《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Undying Mark.


In a small village at the 20 kilometers west of Friedcow,an young man was sipping tea at the garden of a house.He had a hood which covered his face,making it unable to see his face.As he was enjoying the tea,he was also looking at the starry sky,his concealed face making a slight smile.As he was calmly enjoying,a tremor run through the whole village and a huge pillar rose from east,radiating intense killing intent and flames as hot as a inferno.

Young man frowned a little,his eyes gleaming with a strange light.''Dragon Flame?''He dropped the tea cup,which disappeared like a dust.Following after it,the herbs and plants at the garden was gone,then the whole house.In a instant,whole village was turned into dust,leaving nothing but plain grasslands behind.With a small sigh,man disappeared,leaving silently.He reappeared tens of kilometers away,heading towards north,to RealmGate.


A figure stood kneeling,it's eyes opened wide with horror.A small brezze got past it,turning it into nothing but a pile of ash.As the ashes were swallowed by the wind and carried on,a pretty girl with long black hair and purple eyes looked at the ashes,thinking.''Daring to underestimating my race!.''Then turned back,heading towards the corpse like Grim,who was not even breathing.

His chest had a small mark.It was a black circle,at it's center was a black claw.Claw looked very life like,and emanated a ancient aura,like it was there for an eternity and would still be.Demi looked at the Grim,her eyes filled with guilt.Near to Grim stood Ales,who was speaking to someone with void stone.''I'm sorry.''She said and stone's light went off.Ales gripped the stone so strong that it was showing signs of cracking.She threw the stone to Demi,then took the withered Grim to her arms,carrying it.

''What will we do?''Said Demi.Her voice a bit trembling.Not from anger nor fear,because of guilt.Her eyes were a bit teary,looking like she could cry any moment.''We need to go to Realmgate.''Ales said.She felt sad when she looked at Grim and anxiety burned her heart.She had only one duty,a chance to repay her debt to Osborn.Even so,she failed it,at a much more worse way at that.Even though his voice was only a bit worried when speaking,she knew he was in a rage right now,probably storming the battlefield.

Demi looked at Ales,understanding her feelings.They were both indebted to him,in different ways.But it was all same.Now this city was gone,her ties with mayor's family was also severed.She could feel the blood-contract she made with their ancestor hundeds of years ago.There were no response,so their bloodline was long gone.It was time for her to leave here.''What about after that?''She asked.

''After getting someone,we need to go your home.''Ales said.Even though Demi guessed back,she still asked so there was no suprise at her side.She nodded calmly.She also missed her home a little.She argued a lot back then with her family,because she chose the old ancestor of Friedcow as a master.She was like a little sister to him,even though she was older than he.Eventually,she left there and followed him back here,swearing to protect his family for 1500 years.For most of the races,2000 was a long time.But for dragons it was like a year or two.So she didn't have any problem with that.


''Alright,let's get going then.''Demi said and transformed to her dragon form.Ales carried Grim to his back and before going Demi roared towards the city's gate,which alerted the adventurers who were standing guard.They knew this was the signal of safety so directly entered the city,not following the sound rather rushing towards the huge head that was visible even outside the city.

As they were going,they were terrified and disgusted by the sights in the city.Most of them felt conflicted and sorrow but still kept going towards the head,their head down.After arriving,they quickly hopped on the back of Demi and sat down,their mood worsened much more.After looking at them,Ales tapped Demi's back softly.Demi nodded her huge head then flapped her wings,starting to fly towards the Realmgate.


It has been 2 months since Paladin Kong called high ranked humans and demi-humans to fight at frontlines.Even though humans won countless little skirmishes,they were still pushed back because of 4 utter defeat,which resulted in 6 posts being destroyed.Even a 2nd rank party,Delivery Bird,was completely destroyed by a Demon Lord,who then retreated hurriedly at the appearence of one of the 2 Guardians:Yasem.Demon Lord was badly injured but the price they paid was quite high so mood's were lowered by multiple folds.

Pale coast was already 1/4 lost,Central continent still at one piece because of Kong's Holy Army.As people were getting more hopeless,some news from 13th military post,at the border between Central Continent and Pale Coast lifted the spirits.Even more so,shocked the whole forces in continent.

A widely known adventurer and a highly valued assasin,Murder Lord Osborn has killed 2 high ranked demons by himself.From the reports and news from the past even mid ranked people knew the power of high ranked demons so this made them cry and shout in excitement.He was fatally injured at the fight but managed to keep post safe,avoiding the same fate most of the pale coast experienced.As for the 2nd rank experts,they managed to hold back a Demon Lord from entering the terrority,giving their lives at the process.

Another shining star was a man named Wulf.He was a real dark horse,who cleared a whole group of 4th rank demons and wild beasts numbered in hundreds by himself alone,lessening the burden on Osborn.Even though he was shadowed by the Osborn's might,most people at the head of their respective organizations took note of him.As these news reached far and wide,whole air around continent was changing.It has already been made public that Demons came back,intending to fight.

Even though some important events always occured once in a decade or two,a event that could change the whole structure of Continents were not something to be compared.It was like comparing a ant to an elephant.Whole continent was so big that it could keep tens of billions people with no shortage of food and resource.But after the war with Giant Emperor,whole population dropped from 20 billion to mere 10 million.It was a very huge number,also an obvious indication that showed how terrifyingly strong and dangerous descend of a God was.

Even though population grew in 1500 year,it was only nearing to 500 million at this moment.It may seem high,but it was not that case.Because most of these numbers belonged to Arachne,who were reproducing so fast number was increasing in a daily basis,for now they numbered 400 million.Dragons were numbered in thousands,not far off from 9000.Humans were the most pitiful among them.Even though they had more member than dragons,they also had the most hurdle after Arachne when increasing in power.


So it was not an easy task to survive among the 'Freaks' which lived in this continent.Especially when their opponents were demons,who had much more strong bodies and members than them,also an equal of humans at the magic.Slowly,anxiety builded up inside the normal people,increasing the crime rate.It was not skyrocketing,only a very small portion which didn't affect people deeply.But it showed that Demons got the upper hand at psychological war.


Inside a cave,filled with darkness and moss stood a throne,high and mighty.On the throne was a creature.His skin was a bit strange.His upper body was fully black while his lower body was white,with a tinge of gold.He had 2 fangs sprouting from his mouth upwards,their tip touching his big nose.Everytime he breathed,a small wind would sweep the room.His eyes were full black,there were no pupil nor anything resembling it.It made him look creepy with his disheveled long red hair which flowed down like a waterfall.

He was sitting there with an royal aura,making people who saw him want to bow down their heads and pay respects.In front of him stood a boy like him.Red hair which came to his shoulders,eyes filled with nothing but black,2 little fangs and a little nose.Only different thing was his skin,which was not like the man.His hands and feet only were white and there were no sign of gold.

''Father,what are your orders?''Said boy,bowing a little with respect and awe.His black eyes trembled a little when he looked at this mighty father of his.He thought that once he became a 1st rank fighter,he wouldn't be nervous in front of him again.But he was proven wrong as he still didn't dare to utter a voice near him.Man looked like he was thinking something,making boy to stand at the same position.

After half an hour,boy was sweating hard,trembling a little.It was already mentally exhausting when he met his father,but now he was standing in front of him for half an hour,his knees already weak a little.With each passing minute,he felt like the pressure on him increased,which increased the unrestless feeling in his heart.Finally he couldn't help but say ''Father!''Again,but he was a bit incensed so without being unaware,he increased his voice which echoed through the whole cave.

Suddenly,his father turned his gaze to him,looking like a fiend who came from hell.Boy started to shudder,beads of sweat falling down from his forehead while he was trying to speak.But he couldn't make any sound because of the fear only making 'ah-uh-o' sounds.As he was falling in more despair his father suddenly laughed and patted his shoulder.He felt like a huge mountain was lifted from his shoulder.All pressure was gone and he was standing in shock,looking at his father.He never saw his father smile from the moment he was born.Even when he brokethrough 1st rank his father only nodded calmly,which left him a bit dejected.

As he was trying to think what was wrong,his father looked at his eyes.Not like the past where it would make him tremble but a normal gaze,calm and warm.His heart was eased and he stopped trembling.Even though he was shocked,he supressed the shock only looking at his father back.He wanted to imprint this gaze to his memories,because he may never see it again.''Ruh''His father called him.He picked his ears up to listen his father.

''What kind of a 'person' was i to you?''He asked.His gaze still calm,like a eternal sea.But he was not aware that a very little bit of worry was inside his father's eyes,which couldn't be understood clearly.He blinked a little then breathed heavily once.He straightened himself up,looking back at his father again.

''A mountain.You were like a majestic mountain to me.A thing i couldn't surpass or destroy.A thing which even if i put all my efforts,i still couldn't contend with.Even so,no matter how much i tried to surpass it,destroy it,shake it or tremble it,it still protected me.It blocked the huge floods whom wanted to drown me.It smashed the thunders whom wanted to befall on me.A mountain,Majestic,proud and calm.'' he said.His pitch black eyes were like they held stars in them,shining brightly.

His father smiled a little,and patted his head,messing his hair.He didn't resist though.He was nearing to adulthood but never even once he saw his father this content,this happy.He let him to do what he wanted,a beaming smile on his lips.After some time passed,his father slowly turned back to his calm self and looked at him deeply.

''From now on,you are the commander of 4th army,free to lead them as you want.Your burden will be heavy,progress very hard.But i believe in you.These times are the most important because there will be many twists and events.Our enemy may not be strong enough to defeat us but fate is a bastard,who loves to play with things.Even so,we won't be the loser,we will be the victor.For our sake and for our citizens.''

He looked at his father again and kneeled,his right arm at his chest.''I swear on my very heart and family,i won't disappoint you,Demon Emperor!''He said,steeling his gaze.His father looked at him and waved his hand,dismissing him.He stood up and bowed once more,then got out of the cave.He felt like his heart was free,even though he was entrusted with a important task.He was determined to bring glory to his people,and Father.


Grim slowly opened his eyes,feeling a strong wind current at his face.He wanted to stand up but coudln't move his body.Or to be honest,he couldn't feel his body.Even so,he was not panicked like one would expect.He was trembling a little,like he was expecting this result but still could'nt accept it.Eventually,he stopped his attempts,trying to understand where he was.

He saw that sky was constantly moving while winds were hitting him,hurting a little bit but not doing any damage.There was something hard at his back,making his back a bit stiff.There were big black scales around him,with some tall spikes.''Hey!''He shouted,then felt a little tremor from the ground he was laid down,which ceased after a moment.Instantly,two figures appeared at his side.One of them a beatiful woman with blond hair,Ales,Whom he knew that she was a attendant at guild.He was shocked and didn't know what to do.

But the shock turned into a trembling when he looked at the other person.He had a short black hair and black eyes,with a fairly handsome face.His physique was refined while he stood straight.He looked like he could carry the sky by himself but his eyes betrayed that posture.They were sunken and a bit blank,filled with sorrow.He parted his mouth like he wanted to say something,but eventually didn't say it.He got closer and held him,taking him into his embrace.Only saying ''Sorry.''

He didn't say anything,nor wanted to.He only trembled,his mind spinning.He didn't know why his brother was here let alone him and Ales.He knew what happened to his mother or what lenghts his father went to grant safety to them,even so he was not ready.He felt guilty but there was still anger and sadness in his heart,which wouldn't be easy to erase.No matter what,even if his mother gave her life willingly,he couldn't accept it truly.

Aeneas also didn't say anything.He was feeling worn,in sorrow and despair.He knew what his brother felt very well,understood him thoroughly.Even he couldn't help but blame himself for approving what her mother done.He always felt saddened when he remembered Grim's cold eyes when he left.Even so,he never even once blamed his little brother,nor belittled his feelings.

No matter what he said or what he would do in future,he would always protect him.This was the promise he made,which was the motivation that kept him going and enabled him to survive in more than one occasion.He knew the dangers involved in adventuring,this was no childs play or a pink dream of a young boy.Mortality rate was near to %60,most of them being new recruits.

Because of these,he worn himself out.He even spent most of his old equipment other than his saber to create some 'Good chances'for him to find and improve himself,talking with his old friends to watch over him.But everything was still on the hands of fate.No matter what he have done,he didn't expect a thing like this.When Demi and Ales appeared at the school grounds,he already had a bad feeling.

He was in despair when he saw his brother like that,but a slight glimmer of hope appeared at the horizon.The dragon,Demi,made a huge sacrifice herself.He was infinetly grateful to her,even so it was a gamble.His brother's life was the gamble itself.

The thing is,Black dragons are one of the 3 dragon family who are at the top.They are the 2nd place,because their bodies are way too powerful and they have very high magic resistance.Their unly downside is their magical abilities are lacking and theit life force is very low.They have near to infinite lifespan,true,but one of their limbs are cut off,they wouldn't be able to heal it,even with a god level restoration magic.

Because restoration magics are not only using mana,they are also drawing the power of life force,lessening the persons lifespan.At Emperor level,it took near to 100's of years of vitality,while God level magic was many times more than that.So even if a normal people was using God level magic to heal him/her self,they would directly age and die in seconds.

But such a fatal thing would surely bring their demise,because it would be enough to sever one or two limbs of them or just wear them out by directly destroying their scales continously.Rivalship among dragon families were very brutal.They were aloof and mighty creatures but still cared about the pride.So they wouldn't had a chance to rise.But fate was,just like always,a strange thing.

They had a special mark bestowed upon them called 'Undying Mark'.If they were applied to a person,their soul would be eternal and they wouldn't die even if a god tried.It was a very overpowered thing that could make some people crazy.Even so,it was also very terrible.If person lost a limb,it wouldn't regrow like giants could do,it only made the soul eternal not the body.So,only regeneration magic worked.

This meant that if they couldn't find anyone to help them,Grim would live forever like this,only a chest and head.Even Grim was not aware of it,hoping to get Arihan's help.Even if that not worked,he was determined to live a peaceful century or two then pass away.He was a bit naive,but also calm.

Aeneas could predict what he was thinking,other than Arihan part,so he was feeling more and more sad.He slowly put Grim back to ground,who already stopped trembling.His eyes were not cold but not warm either.Even so,he felt terrible when he saw his big brother's eyes.Slowly forcing a smile,looked at him.

Aeneas sighed,and smiled back,not a forced one like Grim's but coming from his heart.A smile of relief.All the time,Ales stood by the side,only looking at them.There were some tears at the side of her eyes.She felt sorry for the 2 brothers,especially for Aeneas.After all the love and effort he put in,he still couldn't ensure his dear brother's safety,and led him to a terrible situation which could very well lead to a eternal torture.

She also blamed herself.If she was there,she could have got him to safety.She saw the power of Devil,but still trusted her speed.She was an old assasin and a great one at that.She killed many people,from weak to strong and from poor to noble.She never failed a mission,other than one particular so she was quite confident.Even so,she was not there,a fatal mistake which was made from start.It was possible to only send Demi and others,considering her power Demi could have cleared it all the way to 9th floor without her help.

The one who wanted to tag along was her,because she was deeply interested at a hero level dungeon.Hero level was something very close to legend,because there would only be one 1st rank appearing in several generations,and that was if they were lucky.And among them,a 1st class 1st rank,a hero,appearing would be very very hard.There was only 3 class after all,and 1st class was way too rare.A place designed for people like them to challenge was really enticing.

''Ales,we are arriving.''As she was in thoughts,Demi's voice reached her and the other two.''Big sis?''Grim asked,shocked.He was sure this was big sis's voice,he remembered it well.After all she was quite a nice person,whom he really appreciated.''Be calm Grim,we will find a solution for you in here.Come,see the scenery.''She said.Then felt a bit awkward.Clearly,Grim couldn't come by himself.Before Grim could make a sense,Aeneas took him and directly jumped,arriving at the head of Demi.

Demi slightly looked up,seeing that Grim's face was not fearful or panicked,her heart pained.She supressed her feelings though and said''Hold tight!''Then increased her speed,directly piercing the clouds and leaving afterimages and shockwaves back.Grim felt like he was going to drop but a strong grip held him,allowing him to stay steadily and enjoy the scenery.

There were green mountain and hills filling everywhere,some of them so huge that their peaks were going past the clouds.All kinds of flowers could be seen and deep valleys were formed near them.Sunlight was especially beatiful when it was reflected by plants,shining with brilliance.Small lakes were formed by the rivers coming from mountains,crystal clear and beatiful.It was a breathtaking scenery.

''Is this your home big sis?''Grim asked,his eyes sparkling.There were very few place like that,even his old home couldn't compare here.''No,but it's near here.''She said.As she increased her speed again,another blast of wind hit Grim,making him groan in pain.After a minute,everything became dark which made Grim suprised.Before he say anything,Demi said''Look,this is my home.''

It was huge.Very,very huge.It was maybe longer than tens of kilometer.It had huge crimson scales with black lines and 2 majestic wings which was covering the whole mountain rage,possibly several of them.The spikes at it's back was piercing the clouds.It's head had 8 horns,all covered in chaos power which was being absorbed.

''This is?''Aeneas asked,his mouth wide open.Ales stood like a statue,her eyes wide while Grim's eyes were so bright they were shining like sun.''She is current Dragon Sovereign,Tyra.Also the place where we,Dragons,live.''She said with an excited voice.Even though she had some disputes with her family and liked to be free,she really missed them.Also,it was feeling great when people became shocked at their leader's sight.

''Wait,do you live on him?''Ales asked,still in a shock.''No,you will see it soon.Let's get going already.''Demi said and shot towards the head of Tyra.After reaching near her eyes,she slowly bowed down her head and said''Greetings,Mother Tyra.''Tyra directly gazed to their side,not to look at her but to Grim.Dem felt a bit awkward when she was ignored,but it was a good sign that Sovereign took interest at Grim.

''Not only a Dryflame,but also a Sky?Who is your mother,boy?''

Grim was feeling nervous when Tyra looked at him directly,but he felt a soothing effect that calmed him from the eyes,like they had no intention to har him in any way.''Monica,Monica Dryflame.I don't know her family''He said hurriedly.He felt great respect and awe towards this dragon.As he was thinking,Sovereign was also looking like she was in thought when her big eyes gleamed with a strange light.

''Interesting.Boy,take this with you.It should help with the situation at the hand.''

She said and a small light appeared,coming in front of him.Aeneas lifted his hand and took the thing inside,a ancient scroll with an strange aura.But somehow,aura felt very familiar to Grim so he tried to remember it.When Demi saw what it was,she directly rejoiced and shouted saying ''Thanks for your generosity Sovereign!''

Grim also woke up from his stupor and bowed his head as low as he could and said''Thanks Sovereign.''Tyra just made a small laugh and opened her mouth wide,showing the countless and huge sharp teeths.As Grim and others were wondering,Demi directly rushed in,excitement written over her face.She muttered something and a bright light appeared in front of them,which turned into a seven colored circle,as big as a mountain.She shot in directly,while the others were bewildered.

They felt like they were being ripped apart,like something was pulling them from their limbs to tear them to pieces.This sensation continued on for a second and they appeared in another place,but the 3 was still in a bit pain,especially Grim,who had only a head so all pressure was gathered at the head.Feeling lingered for a bit more and disappeared.''You will not feel the same after the second time,so don't worry.''Said Demi and continued to flying,heading towards a direction.

Grim Aeneas and Ales looked around them,feeling another surge of shock at their hearts.Everywhere filled with flying dragons going up and down in gardens and palaces.There were all kinds of Dragons:Sand,Ice,Fire,Lava,Lightning,Dark,Holy,Steel,Copper,Mist,Water etc.

It was like a show of color,filling their entire sights.There were many palaces gardens and caves,where dragons resided.As Demi increased her speed,some of the dragons looked at her with respect while some of them looked with hate and jealousy.There were some who smiled and greeted her,accompanying her to a black palace.It was not very big but not crampy for a dragon like her.It would be considered huge in the eyes of normal people though.Just like Grim and the other two.

As Demi landed,other dragons bid farewell while looking at the three with strange eyes,just leaving silently.This didn't offended them in anyway,because they were all strangers to here.They just looked ahead of them.There were blood red trees and yellow flowers filling the front of the palace,looking a bit eccentric but beatiful at the same time.As they were appreciating the scenery,Demi turned back to her humanoid form,not like the one she used at city.This time,her eyes had some slits and a tail was swaying behind her,with a single horn portruding from her head.

''Let's go inside,I'll introduce to my mom.''She said and walked slowly towards the palace's gate.Aeneas carried Grim while he and Ales followed her.Gate's rumbled with a sound and opened wide,showing inside.There was a big stair going towards the upper floor,where stood tens of maids and butlers in a straight line.There were green crystals that made the place look strange while a huge white crystal was directly planted to the ceiling,brightening the insides.There were some seats and tables,used for the visitors and paintings of sceneries filled the walls.

As they entered all maids and butlers bowed their head,saying''Welcome to home,Young Miss!''with respect.They have done all of them in a sync,suprising them.Demi nodded towards them and said ''Yeah,I came back.''with a smile.Even so,it disappeared instantly,as the Grim's matter was still in her head.A butler came from upstairs and directly bowed,not as low as the others,and looked at the 3 with a bit of disdain.

Grim was a bit irritated while Ales stood at the side like it had nothing to do with her.Only,Aeneas looked back at the butler calmly.But when butler saw the gaze,his whole body felt like he was in a freezing star,his whole body stiff with his eyes wide open.Demi didn't care about it,as she was also pissed off by the attitude of the butler.She was sure to kill this man to replace him,as he wouldn't survive much with this behavior anyway.

''You.''Demi said,which bringed Head butler back to reality.He was sweating while his body trembled a little.He looked at Aeneas and bowed his head,then turned back to Demi saying ''Yes,Young Miss,i'm at your command.''with an elegant stance.''Where is my dear mother?''She said.Head Butler spoke with no hurry''Madam is currently waiting you at her chamber Young Miss.''Demi nodded and took the hand of Ales,saying''She is a close friend of mine,prepare a room for her to rest.''

Head Butler directly nodded and clapped his hands.As he clapped,all maid and butlers moved like lightning,butlers going to upstairs to prepare the room while maids took both hands of Ales,helping her to walk upstairs like they were carrying a priceless gem.Ales was feeling very awkward while she was praying they wouldn't prepare some strange dress for her to wear.

As she was gone,Demi and Aeneas also got upstairs but took a different path from them,directly going towards a big door at the end of corridor.Demi stood in front of the door,knocking it 3 times lightly while saying ''I arrived here Mother''A soft and tender voice came from the room,saying''Come in,my dear.''Demi took a deep breath and opened the door,entering inside.Aeneas followed her while carrying Grim.As he was thinking,he forgot to lower Grim,who knocked his head to the enterance.

''Oh,is he okay?''Said a woman.She was looking like in her 30's.Her face was beatiful with pure white skin and tender lips.Her eyelashes were long while she had a cute little nose.Her eyes were purple,just like Demi,and she had a long black hair scattered around the bed she was lying.She had 2 mid sized peaks while she wore a long red dress,which enchanted her looks.

She stood up from the bed gracefully and walked towards Demi,then hugged her while saying.''I missed youuuuuuuu.You were gone for so long i was so worried.''She said.Demi also hugged her back,saying''I missed you too mom.Don't worry, i fulfilled my promise.''She said.Even though she couldn't protect the descendants of that person,she didn't cared much about them anyway.They were rotten to the core as their greed grew more and more with each generation.Eventually,she was sick of them but only continued because of her promise.So it was also a relief for her.

As they were reuniting,Grim was groaning in pain while Aeneas apologized for his carelessness.''Oh,you are so sweet.''Said Demi's mother suddenly.Both of them looked at her,feeling a bit confused.She smiled brightly,looking like a goddess from a far away place.

''Anyway.Let's talk about the reason you came here,little thief.''

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