《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 42


Third person POV

The guy was brought down quickly. He was ok and it was evident that he had training, shown by his strong guard, but he lacked technique and was way too arrogant.

His friend was slack-jawed. He obviously did not expect his friend and comrade to lose at all, let alone quickly.

"So... You wanna go?" John smiled at the man.

"You bastard!" The man rushed him, fists raised. John turned serious and crouched just as the man was over him.

The man stumbled over John, and just as he was directly above him, he punched the man in the stomach, winding him.

He collapsed, breathless. "Trash." John muttered as he walked over to them. The other members of the dojo backed away in fear.

John grabbed the guy's leg and dragged him out of the dojo and threw him on the concrete outside. He repeated it with the unconscious one as well. "And don't come back!"

Turning towards the mat, John smiled.

"Would anyone want to spar with me?"

Kira POV

I logged back on and found that practically everyone was asleep or had logged off. Dylan was absent-mindedly looking outside the carriage, humming a tune.

Mitsuki had her head on Yu's shoulder. 'How cute. That's how siblings should be. Not like me and my sister.'

I try and stretch when I feel it. Two heads on both my shoulders... Tohka rests her head on my right and the other girl rests her head on my left. If Tohka logged back on before the other girl, 'This would be hard to explain.'

I ate some food to fill my sanity bar and cleared my throat. "How much longer until we are there?"

"Around a day and a half, sir." Sebastian answered. Satisfied with that, I tried to free myself from the girls.


"By the way, where are our pets?" I ask Dylan. He points upwards. "The roof?! Seriously?" He nods.

Suddenly the carriage starts to slow down. "What's going on?"

"There seems to be a lone carriage in the road." I stand up, and the girls bumped heads. Thankfully they were players and logged off. Once they do log on, it will hurt like a bitch.

I get out of the carriage along with Dylan. Sebastian was right: There was a carriage on the road. It looked just like ours, but there were four horses standing calmly instead of two. 'Strange. Why are the horses just standing there? If there was an attack, the horses would have fled.'

"Oi, is this one of yours?"

Ciel shook his head and, with the help of his butler, got off the driver's seat. He studied it for a minute.

"This carriage belongs to the black order exorcists.' He pointed at a cross before opening the door too the carriage. He looked inside and...

"There appears to be a person there."

I take a looks and gasp in shock: The person inside is practically on the verge of death.

"Quick! Does anyone have bandages?!" I start to apply heal but this won't fully heal him. Dylan widens his eyes when he sees what happened to the guy but quickly starts to apply the bandages... All over the guy.

"Sir!" I shout, hoping to get a response from the man "Can you hear me?!?"

His eyes shoot open. I breathe sigh of relief- the man is alive. "I'm going to need you to rest okay?"

The man stares upwards and then starts to... sing?

"The lord Millennium is in search of you. Looking for his heart now, have you heard the news?" He wheezed out, even though his throat was probably dry.


"I was not the one he sought, maybe it is you. Who is it that has his heart? He will find you soon."

He started to sing the same verse again, ignoring us. 'This guy needs medical attention.' We brought him out and he offered no resistance; it was as though he was a corpse.

"Hey. This guy is injured. Let's put him on the carriage. I will ride on Garurumon."

"Let's put him in-between the girls!" Dylan laughs and carries the guy into the carriage. I smile at his little joke.

"Garurmon!" I call out. "Let's increase our mastery of riding."

He jumped off the roof and padded up to me. I sat on him and nodded at Sebastian. With the snap of a whip, we set off.

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