《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 37


Third person POV

Kira started clapping. "Well done Tohka on leveling up!"

She jumped, and began walking towards them. The pieces of the broken throne were once again breaking off and dissolving into nothing as she walked.

By the time she reached Kira's party, her broadsword had returned.

"Well done, but we have to go back and reserve the carriage now." Dylan warned the group. "Oh yeah. Let's go guys." Kira started running to the city and the rest of them followed suit.

Kira POV

We arrived quickly and got into the city. Once we entered the city, Garurumon devolved into Gabumon and shrunk, managing to sit on my shoulder. "Don't worry I will evolve back into Garurumon once we get out of the city." He said, noticing my worried expression. I turned to Dylan.

"So. Where are the carriages?"

"Follow me."

We walked in the darkness, but soon arrived at an illuminated building. Dylan strode in with confidence. Yu, Mitsuki, Tohka and I hesitated but then swiftly entered.

"Hello and welcome to Phantomhive carriages!" A childish voice came from the darkness. We all looked at the direction from where the sound came from.

A child, younger than Tohka and I came out from the darkness. A tall and quiet butler also emerged.

"We would like to rent a carriage to the tower of Orario. We would like to go as soon as possible but we do not mind staying the night." Dylan talked to the child. Apparently he was in charge.

The kid wore an eye patch and clothing looking like something out of Victorian London. The butler was wearing standard butler clothing, as seen in anime and real life. 'His name is probably Sebastian...'

"Do you need to travel in your group, or do you not mind traveling with other passengers?" The child asked. "We don't mind." Dylan replied.


The kid then pondered for a bit. "Sebastian" He said and the butler straightened.

'I fucking CALLED IT!'

"Please bring out the contracts." The butler bowed. "Yes my lord." With a wave of his hand a piece of paper appeared and the kid studied it before turning to Dylan. "There is a mixed carriage that you can fit and get to Orario in three days. Will that suit you?" We nodded. We turned to leave. Dylan only narrowed his eyes, looking at the butler. "May I ask why someone of your kind is serving a child, demon?"

We stopped at the word 'demon.' The butler merely smiled.

"He and I have a contract. Do not worry. I will not harm you or your friends unless my contracted commands it. Does that ease your nerves?" Dylan nodded before turning to leave.

He stopped at the door. 'What now?' I thought.

"I have one other question." The demon and the kid perked up. "Do you know who is behind the recent mutilated bodies?"

Tohka and I both glanced at each other; she and I had both heard about them but nobody knew who the perpetrator was.

"No." This time the kid answered.

"I understand."

We left the building and headed for the inn. Nina greeted us as we came in.

"Hello guys!" Alexander barked next to her. We all smiled at the energetic pair.

"We are going to sleep Nina. Make sure you do the same." I warned her. Kids shouldn't stay up this late, especially with the serial killer around. "Yes!" She nodded and ran off, hopefully to her room.

As I watched her go, her father emerged from a door. He looked slightly tired but still kept a light smile.

"Alright. We will go to sleep. Goodnight everyone." Dylan broke the silence.

With that, we all logged off.

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