeons,though it was a very far goal for now.After collecting his thoughts,he continued to sit down in the bed,slowly establishing a connection with Arihan.After 10 seconds,the dragon mark at his right hand glowed a little then he lost consciousness.

After he opened his eyes,he found Arian lying like a lazy dog while sleeping.Unless he asked something or an urgent event happened,Arihan would slumber most of the time.He asked the reason several times,direct and indirect,but he never answered it.So he dropped asking it.After some time passed he turned his gaze away from Arihan and directed his focus to the task at the hand.

With a thought,he focused all the mana to his right hand.After his hand glowed a little,he put his hand in front of him and murmured a incantation.After a whole minute,he put his palm to the ground,which shined brightly.After a second,a big,stone table appeared in front of him.

This was one of the foundational magics of Creation Magic,Mana Forge.It could be used to increase the speed and efficency of magic.But it's main use was to study Creation Magic.Even though other magic branches also had to rely on practice and trial,they also needed huge amounts of knowledge to improve.But Creation magic was different.It only relied on the person itself.

Creation magic was a very rare type.There were people using it but near to all of them used as an minor magic,to support themselves.But Grim choose Creation as a Major.It was not because Arihan though,Arihan suggested him to choose enchanting,because not only his dryflame bloodline was more efficent with Enchanting but other bloodline coming from his mother was also very compatible with Enchanting.

Even his father was using Enchanting as Major,while his brother used Destruction.But he didn't like both of them in slightest.Not only Creation was extremely interesting,it didn't have any limits like the other magic types.Highest order of Magic was God Rank for all other types but Creation was only limited by the user.And he had the confidence that he could reach God level with no difficulty.It was a rash decision in the eyes of Arihan,but he was there to guide Grim so there wouldn't be any problem.It may only slow down his growth but he was also filled with expectation towards Grim's accomplishments at Creation.

With another wave of his hand Grim created a simple chair,which he sat down.He slowly started to suck mana from surroundings,then focused his gaze to the Mana Forge.With a thought,he created a ordinary iron sword and placed it on the Forge.On the outside,iron sword was very alike with his Spirit Weapon but it didn't have the ancient and sharp aura Spirit Weapon had.

This was a replica of Spirit weapon he always used when fighting.It was also helping him to get familiar with Spirit weapon,so it was very benefical but not in Creation Magic.Spirit Weapon was a type of armament that exceeded 0th rank equipment,one of it's kind.So it was no easy task to directly produce another of it.He was curious if he could create a set of spirit weapon with Arihan's scales.So he asked him,but only got a roar at response.

Even if Arihan was taking care of Grim like it was his kind or little brother,Arihan was still an Dragon.And one of the 2 Eternal Dragons!He was a very prideful and domineering creature.How could he give his scales like they were simple pouch money?Just that scale costed him 600 years of Mana!So he directly got fired up and destroyed the connection with a roar,resulting in Grim taking a harsh backlash.Even though he healed and explained it later,Grim was very frightened so didn't even bring the matter to his mind when talking him.

''Don't lose your focus.''Said Arihan with a light voice.But to Grim,it was like a thunder right fell to his side.He directly trembled and covered his ears with both of his hands.After his trembling passed,he threw a cautious glance at Arihan and turned back to work.

With another thought,he gathered his mana at his fingertips and drew 2 circles size of a head,one at left,one at right.Circles flashed with a bit of light and directly fused with the forge,which shook a little and projected 2 circles at the same size,but this time they had a small design of sword inside.Grim put both of his hands on circles and slowly infused his mana.

He focused all of his attention to the sword designs,which glowed from time to time.Each glow showed a different part of sword.Whenever a glow appeared,Grim moved his hands at a high speed and tapped at that part,which glowed on the real sword as well.Then the glowing part would slowly fly away from the main blade,like it was being pulled by a invisible hand.

After half an hour,whole sword was serperated to 65 parts,all in different sizes while sword designs stopped glowing.Grim stood up from the chair and directly got next to the flying parts.His eyes were like 2 blue stars,brightening the darkness around him.With fast hand movements,he tapped to the swords in a strange order and infused little bits of mana,amount changing from part to part,to them.After first order was done,he repeated the same order,and again and again and again...

For whole 10 hours,Grim only made the same action.Tapping at the same order to the parts of the sword while infusing the very same amount of mana to the part they belonged.One must know that controlling mana was a very hard thing.Especially when it came to Grim's case.To add the same miniscule amount for whole 10 hourse non stop needed a ridiculous amount of mentality and patiance with a great control.The whole mana he added from the start didn't even amount to his %1 of capacity,so it was evident that he was very skilled at this matter,probably surpassing most of the 3rd rank mages.

And he was a fighter.He was not excelling at mana and spell mastery like the mages but excelled in frontline fighting!.His long hair was disheveled while his eyes were already bloodshot from the mental strain.But he had a wide smile at his plain face.With one last tap,All of the parts started to grow and slowly landed on the forge.Now all left was the easy part,Merging.

The creation of this sword was serperated to three parts.Splitting,Infusing,Merging.First part was a bit hard,because you had to slowly split the parts with caution.If you damaged the basic outline,you had to create another from the start,so it was a big waste of time.At the Infusing part he had to estimate the amount of mana to create the internal structure of sword.The swords he created were not like the classic swords,because they were created from nothing but mana.So he had to create some 'lines' or 'Pathways' inside the outer shell for the mana to support the materialistic form of Sword.These lines were generally placed under the 'Fuller' of sword,while side lines were passing from the edges.

But it was no easy task because amount of mana differed from part to part.The reason was all of them were different in shapes and sizes.The order to complete them could be changed but most efficent way was only decided by the person.Grim used one of the 2 common ways,smaller to bigger.With the increase of size,the amount you had to put was also increasing.Difficulty was higher at the smallest parts because amount of mana was so little it could be ruined easily with a little trembling or a small distraction.

After he was done with Infusing,he didn't take a break and directly passed to Merging stage.This was the easiest part compared to other two.All you had to do was get all the parts to their respective places with the order you made at Splitting part.In 10 minutes,Grim completed the task with no difficulty.After everything was done,he put both his hands on the sword,and infused all his remaining mana to it.Process took only a minute,which was insignificant because of the time he put in the other parts.

After infusing was done,Sword glowed with a white-blue light and produced some clanging sounds.After glow died off Grim took the sword in his hand and inspected slowly with his eye.Surface was much more smooth than the old version while it's edges were much sharper.It's hilt was sometimes flashing with little white-blue lights,showing that mana was flowing with no difficulty.With a thought,he sent some of his mana inside and his face directly filled with excitement.

He first created this sword when he was 8th rank,which took him 6 days to complete.He was not satisfied with the results that time,but there was no choice as his rank was very low,no matter how talented he was at control.With each rise in a rank,mana would increase in amount while it also becomes more and more pure.Because of that it also increases the power of the spells and strength of the body.

As his mana was much purer,he could improve the sword to another level.When he sensed the internal flow,he knew he reached another height at Creation magic.He was probably at Medium Rank now,which was impressive among the people at 7th rank.Mana flow was at least %30 percent more smooth while capacity was increased by %10 percent.It was a really huge improvement considering the difficulty.

But his excitement quickly vanished as well.He sighed in exhaustion and placed the sword on to the forge.Then with a wave of his hand,both forge and sword vanished.After that he turned around and looked at Arihan,who was still slumbering.He shook his head a little and cut the connection,returning back to his room.

After he returned back,he didn't made any movement.Because he directly fell asleep.

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