《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 40


May the best scythe win! This is the chapter FMA fans will absolutely hate love...

Third person POV

The party reached the city quickly. For some reason, dire wolves nor ordinary wolves didn't attack them. Maybe because of the giant wolf or their former alpha wolf walking with the party. Nobody knew.

They reached the city quickly, and then split up. The reason being was that the siblings wanted to check out the market of the town thoroughly before leaving.

Dylan and Kira were the only ones walking to the inn. The sun was setting behind them and illuminated the steps to the inn, giving the usually grey steps a more orange look. Kira pushed open the doors and looked around.

There was no-one at the till. Normally Shou stood there waiting for customers. Now, there was an empty seat. "Hello?" Kira called out. He cautiously walked in. Dylan entered and glanced around. "Let's see what is behind those doors. It seems to me as though that's his lab." Kira looked at the doors in question. Resting his hands on the handles, he pushed, flinging them open.

Shou knelt in front of... A thing. The thing had white fur and a long brown mane. Its eyes had no iris and the thing was lowering its head.

'What is that?" Kira thought as he looked at the animal. Shou looked at Kira and motioned to him to get closer.

"Hey. Kira." He said proudly. "Look at what I have done! The final product of my research!"

Kira smiled, oblivious. He knelt in front of it and patted its head. It slowly raised its head slightly. "I have made a chimera that can understand human speech and imitate it!" Shou excitedly whispered.

"Holy shit."

"I know right!? Hey check this out." He pointed at Kira. "This is Kira. Kiiiiirrraaa." The animal looked at Kira and opened its mouth.


"Ki...ra?" It spoke in a wheezing voice. Kira didn't care; this was too amazing! "Ki...ra."

Kira smiled. This was amazing. Shou really deserved his position as a state alchemist. Nobody had every successfully created a chimera capable of talking much less understanding human tongue.

Shou stood up and looked at his notes.

'When Mr. Tucker finally publishes his research he will be famous throughout the land! He and Nina will never have to worry about anythin-'


With those three broken syllables, the entire thing came crashing down on Kira. He realised his mistake. He stood up, the dots connecting in his mind.

"Mr. Tucker. When did your wife leave you exactly?"

Shou raised an eyebrow. "Two years ago..."

"And when did you become a state alchemist?"

Shou Tucker rubbed his eyes. "Two years ago..."

Silence permeated the air. Dylan slowly realised what was going on. Shou eyed Kira's back.

"You know, I really hate smart brats like you."

A fist hit him right in the jaw. It was Kira. He grabbed Shou's jacket and held him against the wall. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?!?" Rage coursed through Kira. He hit the scumbag again, making the glasses on his face fall off.

The chimera walked up to them. "Dad..dy." Kira grew more and more angry at the man in front of him.

"Why are you angry? I merely did some research that will advance mankind. Making a few sacrifices didn't stop anyone." Shou tried to reason.

"BUT YOUR OWN FUCKING DAUGHTER!?!" Kira hit him again. Shou spat out some blood.

"So what? In fact, what I have done is the same as necromancers, am I right? They-" a fist stopped him from continuing. Kira's eyes narrowed and he activated chidori. Just as his hand was about to go through the man's skull, a hand stopped him.


"Leave this man to the authorities. Let them decide the punishment for breaking taboo."

Kira let the electricity on his hand fizzle out. He dropped his hand and turned to leave. "Don't you dare fucking move Mr. Tucker."

Dylan stayed with Shou whilst Kira informed the state alchemist association. They marched right in and retrieved both Nina and Shou. Nina was placed in a cage and Shou was led away in chains.

They found a new inn to stay the final night. Tohka logged on and once she had found out what had transpired, she also flew into a fit of rage.

Third person POV

Cold acrid winds blew across a frozen plain. Crows feasted on rotting bodies. All them were all impaled on giant wooden spears that sprung from the ground, and the crows were eager to accept the bountiful offering; Eyeballs were pecked out, flesh was picked clean and bones appeared through muscles and skin.

In front of a gruesome spectacle, an army stood. They were standing in perfect formation, heads held high and uniforms unblemished. Not one of them shivered, but held gazes of worship at a single figure.

This figure sat on a bare throne. She had long blue hair with unmarked skin, save for a single, black tattoo just below her neck. She wore a uniform that showed her body, and many people tried to have their way with her only to be killed. She held a chain in one hand and had eyes filled with disgust and distain.

The chain was connected to the neck of a naked man. To many he would have been intimidating a day ago, but before that person in front of him, he was an insect.

The girl tugged at the chain, and the man whose eyes held no life crawled in front of her and started licking the woman's shoes. His spit went everywhere.

"You're pathetic Hak. I thought you would be a worthy rival; I heard that you were the thunder beast, someone who was undefeated whilst holding his spear." Her eyes looked down on him. "You didn't amuse me for three hours and you were too easy to break. Die." She sighed and, with a single kick, broke the neck of the man before her.

Blood splattered the faces of the nearest officers, yet they paid not attention to it. "Our rival guild was defeated in an instant. As expected of Esdeath ."

The woman stood in front of her army and sighed. "Is there no worthy enemy anywhere that can satisfy me?"

The wind grew silent. The woman noticed this and seemed saddened.

She suddenly perked up. "That reminds me. The families will have a competition soon…" She suddenly smiled.

ESDEATH ENTERS THE STORY! NINA AND ALEXANDER BECOME INSEPARABLE! Lots of things have happened in this chapter. Who are the families? Why is this girl, who such a sadistic battle maniac, looking forward to a competition?

All will answered, NEXT TIME, ON DRAGONBALL Z!

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