《The Dark Side》The Dark Side - Prologue



"Ladies and gentlemen" a short, gray haired announcer screamed into the microphone. "It is my great pleasure to introduce to you tonight's players!" he roared with enthusiasm, his oily hair reflecting the light of the projectors.

A dozen men stood on the edge of a large pit in the middle of the place, all of them were looking at the ground blinded by the strong light projected at them. The men saw nothing, yet could clearly hear the sound of excited talking and the clapping of hands around them.

"You can view their personal data on your displays whenever you wish during the event." The announcer nodded into the darkness and the projectors turned off. "The waiters will arrive with your food shortly, in the meantime while you are waiting for the main matches we hope you will enjoy some of the most beautiful animals alive" he paused as the light in the pit slowly lighted up, reviling rows of cages full of wild and exotic animals, "tearing each other to pieces!".

He grinned lifting his hands as if he wanted to hug the whole pit.

Food was brought in, the murmur of anticipation was almost deafening, and when the last plate was placed in front of its respective client, two tigers were unleashed on each other and the murmur became a roar of cheers. All the attention was on the arena as the tigers locked teeth and claws with each other. The man running to the doors was ignored completely and would have gone out the doors unnoticed if not for the guard waiting beside them. "I'm sorry sir, but you need to return to your seat."

"Quiet, I need to talk to the ringleader!" he said with such authority the guard almost let him through.

"Again, sir, I am sorry, but none can leave the room until the event is done." the guard told the man, and crossed his arms.


"You listen to me now, and listen well! Tell who ever that is on the other side of your headphone that if they want to see any of my money today they better listen to what I have to say. Tell them it is well worth their time."

The guard just stood there surprised at the man's actions. "Well? How much more time are you going to waste, start talking!" the man ordered.

A short moment after the doors were opened from the other side and another guard motioned the man to follow him. The man was taken to a large room and sat in front of the announcer. "I am told you wanted to speak to me, how can I help you Mr... Hmm" he glanced at the screen where the man's file was opened "Rainold?"

"I wish to buy one of your fighters."

"Oh, really? You don't say... well if so I am afraid I cannot help you. I hope you will return to your table now." He smiled at the Rainold.

"I will not! I shall stay here until we have negotiated a price."

"Mr.Rainold I'm afraid you do not understand, this is not a matter of money. Our fighters today, as you are very well aware, are the winners of their respective regions. You have witnessed their ability first hand in the event you attended in London. I have promised you and the rest of the audience a chance to see a champion and I must keep my word." The smile never left his face.

Mr. Rainold took out a checkbook from his pocket filled it out and sled it in front of the announcer. "What is this?" he said, smiling more than ever. "I do not care for your acting, write down a number and it shall be paid to you in full." A sweat drop slid down Rainold's face and disappeared under his suit.


"I forgot to ask Mr.Rainold, which fighter is that you wish to acquire?" looking slightly interested now.

"The Black Dragon."

The announcers smile turned into a grin." And what is it you would like to do with him if I may ask?"

"That is not your concern. Write down your sum and have him sent to my car." He stood up and was already out of the door when the announcer said, “I do hope you will stay to see the other matches. You should try to get some of your money back."

"I will leave once I have finished eating. Thank you for your concern."

"Where did you go, dear?" asked M’s.Rainold once her husband sat back at his plate. "Nothing to worry about honey, I'm just taking care of my future in the company."

He was happy; it has been a long time since he felt so happy. It was this unhappiness that led him to these underground fighting matches. He had more money than he could ever spend yet he was bored. In his wildest dreams he would have never believed his search for thrills would bring to such a discovery.

The food was good and the first match was as bloody as he liked it. His was in a great mood and wished he could stay, but he needed to get himself back to Europe as fast as possible.

Done eating he stood up only to sit back down again. The announcer walked to the edge of the pit speaking to the audience with glee. Rainold tried to listen but nothing registered in his mind, all he could comprehend was the figure the announcer kept pointing at. The man he just bought, the one who was supposed to be waiting for him in his car, was standing at the bottom of the pit looking bored. Rainold couldn't make himself curse the announcer or try to argue, he knew it was too late. He would get what he bought, it will be delivered to his car, or at least what remained of him would.

He breathed out with relief when he saw cages rolled into the pit. 'If the opponent isn't human then he won't even be harmed.' He pressed the button that summoned the waiter.

"Dear, quick bet on the wolves, quick. I have a feeling the gray one with the brown back will get the kill." M’s.Rainold mugged her husband to no avail.


"Not him? Who then? The other wolves look so much smaller than him, I'm betting on the gray one."



"Bet on the boy."

"Sweetie, please. Be serious he has no chance, look; the odds are 30 to 1 against him. He has no cha..."

"It's okay." Color was starting to come back to Rainold's face. "Don't worry; he would win regardless of the opponent, I just feel sorry for the pups."

His wife gave him a strange look. She trusted her husband, He may like to take risks, but he never took unnecessary risks, he wouldn't have made his fortune otherwise.

"How much should I put?" she sighed, putting her faith in her husband.

"All of it." Rainold said calmly as he ordered desserts.

"I said all of it honey, you better hurry before they close the bids."

Looking at her husband’s smile she put her bid on the "Black Dragon", looked at her husband again only to see him relaxed in his chair. So she took a few breaths, rechecked their bid and pushed back against the seats back, turning her head to watch the next match.

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