《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 36


Kira POV

We waited for a bit before I grew tired of waiting. "Hey guys. Let's go find her." They all nodded and looked at Garurumon expectantly. "Could you sniff her out please?" Dylan asked. Garurumon shrugged and started to pad into the forest. We followed, hands on our weapons.

We had walked for about ten minutes before we heard an ear-piercing screech.

"The fuck's that?" Yu asked what everyone was thinking. "Does it matter? It's in Tohka's direction!" Garurumon growled.

"Shit. Let's hurry!"

We ran, weapons ready.

Third POV

A large explosion of dirt and rock came from the direction they were running from. 'Shit.' Kira and his rest of the party were almost blown away. In fact, the mask of Hei cracked, and a piece of mask fell off, exposing part of Kira's face. 'Well that's ten strength and agility gone.' Kira mourned the passing of his mask.

Once the dusk cleared, they opened their eyes and what they saw shocked them: A large crater, and, in the middle of it all, stood Tohka and a... thing....

It had a long reptilian tail and a large furry body.... 'Wait.' Kira thought. 'Is that not a hamster?!' The creature that Tohka was fighting was an actual giant hamster with a scaly tail!

"You are a valiant opponent to have withstood my attacks girl." Kira widened his eyes. 'It could talk!'

Tohka looked perfectly fine, even though she had survived the attack that had caused the giant crater they were standing in. She lifted her broad sword and pointed it at the hamster. "Shut up you so called 'Lord of the forest.' You are a mere animal. Now die!" She screamed as she rushed the hamster.

The beast dodged and used its tail as a whip to retaliate. Tohka used the flat side of the blade to parry and the tail slid off, causing sparks. She grimaced.


Yu turned to Kira. "Oi oi oi. What should we do? Should we help her?" Kira took off his mask; it was broken and now useless.

His eyes glazed over as he thought for a moment. "Yes yes, we should do that." He murmured. His eyes refocused.

"We should ask her if she needs help, and I she does, then kill the beast. If she doesn't, we will just have to wait and see the outcome."

Yu and Mitsuki had confused expressions whilst Dylan merely nodded. Kira supped his mouth. "OI! LUCY!" Tohka parried another tail whip before answering. "WHAT?!!?"


"NO! I WILL HANDLE THIS MYSELF!" She screamed back at him. Kira shrugged. "Well let's enjoy the show. He sheathed his katana and sat down, pulling out some food to fill his sanity bar. Dylan followed. Yu and Mitsuki glanced at each other and then slowly sat down.

"You overestimate yourself, if you think you can beat me yourself." The hamster saw them sit down in the distance.

"Shut up you giant hamster." Tohka swung her broadsword at the him.

It blocked using its scaly tail. Tohka jumped back and stabbed her sword into the ground. The hamster reared back, confused. Why did she abandon her weapon?

"Since I cannot hit you with my small broadsword, I will hit with my big sword!" Tohka gripped her broadsword and raised it into the sky.


A giant object came down from the sky and crashed in front of Tohka. Rocks and dirt flew yet she was unaffected.

The object in question was a giant throne. It was made out of a gold and silver-like material. It was mesmerizing.

"What is that going to do girl?" The hamster mocked her.

Tohka didn't reply. She cleaved the throne in half. "What the?" Kira was surprised. 'What is her trump card?'


The throne broke apart into pieces. The hamster laughed. "So is that your secret weapon!? Ahaha- wait, what?!"

The pieces were covering Tohka's sword, making forming a blade out of the pieces. As the pieces kept joining together, the sword became larger and larger. 'I see what she meant by her words.' Kira smiled. The broadsword was now a single edged sword that was over ten meters on length. Dylan whistled. "She must like long things." Everyone glared at him. "Alright alright I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He held up his hands.

Tohka smiled and laughed. "DIE YOU ANIMAL!" She swung it in a wide arc, slicing trees and rocks in half.

"That won't help you!" The hamster howled and raised his tail to block Tohka.

The hamster's scaly tail and Tohka's sword connected.

A large clang sounded as metal grinded against scale. A force made made Kira fall over. 'Is she going to win?'

"Haha see! Your weapon is useless against the great me!"

Tohka did not give up and instead gave way to the tail's pushing. "What?"

The tail slammed into the ground and Tohka spun round in a circle and, using the momentum of the spin, hit the hamster with the back of her blade.

Kira and Dylan both winced at the thought of being hit that way. The hamster didn't need to imagine: He was actually launched by the impact.

It flew for several meters before crashing down against a sturdy oak. Coughing up blood, it tried to stand up.

"Stay down bitch." Tohka kicked the hamster in the face. It slammed against the oak, bleeding from its mouth.

"Die." With that single word that destroyed all argument, Tohka lifted her sword and swung it down.

Her blade slammed into the ground, cleaving the hamster in two. She also uprooted the tree and caused a second crater to be formed.

Kira whistled. Tohka was standing in the middle of a barren crater with a giant monster cleave in half. Its two piece of body lay an few meters apart with blood covering everything in the vicinity, including Tohka.

She suddenly clapped and jumped in the air, ecstatic for some reason. Dylan nodded, impressed.

"She leveled up."

Hello readers, it's me Tealover. So you may have read my rant about the fact that i don not post during holidays. Unfortunately, it is still true... Fear not, i will post everything like I did last time. I will do another anime-included list after chapter 40.

See you people later!

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