《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 52


Third person POV

Kira stood facing a trembling Esdeath. "So... Is that a yes or no?"

Esdeath looked down and closed her eyes. She tried calming herself down but it was clear from her trembling that it wasn't working.

"JOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHNNNNNN!!!!" Esdeath drew her saber and bounded towards Kira. The person in question drew his katana with a displeased expression. Blocking her mad swipe, he stared impassively at the uniformed girl.

"Calm yourself Esdeath. You can't enjoy a fight if you're too angry." He smirked and pushed her blade back.

She jumped backwards. The commentator and the shouts of the crowd were all but forgotten. She breathed out, forcing herself to calm down.

"I apologize. I was just so excited to see you after all these years!"

"More like enraged. How did you find me in real life? I didn't tell you my school name."

"Oh I transferred schools and once my new classmates asked me about someone I liked, I just mentioned your heterochromatic eyes and bam! Turns out I now go to your school." She smiled in happiness.

"Well nothing I can do about it now."

Esdeath's smile turned from one of happiness into one of insanity.


Without waiting for a second longer Esdeath charged at Kira. Kira drew his sword in a flash, aiming for Esdeath's head.

She slid underneath the blade and swipe horizontally. Kira jumped, narrowly avoiding the blade. If he had been slower, then he would have been split right through his midriff.




Kira smirked. "You've got a ton of subordinates. Esdeath. Where did you get them?" He pointed towards a section of the coliseum which was full of pale-blue uniforms.


"I became a general in order to find you darling."

"Although I'm flattered by it, no thank you!" With that, he threw throwing knives at Esdeath.

"We're fighting without magic alright!" Esdeath shouted as she jumped about to avoid the blades. "We're keeping this real!"

"Sure, why not?" He glanced at his inventory. 'Ah shit I ran out of knives.'

"How about we spice things up a little?" Esdeath suddenly asked as she charged Kira.

"Let's do this!" Locking blades they looked each other in the eyes. "Your mad glint still hasn't diminished at all!" Kira laughed.

"Yours has! WHY!?!?!" Esdeath shouted sadly. She suddenly stopped and reached for something in her inventory.

"ACTIVATE FIELD CARD" She shouted and, pulling a card out of her inventory, raised it up high.


Slamming the card down, she looked up and grinned at Kira. "This should spice things up and get your lovely glint back!" She spoke in anticipation.

Light burst from the card Esdeath was holding. It was so bright, it blinded Kira, Esdeath and everyone who was watching.

When Kira opened his eyes, he was not standing in a sand filled coliseum, but a stone courtyard with burning red orbs scattered around him. Most importantly; katanas. They were imbedded everywhere- in the floor, in the walls and stuck in yellow tape.

"How do you like it?" Esdeath's voice drew Kira from his stupor. "Oh I do." Came the reply.

"Well then, here I go!" With the last word, she charged. Kira jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the blade. Landing, he pulled out a sword and flung it Esdeath.

"You'll have to do more than that!" Avoiding the blade Esdeath shouted. "Come on! Where is the fighting you?!?! You would resort to range in real life now would you!?!?" She cackled as she reached Kira.


Kira blocked her mad swipe and tried to make her overextend but that wouldn't work on Esdeath. She quickly attacked again. Barely fending off her blows, Kira whistled.

"You have improved since I last saw you, but I know your attacks."

"Hmpf. Then I will show you a fake move!"

She ran towards Kira brandishing her saber. Kira prepared himself.

Esdeath and Kira swiped, yet both missed. Esdeath twisted her foot and spun in a wide circle, the saber getting closer and closer to Kira's face.

"Your swordsmanship is looking sluggish." Kira muttered.


Metal clashed, amd no-one was hurt. Esdeath widened her eyes. "Irregular guarding!?!?"

Kira was blocking Esdeath's saber with the hilt of his katana. "That swordplay, it's not you. That twisted attack was a fatal error."

With that, he pushed Esdeath's saber to the side and swung down.

So did everyone like last cchapter's biology lesson? I certainly did! One thing, no, two things before I go: Firstly, please leave reviews and helpful comments on how to improve my story and what anime I should include next. Secondly, did anyone spot the hints? I will leave you to it then. See you next time! :P

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