《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 43


Third person POV

"I'm booooredd!" A girl exclaimed. "Nobody is challenging for me, and I can beat them with swordplay, let alone spells." She sighed. "Clare, let's go to Orario." A girl with short hair wearing silver armour and a claymore stepped to face the bored girl, her superior. "Yes ma'am. I heard that the tower there is full of monsters."

The back of a saber hit her on the head. The girl named Clare crouched down, holding the spot where she was hit. She looked up with tears in her eyes to see her blue haired boss look dramatically out of a window. "No. I'm currently not interested in monsters and mobs. I want to go to the arena. I want to find someone worthy."

Kira POV

We were almost at the city when I heard a scream. "Looks like someone logged on." I chuckled to myself as the siblings woke up.

"We are an hour away from the City of Orario." Sebastian called out. I patted Garurmon's side. "You tired or are you okay?" He breathed out. "I'm tired but I can run an hour."

"That's great."

We left the carriage five minutes away from the city gates. The demon butler and Ciel promised to delver the injured man to the black order. The girl that was with us only said goodbye, glared at me (She was the one who logged on and screamed apparently) and ran off.

We arrived at the city and holy shit it was breath-taking. The town had stylish buildings and a cheery atmosphere. This town was not just made up of humans. There were beast , dwarves and even a few elves. A lot of them wore adventurer's clothing and not all of them were players. NPCs walked around armed with spears, staffs and swords. 'Impressive.'


"However, the city of Orario was not famed solely on its riches and culture. One of two main reasons why it was famous was because of a gigantic tower in the middle of the city.

It was called the tower of Orario, and the city was built around it. At first it was heralded as a place of death and danger, but gradually people settled around it once they found out the monsters never go out of the tower.

The second main reason the city was famous was because of its Gods. Not forgotten Gods, but actual, physically-real-you-can-touch-them Gods. They didn't laze about either; they gave adventurers who pledged loyalty and to worship them their crest- to become one of their famlia."

"Thank you for that explanation Dylan. Now, where should we all go?"

"THE MARKETPLACE!" Mitsuki and Tohka shouted together. Yu, Dylan and I sighed; we knew how tirelessly a woman would hunt when going shopping. "What about the tower?" I suggested.

"NO!" The girls pouted. They were tired after a three day journey and wanted to relax. "I sighed helplessly. "Fine. Dylan, please find us a good inn to stay in, not like that one. Yu and I will accompany the girls and see some sights."

He nodded and waved us goodbye. Tohka grinned and pulled my hand. I smiled and followed her.

Three hours later


After Tohka pulled me away, I had spent the last three hours looking through the various stores the city offered. Garurmon slept through on my shoulder. 'Lucky bastard.' I had to serve as errand boy for Tohka. Yu probably had the same treatment. I didn't care; I was way too tired to care.


"So I found this great inn, a couple of minutes from here." Dylan consoled me. "It has comfy beds an-"

"Let's go now!" Tohka and I followed him to the said inn. It was the standard inn, with a friendly innkeeper and his wife giving us the key to our room. I fall exhausted on my bed and log off.

I slept soundly, mainly because I was relieved to relax after the shopping.

I logged back on to see Tohka using me as a body pillow...

I stood up and decided to see the tower of Orario. Exiting the inn, I walked straight to the tower. It was easy to find- just walk in a straight line.

"Holly shit it's large." It was larger up close, with a radius of several kilometers. There were several entrances to the tower, some more popular than others.

Just as I was about to go in, "STOP!" An female elf in secretary clothing shouted at me. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?!"

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