《I reluctantly became the dungeon master》Chapter 7: Twilight Forest and exploration (planning)


*In the boss’s room*

‘Dragon Fighting’ group is in the boss’s room now. The door immediately closes after they get in. All the torches start to appear. Taft tells everyone to stay calm and gazes at the end of the room.

At there, Giant goblin is waiting for them. It has taken a mission John: Killing all the invaders.

The giant goblin stands up and commands its servant to kill the group.

Taft tells everyone to get in position:

“This is a giant goblin; it seems to be tougher than the others. Be careful!” Taft shouts at their team.

The goblins rush at the team but easily be killed by Taft. He infuses mana in his sword and put a leg behind to gain momentum. He rushes forward with the help of Nancy and Viva Skills – Speed – And swing his sword at the giant goblin.

The giant goblin finds it in danger so it quickly dodges aside while swinging it axe at Taft.

Taft struggles a bit but manages to block the attack. Well, the differences between Taft and giant goblin are too much. Taft gains back his balance immediately and tries to attack again. This time he holds his sword tight and tries to stab. He put a little bit more strength in his leg to get faster and dash forward. Because of the speed, Taft approaches giant goblin without being noticed. It struggles a lot but can’t: Taft’s sword makes a wound on its leg. It tries to stand on its feet but can’t. It kneels on a leg and stares at Taft. Taft signs Wolfe to finish it off. Wolfe nods his head and using his skill ‘Fireball’.

His mana gathers at his hand and builds up a ball of fire. It becomes bigger and bigger until Wolfe can’t help but shoot it at the giant goblin. The fireball pierces through the air, causes a hot temperature, and burns goblin to ash. The battle finished with the victory of the ‘Dragon Fighting’ group; no doubt.

*John’s sight*

Oh, wait! I haven’t said that they won or not. They have another challenge which is more difficult than this. The guy standing in the front of the team seems to tell something with his members. He signs every one to look for something but I can sure that they are looking for my dungeon core. I think they got a technique to examine that my core is good or not. If it is good, they will leave it there and head back for a 5-page report. But if it is evil, they will destroy it without permission from Guild.

But you know what I mean; I won’t let them find it and this time to announce everyone about my existence. I put on my black mask and black gloves – I believe it is claws. I leave out my murderous to make me look like a real dungeon lord. I smirk and appear at the end of the room with Trent.

The group seems to be surprised but I don’t let them have a happy moment. I leave more of my murderous. The group seems to find out that they have met the real boss of this room.

I speak:

“Hello, invaders! I know that you are tired when clearing the boss's room but I just want to say something. Let me introduce, my name is ‘Black Lotus’ – The Dungeon Lord – And this is my servant. You can call him ‘Trent’. I want to give you a challenge as a first group to clear out my first floor. You can choose to do it whether or not you want to.” I smirk while speaking to invaders.


A silence begins for a while but soon to be broken.

A guy moves forward a bit and says. I can even see how scared he is.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t you hear what I said?”

“No, I mean what exactly you are? I have never heard about a Dungeon Lord.”

What? I’m impressed with that. There aren’t any dungeon lords in this world? Well, I think I will need to get more information after this. I realize how lacking the information I am.

“Never mind. What is the challenge?” that guy shakes his head and asks me again.

“You will know when you accept it.”

I respond nonchalantly.

“Please give us a second. We want to discuss.”

After a while, they give me an answer.

“I agreed to the challenge but can you leave them to go.” (Taft)

“What did you say, Taft? Didn’t you agree not to do this? If you want to do, we will follow all your commands.”

“No all of you go back and report the Guild master. These two are monster and we can’t beat it. Tell them to assist me with at least an S-rank group.”

“No Taft, I don’t want to leave you” the girl cries out.

“Don’t you have to come to the Twilight Forest to find a cure for your little sister? You have to survive. I’m sorry Nancy. Wolfe! Bring her and Viva out of here.”


Looking at this makes me feel that Wolfe just like a robot. Well, I love this great friendship so I will let them go.

“Are you sure that you want to receive the challenge?”

“Yeah,” Taft says with a strong will.

I smile and wave my hand. All 4 members are teleported back to the entrance with small crystals. I have known that the crystal is rare. Even the tiny one can have 10 gold coins (10 Gold Coins = 1000 Silver Coins). So the small is enough for the first one who clears the first floor.

Nancy tries to run back the room but can’t. She bangs the door while crying.

Taft mutter: “Thanks!”

After that, I explain the rule to Taft.

“Listen! I only say one time. You can use whatever you want to do this challenge. Your challenge is defeating my servant, Trent”.

“I will give you the victory, my master.”

Trent gazes at Taft and says:

“I will give you the most gracious death so prepare.”

Taft focuses his eyes on Trent and search for its weakness but can’t. Taft also holds his sword more tightly because he knows that he doesn’t stand a chance with this monster.

He put all his strength in his leg and rushes at Trent. Trent smirks and says: “You’re too slow.”

Trent raises his hand and bangs down. Taft immediately dodges aside and tries to stab Trent. Trent pushes the tip of the sword aside. Trent clenches his arm and tries to punch Taft. Taft raises his sword to block but can’t. The power of the punch has pushed Taft back about 10 meters.

Trent says again:

“You’re pretty good when you can’t block that. But you are too weak.”

Trent rushes at him in no time. Trent gives him another punch, set him down on the floor. Trent continues punching but Taft manages to dodges all and stands up. He decides to give another swing with his skill ‘Slash’. Trent notices the Slash but he just laughs and says: “What a small ant!”


Trent uses his hand and easily blocks that attack. Taft feels despaired. Trent uses one of its hands and squeezes Taft’s face. I immediately interrupt Trent:

“Wait! Keep him alive. I want to ask him something.”

Trent immediately bows to me. I nod my head and ask.

“What is the Twilight Forest?”

“Why do you want to know about it?”

“Answer me.”

“Ha! Well, I will die soon so I will tell what I know.”

“Twilight Forest is a Forest to the East of this continent. Slainet is the kingdom of the beast, but there are elves, dwarfs, and some other species which are not the human. Our group wants to get there for a cure, but it is very hard to get it because of a high-rank creature. So we have to get stronger.” Taft says.

I don’t know why when Taft tells me about the Twilight Forest, my head hurts. I think I will get something when I get there, at least I get in contact with God.

I rub my chin while thinking. After a while, I decide to let Taft’s go. And Taft’s seems to be surprised by my decision:

“Why do you let me go?”

“Simply because you gave me a piece of useful information. And I want you to announce to me all over the world.” I say.

If I let Taft go, he will announce my dungeon and more people will come. Imagine how many experiences I may get. And I will easily get more information about ‘Heroes’. I know that I’m not the only one who has been chosen to come to this world. There may be other people here. They may be a dungeon lord but also a hero. That’s why I want to announce my dungeon to cooperate with those guys.

After thinking a while, I notice Taft is still here. I cough and plan to give him a sword: a sword made of elemental power. With this sword, he can easily cut through mana. But he seems not to feel good. He looks at the sword with a disappointing feeling. I sigh and tell him about its power. He nods his head while says thanks. He waves his head and walks out of the room.

Well, all I want is a friend, not an enemy. That’s why I won’t try to kill the adventure if they don’t do any harm to me. And the most reason I leave him to go is that this is a fair transaction. He gives me the information and I give him back an elemental sword in exchange. So I still got many benefits.

I nod my head in satisfaction and tell Trent to protect the chamber room. If no one gets in the chamber, just leave them to go when they have finished the boss's room. I want to give the adventures the most protective place. After ordering the Trent, I go back to the chamber room and prepare for the new floor, the trip to Twilight Forest and the appearance of the headache. I will have to find out everything.

I stand at the core and start to build a new floor. There is mana flowing underground. It is called ‘mana river’ and it usually appears beneath a dungeon. That’s why the deeper the floor is, the more powerful the creatures are. And the high-rank creatures can go up the upper floor because of the low concentration of the mana.

The second floor isn’t like the first floor. I only put a normal room in the middle of the tunnel and the boss room. But I replace all the air with toxic to make it harder. Although I put toxic in the air, I just use the toxic which makes people exhausted. If they are greedy, they will die when they reach the room.

In that room, because of the toxic, I will put in some poison tree monster. I decided to create some root monsters for that room. The root monsters look like an octopus. But its head isn’t a circle as the octopus. It has two arms and it can use its roots to attack enemies. But because it is a monster created by me, so when it dies, I will have to create back.

In the boss room, I still put root monsters but as a boss, I prefer another Trent – not as strong as the last Trent. I just use 500 mana with a few EPS to create it. I also make roots covering the entire second floor. With that, I can still control the mana inside the second floor. Lastly, I put the chamber room at the end of the second boss room. At there, Trent is doing its job as a guardian of the dungeon core.

The adventures may find that my dungeon has a little bit different after the first scout. They will send another scout giving me more time to make myself stronger. And as the first warning given to the A-rank group, I think they will send an S-rank group, which will cost them a lot of time to prepare. And because I leave the A-rank group, they will know that I’m not a great threat to them. The worst thing may happen to me is that they will do some experiments with my body. But before the adventures know about the second floor and the S-rank group clears the floor, I will have enough time to get stronger – just enough to wipe out the group.

I smile at all the possible abilities because I will enough time. I think I will be safe before they send another group. I set up a rule that all monsters will reappear after dying for 30 minutes. Thanks to the group, I can easily regain my mana and DPS back. I think it will be time to practice. I want to increase all my stat; at least equal to Trent. I will also try to save up mana to name Trent – a name should be good for evolution. I also need an assassin to get me information. Well, with the low-level System, I think I will just need a powerful scout going around the forest and gathering information for me.

Oh, by the way, my dungeon gains more 3 levels after that invasion. Well, the invasion is pretty good at leveling my dungeon. I get 3 more new monsters: Grey Wolf, Sonic Bat, and Orc.

I think Orc and Sonic bat is pretty good for my dark and wet dungeon. Sonic can make a lot of noise which can make the adventures losing their ability to hear. After that, the orc will punch them silently: A deadly combo. Well, a wolf is better to go out for a scout. At least, it is intelligent enough to report. Or I can use mana to get the information from their head. But still, I don’t get any ranged monster then. A ranged monster may be a good selection for an ambush. Anyway, I will use orc and bat on the third floor.

The next thing I want to prepare is traps. Well, traps can kill the adventures but that is for the rookie one. That is why I will put some pitfall trap with core slime bottom on the first floor. The second floor will be built some dart traps and pitfalls with poison roots and poison slimes. With that, it will make the adventures struggle a bit but not enough to kill them.

Lastly is the DPS. After calculating a bit, I decided to spend about 11000 DPS. It will be a great shock to me when I was before but now with the mana from roots, I can get more than 1300 DPS per days including with my 1000 mana. I nod with satisfaction and start to create the second floor. I create the room, the boss room, and replace the air with poison. All that process costs me all the DPS I have. I move my chamber room after the second boss room and start to go in a hell practice.

To survive, this is nothing.

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