《The Gambling Demon King is full of Misfortune》Volume 2: Chapter 13
I looked at the man who I saved from the goblin village, Jofre. With a confused look on my face.
“Please… save my sister, save Lynn!”
He begged, while kneeling.
“What’ssss in it for me?”
I asked.
“I-I… I’ll be eternally grateful, my sister will too...!”
He said.
“That’sss… not a good deal…”
I said back, with a glare in my eyes.
“I-I’ll grant you passage into our village… travelers aren’t allowed… most of the time… A-and I’ll guarantee you a discount at my fathers blacksmith!”
He said, in a pleading tone.
‘A blacksmith? Well, I could probably get a better weapon than this sword… which will probably break soon…’
I thought, as I looked at him for a few more seconds.
I said, as I forcefully grabbed his hand and shook it.
“Th-thank you! Now! Let’s go!”
He said, trying to get up from his kneeling position, only to fall back down in pain.
“You ssshouldn’t go… too hurt, we’ll go”
I said, gesturing towards Gobuk, Ouroboros and Pochi.
“A… a goblin! No… a goblin hunter! Who are you!?”
He questioned wearily, as he pulled out his sword, prepared to stab me.
“I am but a sssimple tamer, these are my creatures that I tamed, myself… well, one of them issss… one’sss a ssssummoned being and the other one jusst followsss me… but, it’sss pretty cool, sssso I don’t care...”
I said completely truthfully.
His eyes started to sparkle.
“What!? You’re a dual classer!? Tamer and Summoner!!! Holy crap! That’s awesome!!! If it’s you! You could definitely save my sister!”
Jofre said, excitedly, trying to get up again but falling down… again.
“Alright then, I’m going to go now…”
I said awkwardly, as I left my camp and walked back to the goblin village.
We made it to the goblin village. Only to see… more bodies, covered in… fluids, with terrified expressions on their faces and two goblins guarding the gate.
“Help… me”
I heard a muffled voice. But, I chose to ignore it.
‘It’s alright… if they’re still alive when I get back… I’ll save them, but I can’t do it now. Time’s of the essence, that guys sister could die at any moment, and I wouldn’t be able to get stuff from the blacksmith’s’
I thought, as I walked up to the gate and quickly dispatched of the two goblins guarding it by knocking them out.
They fell to the floor, I was thinking they might live, but their fate was sealed when they were gobbled up by Ouroboros.
‘...Well, that happened’
I thought, as I opened the gate.
To see a village full of goblins… raping, breaking and screaming.
‘Well then, at least I won’t feel guilty about this’
I thought, as I pulled out my short-sword and charged at the goblins.
I shouted, as I sliced a goblins head off.
Gobuk went on a full on rampage, using his spear to kill all of the goblins in sight.
Ouroboros and Pochi were fighting five goblins each, and the former were winning with ease.
“Die demon!”
A goblin shouted, as it sliced my right hand off.
“Aaaaah… oh, right, wooden hand… ha ha ha”
I laughed with a smile, as I kicked the goblin in the face, crushing its face in, causing it to die, and I put the wooden hand back on.
“[Iron Fist]!”
I shouted, as I punched a goblin in the face, sending it flying. Into another goblin, knocking them both down… even though, the first one was dead.
“Kill demon!”
“No! Kill snake!”
“Kill little monster!”
“Kill hunter!”
Four large goblins shouted orders, toward the goblins below them.
“Huh, who are they?... Ssssystem. What are thessse goblinssss? It looks like they have classesss...”
I said, with a tone full of curiosity.
The first goblin is a hunter, the second’s a trapper, the third is a shaman and the fourth is a warrior. The hunter relies on its spear for attacks. The trapper relies on its surrounding traps, and its bow and arrow. The shaman relies on its low-level tier 1-3 magic. And the warrior relies on its pure physical abilities and its large club.
The system said, extremely informatively.
“Thankssss… Sssssystem”
I said, as I charged at the first goblin, the hunter.
I shouted, as I slashed at the hunter. Who tried to block with its spear, but the spear was broken and I sliced its head in half.
“Gobuji! I’ll avenge you! [Fireball]!”
The shaman shouted, as a small fireball appeared beside it, but the shaman was sweating profusely.
And it was shot directly at my head.
“Oh fuck!”
I shouted, bracing for impact.
The fireball hit me, directly in the face.
...But, it didn't do much damage.
“Hehehe… that didn't even do that much! Now, it’s my turn!”
I shouted, as I charged at the exhausted shaman and cut it in half.
The goblin shaman screamed in pain, as it tried to crawl away. Its legs completely cut off and its guts slowly falling out.
“...No mercy”
I said, as I left the goblin shaman to bleed out, painfully.
“Gobusuke! No!”
The goblin warrior shouted, as it charged at me from behind.
I was caught off-guard, when the goblin warrior punched me in the back of the head.
It felt like I was hit in the head with a brick.
“Gah! Fuck you too buddy!”
I shouted, as I punched the goblin warrior in the face, using my wooden hand. Since my other hand was holding the sword.
The goblin warrior shouted in pain, as it stared at me angrily. And tried to punch me again.
“Nope! You’re not catching me off-guard thisss time!”
I shouted, as I dodged the punch and cut the goblin warrior’s head off, using my sword.
“Now… where’ssss the trapper?”
I said, as I looked around. Finding the trapper standing in the middle of several obvious primitive bear-traps and pitfalls.
‘Who would fall for those?’
I thought, as I calmly walked to the trapper, walking past the traps.
“Huh? How you get past traps!?”
It asked, confused and full of fear.
“Well, you’re not very good at setting them”
I said, as I sliced the goblin trapper’s throat and watched, as it fell, face-first into one of its own primitive bear-traps.
“Alright then… now, where’sss the king?”
I asked the petrified goblins, as I glared at them angrily.
One of the goblins said, pointing toward the largest hut.
“Thank you”
I said with a large grin, as I killed the other five goblins, sparing the one that gave me directions. And walked to the large hut.
I opened the door, only to be hit with the putrid stench of a combination of blood, fecal matter and cum at the same time.
I looked around for a little while, only to find three interesting things.
I saw the Goblin King, as I’ll call it. Brutally raping a beastwoman who was chained to the bed. A goblin in a cage on the left, looking like it’s been tortured and a small gated area with slimes inside.
“Ssssystem… what is this large creature?”
I asked, since I wasn’t 100% certain that this was the Goblin King.
The creature is a Goblin King, a rare class for Goblin’s with the CHA stat at 50+ and their STR also at 50+ Goblin King’s are well-known for their insatiable lust and incredible power, but also their abysmal INT and WIS, so just watch out.
“Got it...”
I whispered, as my eye twitched, and I silently crept up on the Goblin King who was raping someone, right in front of me...
And slashed at its head. Hoping to cut it in half.
“Huh? What that?!”
The Goblin King questioned, as it turned around. Only to see me. Holding my shattered sword.
“Wha- Fuck!”
I shouted, as I dodged the Goblin King's punch.
“You distract me from fun! You die!”
The Goblin King shouted, as it leaped off of the bed and charged at me.
I shouted, as I blocked the Goblin King’s charge, using a large wooden table and my strength.
The large wooden table was shattered into millions of tiny pieces, but I somehow managed to block the Goblin King’s punch, and do a counter-attack, by grabbing a shard of the table that was shattered into millions of tiny, sharp pieces and stabbed the Goblin King in the eye, repeatedly.
The Goblin King shouted, enraged. As it punched me in the stomach, sending me flying.
I coughed up a bit of blood, as I slowly stood up.
‘Wait, if it’s got 50+ STR… will I be able to take another blow?... It could have more strength than I could handle… I better play a lot more carefully’
I thought, as I picked up a chair and threw it at the Goblin King, catching its attention.
“Still alive!? Annoying!”
The annoyed Goblin King shouted, as it tried to punch me again, but this time. I dodged to the left, causing the Goblin King to smash its hand through the wall of the hut.
“Gobuk! Ouroborosssss! Get in here!”
I shouted, hoping they could hear me.
“Yes, master!”
They both charged in, ready to fight.
“Hunter! Help me kill demon!”
The Goblin King commanded, thinking Gobuk would listen to him.
Gobuk replied, by stabbing the Goblin King in the knee with its spear.
“Grah! Traitor! I kill you too!”
The Goblin King shouted, as it tried to grab Gobuk’s head, but was bitten by Ouroboros.
‘Oh, that venom’s gotta hurt… if I remember correctly… he’s going to feel like he’s burning alive in...3’
The Goblin King stared at Ouroboros, stunned.
Ouroboros stared back.
The Goblin King shouted in pain, as it rolled on the floor, tears coming out of its eyes.
“Sssssystem… quick quessstion, how long doesss that venom lasst?”
I asked.
The fire-venom will last from anywhere between 1-3 days. If the victim doesn’t die in that time, they’ll actually gain a small amount of strength and an affinity for fire magic.
The system stated.
“Really now?... That’sss kind of interessssting”
I said, thinking of how I could use this.
‘If I take over this tribe and have Ouroboros bite all of them… I could have some pretty strong goblins… and then I could take over the forest and then… calm down Damien, you have to think of this stuff on a small-scale for now… remember Alfonso… damn that guy’s strong… and creepy’
I thought to myself, which caused goosebumps to run down my spine.
“I! Kill! Snake!”
The Goblin King shouted, as it grabbed Ouroboros, and squeezed tightly.
Only to be bitten, again. And again, and again. Until it succumbed to the pain and slowly died.
“Isss… it dead?”
I asked myself, as I poked the Goblin King, repeatedly.
It didn't even twitch.
‘I-it’s dead… oh thank god’
I thought, before I passed out, due to exhaustion.
“Excuse me?... Excuse me!? WAKE THE HELL UP!!!”
I heard a woman shout angrily.
“H-huh? Where am I?”
I questioned, as I looked around. Only to see a half-naked woman with wolf ears and a tail, chained to a bed. Shouting at me.
“Hey you, yeah! You! Wake up!”
She shouted angrily, as she stared at me.
“I-I’m awake… what do you want?”
I asked.
“What do I want, huh? Maybe I want you to RELEASE ME FROM THESE CHAINS!!!”
She shouted, as she banged the chains against the wall. Making a loud clanging sound.
“Alright, alright… here”
I said, as I gripped the chains as hard as I could, to hear them only crack ever so slightly.
“Crap… [Iron Fissst]”
I said, as I gripped even harder, causing my hand to bleed slightly, and the chains snapped in half.
“Good! Now, what about the rest?”
She asked, in a condescending tone.
I said, as I snapped the three other chains, freeing her.
“Good… now, give me a knife”
She said, with a weird look in her eyes.
‘A knife… what does she want a knife for? What’s she going to- oh no!... She’s going to off herself, isn’t she!’
I thought quickly, as I stared at her.
“What are you waiting for? Give me the knife!”
She shouted.
“Fine, but don’t do anything drastic…”
I said, in a warning tone. As I gave her a small knife.
She smiled warmly, as she leaped from the bed and onto the Goblin King.
“Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!”
She shouted repeatedly, as she stabbed the Goblin King in the… junk, repeatedly.
Blood splashed upon her face, as she looked back to me, with a satisfied grin.
“So… where are you from, handsome?”
She asked, with a lewd look in her eyes.
“I-Uh… oh, what’sss that goblin doing in that cage?”
I asked, as I looked at the goblin in the cage.
“Help… me, please”
The goblin asked, weakly.
“What’sss wrong?”
I asked, kindly.
“Water… food… please”
It begged.
I said, as I gave it a piece of bread I had stored in one of my pockets. And gave it some water I had in the water-skin I stole from one of the dead adventurers.
“Thank you…”
The goblin said, as it quickly swallowed the bread and gulped down the water as quickly as it could, as if it would vanish if it didn't get eaten.
“Ssso… who are you?”
I asked.
“Oh, I’m Bryan… a Magic Weapon Crafter, pleasure to meet you”
The goblin said, with a posh british accent, that seemed like it appeared out of nowhere, and went to shake my hand.
“Pleasssure to meet you too Bryan, I’m Damien. Damien Kruel”
I said, as I shook Bryan’s hand with a firm grip.
“So, you’re not going to reveal your class to me Damien? Figures, at least you’re not as dumb as I previously thought”
Bryan said, slightly bitterly.
“Excussse me?”
I asked, confused.
“Oh, right. I’m a reincarnated person too… don’t you notice? We’re speaking english, the beast-lady behind you doesn’t understand a word we’re saying. Just look at her, she’s as confused as a KKK member in a black-lives matter movement”
Bryan said with a grin on his face.
“Pfft hahahahahaha”
I started laughing uncontrollably.
I cleared my throat, hoping I could hide from the embarrassment.
“What’s so funny? You two were just speaking gibberish”
The woman asked, angrily.
“Just a joke between friends… sort of”
Bryan said, unconvincingly.
“Suuure… anyways, let’s leave”
The woman said, as she went to leave through the front door.
“Wait, what about the ssslimes?”
I asked.
“Kill them and let’s go”
She said, in an annoyed tone.
“Or, maybe I could just tame them”
I said, as I tamed the slimes in the small gated area.
There were four of them, exactly.
“Huh, that’s weird”
Bryan said.
I asked.
“There were two five minutes ago…”
He said, confused.
“Maybe you didn't count correctly?”
I asked.
“That’s… okay, yeah. Probably. Anyways let’s go”
Bryan said.
I said, as I put the four slimes on Ouroboros’ body and walked off. Not noticing the slimes increase into eight.
“So, what now?”
The woman asked.
“Well, do you know where the other women are kept?”
I asked.
“In the building next door, the Goblin bastard wanted them to be as close as possible, so he could do...stuff…”
She said, with a hint of fear in her eyes.
“It’sss alright, it’s over now. You’re sssafe”
I said, as I grabbed her shoulder.
“Off of me! You damn goblin fucker!”
She shouted, as she picked me up, and threw me across the room.
I shouted, surprised.
“Oh… sorry… I’m a bit… traumatised… so, I’d really appreciate it, if you didn't touch me… teehee?”
She said, with a still-warm smile.
“Alright… then, let’sss get thosse girlssss out of there!”
I said, enthusiastically.
“Well, that’s going to be pretty hard…”
The woman said.
I asked.
“Almost all of them long for the sweet release of death, so did I… until you saved me, handsome”
She said, with a lewd smile.
“Anyways… I didn't get your name”
I said, trying to change the topic.
“Charvina, so what’s your name, sweetheart?”
She said, her lewd smile turning into a lewd grin.
“Damien… now, let’sss go sssave thosse girlsss!”
I shouted.
“I already told you they-”
“I’m sssure you ssaid, almosst. Ssso there’sss sstill at leasst one persson that we can sssave. Sssso that’ssss what I’m going to do, let’ssss go!”
I shouted.
“Alright, but you need a weapon”
Charvina said.
“Why would I?”
I asked.
“Well, to leave here. We’d have to go through the Jaha Forest, while full of weak monsters, when they group up… well, trust me. When I say you’ll want a weapon”
She said.
“Okay, then. Where do I get one?”
I asked.
“What about that one?”
She said, pointing at a scythe right behind me.
The scythe was almost twice my size, had a pitch black handle and the blade looked like it was made of steel.
“Good enough”
I said, as I grabbed the scythe and swung it around a bit, getting a feel for it.
“Well, basssed on my non-expert opinion, it’sss a lot better than my previouss weapon wassss”
I said, as I kept on swinging the scythe around.
“So, when are we going?”
Charvina asked.
“Oh, right… let’ssss go get the women out of that place and back to their village”
I said, as I walked outside, only to see dozens of goblins, kneeling.
I stared at the goblins, most of them were elderly, while the rest looked too young to fight. And there was the one I spared. They were all kneeling, for some reason.
“You kill king, you king now”
One of the elderly goblins said, still kneeling.
“I- what?!”
I was confused.
“Damien, why are they kneeling?”
Charivna asked, confused. Still holding the knife, ready to stab them.
“Apparently, ssssince I killed their king, I’m their new… king?”
I said, as I looked at Bryan.
“Oh! Right, there’s a rule in the goblin villages around here, if you kill the king. No matter who you are, you shall rule the tribe… And just a little warning… the one you just beat was the weakest…”
Bryan said, as he looked at all of the goblins kneeling.
“Alright… wait… that ssstrong assss guy wassss the weakesst?! Holy ssshit!”
I shouted.
“Well, obviously. Why would rookie adventurers go here, if their king was the strongest?”
Charvina asked.
“I don’t know, I’m not from anywhere near civilisssation, the only reasson I’m here, isss becausse Jofre assked me to sssave his ssssisster…”
I muttered, as I looked around.
“Wait, Jofre’s alive? Lynn’s here!? We have to save her!”
Charvina shouted, as she ran towards the building.
“Wait for me, I’m coming too! You three, stay here and watch the goblins and slimes!”
I shouted, chasing after her. Not noticing, that my hiss stopped.
“You’re not ordering me around!”
Bryan shouted, as he chased too.
We walked into the building to see… women covered in… fluids, clothed only with rags and there was a goblin in there… doing… fuck it! The fucking goblin was raping one of the women.
I shouted, to gain the goblin’s attention.
The goblin turned to me, only to get its head cut clean off, with my scythe. I looked at the woman that the goblin was… raping, she had dead eyes. Pale skin and scars across her entire body.
“Are you alright?”
I asked, to no response.
“What’s wrong with them?”
I asked Charvina.
“The goblins… they violated them until their minds broke…”
She said, somberly.
“My god… what happened!?”
Bryan asked, walking in.
“Let’s see. Goblin… one of your fellow tribe members, whose head is over in the corner. Was brutally raping this woman and… well, you can see what happened”
Charvina said, as she kicked the goblins head.
“Hey! I was one of the ones that didn't want this!”
Bryan said, defensively.
“Suuure… now, let’s… find Lynn”
Charvina said, as her eyes darted across the room.
“So, which one’s Lynn?”
I asked, as I looked at all of the women who were brutally raped and tortured.
“That one…”
Charvina said, as she pointed at a girl who looked no older than ten, holding tightly onto a stuffed animal, with tears in her eyes.
“Lynn… are you alright?”
Charvina asked, as she walked to her.
Lynn asked, as she turned to Charvina.
“Yes, Lynn. It’s me… do you want to get out of here?”
Charvina asked.
“Well, it’s obvious that she’d want to leave… why would you even ask that Charvina, let’s just get her to Jofre and back to that village of yours”
I said, as I looked around, for anyone else who didn't look like their mind was broken.
“Hey asshole! Have some sympathy, Lynn was here for days at least! Imagine what must have happened to her… hey! Are you listening to me!?”
Charvina shouted angrily.
“No. I think I see someone else, still… alive”
I said, as I nodded towards an elven woman, who was chained to a wall. Unlike the others who were only tied up.
Charvina looked at the elven woman and quickly ran to her. Seemingly already forgetting about Lynn.
“Charivna? Is that you?”
The elven woman, Florina asked with a soft tone.
“Yes, yes it’s me! Let’s get you out of here… Damien, do it”
Charvina said, as she looked at my hands.
“Alright [Iron Fist]”
I said, as I destroyed the shackles that held her, and she fell to the cold hard floor.
“W- who… are you?”
Florina asked, hesitantly.
“Yeah… who are you?”
Lynn butted in, as she asked too. Bryan and Charivna looked at me, with curious gazes.
“..Fine, I’m Damien, Damien Kruel… the 665th Demon King, The Demon King of Gambling”
I said, as I stared at them.
They just stared at me, with their mouths wide open, and fear in their eyes. Until someone interrupted.
“If you’re a demon king, then why did it take you so long to defeat the weakest Goblin King in this forest?”
Charvina asked.
“Well… I’ve only been alive for around… two weeks? Give or take a couple days”
I said, as rubbed my head awkwardly.
“Two weeks… and you can defeat a Goblin King… what king of growth rate is that!?”
Lynn asked, as she examined my body.
“W-what are you doing!?”
I asked, shocked.
“Examining you”
She said bluntly.
‘Well… she got over the whole… goblin incident… really quickly’
I thought, as the small child poked at random places on my body/
“Could you please stop touching me, child”
I said awkwardly, as I tried to get away from her.
“Nope… actually… [Animate]”
Lynn said, as the stuffed bear that was behind her, started to walk towards her.
“Gah! What the fuck’s that!?”
I shouted, with a scared tone.
‘God damn it, I fucking hate it when inanimate objects come to life!’
I thought angrily, as she continued to poke and prod me, with the help of a teddy bear.
“Err… Lynn… can you stop?”
Charvina asked, awkwardly.
“Eh? But why?”
Lynn asked, with a tearful look on her face.
“Because, brat. I’m taking you to your brother, Jofre”
I said, angrily.
“Eh!? Jofre’s alive? You know where he is!? Tell me! Now!”
She shouted, excitedly.
‘...Is… is she a bro-con?’
I thought, as I glanced at Charvina. Who gave me a knowing look.
It took a few hours of walking, mostly because Lynn kept on having to animate her teddy bear every two minutes!... It’s name was Sir Tedsworth, and it’s actually a very pleasant fellow. But, we finally got back to my camp… even though the goblins from before were sad to see me go. I just told them that I’d be back, and I took Bryan with me.
“So, this is the place?”
Bryan asked.
“Yup, I built it myself”
I said, proudly.
“Well, it looks like a piece of shit, like seriously. I, a D-grade adventurer could easily take this place down, given enough time… and if you don’t believe me, look”
Charvina said, as she literally punched a hole through part of the gate.
“Seriously?! That’s going to take at least an hour to repair it!”
I shouted angrily.
“See, that’s the problem… nothing’s good if it just takes an hour to repair”
Charvina said with a small smile.
“I-I think it’s good!”
Lynn said, and Sir Tedsworth simply nodded.
“Thanks kid… but, I don’t need your sympathy”
I said, as I looked at the camp again. In a whole new light.
‘Yeah… it is definitely shit… the walls are literally sticks, branches and logs that were tied together poorly… I’m lucky that the goblins didn't instantly destroy this place in the last invasion’
I thought, as Florina looked at the place, then back at me.
“Seriously?... Eh, if it’s got alcohol, then it’s good enough”
Florina said. It turns out, she’s an alcoholic.
“Well... there isn’t any”
I said, awkwardly.
“Well… this just got a lot worse. Let’s just go in, get Jofre and leave”
She said, as she walked in and we followed.
“Lynn. I-is that you?”
Jofre asked, as he looked at his little sister, with a huge grin, and his arms stretched out for a hug.
Lynn shouted, as she ran into her brothers arms. And Sir Tedsworth followed suit.
“Aw… that’s… cute”
I said, as I walked to Jofre.
“Oh!... Sir!, hi… I-I didn't get your name…”
He said with an awkward tone.
“It’s Damien”
I said, as I looked at him and his sister, still hugging.
“Well, Damien… you have my thanks… now, we’re going back to the village”
Jofre said, as he started to leave.
“Wait a fucking minute Jofre. What about our little deal?”
I asked, as I pulled out my scythe and smiled menacingly.
“I- Our… what deal? T-there wasn’t a deal”
Jofre said, as he tried lying. But, he did it horribly.
“Jofre. What’s the deal?”
Charvina asked, with menacing eyes.
“Well… I… I said that I’d allow him entrance to the village… and that my father would give him a… discount”
Jofre said, awkwardly.
“You… WHAT!!!???”
Charvina shouted angrily, as Jofre flinched with fright.
“Do you KNOW! What would happen if we allowed someone entrance to our village! They could take our techniques that were handed down to us for generations! You Alfius-damned fucking fool!”
Charvina shouted angrily, as she grabbed Jofre by the throat.
‘Who’s this Alfius… and why did she substitute God for it?... eh, it’s not right to annoy someone over their religious beliefs’
“Wait? Techniques? What sort of techniques?”
I asked.
“They’re nothing you should be concerned about. Now, be a good boy and forget about it”
Florina said, as she grabbed my shoulder.
I looked at her, confused. Then I looked around for help.
Bryan was in the corner playing with Gobuk, Ouroboros and the slimes.
And the only other one that could help me was… being held by Lynn… damn you Sir Tedsworth.
“I’m not going to forget anything”
I said, as I release myself from her grip.
“Oh, but you will. Because if you don’t, there’ll be consequences”
She said, with what felt like bloodlust coming straight from her eyes.
“Hey! What’s the harm anyways, a demon can’t even learn the cultivation techniques of humans, or the beast magic of you beastmen… and especially the spirit abilities of the elves!”
Jofre shouted.
“Cultivation, Beast magic and Spirit Abilities… sounds interesting”
I said, with a grin.
“You fool! While, you’re correct that a normal demon couldn’t learn any of them. A Demon King can! Because, like a hero. Demon Kings can learn literally any skill or spell!... given enough time!”
Charvina shouted.
“Oh, I can… can I?”
I grinned even more, as I stared at Florina. Who was getting increasingly angry.
“So? It’s not like Damien’s a Demon King, he’s only a dual class Summoner and Tamer!”
Jofre shouted.
“You actually fucking believed him!?”
Charvina shouted angrily.
While this was happening, Lynn was walking to Bryan and the others to play the interesting game they were playing, letting go of Sir Tedsworth, who instantly ran to Damien’s defense. Only to de-animate after two steps. Falling to the ground.
‘That was a good try, Tedsworth’
I thought, as I noticed Sir Tedsworth’s almost-heroic acts.
“You know, this is fun and all… but, he’s probably going to pass out soon”
I said, as I looked at Jofre, who’s face was beginning to turn blue.
“Shit! Char! Drop him!”
Florina shouted, in a panic.
Charvina, who was to busy shouting at Jofre to notice. Noticed his face turning blue and dropped him instantly.
“Oh my Alfius! I’m so sorry!”
Charvina shouted, as she tried to lift Jofre up, only to see Jofre start crawling away out of fright.
“Y-you’re worse than the chief! At-at least he knows how to… hold… back”
Jofre said, as he passed out, due to a lack of oxygen
“Shit! You okay!?”
I shouted, as I ran up to Jofre.
‘Good, this should distract them. And hopefully, they’ll forget about the fact that Jofre was just shouting their secrets’
I thought, as I proceeded to put Jofre to bed.
“Hey… uh… since the sun’s going down and Lynn probably won’t come back without Jofre… can we stay for the night?”
Charvina asked, awkwardly.
“Sure… uh… there’s four beds. Two are reserved for me and Gobuk… Jofre’s in the other one… so, there’s a bed free… for… you, Florina and Lynn… I can make a new one for Bryan”
I said.
“Wha-? Those goblins get beds to themselves!? Where’s the justice!?”
Charvina shouted, angrily.
“Fine, I’ll make another bed. Happy?”
I said, as I proceeded to make a small, crappy bed out of leaves, rags and grass.
“So, two of us will share a bed?”
Charvina asked, slightly angry.
“Well, one of you two should probably bunk with Lynn… you know, more room and all that nonsense”
I said, as I walked away. To sit by the campfire that I made ages ago.
It’s been six hours, and everyone’s gone to sleep. So, now was the perfect time to start getting notifications!
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
250 EXP
1000 EXP
1000 EXP
1000 EXP
1000 EXP
5500 EXP
Level Up! You are now Level 9!
“What the!?”
I whispered with a shocked expression.
I whispered excitedly.
NAME: Damien Kruel
CLASS: Demon King
Skills: Lottery, Smash, Swordsmanship, Tame, Iron Fist
Spells [None]
LV: 9 (800/64000)
SP: 10
STR: 60
AGI: 15
END: 44
PER: 30
INT: 22
WIS: 17
CHA: 30
LUC: -100
DEX: 20
WILL: 20
“Holy shit… I’m almost level ten… okay, put 6 points into END and the remaining 4 points into… well, I don’t have any ranged skills… so, put the remaining 4 into CHA!”
I said, as I felt myself get a lot tougher and more charismatic.
For gaining 50 Endurance, you have gained the skill: Stone Body
NAME: Damien Kruel
CLASS: Demon King
Skills: Lottery, Smash, Swordsmanship, Tame, Iron Fist, Stone Body
Spells [None]
LV: 9 (800/64000)
SP: 0
STR: 60
AGI: 15
END: 50
PER: 30
INT: 22
WIS: 17
CHA: 34
LUC: -100
DEX: 20
WILL: 20
I whispered as I walked to my bed. And fell asleep, instantly. But before falling to sleep, I thought something.
'I forgot to check if that guy who was under the bodies was still alive... oh well, they're probably dead by now'
[---THE END---]
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