《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Work and Troubles-6


Listening the shouts and screams behind him and looking at the crowd in front of him,It could be said Grim didn't feel that good.He was getting trouble again.He really didn't understand why would their boss hate him that much,to the point of sending 2 7th rank expert behind him.But if Grim knew that it was not him who was important,rather Chris was very powerful that he could send tens of 7th rank if he wanted,he would just feel more bitter.

''No choice,i must trample you guys''Said Grim in a clear voice.When crowd heard the words,they were angered because of the words of him.He was just a spineless child,who did he think he was?Some of them directly attacked while some of them protected the corners to not let him get away.

First man directly stabbed his spear towards Grim's heart.Grim stepped to right and held the spear,pulling it towards himself.Man couldn't stop himself and lost his balance,which led him falling down.But before he could fall,a vicious kick landed to his face,directly knocking him unconscious.

Without stopping,Grim sweeped the man's spear and sent 2 man flying back,crushing towards the crowd.He had to hurry,so Grim directly rushed and leaped on the crowd,stepping on men's heads.''GET HIM DOWN!'',''UGH!DAMN BRAT!'',''FU-''Before he could finish his line,his head was stomped by Grim.Crowd was definietly infuriated right now,which was evident from the insults and shouts of anger.

''CLOSE THE GAPS!DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!''Shouted a strong voice from afar,striking a bit fear into the minds of men.This was the voice of Pig-man,most disguisting man they have seen in their life.But he was still their superior so they just obeyed.All of them started to retreat and made a half moon shape,closing the path towards the city.As they were busy,Pig man and Human already surrounded the back of Grim,closing all ways.

''Now you are cornered,boy.Just give up and accept your punishment!''Said pig man while his saliva was flying off,his eyes maddened.He was a big fan of torture and punishment,he really loved to make people scream.This boy in front of him looked hard,so he would surely enjoy breaking his bones.

''Then what?I haven't done anything to you guys''Said Grim,but halfway between his words,he struck and hit the Pig man's face,knocking him to the ground but he retreated at the same instant.An axe sweeped the floor he was standing just before.Grim also took out his sword and looked at the man,who was also looking at him.


''There is no need for words''Said man,and directly rushed towards Grim.He lifted his axe high and with a great power,cleaved down.His axe was covered by thick fumes of darkness,looking like a evil ghost.Grim used his sword to block the attack,which suprised the man.With a low boom,the ground Grim standing was cracked,while he was in fine shape.As man was going to send another cleave,he suddenly felt dizzy,and found himself on the ground.

'What?!'Before he could think,a sword came for him,which he frantically tried to block.With a slash,he was once more sent flying,this time sweeping the floor with his body.His whole body was filled with bruises from head to toe,while his waist was a bit caved,bleeding.

'He kicked me the moment i attacked?'This time faster than before,man stood up and recieved the sword streak.This time he directly lifted his knee to block the kick,but it didn't came.What came was a surge of water,directly taking him with itself and flowing towards a cliff.''HEYYYYYY!''He shouted,powerless against the flood.

After man gone all the way down towards the cliff,Grim turned back towards the crowd and looked at it's center,where that pig man was located.He sneered a little,then raised 2 huge rocks from earth.Even though he couldn't do dual elemental attacks right now,he could still switch between them freely.

With his will,2 huge rock was sent flying towards the crowd,which dispersed at the sight of it.Pig man guided his mana to his hands,and with a burning sensation,created a 5 meter flaming wall to block rocks.2 rock collided with the flaming wall,which cracked but didn't completely break.As he haved a sigh of relief,Pig man's face became pale suddenly and looked back,but it was too late.

A 'Whoosh' sound was all he heard before his whole head was sliced off.Grim didn't looked at the corpse,fearing he may vomit once again,and directly dived to crowd,sending chaos among them.He created little whirlwinds to fend their attacks while using rocks size of half a man to knock them unconscious.

After 10 whole minutes,all men were lying down gruntling or twitching in pain,most of them unconscious.After he sweeped his gaze on them,Grim left the place with his beloved horse,striding towards the city.


Central district of FriedCow was quite lively at nights because of the inns and taverns.Most people would get back from work and things they had to do,so they wanted a place to relieve their stress.Of course,best way was to get a good drink with a friend and listen a nice song from a lady.


In one of these taverns a brown haired,black eyed man with a long mustache and a bit thick beard was standing at the counter.He was the barmen and owner of this inn,Brian.In front of him sat a young boy,who was enjoying a meal and talking with him.Boy had long black hair and plain face,while his eyes were blue.

There were young or middle aged man and woman dancing like clowns at the center of tavern,while a beatiful woman with black flowing hair was playing songs.She was at her 40's but her voice was just like a new blossomed flower.Laughing and shouting noises could be heard from the outside while a young girl with brown braid hair and black eyes was serving drinks to the customers.

''So what will you do then?''Asked Brian to the Grim.This boy was quite unlucky.He just got past over an important matter,when another trouble arised.He took a liking to this boy,who was quite diligent.Though he was also a bit disappointed at his interest in adventuring.He was also an adventurer at the past,a good one at that.He was always curious about things he didn't know,which resulted in him being forced to do dark and dirty things for other people,which was a thing he regretted.

''Well,i don't know too.I'm sure it won't end peacefully though.''Grim said,sighing again.He was sighing way too much this days.Someone at his age should be traveling and laughing with his friends while adventuring,why did some brutes followed him to every place he went?

''I'm just a normal boy that wants to gain experience,is it really not forgivable?''Said Grim while smiling,but a dissatisfied voice came behind him''You can sleep 15 days straight and advance a rank at that state,but still has the face to say you are normal!Hmph''Said a soft voice behind him.

It was the girl with braid,who was serving customers.''I must agree with my Sweet Ginnie,that is not considered quite normal after all''Said Brian,while he tried to pat his daughter's head.She tried to evade it but somehow Brian managed to pat her head.''Father,this is called bullying.I'm already 20 years old''Said Ginnie,while a bit pouting.

''I think it's quite normal for a father to love his daughter though''Said Grim,which got a hearthy laugh from Brian.He let go of his hand after a while.He took out the drinks he was preparing when he was talking with Grim and gave them to Ginnie,who directly took them to the people at the tavern.

''I also think it's normal for young people to keep secrets.''Said Brian,and smiled at Grim.He also smiled towards him,and continued to enjoy his meal.As he was eating his meal,he heard a familiar request'Maiden and Monster'It was just like how name implied,about a monster and a maiden.

The girl was from an unusual village,where people's life span was near 40 years.One of the days,girl decided to go out and explore the world,where she met the monster.She was saved by the kindhearted monster so she started to follow monster to pay her debt.

They both traveled across lands and seas together,seeing many places and enjoying pleasent memories.But even a normal humans life span was way too inferior to a monster,let alone the poor girl.When her death got near,She and monster started to live in a cave together.At her last moments,she was still smiling,asking if her debt was paid.All monster could say was he was actually owing her,because of the lovely memories she granted to him.

After she passed away,monster buried her at that cave,and slumbered right next to her grave,staying with her for an eternity.It was a bit sad but very loving and fun tale.With the madam's passionate voice and customers' vibrant mood,tavern got livelier.After he was done with his meal,Grim sat on his seat,listening the songs Madam played.

As he was feeling the lively mood,a big arm suddenly pulled him while someone shouted at his ear''Little brother why are you staying like that?Come come join us''Then started to shout while asking for more drink.Grim didn't refute and joined to the crowd,Dancing and shouting with them like fanatics.

As the sounds resonated,it also reached outside,increasing the whole lively atmosphere of Central district.

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